How American gun deaths and gun laws compare to Canada's

Do you also think that there is also only a minuscule chance you will ever need a fire extinguisher or a seat belt or a parachute or a life jacket or sunscreen or an umbrella or hazard lights or road flares or air bags or life jackets? Do you also think there is more than a minuscule chance that I and my family really need you to make those evaluations for us? If so please feel free to piss off.

There's a minuscule chance I might be killed in a car accident, but I don't drive a tank...You're using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut

At the end of the day I live in a country that is not awash with firearms and the lack of deaths (both suicides and homicide rates) via firearms reflect this. I can't help it if you live in a society where certain people believe their govt is out to get them therefore they need their peashooters. Or that they think that they might be the victim of a home invasion. The American obsession with guns is not only infantile, it's pathetic for a supposedly developed country.

Tell that to the Europeans...they are now all buying guns because their governments have imported violent aliens into their cultures...........the news of Europeans buying guns is out there...go find it and you will see that the Europeans disagree with you.....

I have to tell you this just so you know. You probably don't care, and that's fine and you'll probably still post, but I think it rude of me not too.

Over the past few days I have received alerts saying you have answered my posts. I have not replied. It's not because I haven't seen them.

I haven't replied because I can't be fucked wasting my time. You are ill-informed; have absolutely no idea of the issues involved; and post useless, unprovable drivel as facts.
"SANE PEOPLE" wonder why those small children were not protected by armed guards. The way Obama and his family are protected, 24 hrs a day, by armed guards (secret service).
Why are almost all those mass-murders committed in "GUN-FREE-ZONES"?

So let me get this straight. We need to spend money putting armed guards in schools because we've foolishly let crazy people get their hands on guns, hoping that they will have the presence of mind to respond to an "active shooter" incident. ((and, yes, that's what the police call these things now.)

Personally, I'd rather spend that money on teachers and books, not having to protect those kids from dangers that shouldn't exist in the first place.

No….what you do is get rid of gun free school zones and simply allow parents to carry their legal firearms with them. That will keep "active shooters" away.
Do you also think that there is also only a minuscule chance you will ever need a fire extinguisher or a seat belt or a parachute or a life jacket or sunscreen or an umbrella or hazard lights or road flares or air bags or life jackets? Do you also think there is more than a minuscule chance that I and my family really need you to make those evaluations for us? If so please feel free to piss off.

There's a minuscule chance I might be killed in a car accident, but I don't drive a tank...You're using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut

At the end of the day I live in a country that is not awash with firearms and the lack of deaths (both suicides and homicide rates) via firearms reflect this. I can't help it if you live in a society where certain people believe their govt is out to get them therefore they need their peashooters. Or that they think that they might be the victim of a home invasion. The American obsession with guns is not only infantile, it's pathetic for a supposedly developed country.

Tell that to the Europeans...they are now all buying guns because their governments have imported violent aliens into their cultures...........the news of Europeans buying guns is out there...go find it and you will see that the Europeans disagree with you.....

I have to tell you this just so you know. You probably don't care, and that's fine and you'll probably still post, but I think it rude of me not too.

Over the past few days I have received alerts saying you have answered my posts. I have not replied. It's not because I haven't seen them.

I haven't replied because I can't be fucked wasting my time. You are ill-informed; have absolutely no idea of the issues involved; and post useless, unprovable drivel as facts.

I never ignore people….I am strong enough to see the views of people who disagree with me and address them…or not….weak minded leftists are always for censoring and silencing those they disagree with….it is part of who they are….and you are obviously one of those people….
I haven't replied because I can't be fucked wasting my time. You are ill-informed; have absolutely no idea of the issues involved; and post useless, unprovable drivel as facts.
Oh look -- more ad homs.
At least you don't throw another post hoc in there.
"SANE PEOPLE" wonder why those small children were not protected by armed guards. The way Obama and his family are protected, 24 hrs a day, by armed guards (secret service).
Why are almost all those mass-murders committed in "GUN-FREE-ZONES"?

So let me get this straight. We need to spend money putting armed guards in schools because we've foolishly let crazy people get their hands on guns, hoping that they will have the presence of mind to respond to an "active shooter" incident. ((and, yes, that's what the police call these things now.)

