How American gun deaths and gun laws compare to Canada's

Your words referenced "shooting back".

What you really said was "initiating the shooting".

Should they "start it", they will be given very short shrift.

guy, your sort never makes those kinds of distinctions when talking about how you all needs your guns to protect yourself against the "gummit".

And I don't think you'd be as sympathetic to armed Hispanics taking over the immigration center as you would be to the Bundy Family seizing federal lands and buildings.

The rest of your screaming rant is a bunch of Stormfront nonsense that isn't worth my time to address, because you are getting off subject.

Point is, you guys wouldn't suddenly be more friendly to illegal immigrants or Muslims if they started using their second amendment rights to fight back. You'd be doing exactly what you said, expecting the police and the National Guard to do something about them.

so it is EQUALLY absurd for people like you and Dick Tiny (aka 2AGuy) to claim that if ONLY the Jews in Germany had guns, they'd have stopped the Holocaust. Of course they wouldn't have. The Holocaust happened because you have anti-Semitism hard-wired into Christian theology. The Jews killed Jesus. Therefore, they deserve whatever they get.

Yes, after the Holocaust, everyone feels all bad about that, but before it, no one had much of a problem with it. And a few Jews shooting a German soldier wouldn't have made that much better.

Well said. The claim that guns could have stopped what happened in Germany is obviously ridiculous.
Great post.

It has been proven that if the USA were to magically remove all young black and Latino males from it's population, crime would be reduced to minimal levels. This should mean something to the Left, other than their typical infantile response of racist name calling.

Facts mean little to those with an agenda. What I find surprising are the large numbers of Americans willing to give up their gun rights. Have these ignoramuses learned nothing from history?

BS re your second paragraph. Total phooey.

At the end of the day most gun control advocates don't give a shit if gang bangers go around shooting each other. Good luck to them. The issue is the mass shootings. The randomness of them. People would like to go to the movies or school without having to worry about some loon with a chip of their shoulder shooting them because they've had a bad day.
Yeah the elite left has no agenda when it comes to gun rights...if you believe that, you will believe anything.

Yep the elite left are all about good intentions.

Interesting, Bob, but you're a blow heart [sic] that is clueless. You can put your response in red all you like, but I know for a fact you're wrong. Dead wrong. What planet do you think you are from? Not earth, apparently. STFU!

At least I'm literate enough to know that the term you were looking for is“blowhard”, not “blow heart”. And I am smart enough not to have been taken in by the “Belgium” hoax.
Interesting, Bob, but you're a blow heart [sic] that is clueless. You can put your response in red all you like, but I know for a fact you're wrong. Dead wrong. What planet do you think you are from? Not earth, apparently. STFU!

At least I'm literate enough to know that the term you were looking for is“blowhard”, not “blow heart”. And I am smart enough not to have been taken in by the “Belgium” hoax.

Yeah, Bob, you're a genius all right. NOT!!!
those "saturday night specials" were affordable to poor people who couldn't get police outlawing cheap guns all they did was disarm poor, law abiding citizens who didn't have the money for expensive guns...criminals...they get whatever guns they want.

After they were introduced, the crime rate spiked. The murder rate spiked.

Fact is, most gun deaths are otherwise "law-abiding" gun owners who just had a shitty day (suicides, accidents, domestic arguments).

wrong…..suicides don't count…Japan, South Korea and China have absolute gun control and higher suicide rates than we do…….

with over 320 million guns in private hands (now 357 million) in 2013…how many accidental gun deaths did we have …… 505.

Do you know which number is bigger?

Domestic arguments that lead to murder are not caused because there is a gun in the home…..what causes death in domestic arguments is the fact, the fact, that the abuser has a long history of violence, and a criminal record and many interventions by the police and on top of that there will be a history of drug or alcohol abuse or both.

So if you are not in a relationship with a violent criminal who abuses drugs and alcohol…and you have a gun….you are not going to be murdered by your partner using that gun.

That is the truth, the fact and the reality.
Your words referenced "shooting back".

