How are Californians so stupid? Hundreds missing in wildfires.

:lol: California envy. :lol:

Ya think? How many spring runs are in CA?

Name all there are and get back with me, because I know all about where I am.

Here is a bit nicer, and we have crawdaddies and fish to catch, too.
We have been all over the United States and many places have areas like the mountains where I grew up but few where you can stay there and catch crawdads and fish, pan gold, or visit the snow areas or water falls. One can go to the beach on a day trip or out to the desert to see all of the turtles that come out after the rains and still have plenty of time for enjoying either one. California is unique. It is shame what has been done to my home state through mismanagement, greed and druggies :cry:


again, it has the sixth largest economy in the world.

mismanagement? greed? as opposed to Kentucky and Wisconsin?
Yes mismanagement. The crime and slime is all over California but more in Southern California than in Northern portions but they are even catching up in the North plus it has a ton debt and unfunded liabilities.

State of California Debt Clock

California’s Total State and Local Debt Totals $1.3 Trillion | California Policy Center

you should probably pick sources that aren't know for rightwingnuttery

You should probably figgur out CA is in debt up to its eyeballs, no chance of making next year's budget.
Ya think? How many spring runs are in CA?

Name all there are and get back with me, because I know all about where I am.

Here is a bit nicer, and we have crawdaddies and fish to catch, too.
We have been all over the United States and many places have areas like the mountains where I grew up but few where you can stay there and catch crawdads and fish, pan gold, or visit the snow areas or water falls. One can go to the beach on a day trip or out to the desert to see all of the turtles that come out after the rains and still have plenty of time for enjoying either one. California is unique. It is shame what has been done to my home state through mismanagement, greed and druggies :cry:


again, it has the sixth largest economy in the world.

mismanagement? greed? as opposed to Kentucky and Wisconsin?
Yes mismanagement. The crime and slime is all over California but more in Southern California than in Northern portions but they are even catching up in the North plus it has a ton debt and unfunded liabilities.

State of California Debt Clock

California’s Total State and Local Debt Totals $1.3 Trillion | California Policy Center

you should probably pick sources that aren't know for rightwingnuttery

You should probably figgur out CA is in debt up to its eyeballs, no chance of making next year's budget.

again, sixth largest economy in the world....

how are the economies doing in Wisconsin and Kentucky and all of your other wing nut states?

besides, you clearly don't care about deficits or you wouldn't be ok with the orange lunatic's plans for your tax structure.
We have been all over the United States and many places have areas like the mountains where I grew up but few where you can stay there and catch crawdads and fish, pan gold, or visit the snow areas or water falls. One can go to the beach on a day trip or out to the desert to see all of the turtles that come out after the rains and still have plenty of time for enjoying either one. California is unique. It is shame what has been done to my home state through mismanagement, greed and druggies :cry:


again, it has the sixth largest economy in the world.

mismanagement? greed? as opposed to Kentucky and Wisconsin?
Yes mismanagement. The crime and slime is all over California but more in Southern California than in Northern portions but they are even catching up in the North plus it has a ton debt and unfunded liabilities.

State of California Debt Clock

California’s Total State and Local Debt Totals $1.3 Trillion | California Policy Center

you should probably pick sources that aren't know for rightwingnuttery

You should probably figgur out CA is in debt up to its eyeballs, no chance of making next year's budget.

again, sixth largest economy in the world....

how are the economies doing in Wisconsin and Kentucky and all of your other wing nut states?

besides, you clearly don't care about deficits or you wouldn't be ok with the orange lunatic's plans for your tax structure.
If you want to compare Kentucky and Wisconsin you will have to do the research as I have no plans on doing it for you and I haven't looked into their economy or stats. I doubt their cost of living is so high that the normal average Joe working class can't afford to live in a decent area though and I am sure they don't charge a property owner twenty grand to make a small plumbing repair on their house.
We have been all over the United States and many places have areas like the mountains where I grew up but few where you can stay there and catch crawdads and fish, pan gold, or visit the snow areas or water falls. One can go to the beach on a day trip or out to the desert to see all of the turtles that come out after the rains and still have plenty of time for enjoying either one. California is unique. It is shame what has been done to my home state through mismanagement, greed and druggies :cry:


again, it has the sixth largest economy in the world.

mismanagement? greed? as opposed to Kentucky and Wisconsin?
Yes mismanagement. The crime and slime is all over California but more in Southern California than in Northern portions but they are even catching up in the North plus it has a ton debt and unfunded liabilities.

State of California Debt Clock

California’s Total State and Local Debt Totals $1.3 Trillion | California Policy Center

you should probably pick sources that aren't know for rightwingnuttery

You should probably figgur out CA is in debt up to its eyeballs, no chance of making next year's budget.

again, sixth largest economy in the world....

how are the economies doing in Wisconsin and Kentucky and all of your other wing nut states?

besides, you clearly don't care about deficits or you wouldn't be ok with the orange lunatic's plans for your tax structure.