Personally, I'd rather spend that money on teachers and books, not having to protect those kids from dangers that shouldn't exist in the first place.

In other words you prefer to ignore any reality you don't happen to like.
No….what you do is get rid of gun free school zones and simply allow parents to carry their legal firearms with them. That will keep "active shooters" away.

Yes, because a suicidal person who wants to go out with a bang is terrified of a soccer mom who went to a range once and thinks her pink pistol protects her from rapists, Dick Tiny.
In other words you prefer to ignore any reality you don't happen to like.

the reality I live in is where we have 33,000 gun deaths a year and most of the advanced world doesn't, because they don't let average citizens own guns.

Frankly, I'm tired of watching kids get wheeled out in body bags because you are compensating for a tiny pecker. .
No….what you do is get rid of gun free school zones and simply allow parents to carry their legal firearms with them. That will keep "active shooters" away.

Yes, because a suicidal person who wants to go out with a bang is terrified of a soccer mom who went to a range once and thinks her pink pistol protects her from rapists, Dick Tiny.

Yeah....that is true...that is a fact and that is what happens in the real shooters commit suicide as soon as they are confronted by someone with a is documented and the police are trained in this fact......So the Soccer mom with the gun would end the confrontation before the police arrived 5-10 minutes later...try to do some research......
In other words you prefer to ignore any reality you don't happen to like.

the reality I live in is where we have 33,000 gun deaths a year and most of the advanced world doesn't, because they don't let average citizens own guns.

Frankly, I'm tired of watching kids get wheeled out in body bags because you are compensating for a tiny pecker. .

How many kids would that be twit? Out of 74.2 million children in this country....I you?
In other words you prefer to ignore any reality you don't happen to like.

the reality I live in is where we have 33,000 gun deaths a year and most of the advanced world doesn't, because they don't let average citizens own guns.

Frankly, I'm tired of watching kids get wheeled out in body bags because you are compensating for a tiny pecker. .

And here is the truth you keep hiding joe...

And here is the FBI table 8……it is a great table because it goes back4 years to show the rates of decrease….

2014 table…..

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

From 2014…..and I added 2011……


Expanded Homicide Data Table 8

2006 fbi table 8

Murder by firearm….

2006-- 10,225
2007 10,129
2008-- 9,528
2009-- 9,199
2010- 8,874
2011-- 8,653

2012-- 8,897
2013-- 8,454
2014-- 8,124

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Then by year accidental gun deaths going down according to CDC final statistics table 10 from 2010-2013...


Accidental gun deaths of children under 14 in 2013....

Under 1 year old: 3

1-4 years old: 27

5-14 years old: 39

Total: 69 ( in a country of 320 million people)

Gun Suicide: 21,175

Non gun suicide: 19,974

Gun murder 2014...... 8,124

Accidental gun deaths 2013......505

Gun Suicide:....... 21,175

For a little perspective....

Non gun suicide: ........19,974

Number of times a year, according to bill clinton that Americans use guns to stop violent criminal attack and save lives.... 1.5 million

Number of guns in private hands....357,000,000

Number of people carrying guns for self defense... 13,000,000

Which numbers are bigger Joe?

In other words you prefer to ignore any reality you don't happen to like.

the reality I live in is where we have 33,000 gun deaths a year and most of the advanced world doesn't, because they don't let average citizens own guns.

Frankly, I'm tired of watching kids get wheeled out in body bags because you are compensating for a tiny pecker. .

e reality I live in is where we have 33,000 gun deaths a year and most of the advanced world doesn't, because they don't let average citizens own guns.

Yes, only their criminals have in France where the criminals and terrorists easily get fully automatic rifles and grenades...while their citizens can't.........

Guns are not the problem..the fact that American criminals murder each other more often than criminals in other countries is the problem...since in all the other countries the criminals easily get guns when they want them...even in Japan...
In other words you prefer to ignore any reality you don't happen to like.

the reality I live in is where we have 33,000 gun deaths a year and most of the advanced world doesn't, because they don't let average citizens own guns.

Frankly, I'm tired of watching kids get wheeled out in body bags because you are compensating for a tiny pecker. .

Like 2013.......