What you really said was "initiating the shooting".

Should they "start it", they will be given very short shrift.

guy, your sort never makes those kinds of distinctions when talking about how you all needs your guns to protect yourself against the "gummit".

And I don't think you'd be as sympathetic to armed Hispanics taking over the immigration center as you would be to the Bundy Family seizing federal lands and buildings.

The rest of your screaming rant is a bunch of Stormfront nonsense that isn't worth my time to address, because you are getting off subject.

Point is, you guys wouldn't suddenly be more friendly to illegal immigrants or Muslims if they started using their second amendment rights to fight back. You'd be doing exactly what you said, expecting the police and the National Guard to do something about them.

so it is EQUALLY absurd for people like you and Dick Tiny (aka 2AGuy) to claim that if ONLY the Jews in Germany had guns, they'd have stopped the Holocaust. Of course they wouldn't have. The Holocaust happened because you have anti-Semitism hard-wired into Christian theology. The Jews killed Jesus. Therefore, they deserve whatever they get.

Yes, after the Holocaust, everyone feels all bad about that, but before it, no one had much of a problem with it. And a few Jews shooting a German soldier wouldn't have made that much better.

Well said. The claim that guns could have stopped what happened in Germany is obviously ridiculous.

Wrong….the nazis came to power because anyone who was a political opponent was beaten and their business destroyed while the police did nothing. So as they were coming to power they taught normal people…who were unarmed, not to interfere with them or resist them….and then they came to power….and again, they used the gun registration records created and collected in the Weimar Republic to disarm their political enemies and the Jews……who they then sent to gas chambers.

Then, after they defeated the weak post World War 1 militaries of the rest of Europe, the civilian populations, being unarmed, were defenseless against the German occupation of their countries……..

Had normal German opponents of the nazis had guns, they nazis could not have intimidated their way to power. Had every country in Europe been like Switzerland, with over 435,000 armed civilians ready to fight against an invasion….the ability of the Germans to take and hold those countries would have been impossible…….and the death camps would not have happened.
I do not think it is a matter of not having learned the lesson. People like guano and JoeB131 and others of that ilk imagine that the next time large groups of people are rounded up and exterminated, that they will be on the side doing the rounding up and exterminating, rather than on the side that is being rounded up and exterminated. Of course it stands to reason that they want those that they expect to be rounding up and exterminating to be unarmed, and unable to fight back.

GUy, the reality is, when a large part of the country wants to exterminate group X, there isn't all that much you can do about it.

Hey, at the same time, the Germans were rounding up the Jews and putting them into camps, America was rounding up Japanese Americans and putting them into camps. We didn't exterminate them, of course, but not a one of them fought back with guns. They knew it was a losing proposition.

And the way you guys are shitting yourselves because two Muslims shot 14 co-workers, (as opposed to the other 33,000 gun deaths, which don't bother you so much). Right now, I'm listening to Limbaugh screeching about how we need to Round up immigrants. I can't imagine that you guys would rethink it because a few of them shoot back.

There is nothing you can do about it when you don't have guns……ask the Jews and the other victims of the Germans and their European minions.

And the Jews went quietly too because they had no idea what waited for them……they had been persecuted before and thought this was no different, and that it would blow over……..

Now we know….and you guys tell us ignore what happened, give up your guns…trust that it will never ever happen again…….because the government is always going to be kind, generous and loving…….

And the Japanese were rounded up by a democrat socialist, but fortunately for them, they were in a capitalist country and not a socialist country and we had checks and balances and 200 years of Constitutional protections and a resistance against an all powerful government……..sadly for the Jews, the Germans had none of that….and they gave up their guns...
Your words referenced "shooting back".

What you really said was "initiating the shooting".

Should they "start it", they will be given very short shrift.

guy, your sort never makes those kinds of distinctions when talking about how you all needs your guns to protect yourself against the "gummit".

And I don't think you'd be as sympathetic to armed Hispanics taking over the immigration center as you would be to the Bundy Family seizing federal lands and buildings.

