How and why Joe Biden was "selected" as your president.

What the American people saw in November is anyone’s guess. What is obvious to any reasonable observer is that the government had had enough of Donald Trump and his attempt to return constitutional control of the government to the people. When any organization exists for its own sake it does not take kindly to any outside force that tries to regulate it by weakening its power.

Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 threw the US government into chaos because it had taken for granted that the people had been satisfactorily conditioned to submit to an oligarchy of socialist academics and political plutocracy that had subverted the intent of American representative democracy supplanting it with manipulated discord between groups.

Racism, particularly black-white racism has been a gold mine for the US government since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society. But the government had a problem. Great strides against racism had occurred and power was in the balance especially with trump awakening a reality among many in African American society that they could succeed on their own without government. Nor long after Trump’s administration got underway Colin Kaepernick began using the NFL to promote the government’s position that it alone could solve Black inequality because Blacks were incapable of achieving equality without government.

The George Floyd incident was the embodiment of Rom Emanuel’s famous statement about never letting a serious crisis go to waste when you can use it to undermine opposition. Kaepernick killed two birds with one stone when he overcame a failed NFL career and became a useful idiot of the US government. Trump was flagged as not just a Russian spy but a rabid racist. Everyone saw this unfold in real time. Unfortunately for the government it was not enough, and Trump was on track for re-election.

That is when China unleashed Coronavirus and the Government was able to use its control of the US Postal Service to fabricate a fraudulent election under the guise of health concerns for voters. China had been bribing aristocrats in American government for decades and secured control of America’s pharmaceutical industry leaving the US in a severely vulnerable position to hold China responsible for Covid-19.

The government simply selected Joe Biden to replace Trump without even a campaign because with China’s aid it was a cake walk. Whether Americans sit still for this remains to be seen. Let us hope they do not.

You have lost your mind.

If you think that what trump has done the last 4 years is return this nation to the constitution then I have a beautiful piece of ocean beachfront property in Colorado to sell you.

It's not constitutional to create your own personal police force, send them out to gas innocent protesters who aren't violent just so the president can do a photo op at a church.

It's not constitutional to just kidnap people off the street and take them away in unmarked cars by unidentified men.

You make the mistake of believing that just because you like trump everyone else does too.

He never got up to 50% approval with the people outside a rasmussen poll.

He never got the majority of the people's votes in either election.

He is hated by most of the people in this nation.

Let me make this very clear even though you won't accept it, voting isn't "selecting" a president.

No one selected Biden except the people of our nation with our votes at the ballot box.

If you don't like it that's just too damn bad and get over it.

There was no cheating. There was no conspiracy. There was no fraud.

Biden was legally and honestly elected by the people of our nation. Most of the people of our nation HATE trump. Which is why record numbers of people came out to vote against him.

Suck it up and be the adult you're supposed to be.
What the American people saw in November is anyone’s guess. What is obvious to any reasonable observer is that the government had had enough of Donald Trump and his attempt to return constitutional control of the government to the people. When any organization exists for its own sake it does not take kindly to any outside force that tries to regulate it by weakening its power.

Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 threw the US government into chaos because it had taken for granted that the people had been satisfactorily conditioned to submit to an oligarchy of socialist academics and political plutocracy that had subverted the intent of American representative democracy supplanting it with manipulated discord between groups.

Racism, particularly black-white racism has been a gold mine for the US government since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society. But the government had a problem. Great strides against racism had occurred and power was in the balance especially with trump awakening a reality among many in African American society that they could succeed on their own without government. Nor long after Trump’s administration got underway Colin Kaepernick began using the NFL to promote the government’s position that it alone could solve Black inequality because Blacks were incapable of achieving equality without government.

The George Floyd incident was the embodiment of Rom Emanuel’s famous statement about never letting a serious crisis go to waste when you can use it to undermine opposition. Kaepernick killed two birds with one stone when he overcame a failed NFL career and became a useful idiot of the US government. Trump was flagged as not just a Russian spy but a rabid racist. Everyone saw this unfold in real time. Unfortunately for the government it was not enough, and Trump was on track for re-election.

That is when China unleashed Coronavirus and the Government was able to use its control of the US Postal Service to fabricate a fraudulent election under the guise of health concerns for voters. China had been bribing aristocrats in American government for decades and secured control of America’s pharmaceutical industry leaving the US in a severely vulnerable position to hold China responsible for Covid-19.