They are not going broke, you do know the unfunded pension bubble will burst one day in California right and you won't be able to print your way out of it..
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Pics from and to our house, then north and south on Clark Rd. Pretty, But scarey. Which is why we want back at the beach.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app

James and I used to run up to Paradise all the time. Beauty place. One year we went and the town was pissed and not gonna take it anymore. Looked like a million flyers with a pedophiles face and into on there.

And at the beach you might not burn up missy, but a shark might gnaw on your leg some!
Town was full of pedophiles? News to me. And I'm sorry, but the town was pissed? Your post doesn't make much sense. Can you rephrase?
Shark ain't gonna nibble my leg. I don't get in the water. Too cold. But I would if a fire was chasing my ass!
Born in Cali, will die in Cali. Always been central coast or valley. Familiar with southern and central cali east west south. Just not familiar with it north of Fresno. I'm starting to get to know it but it will take more than 8 months to know ALL of it. And, the health care cannot be beat. Unfortunately, there are bad rulers not all californians have control over once they get in office, nor even voted them into office. But we do the best we can with what we have.
At our ages, we want familiarity. That would be central coast. Pismo, Cayucos, Morro Bay, San Luis obispo, Cambria, Grover beach. But until we get back there to our "home", we are trying to learn up here. Hell, I don't even know which way Yuba City is yet. I know Redding is northwest. Oroville is south east. Chico is west. Nevada is east. "Home" is south. Weather up here, forest fires, local lakes and waterfalls and ponds and creeks....some I know, some not. But I DO know forest fires are like the ocean. They cannot be tamed and you never know what their plans are.

Stay away from Redding. It's a wasteland filled with pus filled boogeymen.
Town was full of pedophiles? News to me. And I'm sorry, but the town was pissed? Your post doesn't make much sense. Can you rephrase?
Shark ain't gonna nibble my leg. I don't get in the water. Too cold. But I would if a fire was chasing my ass!

Sorry. No, there was just one pedophile, but they didn't want him and were trying to harass him out of town.
It IS pretty up here. But the summers are awful. And I love trees, but..I never had to rake mountains of pine leaves and oak leaves every other day either. There can be such a thing as too many trees in yer yard :lol:.
That changed a policy of years of trying to knock down every fire as quickly as possible which resulted in the huge build up of the undergrowth.

How much have they changed that policy? I can't possibly imagine they have done a 180.
The grounds are very dry,

all the more reason to clear away dead fall

This is fire season after a long very hot summer... all of California looks like this with dry cover except for the watered areas..especially northern california

I can smell the smoke 2 hours south away from it. Sad..

so you know it is fire season

*yet* do nothing about it

only you can prevent forest fires



For instance , I live right next to the huge Santa Cruz mountains..Full of trees , they can clean up the foliage but the tress are very dry too.



get rid of a bunch of trees as well

or move away

California is a dry state

Is that like a dry county in Tennessee?

nope ya big dope --LOL
Ya think? How many spring runs are in CA?

Name all there are and get back with me, because I know all about where I am.

Here is a bit nicer, and we have crawdaddies and fish to catch, too.
We have been all over the United States and many places have areas like the mountains where I grew up but few where you can stay there and catch crawdads and fish, pan gold, or visit the snow areas or water falls. One can go to the beach on a day trip or out to the desert to see all of the turtles that come out after the rains and still have plenty of time for enjoying either one. California is unique. It is shame what has been done to my home state through mismanagement, greed and druggies :cry:


again, it has the sixth largest economy in the world.

mismanagement? greed? as opposed to Kentucky and Wisconsin?
Yes mismanagement. The crime and slime is all over California but more in Southern California than in Northern portions but they are even catching up in the North plus it has a ton debt and unfunded liabilities.

State of California Debt Clock

California’s Total State and Local Debt Totals $1.3 Trillion | California Policy Center
And how's the economy doing compared to other states?
Depends on which state you would want to compare. If you compare average incomes per capita and cost of living California would rank pretty low as the incomes are very low when you consider the cost of living. Groceries are much higher there and so are housing cost. The crime has gotten so bad the majority of my family moved out of California, even the hanger ons moved in the last few years as the gun fire (from the gangs) all night long became unbearable for them and they lived in the higher end foothill areas.

A five thousand dollar job to do a plumbing repair cost an extra twenty thousand permit just to get started on your own property even.


i had a lawn mower once

that i replaced the spark plug

took it in to the local hardware store

none of the numbers matched up

when we looked up the number on the plug it turned out to

be a California compliant spark plug costing about 3 times as much

as regular plug from here

California fires: At least 23 dead as hundreds reported missing - CNN

The whole world has been watching these fires for DAYS. How can you not know it's time to GET THE FUCK OUT when you're only miles from the fires. Meanwhile I'm sitting in the heartland and even I know if you're near that shit it's time to go.

I don't mean to seem insensitive but WTF??? These deaths are just mind bogglingly senseless to me.
I always suspected you were an idiot. Now I know for sure.

How fast do you think a fire can spread with 50 mile per hour winds during a drought. Think about it. 50 mile an hour winds?
California fires: At least 23 dead as hundreds reported missing - CNN

The whole world has been watching these fires for DAYS. How can you not know it's time to GET THE FUCK OUT when you're only miles from the fires. Meanwhile I'm sitting in the heartland and even I know if you're near that shit it's time to go.