The rest of your screaming rant is a bunch of Stormfront nonsense that isn't worth my time to address, because you are getting off subject.

Point is, you guys wouldn't suddenly be more friendly to illegal immigrants or Muslims if they started using their second amendment rights to fight back. You'd be doing exactly what you said, expecting the police and the National Guard to do something about them.

so it is EQUALLY absurd for people like you and Dick Tiny (aka 2AGuy) to claim that if ONLY the Jews in Germany had guns, they'd have stopped the Holocaust. Of course they wouldn't have. The Holocaust happened because you have anti-Semitism hard-wired into Christian theology. The Jews killed Jesus. Therefore, they deserve whatever they get.

Yes, after the Holocaust, everyone feels all bad about that, but before it, no one had much of a problem with it. And a few Jews shooting a German soldier wouldn't have made that much better.

And again you have no idea what you are talking about…had the Germans not given up their guns then the nazis would not have been able to intimidate their way to power, and they would not have been able to hold the territory they took…..but Europe gave up it's guns for the protection of their governments and when the governments could not protect them, and actually turned against them…sending 12 million people to gas chambers….they had no way to stop it……

Except for the Swiss……they had 435,000 civilians under arms and made it known they would resist even if invaded…..and Germany did not invade them. As the articles point out…there was no Holocaust in Switzerland.
Your words referenced "shooting back".

What you really said was "initiating the shooting".

Should they "start it", they will be given very short shrift.

guy, your sort never makes those kinds of distinctions when talking about how you all needs your guns to protect yourself against the "gummit".

And I don't think you'd be as sympathetic to armed Hispanics taking over the immigration center as you would be to the Bundy Family seizing federal lands and buildings.

The rest of your screaming rant is a bunch of Stormfront nonsense that isn't worth my time to address, because you are getting off subject.

Point is, you guys wouldn't suddenly be more friendly to illegal immigrants or Muslims if they started using their second amendment rights to fight back. You'd be doing exactly what you said, expecting the police and the National Guard to do something about them.

so it is EQUALLY absurd for people like you and Dick Tiny (aka 2AGuy) to claim that if ONLY the Jews in Germany had guns, they'd have stopped the Holocaust. Of course they wouldn't have. The Holocaust happened because you have anti-Semitism hard-wired into Christian theology. The Jews killed Jesus. Therefore, they deserve whatever they get.

Yes, after the Holocaust, everyone feels all bad about that, but before it, no one had much of a problem with it. And a few Jews shooting a German soldier wouldn't have made that much better.

And again you have no idea what you are talking about…had the Germans not given up their guns then the nazis would not have been able to intimidate their way to power, and they would not have been able to hold the territory they took…..but Europe gave up it's guns for the protection of their governments and when the governments could not protect them, and actually turned against them…sending 12 million people to gas chambers….they had no way to stop it……

Except for the Swiss……they had 435,000 civilians under arms and made it known they would resist even if invaded…..and Germany did not invade them. As the articles point out…there was no Holocaust in Switzerland.
Good posts.

Throughout history tyrannical governments disarmed the people, so they could do as they wished. The consequences were horrific in most cases. One would think all Americans would know this and oppose any infringement of the 2A. Thanks to decades of liberalism brainwashing millions, some Americans gladly accept losing their rights to an ever increasingly powerful tyrannical central government.
Your words referenced "shooting back".

What you really said was "initiating the shooting".

Should they "start it", they will be given very short shrift.

guy, your sort never makes those kinds of distinctions when talking about how you all needs your guns to protect yourself against the "gummit".

And I don't think you'd be as sympathetic to armed Hispanics taking over the immigration center as you would be to the Bundy Family seizing federal lands and buildings.

The rest of your screaming rant is a bunch of Stormfront nonsense that isn't worth my time to address, because you are getting off subject.

