How and why Joe Biden was "selected" as your president.

Raymond - You are a damn hoot and I adore your screeds! Is it satire? :confused-84:
It's becoming clear that all this "election fraud" conspiracy stuff is actually just a catharsis for them, an excuse, a justification for the loss.

They really, literally, can't wrap their heads around the possibility that the whole country doesn't adore Trump like they do.

It just doesn't register. So, they then have to assume that there is something wrong, or fraudulent. That HAS to be it.

I've never seen anything like this. Not even close. And at this magnitude. Incredible.
Many resort to common sense. It is entirely reasonable that someone that loses the popular vote when elected, is assigned consistent disapproval throughout his tenure, and sees public disapprobation registered in a midterm election, will be disposed of as soon as the People are given the opportunity.

Outlandish, contrived, convoluted, paranoidal conspiracies are not needed to explain the obvious: Seven million more Americans voted against him than voted for him.
Laughing is the only appropriate response. Donald Trump had a strong lead when the counting stopped
(an unheard of violation of election protocol) in the key swing states and the cheating was stepped up. And the evidence is being revealed daily, like today in Georgia, for instance.

Your overly elaborate, ornate posts don't hide the treacherous anti American agitprop that is at the core
of all your posts. You should be deported to China, in a just nation.
Laughing is the only appropriate response. Donald Trump had a strong lead when the counting stopped
Counting did not "stop" until all votes were counted - and repeatedly re-counted where challenged. Denying millions of Americans the right to vote was never an option. After counts and re-counts were completed, the results were certified by Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and other election officials, and challenges to those certifications dismissed as meritless by Republican judges in case after case, right up to Trump appointees on the Supreme Court.

Cult ninnies are in a tizzy over the democratic verdict, but, as noted, it is entirely reasonable that someone that loses the popular vote when elected, is assigned consistent disapproval throughout his tenure, and sees public disapprobation registered in a midterm election, will be disposed of as soon as the People are given the opportunity.

Crackpot conspiracies are not needed to explain the expected outcome of the safe and secure election.
Counting did not "stop" until all votes were counted - and repeatedly re-counted where challenged. Denying millions of Americans the right to vote was never an option. After counts and re-counts were completed, the results were certified by Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and other election officials, and challenges to those certifications dismissed as meritless by Republican judges in case after case, right up to Trump appointees on the Supreme Court.
Amazingly you are correct. Counting did NOT stop when all witnesses were sent home due to a
"broken water pipe" which, as it turns out, was a total lie and fraud.

Five female election workers kept working for the next three hours feeding votes for Lying Joe Biden
through the Dominion vote changing machines and it's all perfectly preserved on video tape and I myself
watched some of that tape yesterday.
You should watch it, unless you don't want to offend your own lying eyes.
The first rule of election theft is do not videotape yourself committing the crime of election theft.
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Counting did not "stop" until all votes were counted - and repeatedly re-counted where challenged. Denying millions of Americans the right to vote was never an option. After counts and re-counts were completed, the results were certified by Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and other election officials, and challenges to those certifications dismissed as meritless by Republican judges in case after case, right up to Trump appointees on the Supreme Court.
Amazingly you are correct. Counting did NOT stop when all witnesses were sent home due to a
"broken water pipe" which, as it turns out, was a total lie and fraud.

Five female election workers kept working for the next three hours feeding votes for Lying Joe Biden
through the Dominion vote changing machines and it's all perfectly preserved on video tape and I myself
watched some of that tape yesterday.
You should watch it, unless you don't want to offend your own lying eyes.
The first rule of election theft is do not videotape yourself committing the crime of election theft.

You see proof of fraud, while try as I might, I can't tell what anyone is doing in that quad screen video.
What the American people saw in November is anyone’s guess. What is obvious to any reasonable observer is that the government had had enough of Donald Trump and his attempt to return constitutional control of the government to the people. When any organization exists for its own sake it does not take kindly to any outside force that tries to regulate it by weakening its power.

Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 threw the US government into chaos because it had taken for granted that the people had been satisfactorily conditioned to submit to an oligarchy of socialist academics and political plutocracy that had subverted the intent of American representative democracy supplanting it with manipulated discord between groups.

Racism, particularly black-white racism has been a gold mine for the US government since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society. But the government had a problem. Great strides against racism had occurred and power was in the balance especially with trump awakening a reality among many in African American society that they could succeed on their own without government. Nor long after Trump’s administration got underway Colin Kaepernick began using the NFL to promote the government’s position that it alone could solve Black inequality because Blacks were incapable of achieving equality without government.

