Houston student nonprofit to train and arm law-abiding citizens in crime study


Constitutionalist / Universalist
Jan 21, 2010
National Freedmen's Town District
Here we go:

Houston student wants to arm local residents - Houston Chronicle

I AGREE with promoting training and education publicly and freely to citizens, since this will inevitably involve CONSTITUTIONAL education about equal protections, due process, and shared responsibility for enforcing laws consistently. This is what we need! Thank you!

Emily Nghiem
here are my websites where I believe in education in law enforcement to prevent crime:


I believe abuse of firearms to commit crimes should result in mandatory restitution as part of the sentence to cover all damages and costs to crime victims society and taxpayers, or else loss of citizenship; so all citizens should be given an option to sign up for such a written agreement in advance per district that agrees to such an ordinance, and study that as a crime prevention measure.

Here is the Chronicle story about the student using guns to study impact on crime:

Johnny Hanson, Staff

Kyle Coplen, 29, a University of Houston public administration graduate student, is starting a nonprofit organization that will train and arm law-abiding citizens with 20-gauge shotguns to deter criminals.

By Robert Stanton

February 22, 2013

A University of Houston graduate student has a theory on how to reduce crime, and he wants to put it into the hands of local residents.

Read more: Houston student wants to arm local residents - Houston Chronicle

(C) Robert Stanton February 22, 2013
summarized here for educational purposes only

[news story on UH grad student with theory to reduce crime he wants to put in the hands of local residents. Kyle Coplen launched nonprofit to provide arms and training to law-abiding citizens with shotguns, contending weapons are the best way to deter crime.]

"My hypothesis is that criminals have no intention of dying in your hallway," said Coplen, 29, who has lived in Houston for the past three-plus years.

[While gun legislation is debated in Washington, Coplen acknowledged that some people ... [believe crime measures are best left] to professional law enforcement. "There's nothing far-fetched about it,'' he contended.... "We are creating responsible and well-trained gun owners."

As part of his studies at [University of Houston], "Coplen is studying how guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens impact crime in communities. Coplen, a candidate for a master of public administration degree, is working on a policy paper on gun control."

[Coplen launched his a nonprofit in January - The Armed Citizen Project - with plans to "distribute about 100 breakaway shotguns in a Houston neighborhood, based on existing crime data for that community. The ideal neighborhood, he said, would be a mid- to high-crime area with a "gun-rich environment.""

[Coplen is studying two areas first: in SW and NW Houston
starting with providing a shotgun to 1 Houstonian so far, who has completed firearms training, with more weapons to be distributed.]

[... Coplen said he applied for nonprofit status from the TX State Office, and plans to solicit donations to purchase the arms, est. at $20,000 for 100 breakaway 20-gauge shotguns for the project. So far, $3,000 was received in donations online at armedcitizenproject.org.]

"Each single-shot weapon will be equipped with a coded trigger lock so that only the designated person can operate it. No handguns or pump-action shotguns will distributed, he said. To qualify, a resident must pass a criminal background check, have lived in their current home at least a year, and complete a safety and tactical course provided by the organization.""

"We will follow every applicable law, and weapons will only go to those who qualify," according to the website. "We are a very litigious society, and I refuse to be bullied into inaction. Even if, heaven-forbid, one of our weapons is misused in a manner causing injury or death, one would have to accept the premise that guns, not people, cause crime, in order to find us liable."

[Acknowledging criticisms rejecting this idea, Coplen plans at least a year of conducting crime data analysis on the selected community to measure impact on crime. Geoff Berg, a public radio host KPFT 90.1 FM, is one vocal critic:] "It's hard to put into words what might go through the mind of someone who could even consider using human beings as guinea pigs in order to prove some right-wing talking point," he said. "It seems to me to be nothing more than a cynical attempt to prove a political point at the potential expense of innocent people."

I PARAPHRASED WHERE I COULD AND HAPPY TO DONATE to the writer, the nonprofit and also KPFT and the Chronicle for the good information provided here.

Read more: Houston student wants to arm local residents - Houston Chronicle
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