Point is, you guys wouldn't suddenly be more friendly to illegal immigrants or Muslims if they started using their second amendment rights to fight back. You'd be doing exactly what you said, expecting the police and the National Guard to do something about them.

so it is EQUALLY absurd for people like you and Dick Tiny (aka 2AGuy) to claim that if ONLY the Jews in Germany had guns, they'd have stopped the Holocaust. Of course they wouldn't have. The Holocaust happened because you have anti-Semitism hard-wired into Christian theology. The Jews killed Jesus. Therefore, they deserve whatever they get.

Yes, after the Holocaust, everyone feels all bad about that, but before it, no one had much of a problem with it. And a few Jews shooting a German soldier wouldn't have made that much better.

Umm...illegals don't have second amendment rights, and Christian theology had nothing to do with Hitler you moron, other than to be used as propaganda for idiots like yourself. You don't need religion to be a Jew hater. You're living proof of that:cuckoo:
As is your 'black'. Deaths are deaths. Most of your mass shootings and serial killers are white males. Almost exclusively.
And, most murders in general are committed by blacks -- in fact, if blacks committed murder in proportion to their population, our murder rate would drop 37%.
At the end of the day most gun control advocates don't give a shit if gang bangers go around shooting each other. Good luck to them. The issue is the mass shootings. The randomness of them. People would like to go to the movies or school without having to worry about some loon with a chip of their shoulder shooting them because they've had a bad day.
Further proof that anti-gun loons can only argue from emotion, ignorance and/or dishonesty.
Your words referenced "shooting back".

What you really said was "initiating the shooting".

Should they "start it", they will be given very short shrift.

guy, your sort never makes those kinds of distinctions when talking about how you all needs your guns to protect yourself against the "gummit".

And I don't think you'd be as sympathetic to armed Hispanics taking over the immigration center as you would be to the Bundy Family seizing federal lands and buildings.

The rest of your screaming rant is a bunch of Stormfront nonsense that isn't worth my time to address, because you are getting off subject.

Point is, you guys wouldn't suddenly be more friendly to illegal immigrants or Muslims if they started using their second amendment rights to fight back. You'd be doing exactly what you said, expecting the police and the National Guard to do something about them.

so it is EQUALLY absurd for people like you and Dick Tiny (aka 2AGuy) to claim that if ONLY the Jews in Germany had guns, they'd have stopped the Holocaust. Of course they wouldn't have. The Holocaust happened because you have anti-Semitism hard-wired into Christian theology. The Jews killed Jesus. Therefore, they deserve whatever they get.

Yes, after the Holocaust, everyone feels all bad about that, but before it, no one had much of a problem with it. And a few Jews shooting a German soldier wouldn't have made that much better.

Well said. The claim that guns could have stopped what happened in Germany is obviously ridiculous.

Wrong….the nazis came to power because anyone who was a political opponent was beaten and their business destroyed while the police did nothing. So as they were coming to power they taught normal people…who were unarmed, not to interfere with them or resist them….and then they came to power….and again, they used the gun registration records created and collected in the Weimar Republic to disarm their political enemies and the Jews……who they then sent to gas chambers.

Then, after they defeated the weak post World War 1 militaries of the rest of Europe, the civilian populations, being unarmed, were defenseless against the German occupation of their countries……..

Had normal German opponents of the nazis had guns, they nazis could not have intimidated their way to power. Had every country in Europe been like Switzerland, with over 435,000 armed civilians ready to fight against an invasion….the ability of the Germans to take and hold those countries would have been impossible…….and the death camps would not have happened.

No that is complete fantasy.

How could they take the guns before they were in power? You aren't even making sense. Hitler did not make any new gun restrictions. And obviously a few armed citizens weren't going to stop him. Your claims are ridiculous.
The concept here is that Canada treats gun ownership as a privilage, not a right. So instead of proving why you shouldn't have a gun, you have to prove why you should.
In America gun ownership is a Constitutional right. The government does not have the authority to violate that right. All government employees (including the military and police) are sworn " protect and defend the Constitution (not the government) against all enemies foreign and domestic..." Maybe someday Canada will get over being so backward.
And they don't have a gun lobby like the NRA pimping for the gun industry

“When looking at firearm-related homicide rates in comparable countries, Canada’s rate is about seven times lower than that of the United States (3.5 per 100,000 population)"

According to a StatsCan report from 2012 – the most recent year available – the U.S. suffered a total of 8,813 murders involving the use of firearms that year. Canada, in the same year, recorded just 172 firearms-related homicides.