The George Floyd incident was the embodiment of Rom Emanuel’s famous statement about never letting a serious crisis go to waste when you can use it to undermine opposition. Kaepernick killed two birds with one stone when he overcame a failed NFL career and became a useful idiot of the US government. Trump was flagged as not just a Russian spy but a rabid racist. Everyone saw this unfold in real time. Unfortunately for the government it was not enough, and Trump was on track for re-election.

That is when China unleashed Coronavirus and the Government was able to use its control of the US Postal Service to fabricate a fraudulent election under the guise of health concerns for voters. China had been bribing aristocrats in American government for decades and secured control of America’s pharmaceutical industry leaving the US in a severely vulnerable position to hold China responsible for Covid-19.

The government simply selected Joe Biden to replace Trump without even a campaign because with China’s aid it was a cake walk. Whether Americans sit still for this remains to be seen. Let us hope they do not.

To understand why Joe was installed, you need to look no furthur where his 'Build Back Better' slogan originated. It was a globalist initiative in 2009 at the U.N. with Marxist undertones.

True story.
Laughing is the only appropriate response. Donald Trump had a strong lead when the counting stopped
Counting did not "stop" until all votes were counted - and repeatedly re-counted where challenged. Denying millions of Americans the right to vote was never an option. After counts and re-counts were completed, the results were certified by Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and other election officials, and challenges to those certifications dismissed as meritless by Republican judges in case after case, right up to Trump appointees on the Supreme Court.

Cult ninnies are in a tizzy over the democratic verdict, but, as noted, it is entirely reasonable that someone that loses the popular vote when elected, is assigned consistent disapproval throughout his tenure, and sees public disapprobation registered in a midterm election, will be disposed of as soon as the People are given the opportunity.

Crackpot conspiracies are not needed to explain the expected outcome of the safe and secure election.
What the American people saw in November is anyone’s guess. What is obvious to any reasonable observer is that the government had had enough of Donald Trump and his attempt to return constitutional control of the government to the people. When any organization exists for its own sake it does not take kindly to any outside force that tries to regulate it by weakening its power.

Donald Trump’s surprise election in 2016 threw the US government into chaos because it had taken for granted that the people had been satisfactorily conditioned to submit to an oligarchy of socialist academics and political plutocracy that had subverted the intent of American representative democracy supplanting it with manipulated discord between groups.

Racism, particularly black-white racism has been a gold mine for the US government since Lyndon Johnson’s Great society. But the government had a problem. Great strides against racism had occurred and power was in the balance especially with trump awakening a reality among many in African American society that they could succeed on their own without government. Nor long after Trump’s administration got underway Colin Kaepernick began using the NFL to promote the government’s position that it alone could solve Black inequality because Blacks were incapable of achieving equality without government.

The George Floyd incident was the embodiment of Rom Emanuel’s famous statement about never letting a serious crisis go to waste when you can use it to undermine opposition. Kaepernick killed two birds with one stone when he overcame a failed NFL career and became a useful idiot of the US government. Trump was flagged as not just a Russian spy but a rabid racist. Everyone saw this unfold in real time. Unfortunately for the government it was not enough, and Trump was on track for re-election.

That is when China unleashed Coronavirus and the Government was able to use its control of the US Postal Service to fabricate a fraudulent election under the guise of health concerns for voters. China had been bribing aristocrats in American government for decades and secured control of America’s pharmaceutical industry leaving the US in a severely vulnerable position to hold China responsible for Covid-19.

The government simply selected Joe Biden to replace Trump without even a campaign because with China’s aid it was a cake walk. Whether Americans sit still for this remains to be seen. Let us hope they do not.

Wrong.....they selected biden in the democrat party because he was mentally challenged but had an easily concealable record, vs. the other insane democrats who were running. Add to that they knew they were going to use the Chinese flu to steal the election......and they had the puppet they wanted.
... the government had had enough of Donald Trump...
"The government" did not vote.

In fact, it was the American People who had had enough of the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer, as they had consistently indicated in survey after survey ever since he took office with 2.9 million fewer votes than his opponent. The 2018 midterms were an irrefutable commentary on his regime.

That seven million more would vote for his opponent in 2020 should be a surprise to no one. He was relentlessly unpopular.

You can't possibly believe the American people elected Biden/Harris on the up and up. There is far too much evidence to the contrary and I refuse to believe that the American people have been dumbed down enough to be that stupid and naive. If so, our country isn't going to be around much longer as we know it. The "fundamental" change that Obama talked about will destroy the US and we will no longer be the world's economic and military superpower.

