How about we just grant amnesty to illegals that have degree's in subject this nation

José;7452763 said:
SO by Jose's own words he was born in Latin America and the Latinos are the problem.

Therefore Jose is part of the problem and should return to the country of his birth.................

BTW, just to get this straight that's his own words not mine.

And while I'm at it I am against any and all forms of amnesty.......

Originally posted by antiquity
But what created the slums? Was it people in power who crave their own riches and power grab at the expense of the poor? Or is it people like you you fled and did nothing to improve the plight of the poor while whining about something you conveniently left behind. I think it is all of the above. Its people like you that caused those countries to become shitholes and fled to America without lifting a finger to help them into the 21th century.

Enjoy going to your local Taco Bell while those you left behind dig in the local dumps for what they can find.

Look, folks...

Ollie and antiquity want me to return to Latin America to work my ass off and help the development of the region.

They could just as well have asked me to impersonate Miguel de Cervantes' character Don Quijote and go around fighting windmills... :razz: :razz:

How nice of them...

Maybe we can strike a deal:

I go back to Latin America.

Ollie moves to Zimbabwe.

Antiquity moves to Cambodia.

The first one who works the miracle of turning the country into a first world nation can return to America...

Come on, Ollie, Antiquity... what are you waiting for??

The offer is too good to pass up... :lol: :lol:

Just to let you know my ancestry are native America. So I say good bye and good luck building your home country from what you left it into some thing you can be proud of.
José;7452748 said:
"OH, this is the biggest shanty town I ever saw but since I'm in Nicaragua and this is a hispanic country and those slum-dwellers are hispanic like me I'm going to pretend this slum is a high tech, fully robotized industrial facility Japanese style?".

You just keep finding more and more ways to make yourself look like a monumental idiot, don't you?
How about we just grant amnesty to illegals that have degree's in subject this nation needs?

-And Maybe illegals that have skills in construction.

Deport all the illegals that are here to suck off of us.

The idea makes sense but it would never fly, most illegals don't have degrees in those subjects.

There are hundreds of thousands of them who were brought here illegally as children, have grown up here and have been and or currently being college educated at the expense of our tax dollars and our children's futures. Obama has recently granted them a mini amnesty which grants them the right to work in the US legally.

See: DREAM Act Portal/DACA Approvals
Why indeed. Why bother enforcing laws, or even have laws at all? When did we start allowing people to just pick and choose which law to follow or ignore? Illegal immigration is a odd bird here. We don't grant mass amnesty for any one that violates other laws, something as trivial as jaywalking to drunk drivers, bank robbers, tax cheats or murderers. What makes people that violate immigration laws any different from other scofflaws? Most of these people, well educated or not, know they are violating immigration law. Color me skeptical here, no amnesty for illegal aliens. I am open to a logical arguments otherwise.
José;7451706 said:
Originally posted by MaryL
I don't support illegal immigration for a moment.

What the poster MaryL really wanted to say is this:


I don't support HISPANIC and BLACK immigration into America.

It doesn't matter if it is legal or illegal.

I want to preserve the caucasian racial identity of the United States.

You're a fucking racist idiot, and you not only don't understand this great nation, you don't deserve to be allowed to live here for a even a minute, scumbag.

Wow, I said that? I was looking for logic here, not a bigoted hate filled rant. You are rather an unpleasant fellow with a penchant for drama. Empty hate filled reactionary.
Your words.......Latinos are a problem for the USA and you are Latino and you want to help the USA....

We are a melting pot. It was working, I never knew my best friend was different before his mother called me a white boy. We must have been about 10.... I see Americans coming from all over the world. I don't see any of them doing so legally as a problem.

Illegal is a whole different story.....