How American gun deaths and gun laws compare to Canada's

One must take into account that the total population of Canada is 35,492,000.

The total population of the United States is 322,267,564.

The problem is not the 2nd Amendment, but a willing failure to deal effectively with crime and criminals. The ABA found a cash cow, and the system is set up to milk it.

I say we send 5 million illegals to canada, along with a few million street gange thugs and see what happens to their gun crime rate.
Your words referenced "shooting back".

What you really said was "initiating the shooting".

Should they "start it", they will be given very short shrift.

guy, your sort never makes those kinds of distinctions when talking about how you all needs your guns to protect yourself against the "gummit".

And I don't think you'd be as sympathetic to armed Hispanics taking over the immigration center as you would be to the Bundy Family seizing federal lands and buildings.

The rest of your screaming rant is a bunch of Stormfront nonsense that isn't worth my time to address, because you are getting off subject.

Point is, you guys wouldn't suddenly be more friendly to illegal immigrants or Muslims if they started using their second amendment rights to fight back. You'd be doing exactly what you said, expecting the police and the National Guard to do something about them.

so it is EQUALLY absurd for people like you and Dick Tiny (aka 2AGuy) to claim that if ONLY the Jews in Germany had guns, they'd have stopped the Holocaust. Of course they wouldn't have. The Holocaust happened because you have anti-Semitism hard-wired into Christian theology. The Jews killed Jesus. Therefore, they deserve whatever they get.

Yes, after the Holocaust, everyone feels all bad about that, but before it, no one had much of a problem with it. And a few Jews shooting a German soldier wouldn't have made that much better.

Well said. The claim that guns could have stopped what happened in Germany is obviously ridiculous.

Wrong….the nazis came to power because anyone who was a political opponent was beaten and their business destroyed while the police did nothing. So as they were coming to power they taught normal people…who were unarmed, not to interfere with them or resist them….and then they came to power….and again, they used the gun registration records created and collected in the Weimar Republic to disarm their political enemies and the Jews……who they then sent to gas chambers.

Then, after they defeated the weak post World War 1 militaries of the rest of Europe, the civilian populations, being unarmed, were defenseless against the German occupation of their countries……..

Had normal German opponents of the nazis had guns, they nazis could not have intimidated their way to power. Had every country in Europe been like Switzerland, with over 435,000 armed civilians ready to fight against an invasion….the ability of the Germans to take and hold those countries would have been impossible…….and the death camps would not have happened.

No that is complete fantasy.

How could they take the guns before they were in power? You aren't even making sense. Hitler did not make any new gun restrictions. And obviously a few armed citizens weren't going to stop him. Your claims are ridiculous.

They didn't….the Weimar Republic began banning and confiscating gun and registering those left….the nazis ignored all those laws of course. Hitler used the gun registration records from the Weimar government to disarm the last gun owners and Jews to make sure only the nazis and their allies had guns.

And no…had there been wide spread gun ownership at our levels the nazis would never have been able to beat and murder their way to power. And they could never have held all that territory with hundreds of thousands of armed civilians dedicated to resisting them…..

We have armed barbarians in Iraq and Afghanistan with old rifles and improvised bombs…and we are leaving, even though we have the most advanced military in the world….

So sell that crap somewhere else….an armed population can resist…an unarmed population is at the mercy of the guys with the guns……even if they are the police and the army.
Your words referenced "shooting back".

What you really said was "initiating the shooting".

Should they "start it", they will be given very short shrift.

guy, your sort never makes those kinds of distinctions when talking about how you all needs your guns to protect yourself against the "gummit".

