How about we just grant amnesty to illegals that have degree's in subject this nation

Does anyone else get the feeling that Jose may be an old white man in Georgia who goes by the name Colonel and grand Dragon?
Originally posted by SFC Ollie
Does anyone else get the feeling that Jose may be an old white man in Georgia who goes by the name Colonel and grand Dragon?

LOL, Ollie... :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Good one... :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

We are all disembodied virtual personas on the Internet...

I claim to be of hispanic stock but I'm the first one to strongly recommend everybody to take everything I say not with a grain but a ton of salt.

For all you know I could just as well be that norwegian dude who killed about 200 people posting from my prison cell in Oslo.
BTW, Ollie...

You seem to be the typical WASP american... of english, german, scotish, irish... nordic extraction.

Could you put your strong belief in multiracialism aside, for a brief moment, and give me a straight answer to the same question I posed to Unkotare:

Do you believe your fellow anglo-americans, who, unlike you, think their country is batshit crazy destroying its own racial composition, should be allowed to peacefully secede from the rest of the country in order to preserve their racial identity?

Please, there are thousands of threads where you can expose your indiference towards your racial heritage but this is not one of them...

I want to know if you believe they have a right to preseve THEIR anglo identity.
No dodging, please, Ollie...

Let's assume you're right just for the sake of discussion... the country does not have a racial identity but the anglo americans we're talking about certainly do... a racial heritage they value and want to protect from american multiracialism.

They may be a minority in 21th century multiracial America but they are a SIZABLE minority (no less than, let's say, 10 million).

Do they have a right to preserve their ethnic identity by leaving America and creating a country in, let's say, Maine where almost everybody is white and there will be no displacement of blacks, hispanics, etc...

Do they have a right to found a country where its racial composition would be protected just like any other country in the world does (China, Japan, Congo, Russia, etc, etc...) and their children are not encouraged to destroy their racial heritage by the media (ads with mixed race couples kissing each other and stuff like that)...

Do they have a right to exist as white people for generations to come or do you want to go all Hitleresque on their asses and force them to see their descendants lose their racial background in multiracial America, Ollie?

Yes or no.
José;7536329 said:
José;7536043 said:

But it doesn't change my point... Millions of white Americans use the illegal immigration issue to camouflage their opposition to the destruction of their country's racial composition.

The United States of America has never been a nation based on any racial composition or identity. You understand absolutely nothing about what makes this the greatest nation on earth, and you need to leave my country if you claim to have even the slightest respect for her.


Countries are essentially the modern incarnation of the ancient tribes.

What's the most basic definition of China?

China is fundamentally an ASIAN tribe...

What's the most basic definition of Nigeria?

Nigeria is fundamentally an BLACK (african) tribe...

Just like any other nation-state on Earth America was founded as an WHITE (european) tribe.

It's european character is an essential part of what America is just like the ideas of the french enlightenment that constitutes the country's founding ideology.

If you were trying to sound like an absolute idiot who understands NOTHING about what makes America unique, then you really hit the nail on the head.
José;7536331 said:

America redifined herself as a multiracial country after WWII.


Do white americans who want to preverve their racial heritage have a right to secede from the US and create a new country provided they don't displace any other ethnic group?



Yes or no?

The question is both moot and incredibly fucking stupid. 'White' heritage and cultures are celebrated almost everywhere and every day one way or another in this country. And there is no mass, or even measurable minority movement of Americans who seek secession for the asinine reason to which you constantly refer. You understand NOTHING about America, and this little sock act of yours is more than worn-out by now.
I wonder during WWII if the Germans, British and French were celebrating their cultures together because they were mostly all white?
I find it odd, that some people here are obsessed with racism, and yet they love to bash and blame whites with all the same vitriol of any other racist. They are biased FOR anything Hispanics do, and can’t see that perhaps that might be contradictory and just makes the problem worse? Some of these posters here are obsessed and harass posters that disagree. Hypocrisy upon hypocrisy. NO, I don’t buy it. We condemn intelligent people that commit fraudulent stock schemes, cheat on school test, cheat on taxes, hit and run drivers, rapists and murders. But people that violate immigration law are held to a different standard, because….they aren’t “WHITE”. If I did most of those other things and got caught, I would get punished. It is absurd, bordering on racism, to attack anyone as racist because they don’t share identification with the people that violate immigration law. No amnesty is necessary.
How about we just grant amnesty to illegals that have degree's in subject this nation needs?

-And Maybe illegals that have skills in construction.

Deport all the illegals that are here to suck off of us.

If they're illegal they are illegal.

Here, lets do this......

Grant immediate amnesty to all that are here illegally today, but those that accept would forfeit the right to vote.

Bet the support in D.C. for a strong border fence would pass overnight.

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