And so what if the Americans of Hispanic decent are the number one race in 100 years? They will be Americans....And no assimilating into our many cultures does not mean they stay the same and screw up the USA like their ancestors did their countries...We don't need their help to do that we are screwing it up well enough on our own......
Hmmmm, I don't know Ollie, because I have seen a lot of changes in neighborhoods & communities across this nation now, and I listen to the complaints about it all, and I have seen a lot of poverty on the rise along with murder and mayhem also on the rise as well in these areas, and so is it all because of the disrespect now that exist upon the direction this nation is going towards by it's leaders, and for which because of their lacking in such leadership they since have been allowing such things to take place all over in America, where these things are happening more and more, and so rapidly now ? Are people becoming so disenfranchised now or down on what they remember once as a peaceful and loving assimilating America in which they lived, for whom back then the assimilators agreed with the American culture and wanted that culture for their own also, in which to grow ones family up in for the most part in regards to their population, so they were accepted as Americans, and thus they became Americans who loved their nation in acceptance there of as well ? These days it seems more and more that there is a growing anti-American sentiment among those who come here or even within those for whom are here now, and they want to transform the nation into something they want, instead of going along with what it was before in which they now hate. So what does this tell us these days about our new so called friends who are coming here in droves now (or) for those who are here already, and are becoming anti-American even though they are Americans themselves ?

Do you sense this also, and do you see this also when looking around in the communities, states and towns across this land in which we all live (or) is it more less a subject of smaller areas that make it apear this way to those whom live within these areas, in which have been transformed into something many no longer recognize or didnot want as is now being found in such poverty and mayhem in which they now are encountering more and more around these areas these days, as opposed to not so long ago when things weren't in these ways or wasn't quite this bad ?
José;7451706 said:
What the poster MaryL really wanted to say is this:


I don't support HISPANIC and BLACK immigration into America.

It doesn't matter if it is legal or illegal.

I want to preserve the caucasian racial identity of the United States.

You're a fucking racist idiot, and you not only don't understand this great nation, you don't deserve to be allowed to live here for a even a minute, scumbag.

Wow, I said that? I was looking for logic here, not a bigoted hate filled rant. You are rather an unpleasant fellow with a penchant for drama. Empty hate filled reactionary.

Your response should be directed toward jose, or else you've got your quotations confused.
Your response should be directed toward jose, or else you've got your quotations confused.

Unkotare... for the umpteenth time...


MaryL used the picture of his niece as his avatar... she looked like a little indian, a hispanic and he said with indescribable sadness:

"This is my niece... she is the future."


They do this because whites complaining about their descendants looking like mulattos and Indians is not part of what constitutes SOCIALLY ACCEPTED SPEECH in 21th century multiracial America!!

Just like defending Jews was not considered socially acceptable in Nazi Germany.

They are forced to adopt the terms of debate imposed on them by the multiracialist ideology like beagle9 did above:

"My only problem with immigration is many immigrants don't have a piece of paper declaring they are here legally."

"My only problem with black and hispanics immigrants is that they are not assimilating, they are not speaking king's English and eating enough apple pies."

America's multiracialist values/social climate forces them to hide the fact that what they really oppose is NON-WHITE IMMIGRATION.

Multiracialism strongarms MaryL and at least 50% of the white members of the Board to hide what they really wanted to say:

"My problem with black/hispanics immigrants is their dark skin and thick lips that will eventually destroy our anglo heritage."

Whites are so scared to say what they really think about immigration because of America's multiracialist social environment that it takes a non-white like me to say it all for them.
You can't even speak for yourself beyond making an ass of yourself. The likes of YOU presuming to speak for anyone else is risible.