And I don't think you'd be as sympathetic to armed Hispanics taking over the immigration center as you would be to the Bundy Family seizing federal lands and buildings.

The rest of your screaming rant is a bunch of Stormfront nonsense that isn't worth my time to address, because you are getting off subject.

Point is, you guys wouldn't suddenly be more friendly to illegal immigrants or Muslims if they started using their second amendment rights to fight back. You'd be doing exactly what you said, expecting the police and the National Guard to do something about them.

so it is EQUALLY absurd for people like you and Dick Tiny (aka 2AGuy) to claim that if ONLY the Jews in Germany had guns, they'd have stopped the Holocaust. Of course they wouldn't have. The Holocaust happened because you have anti-Semitism hard-wired into Christian theology. The Jews killed Jesus. Therefore, they deserve whatever they get.

Yes, after the Holocaust, everyone feels all bad about that, but before it, no one had much of a problem with it. And a few Jews shooting a German soldier wouldn't have made that much better.

Umm...illegals don't have second amendment rights, and Christian theology had nothing to do with Hitler you moron, other than to be used as propaganda for idiots like yourself. You don't need religion to be a Jew hater. You're living proof of that:cuckoo:

The elite rulers in Germany were atheists and pagans.
Your words referenced "shooting back".

What you really said was "initiating the shooting".

Should they "start it", they will be given very short shrift.

guy, your sort never makes those kinds of distinctions when talking about how you all needs your guns to protect yourself against the "gummit".

And I don't think you'd be as sympathetic to armed Hispanics taking over the immigration center as you would be to the Bundy Family seizing federal lands and buildings.

The rest of your screaming rant is a bunch of Stormfront nonsense that isn't worth my time to address, because you are getting off subject.

Point is, you guys wouldn't suddenly be more friendly to illegal immigrants or Muslims if they started using their second amendment rights to fight back. You'd be doing exactly what you said, expecting the police and the National Guard to do something about them.

so it is EQUALLY absurd for people like you and Dick Tiny (aka 2AGuy) to claim that if ONLY the Jews in Germany had guns, they'd have stopped the Holocaust. Of course they wouldn't have. The Holocaust happened because you have anti-Semitism hard-wired into Christian theology. The Jews killed Jesus. Therefore, they deserve whatever they get.

Yes, after the Holocaust, everyone feels all bad about that, but before it, no one had much of a problem with it. And a few Jews shooting a German soldier wouldn't have made that much better.

Well said. The claim that guns could have stopped what happened in Germany is obviously ridiculous.

Wrong….the nazis came to power because anyone who was a political opponent was beaten and their business destroyed while the police did nothing. So as they were coming to power they taught normal people…who were unarmed, not to interfere with them or resist them….and then they came to power….and again, they used the gun registration records created and collected in the Weimar Republic to disarm their political enemies and the Jews……who they then sent to gas chambers.

Then, after they defeated the weak post World War 1 militaries of the rest of Europe, the civilian populations, being unarmed, were defenseless against the German occupation of their countries……..

Had normal German opponents of the nazis had guns, they nazis could not have intimidated their way to power. Had every country in Europe been like Switzerland, with over 435,000 armed civilians ready to fight against an invasion….the ability of the Germans to take and hold those countries would have been impossible…….and the death camps would not have happened.

No that is complete fantasy.

How could they take the guns before they were in power? You aren't even making sense. Hitler did not make any new gun restrictions. And obviously a few armed citizens weren't going to stop him. Your claims are ridiculous.

They didn't….the Weimar Republic began banning and confiscating gun and registering those left….the nazis ignored all those laws of course. Hitler used the gun registration records from the Weimar government to disarm the last gun owners and Jews to make sure only the nazis and their allies had guns.

And no…had there been wide spread gun ownership at our levels the nazis would never have been able to beat and murder their way to power. And they could never have held all that territory with hundreds of thousands of armed civilians dedicated to resisting them…..

