I'm all for invading but we should push the little bastards clear down to Colombia so we don't have to deal with them anymore.
You soft pussies are all talk. You arent going to do shit but discuss this on the message board.
Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. You're always talking about kicking somebody's ass but when Vigilante called you out, you pussied out like everyone knew you would.
Dont deflect pussy. When are you going to invade mexico? Oh thats right youre not.
I never deflect pussy. You, on the other hand, are probably afraid of it. :laugh:
Afraid of what? Get back on topic monkey. When are you going to invade mexico?
I'm all for invading but we should push the little bastards clear down to Colombia so we don't have to deal with them anymore.
You soft pussies are all talk. You arent going to do shit but discuss this on the message board.
Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. You're always talking about kicking somebody's ass but when Vigilante called you out, you pussied out like everyone knew you would.
Dont deflect pussy. When are you going to invade mexico? Oh thats right youre not.
I never deflect pussy. You, on the other hand, are probably afraid of it. :laugh:
Afraid of what? Get back on topic monkey. When are you going to invade mexico?
PUSSY, stupid. If you were calling me a pussy, you need to learn how to use commas, porch monkey. Damn, you're stupid.
You soft pussies are all talk. You arent going to do shit but discuss this on the message board.
Sounds like the pot calling the kettle black. You're always talking about kicking somebody's ass but when Vigilante called you out, you pussied out like everyone knew you would.
Dont deflect pussy. When are you going to invade mexico? Oh thats right youre not.
I never deflect pussy. You, on the other hand, are probably afraid of it. :laugh:
Afraid of what? Get back on topic monkey. When are you going to invade mexico?
PUSSY, stupid. If you were calling me a pussy, you need to learn how to use commas, porch monkey. Damn, you're stupid.
I love pussy. I have had a lot of white pussy as a matter of fact. However, that doesnt answer about when you are going to invade Mexico? I think it would be fun watching them throw bananas at you in your cage as well.
Ww don't need to invade. Send their people home then carpet bomb the place with daisy cutters.
Obama's A.G. authorized the ATF to ship about fifteen hundred military grade assault weapons to Mexico a couple of years ago. Was that a bad move?
Let's take Mexico & send the Mexicans to Detroit. Then we turn the place into into ocean front resorts & sell them to all the old rich baby boomers.

Or we can go with Ron Whites Plan!
As of 1987 I was still wanted in Mehico....a little scuffle with a Nogales cop who felt my lady's breasts.....double hooked him...broke his jaw and his liver.....we ran back across the border but he still had my wallet and ID....Never heard a word about it but I don't cross that no. :eusa_naughty:

Sure, I believe that. Was that before or after you piloted the space shuttle?
As much as such an invasion would please my patriotic ego, I doubt its necessity. What is there for us? What could we possibly gain in such country? I am afraid it would just cost us the lives or our guys, that is it.
Hey, kinda return the favor, ya dig? Take that country under our wing, make it part of the USA and be done with these border-jumpers. it's not like they'd put up much of a fight....look at Iraq...Mexico ain't half of what Saddam's boys were....Most of them would welcome us with open arms....or face our arms...heh heh. Take their oil away from the 12 families that control it....massacre the drug gangs once and for all and highly suggest our 12M of them to beat it back home and do something with it. Who's with me?


Yet another in the long, steady stream of posts by BullshitKurtz that can best be summarized as:

"I'm getting older and feebler every day, must prop up self-esteem in some tough guy way"
Hey, kinda return the favor, ya dig? Take that country under our wing, make it part of the USA and be done with these border-jumpers. it's not like they'd put up much of a fight....look at Iraq...Mexico ain't half of what Saddam's boys were....Most of them would welcome us with open arms....or face our arms...heh heh. Take their oil away from the 12 families that control it....massacre the drug gangs once and for all and highly suggest our 12M of them to beat it back home and do something with it. Who's with me?


Annex Mexico.

Hand the oil fields to US multinational Oil companies: Exxon, Valero, etc.

Legalize the drug trade hand that over to Philip Morris and General Foods
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