Because we all know that MaryL, a white american, showing the picture of his half-white, half-hispanic niece (the daughter of an illegal mexican) and COMPLAINING ABOUT HER AMERINDIAN LOOKS has absolutely nothing to do with white americans crying over the destruction of white America and using illegal immigration as a "politically correct" cover to shield themselves from any accusation of racism. :cuckoo: :cuckoo:
José;7535516 said:

Because we all know that MaryL, a white american, showing the picture of his half-white, half-hispanic niece (the daughter of an illegal mexican) and COMPLAINING ABOUT HER AMERINDIAN LOOKS has absolutely nothing to do with white americans crying over the destruction of white America and using illegal immigration as a "politically correct" cover to shield themselves from any accusation of racism. :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

WHAT? Somebody has a problem here alright. You have me mixed up with someone else... Here is an idea, how about we debate THE topic instead throwing slanders and innuendo around? My point WAS, let me reiterate it here: NO ONE IS above the law. It is that simple. You agree? Yes, no?, what?
José;7535516 said:

Because we all know that MaryL, a white american, showing the picture of his half-white, half-hispanic niece (the daughter of an illegal mexican) and COMPLAINING ABOUT HER AMERINDIAN LOOKS has absolutely nothing to do with white americans crying over the destruction of white America and using illegal immigration as a "politically correct" cover to shield themselves from any accusation of racism. :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

WHAT? Somebody has a problem here alright. You have me mixed up with someone else... Here is an idea, how about we debate THE topic instead throwing slanders and innuendo around? My point WAS, let me reiterate it here: NO ONE IS above the law. It is that simple. You agree? Yes, no?, what?

I may be confusing you with the poster "silver*****" because you have the same discourse:

"I'm a victim of illegal aliens, etc, etc..."

If I did I appologize...

But it doesn't change my point... Millions of white Americans use the illegal immigration issue to camouflage their opposition to the destruction of their country's racial composition.
I don't have an opinion about this issue (illegal immigration), MaryL.

I just have a tremendous amount of sympathy towards white americans who suffer because of the gradual loss of their nation's racial identity.

They have a human right to preserve their anglo/white racial identity and they should be allowed to secede the multiracial madhouse America has become if the rest of America refuses to abolish multiracialism.
The real tragedy, the real disgrace is America destroying its own european identity.

A nation cannibalizing itself.

Whether this destruction is carried out through legal or illegal immigration or still, a combination of both is just a MINOR, INSIGNIFICANT DETAIL.
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José;7535516 said:

Because we all know that MaryL, a white american, showing the picture of his half-white, half-hispanic niece (the daughter of an illegal mexican) and COMPLAINING ABOUT HER AMERINDIAN LOOKS has absolutely nothing to do with white americans crying over the destruction of white America and using illegal immigration as a "politically correct" cover to shield themselves from any accusation of racism. :cuckoo: :cuckoo:

You chose the right smilie, because YOU are a fucking mental case.
José;7536043 said:

But it doesn't change my point... Millions of white Americans use the illegal immigration issue to camouflage their opposition to the destruction of their country's racial composition.

The United States of America has never been a nation based on any racial composition or identity. You understand absolutely nothing about what makes this the greatest nation on earth, and you need to leave my country if you claim to have even the slightest respect for her.
José;7536087 said:
The real tragedy, the real disgrace is America destroying its own european identity.

A nation cannibalizing itself.

Either this destruction is carried out through legal or illegal immigration or still, a combination of both is just a MINOR, INSIGNIFICANT DETAIL.

Your little act has long since grown tiresome, you dim-witted attention whore.
José;7536043 said:

But it doesn't change my point... Millions of white Americans use the illegal immigration issue to camouflage their opposition to the destruction of their country's racial composition.

The United States of America has never been a nation based on any racial composition or identity. You understand absolutely nothing about what makes this the greatest nation on earth, and you need to leave my country if you claim to have even the slightest respect for her.


Countries are essentially the modern incarnation of the ancient tribes.

What's the most basic definition of China?

China is fundamentally an ASIAN tribe...

What's the most basic definition of Nigeria?

Nigeria is fundamentally an BLACK (african) tribe...

Just like any other nation-state on Earth America was founded as an WHITE (european) tribe.

It's european character is an essential part of what America is just like the ideas of the french enlightenment that constitutes the country's founding ideology.

America redifined herself as a multiracial country after WWII.


Do white americans who want to preverve their racial heritage have a right to secede from the US and create a new country provided they don't displace any other ethnic group?



Yes or no?

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