Pure cave monkey talk. They'd beat you down and put you in the local zoo. Thats why you are asking for help.
They would take your black ass out first. A shit talking negro would'nt last 10 minutes in mexico
Been to Mexico. Got a lot of friends there. Theyd kick your monkey ass as well.
I have a lot of customers in Mexico, we have equipment in every power plant in Mexico, I also have a lot of Mexican friends, they hate blacks worse than gringos.
No chance. They just tell you monkeys that so you think they dont hate you.
Wait until the blacks start chimping out because the mexicans obama just let stay here take all your fast food jobs.
They are going to be taking your fast food job as well monkey.
They would take your black ass out first. A shit talking negro would'nt last 10 minutes in mexico
Been to Mexico. Got a lot of friends there. Theyd kick your monkey ass as well.
I have a lot of customers in Mexico, we have equipment in every power plant in Mexico, I also have a lot of Mexican friends, they hate blacks worse than gringos.
No chance. They just tell you monkeys that so you think they dont hate you.
Wait until the blacks start chimping out because the mexicans obama just let stay here take all your fast food jobs.
They are going to be taking your fast food job as well monkey.
I dont know any white people that work fast food. In my area of Texas if you go to a fast food place 99.999% of the workers are black or brown, except for the Management of course.
Are you serious?

We did that a long time ago. We've trashed their agriculture and manufacturing and left small towns and villages unable to support themselves.

But yes, we should destroy the damn drug cartels. Make Americans produce their own damn drugs.
^^^^^^^^Knows nothing about mexican american history. The Mexican presence in what is now Texas, New Mexico and the southwest diminished because of the Commanche, Apache and other indian plains tribes raiding and killing their settlers, closing down their missions. The native american tribes had more to do with driving Mexicans settlers out of the southwest than Americans. Read a book before you run off at the mouth duddy.
I am continually surprised at how many people don't know this. Mexico asked the US to take action against the raiding indians which is how we got suckered into the Indian wars.
They also welcomed American settlers, because Mexicans would not settle north of the Rio Grande because of the Indian raids..
More that most don't know. The settlers and indians never had a beef until mexico fucked it up.
I'm all for invading but we should push the little bastards clear down to Colombia so we don't have to deal with them anymore.
I'm all for invading but we should push the little bastards clear down to Colombia so we don't have to deal with them anymore.
You soft pussies are all talk. You arent going to do shit but discuss this on the message board.
I'm all for invading but we should push the little bastards clear down to Colombia so we don't have to deal with them anymore.
You soft pussies are all talk. You arent going to do shit but discuss this on the message board.
Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. You're always talking about kicking somebody's ass but when Vigilante called you out, you pussied out like everyone knew you would.
I'm all for invading but we should push the little bastards clear down to Colombia so we don't have to deal with them anymore.
You soft pussies are all talk. You arent going to do shit but discuss this on the message board.
Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. You're always talking about kicking somebody's ass but when Vigilante called you out, you pussied out like everyone knew you would.
Dont deflect pussy. When are you going to invade mexico? Oh thats right youre not.
I'm all for invading but we should push the little bastards clear down to Colombia so we don't have to deal with them anymore.
You soft pussies are all talk. You arent going to do shit but discuss this on the message board.
Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. You're always talking about kicking somebody's ass but when Vigilante called you out, you pussied out like everyone knew you would.
Dont deflect pussy. When are you going to invade mexico? Oh thats right youre not.
As we speak, my sons are out on a ranch their great, great, great, great granddaddy got for helpin' lick Santa Anna at San Jacinto.

Tonight, they will sleep in a house built by one of the men that told the Mexicans to "Come and Take It".

Today the invasion seems to be coming the other way; I hope they get to keep it all.
I'm all for invading but we should push the little bastards clear down to Colombia so we don't have to deal with them anymore.
You soft pussies are all talk. You arent going to do shit but discuss this on the message board.
Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. You're always talking about kicking somebody's ass but when Vigilante called you out, you pussied out like everyone knew you would.
Dont deflect pussy. When are you going to invade mexico? Oh thats right youre not.
As we speak, my sons are out on a ranch their great, great, great, great granddaddy got for helpin' lick Santa Anna at San Jacinto.

Tonight, they will sleep in a house built by one of the men that told the Mexicans to "Come and Take It".

Today the invasion seems to be coming the other way; I hope they get to keep it all.
The pendulum always swings back.
Watch your step boy. I'm everywhere. Now when do you plan on invading mexico so I can laugh when they lock your monkey ass up?

You're everywhere Montezuma's Revenge from eating beaner lettuce. :puke:
I'm omnipresent monkey. You still havent given a date on the invasion. I want to be there when they shave you down and tranqulize you so I can laugh.
I'm all for invading but we should push the little bastards clear down to Colombia so we don't have to deal with them anymore.
You soft pussies are all talk. You arent going to do shit but discuss this on the message board.
Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. You're always talking about kicking somebody's ass but when Vigilante called you out, you pussied out like everyone knew you would.
Dont deflect pussy. When are you going to invade mexico? Oh thats right youre not.
I never deflect pussy. You, on the other hand, are probably afraid of it. :laugh:

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