I don't mean to seem insensitive but WTF??? These deaths are just mind bogglingly senseless to me.
Have you ever seen a Santa Ana wind driven firestorm? If not, you really don't know how fast they move. Plus, they jump....sometimes miles.
I have heard. I'm not a Californian and I would know to leave.

When we get tornadoes in our area I always send my pets & grandkids to the basement even if it is miles away. I don't need to see it across the street to know the danger it poses & how unpredictable it can be.
Yea, because it's easy to go into the basement when there is a fire.


It's called cooking in a pit.
I knew it! No fire cuts!

Oh! You can't cut a line in a patch of trees! (Say the tree huggers)

So the whole damn thing burns.


I cut 2 tons of tree today. It didn't cry, it thanked me.

Fire breaks do exist, but they are used to delineate corporate owned forest sections in general. The biggest problem is the environmentalists not allowing deadfall to be cleared away. The whole forest now is one giant powder keg just waiting for a spark. It is not the fault of the people who live there, but I do place a great deal of the fault with the environmentalists who through ignorance will cause the forest to be incinerated instead of going through the normal forest floor burns that were part and parcel of forest life for millenia.

The Forest Service makes fire breaks in National forests- as does the BLM.

Yes. But not many of them. Nor does it truly matter. Fire breaks wouldn't have any measurable effect with the fires we get these days. There is simply too much fuel load on the ground.

Absolutely depends on the terrain and the weather.

There is too much fuel load on the ground- which is why the BLM and Forest Service have a policy of letting fires burn if they don't threaten structures- to get rid of the fuel load.

That changed a policy of years of trying to knock down every fire as quickly as possible which resulted in the huge build up of the undergrowth.

Yeah, I know. I have National Forest out my back door. I deal with them all of the time.

Of course what the National Forest Service does- or does not do- has almost no relevance to the current fires in California.

Without checking the map- from my personal knowledge- the fires in Sonoma and Napa county have mostly been on private land- there are a couple large state parks and some smaller parks within the region- but almost exclusively private lands. One of the fires in Napa is moving east towards Lake Berryessa and I think that there is some federal land there- but the fires are only moving into that area now.
California fires: At least 23 dead as hundreds reported missing - CNN

The whole world has been watching these fires for DAYS. How can you not know it's time to GET THE FUCK OUT when you're only miles from the fires. Meanwhile I'm sitting in the heartland and even I know if you're near that shit it's time to go.

I don't mean to seem insensitive but WTF??? These deaths are just mind bogglingly senseless to me.
Have you ever seen a Santa Ana wind driven firestorm? If not, you really don't know how fast they move. Plus, they jump....sometimes miles.

Q Bodey: Do they make fire cuts in the forest in CA?

I find it incredibly hard to believe fire jumps miles. Seriously.
Most of the fires here aren't even "forests"...they are chapparel and scrub brush. People are told to clear and plant ice plant.....but sometimes, like in Santa Rosa....ain't nothing gonna stop it.

Yeah- most of those commenting here have no clue what the vegetation and terrain are like up there. Lots of very steep terrain- probably 2/3's chapparel and about 1/3 forested- mostly depends on which direction the slope faces. Fire roads are cut through most of the private and public land, but there are incredibly steep sloops through much of that area that cannot be cut with dozers- so owners usually don't cut fire breaks on the slopes but on the ridges or flats.
Town was full of pedophiles? News to me. And I'm sorry, but the town was pissed? Your post doesn't make much sense. Can you rephrase?
Shark ain't gonna nibble my leg. I don't get in the water. Too cold. But I would if a fire was chasing my ass!

Hear about that elderly couple that spent six hours submerged in a swimming pool as the fire burnt down the houses around them? The woman left her cell phone at the edge of the pool and it was melted when they got out
Have you ever seen a Santa Ana wind driven firestorm? If not, you really don't know how fast they move. Plus, they jump....sometimes miles.
I have heard. I'm not a Californian and I would know to leave.

When we get tornadoes in our area I always send my pets & grandkids to the basement even if it is miles away. I don't need to see it across the street to know the danger it poses & how unpredictable it can be.
So....the equivalent would be to have the entire state of Florida evacuate when the hurricanes were coming.....they didn't even do that for Irma.
Why do people need to be told to evacuate? You can assess the danger and make a wise decision on your own no?
Why do people need to be told to evacuate? You can assess the danger and make a wise decision on your own no?
And how are you going to do that when the smoke is so thick you can't see 10 feet and the fire creating the smoke is moving at 40 mph and jumping miles to start new fires?
Call me retarded but I would have left long before that. I never understood the type of people who think they're going to challenge mother nature. Dumbasses

I would call you retarded, but that would be an insult to retarded people.

You are willfully ignorant- and pretty much just being an asshole.

You have been told over and over about the nature of this fire- and how the majority of the people who were killed had no warning- but you keep talking as if you haven't learned a thing.

Because you haven't.

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