Houston up 7-0 over KC first quarter.

We won’t miss you and you’ll be back

This is the beginning of year #4...how long ya gonna wait?
No ones waiting. La ram fan said he didn’t watch too but we found that wasn’t true.

ps. I just made you a fan of football. You dont think their marketing will get to you because you dont watch? I’ll prove that to be false right now.

I just saw a gm car commercial. Now you have been affected by that commercial. So has everyone else here who’s not watching football. General motors

Now it’s the Toyota halftime. Toyota! Got you
Young black men are listening. And they’re being told to vote.
Daughters are voting first time this yr....took less than 5 minutes to convince them to vote Trump
They'll vote differently when they get in the booth. Gurarnteed.
Not a chance .....first question.......Do you like riots and want more........2,do want a flood of illegal aliens from all over the world.........3....do want to pay for their health care on top of your own........Slam dunk
They'll vote differently when they get into the booth. Guaranteed.
I hear that is what people who live with trump supporters are doing. They’re saying they’re voting for him again but they are not. Plus many 2016 trump voters arent going to show up again. Just sit this one out.
Young black men are listening. And they’re being told to vote.
Daughters are voting first time this yr....took less than 5 minutes to convince them to vote Trump
They'll vote differently when they get in the booth. Gurarnteed.
Not a chance .....first question.......Do you like riots and want more........2,do want a flood of illegal aliens from all over the world.........3....do want to pay for their health care on top of your own........Slam dunk
They'll vote differently when they get into the booth. Guaranteed.
I hear that is what people who live with trump supporters are doing. They’re saying they’re voting for him again but they are not. Plus many 2016 trump voters arent going to show up again. Just sit this one out.

If you take a drive across Pennsylvania, there are 20 Trump signs for every Sleepy Joe sign. And this was over a wide swath of the Commonwealth.

People are really jazzed up to vote to reelect Donald John Trump. Biden has a 50 year record of complete and utter failure, and that was when he was at the top of his game.
I just saw a gm car commercial. Now you have been affected by that commercial. So has everyone else here who’s not watching football. General motors

Now it’s the Toyota halftime. Toyota! Got you

Do you have any idea how infantile you sound?

For the best nights sleep in the whole wide world visit my pillow dot com :banana:

There...now you've been mike lindelled!

Yes...THAT'S how infantile!
Young black men are listening. And they’re being told to vote.
Daughters are voting first time this yr....took less than 5 minutes to convince them to vote Trump
They'll vote differently when they get in the booth. Gurarnteed.
Not a chance .....first question.......Do you like riots and want more........2,do want a flood of illegal aliens from all over the world.........3....do want to pay for their health care on top of your own........Slam dunk
They'll vote differently when they get into the booth. Guaranteed.
I hear that is what people who live with trump supporters are doing. They’re saying they’re voting for him again but they are not. Plus many 2016 trump voters arent going to show up again. Just sit this one out.
I imagine there are alot of each. I've never heard anyone--ANYONE--say that they had an argument over politics in their family and it was well worth it. 99.99999999999999 percent of what happens in Washington will never ever effect your day to day life. Every now and then there are big moments that will but by and large, DC may as well not even exist. Meanwhile, you have to live with the wife, husband, sister,brother,father,uncle,son, you pissed off talking about Joe Biden or Sarah Palin or the lastest Q-Anon theory. Simply not worth it.

I also imagine that there will be some blob supporter somewhere who will chime in and disagree just because...well...they fill better when they are being contrarian.
Maybe the NFL is right. Encouraging the young men to politicize the game will attract millions of new liberal fans to buy the tickets, tune in and buy the merchandise.

But becoming woke didn't help other enterprises.
Ifs and but...candy and nuts......sing along.........my daughters lives dont revolve around politics nor do they watch the news on regular basis so the continual orange man bad barrage hasnt fazed em...issues are all that matter and libs got none in their favor
Young black men are listening. And they’re being told to vote.
Daughters are voting first time this yr....took less than 5 minutes to convince them to vote Trump
They'll vote differently when they get in the booth. Gurarnteed.
Not a chance .....first question.......Do you like riots and want more........2,do want a flood of illegal aliens from all over the world.........3....do want to pay for their health care on top of your own........Slam dunk
They'll vote differently when they get into the booth. Guaranteed.

No they won't. Didn't Hillary Clinton day women vote the way their Fathers and Husbands tell them to vote? :D
Young black men are listening. And they’re being told to vote.
Daughters are voting first time this yr....took less than 5 minutes to convince them to vote Trump
They'll vote differently when they get in the booth. Gurarnteed.
Not a chance .....first question.......Do you like riots and want more........2,do want a flood of illegal aliens from all over the world.........3....do want to pay for their health care on top of your own........Slam dunk
They'll vote differently when they get into the booth. Guaranteed.
I hear that is what people who live with trump supporters are doing. They’re saying they’re voting for him again but they are not. Plus many 2016 trump voters arent going to show up again. Just sit this one out.