The government simply selected Joe Biden to replace Trump without even a campaign because with China’s aid it was a cake walk. Whether Americans sit still for this remains to be seen. Let us hope they do not.
I have an idea..take your fraud allegations to courts. Oh yeah that's right. They already did and failed miserably.
What the American people saw in November is anyone’s guess. What is obvious to any reasonable observer is that the government had had enough of Donald Trump and his attempt to return constitutional control of the government to the people. When any organization exists for its own sake it does not take kindly to any outside force that tries to regulate it by weakening its power.

Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 threw the US government into chaos because it had taken for granted that the people had been satisfactorily conditioned to submit to an oligarchy of socialist academics and political plutocracy that had subverted the intent of American representative democracy supplanting it with manipulated discord between groups.

Racism, particularly black-white racism has been a gold mine for the US government since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society. But the government had a problem. Great strides against racism had occurred and power was in the balance especially with trump awakening a reality among many in African American society that they could succeed on their own without government. Nor long after Trump’s administration got underway Colin Kaepernick began using the NFL to promote the government’s position that it alone could solve Black inequality because Blacks were incapable of achieving equality without government.

The George Floyd incident was the embodiment of Rom Emanuel’s famous statement about never letting a serious crisis go to waste when you can use it to undermine opposition. Kaepernick killed two birds with one stone when he overcame a failed NFL career and became a useful idiot of the US government. Trump was flagged as not just a Russian spy but a rabid racist. Everyone saw this unfold in real time. Unfortunately for the government it was not enough, and Trump was on track for re-election.

That is when China unleashed Coronavirus and the Government was able to use its control of the US Postal Service to fabricate a fraudulent election under the guise of health concerns for voters. China had been bribing aristocrats in American government for decades and secured control of America’s pharmaceutical industry leaving the US in a severely vulnerable position to hold China responsible for Covid-19.

The government simply selected Joe Biden to replace Trump without even a campaign because with China’s aid it was a cake walk. Whether Americans sit still for this remains to be seen. Let us hope they do not.
Local and Federal Government employs more people than the private sector.

That there is your problem now, and why we have so many posters on this site there are in patent denial of reality.

It is also why Biden DID get so many votes.

... the government had had enough of Donald Trump...
The government" did not vote. In fact, it was the American People who had had enough of the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer

Here comes the lapdog rubbish again! The government didn't vote! All they did was COUNT the votes behind closed, locked door and boarded windows.

And where is all this "failure" you keep blowing out your assmouth? Trump's TV show was so hot that NBC was smoked he cancelled it to run for office.
What the American people saw in November is anyone’s guess. What is obvious to any reasonable observer is that the government had had enough of Donald Trump and his attempt to return constitutional control of the government to the people. When any organization exists for its own sake it does not take kindly to any outside force that tries to regulate it by weakening its power.

Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 threw the US government into chaos because it had taken for granted that the people had been satisfactorily conditioned to submit to an oligarchy of socialist academics and political plutocracy that had subverted the intent of American representative democracy supplanting it with manipulated discord between groups.

Racism, particularly black-white racism has been a gold mine for the US government since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society. But the government had a problem. Great strides against racism had occurred and power was in the balance especially with trump awakening a reality among many in African American society that they could succeed on their own without government. Nor long after Trump’s administration got underway Colin Kaepernick began using the NFL to promote the government’s position that it alone could solve Black inequality because Blacks were incapable of achieving equality without government.

The George Floyd incident was the embodiment of Rom Emanuel’s famous statement about never letting a serious crisis go to waste when you can use it to undermine opposition. Kaepernick killed two birds with one stone when he overcame a failed NFL career and became a useful idiot of the US government. Trump was flagged as not just a Russian spy but a rabid racist. Everyone saw this unfold in real time. Unfortunately for the government it was not enough, and Trump was on track for re-election.

That is when China unleashed Coronavirus and the Government was able to use its control of the US Postal Service to fabricate a fraudulent election under the guise of health concerns for voters. China had been bribing aristocrats in American government for decades and secured control of America’s pharmaceutical industry leaving the US in a severely vulnerable position to hold China responsible for Covid-19.

The government simply selected Joe Biden to replace Trump without even a campaign because with China’s aid it was a cake walk. Whether Americans sit still for this remains to be seen. Let us hope they do not.