The Great Japanese Gang Wars

The season for pineapples (yakuza slang for hand grenades) may finally be over. Jake Adelstein and Nathalie-Kyoko Stucky on the bloody, seven-year battle between the Dojin-kai and the Seido-kai.

In Southern Japan, the brutal pineapple season may finally be over; pineapple is yakuza slang for “hand grenade”—one of the many weapons utilized in a seven-year gang war between the Dojin-kai (1,000 members) and the splinter group the Kyushu Seido-kei (500 members).

It’s a gang war in which there have been over 45 violent incidents, including bombings, shots exchanged during high-speed car chases, and 14 deaths. At least seven deaths, including one civilian's, were from gunfire; a phenomenally high figure when you consider the number of gun deaths for all of Japan in 2011 was eight people. (Japan has some of the strictest gun-control laws in the world.)

On June 11, senior members of the Dojin-kai and the Kyushu Seido-kai (a.k.a. Seido-kai) visited the Fukuoka Police Kurume Police Station with an official announcement that they were ending the conflict. TheSeido-kai brought a virtual white flag, a notification of their dissolution (解散届け), in which they wrote, “For a long time we have made everyone ill at ease, disturbed people, and been a nuisance to society. We have decided our breakup is the only way to restore peace.” The Dojin-kai in turn proclaimed, “Since the Seido-kai is dissolved, this situation is over and we apologize to people and the authorities for the anxiety we have caused.”
In other words you prefer to ignore any reality you don't happen to like.

the reality I live in is where we have 33,000 gun deaths a year and most of the advanced world doesn't, because they don't let average citizens own guns.

Frankly, I'm tired of watching kids get wheeled out in body bags because you are compensating for a tiny pecker. .

And like Japan...

Gangs buying up guns and hitmen.....2015

By proposing high pay, the recruiters are trying to encourage the gang warfare by hinting that those who carry out the first hits will be paid more,” the source said.
A former high-ranking gang member living in the Kanto region said he began receiving calls asking about the availability of loaded guns from around late August, when the Yamaguchi-gumi split came to light.
The calls, eight in total, to the former gangster’s mobile phone continued into September.
Without saying who made the calls, the former gangster said the requests likely came from both sides involved in the Yamaguchi-gumi breakup.
The large number of intermediaries involved in supplying guns made it difficult to pinpoint who was actually going on the shopping spree, the former mobster said.
In other words you prefer to ignore any reality you don't happen to like.

the reality I live in is where we have 33,000 gun deaths a year and most of the advanced world doesn't, because they don't let average citizens own guns.

Frankly, I'm tired of watching kids get wheeled out in body bags because you are compensating for a tiny pecker. .

Frankly, I think we are all tired of listening to you obsess over other people's peckers, tiny or otherwise. Like someone from Chicago really knows anything about keeping kids safe through gun control.
I never ignore people….I am strong enough to see the views of people who disagree with me and address them…or not….weak minded leftists are always for censoring and silencing those they disagree with….it is part of who they are….and you are obviously one of those people….

One more thing you are wrong about. Don't take my not answering you as an attempt to silence. I have absolutely no desire to censor you at all. In fact, I encourage you to post as much as you can. The more people see how far out of whack with the rest of the civilised world the neocon whackjobs in the US are - the better. Carry on...
Frankly, I'm tired of watching kids get wheeled out in body bags because you are compensating for a tiny pecker. .

Frankly, I think we are all tired of listening to you obsess over other people's peckers, tiny or otherwise. Like someone from Chicago really knows anything about keeping kids safe through gun control.

I don't think he can help it.

Freud didn't actually say that a fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual development, but whoever did say it seems to have got it exactly right; JoeB131 is only one out of many examples that I've seen who openly demonstrates this; obsessing over other men's genitalia, while projecting to them his own sexual inadequacies.
Yeah....that is true...that is a fact and that is what happens in the real shooters commit suicide as soon as they are confronted by someone with a is documented and the police are trained in this fact......So the Soccer mom with the gun would end the confrontation before the police arrived 5-10 minutes later...try to do some research......

Except it never happens... Usually because the average active shooter incident is over in less than 5 minutes, before dumb ass soccer mom even remembers that pink gun isn't a fashion accessory.

Which is why you never read "Active Shooter shot by Soccer Mom".

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