If you take a drive across Pennsylvania, there are 20 Trump signs for every Sleepy Joe sign. And this was over a wide swath of the Commonwealth.

People are really jazzed up to vote to reelect Donald John Trump. Biden has a 50 year record of complete and utter failure, and that was when he was at the top of his game.
We don put up biden signs because you guys are deranged
I just saw a gm car commercial. Now you have been affected by that commercial. So has everyone else here who’s not watching football. General motors

Now it’s the Toyota halftime. Toyota! Got you

Do you have any idea how infantile you sound?

For the best nights sleep in the whole wide world visit my pillow dot com :banana:

There...now you've been mike lindelled!

Yes...THAT'S how infantile!
I won’t buy that trump supporters pillows. See? He should have kept his mouth shut too
Ifs and but...candy and nuts......sing along.........my daughters lives dont revolve around politics nor do they watch the news on regular basis so the continual orange man bad barrage hasnt fazed em...issues are all that matter and libs got none in their favor
How young are these daughters? Do they have to pay for college? What do they want to be when they grow up? They don’t mind if abortion becomes illegal?

Whats the saying about being young and liberal?

Sounds like daddy brainwashed them. And I’m curious if they are paying for their own college or even going to college?

Plus, they may be lying to you. If you were my daddy I’d lie to you about it. If you are a rwnj like you are here that is.
Young black men are listening. And they’re being told to vote.
Daughters are voting first time this yr....took less than 5 minutes to convince them to vote Trump
They'll vote differently when they get in the booth. Gurarnteed.
Not a chance .....first question.......Do you like riots and want more........2,do want a flood of illegal aliens from all over the world.........3....do want to pay for their health care on top of your own........Slam dunk
They'll vote differently when they get into the booth. Guaranteed.

No they won't. Didn't Hillary Clinton day women vote the way their Fathers and Husbands tell them to vote? :D
Funny my brother makes over $500k and is not voting for trump this time. His son is voting for the first time and before he told me he was voting for trump but last time I saw him he said biden.

They aren’t as sold on trump as you.
Remember, the RWI's on this board have vowed to never watch the NFL again.
Those disgusting unAmerican traitors, they claim.

Perfect opportunity to have a civil discussion among the sane.
Enjoy the game.
I had it on and I THROUGHLY ENJOYED hearing all the fans boo the BLM propaganda as well as the Texans for refusing to come out for the anthem.
Their ratings were down about 40% and they wonder why. People are sick of politics & political correctness invading every aspect of their lives.

How can a black man protest about inequality when his is paid a half a billion dollars on a 10 year contract???

The NFL CLEARLY learned nothing
To nobody's surprise, the Texicans got bitch-slapped by the Chiefs...setting the table for another long year of underachievement by the Houston franchise. The oilers, at least, kept you guessing from season to season. The Texans are simply cursed.
Remember, the RWI's on this board have vowed to never watch the NFL again.
Those disgusting unAmerican traitors, they claim.

Perfect opportunity to have a civil discussion among the sane.
Enjoy the game.
I love how the announcers explained that the league stands behind black lives matter because the movement is about positive change in our society. Republicans want to make blm a terrorist movement when it’s not. It’s about injustice inequality and fairness.
I guess I've been watching fake news then, because in those riot videos it sure looks like terrorist activities to me. Now don't try to separate the rioters from the protestor's, because they are all in on the bullcrap narratives created or being created.
Haven't watched the NFL-BLM in 3 years and I don't intend to start.

They lost a 50 year fan for good!
Your loss. Kids love it and they don’t care about marketing to old fucks like you. You didn’t go to home games. Bfd you won’t watch on tv?

I lost interest in hockey and baseball and boxing And mma. They’ll survive
Kids eh ?? Figures you'd say that, because the kids have been brainwashed to go along with anything now a days, so your fall back to the kids is predictable. Hell Nancy and the crowd wished that they could gettem to vote at 10 years old these days.
Ifs and but...candy and nuts......sing along.........my daughters lives dont revolve around politics nor do they watch the news on regular basis so the continual orange man bad barrage hasnt fazed em...issues are all that matter and libs got none in their favor
How young are these daughters? Do they have to pay for college? What do they want to be when they grow up? They don’t mind if abortion becomes illegal?

Whats the saying about being young and liberal?

Sounds like daddy brainwashed them. And I’m curious if they are paying for their own college or even going to college?

Plus, they may be lying to you. If you were my daddy I’d lie to you about it. If you are a rwnj like you are here that is.
Since they arent living at home the ability to "brainwash" is nonexistant

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