Complete garbage.
Your blob lied to the public about the severity of a disease, told right wing hate groups to "stand by" and didn't follow through on many of his campaign promises. The only valid question is why 71M people voted for the piece of shit.
What the American people saw in November is anyone’s guess. What is obvious to any reasonable observer is that the government had had enough of Donald Trump and his attempt to return constitutional control of the government to the people. When any organization exists for its own sake it does not take kindly to any outside force that tries to regulate it by weakening its power.

Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 threw the US government into chaos because it had taken for granted that the people had been satisfactorily conditioned to submit to an oligarchy of socialist academics and political plutocracy that had subverted the intent of American representative democracy supplanting it with manipulated discord between groups.

Racism, particularly black-white racism has been a gold mine for the US government since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society. But the government had a problem. Great strides against racism had occurred and power was in the balance especially with trump awakening a reality among many in African American society that they could succeed on their own without government. Nor long after Trump’s administration got underway Colin Kaepernick began using the NFL to promote the government’s position that it alone could solve Black inequality because Blacks were incapable of achieving equality without government.

The George Floyd incident was the embodiment of Rom Emanuel’s famous statement about never letting a serious crisis go to waste when you can use it to undermine opposition. Kaepernick killed two birds with one stone when he overcame a failed NFL career and became a useful idiot of the US government. Trump was flagged as not just a Russian spy but a rabid racist. Everyone saw this unfold in real time. Unfortunately for the government it was not enough, and Trump was on track for re-election.

That is when China unleashed Coronavirus and the Government was able to use its control of the US Postal Service to fabricate a fraudulent election under the guise of health concerns for voters. China had been bribing aristocrats in American government for decades and secured control of America’s pharmaceutical industry leaving the US in a severely vulnerable position to hold China responsible for Covid-19.

The government simply selected Joe Biden to replace Trump without even a campaign because with China’s aid it was a cake walk. Whether Americans sit still for this remains to be seen. Let us hope they do not.
Biden had no campaign? then why did trump chase down his bus?
Your loaded with conspiracy theories, its just maga tears.

How and why Joe Biden was "selected" as your president

Let me state it more simply, Ray:

Trump, like the American Indian was an inconvenient truth. When the US got here, the Indians stood in their way so they drew up contracts that heavily favored the colonials written in English, then read the contracts to the Indians what they thought the Indians wanted to hear not what was actually in them.

Then Trump came along and surprised everyone by getting elected, so they made sure Trump couldn't win the next election no matter what, same as they made sure Hillary won and not Bernie.
The government didn't vote! All they did was COUNT the votes behind closed, locked door and boarded windows.
Bipartisan observers were present at initial tabulations and recounts, and the results were certified by Republican as well as Democratic governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and other election officials, and were upheld by Republican as well as Democratic judges in dozens of court challenges. The results were as one would have reasonably expected, given 4 years of public surveys and the 2018 midterms.

* Trumpers, in their efforts to undo the democratic process, paid $3 million to Wisconsin to add 132 votes to Biden's total.

And where is all this "failure" you keep blowing out your assmouth? Trump's TV show was so hot that NBC was smoked he cancelled it to run for office.
Rather than sniveling, brooding, bitching and moaning because the American People told the Cry Baby, "You're fired!," you can take solace in the prospect that your idol may again have the opportunity to perform on reality-tv! His ratings had fallen significantly, but his notoriety in recent years might serve as a fan magnet:

Screen Shot 2020-12-31 at 9.59.01 AM.png

What the American people saw in November is anyone’s guess. What is obvious to any reasonable observer is that the government had had enough of Donald Trump and his attempt to return constitutional control of the government to the people. When any organization exists for its own sake it does not take kindly to any outside force that tries to regulate it by weakening its power.

Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 threw the US government into chaos because it had taken for granted that the people had been satisfactorily conditioned to submit to an oligarchy of socialist academics and political plutocracy that had subverted the intent of American representative democracy supplanting it with manipulated discord between groups.

Racism, particularly black-white racism has been a gold mine for the US government since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society. But the government had a problem. Great strides against racism had occurred and power was in the balance especially with trump awakening a reality among many in African American society that they could succeed on their own without government. Nor long after Trump’s administration got underway Colin Kaepernick began using the NFL to promote the government’s position that it alone could solve Black inequality because Blacks were incapable of achieving equality without government.