We have armed barbarians in Iraq and Afghanistan with old rifles and improvised bombs…and we are leaving, even though we have the most advanced military in the world….

So sell that crap somewhere else….an armed population can resist…an unarmed population is at the mercy of the guys with the guns……even if they are the police and the army.

So they came to power with strong gun regulations already in place. And they ran over almost all the militaries of the world. Your claim is just silly. Armed civilians would not have stopped them and probably wouldn't have really tried.
guy, your sort never makes those kinds of distinctions when talking about how you all needs your guns to protect yourself against the "gummit".

And I don't think you'd be as sympathetic to armed Hispanics taking over the immigration center as you would be to the Bundy Family seizing federal lands and buildings.

The rest of your screaming rant is a bunch of Stormfront nonsense that isn't worth my time to address, because you are getting off subject.

Point is, you guys wouldn't suddenly be more friendly to illegal immigrants or Muslims if they started using their second amendment rights to fight back. You'd be doing exactly what you said, expecting the police and the National Guard to do something about them.

so it is EQUALLY absurd for people like you and Dick Tiny (aka 2AGuy) to claim that if ONLY the Jews in Germany had guns, they'd have stopped the Holocaust. Of course they wouldn't have. The Holocaust happened because you have anti-Semitism hard-wired into Christian theology. The Jews killed Jesus. Therefore, they deserve whatever they get.

Yes, after the Holocaust, everyone feels all bad about that, but before it, no one had much of a problem with it. And a few Jews shooting a German soldier wouldn't have made that much better.

Well said. The claim that guns could have stopped what happened in Germany is obviously ridiculous.

Wrong….the nazis came to power because anyone who was a political opponent was beaten and their business destroyed while the police did nothing. So as they were coming to power they taught normal people…who were unarmed, not to interfere with them or resist them….and then they came to power….and again, they used the gun registration records created and collected in the Weimar Republic to disarm their political enemies and the Jews……who they then sent to gas chambers.

Then, after they defeated the weak post World War 1 militaries of the rest of Europe, the civilian populations, being unarmed, were defenseless against the German occupation of their countries……..

Had normal German opponents of the nazis had guns, they nazis could not have intimidated their way to power. Had every country in Europe been like Switzerland, with over 435,000 armed civilians ready to fight against an invasion….the ability of the Germans to take and hold those countries would have been impossible…….and the death camps would not have happened.

No that is complete fantasy.

How could they take the guns before they were in power? You aren't even making sense. Hitler did not make any new gun restrictions. And obviously a few armed citizens weren't going to stop him. Your claims are ridiculous.

They didn't….the Weimar Republic began banning and confiscating gun and registering those left….the nazis ignored all those laws of course. Hitler used the gun registration records from the Weimar government to disarm the last gun owners and Jews to make sure only the nazis and their allies had guns.

And no…had there been wide spread gun ownership at our levels the nazis would never have been able to beat and murder their way to power. And they could never have held all that territory with hundreds of thousands of armed civilians dedicated to resisting them…..

We have armed barbarians in Iraq and Afghanistan with old rifles and improvised bombs…and we are leaving, even though we have the most advanced military in the world….

So sell that crap somewhere else….an armed population can resist…an unarmed population is at the mercy of the guys with the guns……even if they are the police and the army.

So they came to power with strong gun regulations already in place. And they ran over almost all the militaries of the world. Your claim is just silly. Armed civilians would not have stopped them and probably wouldn't have really tried.

Yes, read Gun Control in the 3rd Reich…it goes through the gun control measures meant to keep Germans safe after World War 1. And did you ever read history…….you don't believe the Germans ran over all the other militaries in Europe….and would have done the same to Russia if we hadn't jumped in…….

Armed civilians stop thugs from beating people and vandalizing and looting stores…..we saw this in the Black Lies Matter riots where civilians with guns kept their stores safe….and unarmed stores were burnt to the ground.

Kristalnacht would not have happened if there was wide spread gun ownership among the Jews and other Germans.

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