All of the fake complaints they had about the U.S....? China will be the real deal......
... the government had had enough of Donald Trump...
"The government" did not vote.

In fact, it was the American People who had had enough of the failed casino operator and faded reality-tv performer, as they had consistently indicated in survey after survey ever since he took office with 2.9 million fewer votes than his opponent. The 2018 midterms were an irrefutable commentary on his regime, and an undeniable prelude to 2020.

That seven million more would vote for his opponent in 2020 should be a surprise to no one. He was relentlessly unpopular.

Elaborate, outlandish, convoluted contrivances involving vast, nefarious conspiracies are extremely silly. Occam's Razor dictates the obvious: he lost because millions more American voted against him than for him.

Another fucking retard.
Did you watch the video. Or just look at that one picture?
I watched the whole thing the last time that someone (you?) posted it. I scanned through it this time to determine if it was the same video. It is, and it doesn't show anything coherent.
Counting did not "stop" until all votes were counted
In State Farm Arena workers and observers were sent home on election night due to a "broken water pipe"
that didn't actually exist. Stop showing your partisan fed willful misstatements of fact.
Google the so called broken water pipe if you want.

Of course not ALL workers left the building. Five female election workers were still feeding votes for Biden
through the Dominion vote stealing machine over and over again for the next three hours.
Video of the steal exists and I watched it yesterday. Rudy Giuliani speaking to Georgia state legislators
showed the video. Stop the Big Lie.
I watched the whole thing the last time that someone (you?) posted it. I scanned through it this time to determine if it was the same video. It is, and it doesn't show anything coherent.
Did you actually listen to the commentary of people that were there?
Look, no one can hold you by the paw and make you understand something you wish to deny.
It's there for anyone honestly wishing to understand.
Counting did not "stop" until all votes were counted
In State Farm Arena workers and observers were sent home on election night due to a "broken water pipe"
that didn't actually exist. Stop showing your partisan fed willful misstatements of fact.
Google the so called broken water pipe if you want.

Of course not ALL workers left the building. Five female election workers were still feeding votes for Biden
through the Dominion vote stealing machine over and over again for the next three hours.
Video of the steal exists and I watched it yesterday. Rudy Giuliani speaking to Georgia state legislators
showed the video. Stop the Big Lie.

It is hard to penetrate a cult like they have.

Here is video - our leaders told us you would have video.
Here are laws unlawfully changed or ignored. - our leaders told us you would claim that.
The voting machines were connected to the internet, incongruous with accepted practice. - no they weren't, our leaders told us that you would say this.
There is video of it - our leaders told us you would have video.

Stepford Citizens.
I watched the whole thing the last time that someone (you?) posted it. I scanned through it this time to determine if it was the same video. It is, and it doesn't show anything coherent.
Did you actually listen to the commentary of people that were there?
Look, no one can hold you by the paw and make you understand something you wish to deny.
It's there for anyone honestly wishing to understand.
I didn't listen to the commentaries that were probably provided under plenty of perjury. I've been looking for election fraud evidence. I need to see it, not listen to liars.
I watched the whole thing the last time that someone (you?) posted it. I scanned through it this time to determine if it was the same video. It is, and it doesn't show anything coherent.
Did you actually listen to the commentary of people that were there?
Look, no one can hold you by the paw and make you understand something you wish to deny.
It's there for anyone honestly wishing to understand.
I didn't listen to the commentaries that were probably provided under plenty of perjury. I've been looking for election fraud evidence. I need to see it, not listen to liars.

Where have you been looking?
Laughing is the only appropriate response. Donald Trump had a strong lead when the counting stopped
Counting did not "stop" until all votes were counted - and repeatedly re-counted where challenged. Denying millions of Americans the right to vote was never an option. After counts and re-counts were completed, the results were certified by Republican governors, secretaries of state, attorneys general, and other election officials, and challenges to those certifications dismissed as meritless by Republican judges in case after case, right up to Trump appointees on the Supreme Court.

Cult ninnies are in a tizzy over the democratic verdict, but, as noted, it is entirely reasonable that someone that loses the popular vote when elected, is assigned consistent disapproval throughout his tenure, and sees public disapprobation registered in a midterm election, will be disposed of as soon as the People are given the opportunity.

Crackpot conspiracies are not needed to explain the expected outcome of the safe and secure election.

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