The George Floyd incident was the embodiment of Rom Emanuel’s famous statement about never letting a serious crisis go to waste when you can use it to undermine opposition. Kaepernick killed two birds with one stone when he overcame a failed NFL career and became a useful idiot of the US government. Trump was flagged as not just a Russian spy but a rabid racist. Everyone saw this unfold in real time. Unfortunately for the government it was not enough, and Trump was on track for re-election.

That is when China unleashed Coronavirus and the Government was able to use its control of the US Postal Service to fabricate a fraudulent election under the guise of health concerns for voters. China had been bribing aristocrats in American government for decades and secured control of America’s pharmaceutical industry leaving the US in a severely vulnerable position to hold China responsible for Covid-19.

The government simply selected Joe Biden to replace Trump without even a campaign because with China’s aid it was a cake walk. Whether Americans sit still for this remains to be seen. Let us hope they do not.
What a load of BDS horse shit!
Success! I must have hit a nerve!
Sounds like you are possessed by a self reinforcing delusion. This should be in the Conspiracy Forum, not Political Forum.
81 million voters selected Biden

Why is anyone surprised?
The amusing aspect is that the ever-expanding paranoid conspiracy that perpetrated precisely what was reasonably expected could save time, contriving convoluted improbabilities, and appearing very, very foolish, by just indicting the 81,009,468 co-conspirators from the start.
Most people on both sides seem to see their opposition as evil. Most people know they're not actually evil so communication tends to break down immediately.
The initiation of force is evil- coercion is an initiation- it doesn't matter what excuse is used or how it's implemented- the results are what count.

And I don't agree with everything the OP said- hyperbole is just that- a tool to inflame usually-
Raymond - You are a damn hoot and I adore your screeds! Is it satire? :confused-84:
What the American people saw in November is anyone’s guess. What is obvious to any reasonable observer is that the government had had enough of Donald Trump and his attempt to return constitutional control of the government to the people. When any organization exists for its own sake it does not take kindly to any outside force that tries to regulate it by weakening its power.

Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 threw the US government into chaos because it had taken for granted that the people had been satisfactorily conditioned to submit to an oligarchy of socialist academics and political plutocracy that had subverted the intent of American representative democracy supplanting it with manipulated discord between groups.

Racism, particularly black-white racism has been a gold mine for the US government since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society. But the government had a problem. Great strides against racism had occurred and power was in the balance especially with trump awakening a reality among many in African American society that they could succeed on their own without government. Nor long after Trump’s administration got underway Colin Kaepernick began using the NFL to promote the government’s position that it alone could solve Black inequality because Blacks were incapable of achieving equality without government.

The George Floyd incident was the embodiment of Rom Emanuel’s famous statement about never letting a serious crisis go to waste when you can use it to undermine opposition. Kaepernick killed two birds with one stone when he overcame a failed NFL career and became a useful idiot of the US government. Trump was flagged as not just a Russian spy but a rabid racist. Everyone saw this unfold in real time. Unfortunately for the government it was not enough, and Trump was on track for re-election.

That is when China unleashed Coronavirus and the Government was able to use its control of the US Postal Service to fabricate a fraudulent election under the guise of health concerns for voters. China had been bribing aristocrats in American government for decades and secured control of America’s pharmaceutical industry leaving the US in a severely vulnerable position to hold China responsible for Covid-19.

The government simply selected Joe Biden to replace Trump without even a campaign because with China’s aid it was a cake walk. Whether Americans sit still for this remains to be seen. Let us hope they do not.
Or, We the People demonstrated, for the second time, that we don't adore Trump like you do.

One of the two.
The goal is to portray reality.

Constructive communication is a good way to work on that.
So you are ignoring the very first comment responding the OP from
someone called edthecynic.
Did you find that comment constructive or helpful? You must have since you
critiqued his vile comment not at all.

You need to work on your attempt at playing the voice of calm reason.
It doesn't suit you.
The initiation of force is evil- coercion is an initiation- it doesn't matter what excuse is used or how it's implemented- the results are what count.

And I don't agree with everything the OP said- hyperbole is just that- a tool to inflame usually-
Many resort to common sense. It is entirely reasonable that someone that loses the popular vote when elected, is assigned consistent disapproval throughout his tenure, and sees public disapprobation registered in a midterm election, will be disposed of as soon as the People are given the opportunity.

Outlandish, contrived, convoluted, paranoidal conspiracies are not needed to explain the obvious: Seven million more Americans voted against him than voted for him.

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