How Atheists Destroyed the World

I have many different copies of the Bible. There was a time when I too, searched for Eldorado. Most of my books are still packed. But if it's in the apocrypha, or one of the major sects bibles then yeah. I've probably got here somewhere. I have 20 some odd different versions. That alone ought to tell someone how malleable the Christian faith is...
Typical of the modern "buffet" Christian. Now a days most just pick and choose which parts to follow, which parts to believe; and then go on tirades trying to explain why the way that they do it, is the "correct" way. Lol...
Buffet? Does your Bible have the Book of Jasher in it? Try to be honest in your answer.
However Jasher being in it, or not has no bearing on my statement. Modern Christians take the "buffet" approach to Christianity.
Reading the Book of Jasher, I see the similarities of today in which Jesus Warned, "as it was in the Days of Noah, so shall it be when the son of Man Comes."

And all the sons of men that were left upon the earth, became exhausted through evil on account of the rain, for the waters were coming more violently upon the earth, and the animals and beasts were still surrounding the ark.

17 And the sons of men assembled together, about seven hundred thousand men and women, and they came unto Noah to the ark.

18 And they called to Noah, saying, Open for us that we may come to thee in the ark--and wherefore shall we die?

19 And Noah, with a loud voice, answered them from the ark, saying, Have you not all rebelled against the Lord, and said that he does not exist? and therefore the Lord brought upon you this evil, to destroy and cut you off from the face of the earth.

20 Is not this the thing that I spoke to you of one hundred and twenty years back, and you would not hearken to the voice of the Lord, and now do you desire to live upon earth?
1) The Book of Jasher isn't part of the canonized Bible. If you want to bring in non-canonized Bible books, why not the Gnostic Bible?

2) I think you were misinterpreting Matthew 24:37-39. Is God all-loving, all-knowing and all-merciful or not, in your opinion?

From (sorry, it's a bit long)
" Also known as the “Book of the Upright One” in the Greek Septuagint and the “Book of the Just Ones” in the Latin Vulgate, the Book of Jasher was probably a collection or compilation of ancient Hebrew songs and poems praising the heroes of Israel and their exploits in battle. The Book of Jasher is mentioned in Joshua 10:12-13 when the Lord stopped the sun in the middle of the day during the battle of Beth Horon. It is also mentioned in 2 Samuel 1:18-27 as containing the Song or Lament of the Bow, that mournful funeral song which David composed at the time of the death of Saul and Jonathan.

The question is, if the Book of Jasher is mentioned in the Bible, why was it left out of the canon of Scripture? We know that God directed the authors of the Scriptures to use passages from many and various extra-biblical sources in composing His Word. The passage recorded in Joshua 10:13 is a good example. In recording this battle, Joshua included passages from the Book of Jasher not because it was his only source of what occurred; rather, he was stating, in effect, “If you don’t believe what I’m saying, then go read it in the Book of Jasher. Even that book has a record of this event.”

There are other Hebrew works that are mentioned in the Bible that God directed the authors to use. Some of these include the Book of the Wars of the Lord (Numbers 21:14), the Book of Samuel the Seer, the Book of Nathan the Prophet, and the Book of Gad the Seer (1 Chronicles 29:29). Also, there are the Acts of Rehoboam and the Chronicles of the Kings of Judah (1 Kings 14:29). We also know that Solomon composed more than a thousand songs (1 Kings 4:32), yet only two are preserved in the book of Psalms (72 and 127). Writing under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit in the New Testament, Paul included a quotation from the Cretan poet Epimenides (Titus 1:12) and quoted from the poets Epimenides and Aratus in his speech at Athens (Acts 17:28).

The point is that the divine Author of the Bible used materials chosen from many different sources, fitting them into His grand design for the Scriptures. We must understand that history as recorded in the Bible did not occur in isolation. The people mentioned in the Bible interacted with other people. For example, though the Bible is clear that there is only one God, the Bible mentions a number of the gods people worshipped both within Israel and in the nations around. Similarly, as in Acts 17:28 and Titus 1:12, we sometimes find secular writers being quoted. This doesn't mean that these quoted writers were inspired. It simply means they happened to say something that was useful in making a point.

There is a book called “The Book of Jasher” today, although it is not the same book as mentioned in the Old Testament. It is an eighteenth-century forgery that alleges to be a translation of the “lost” Book of Jasher by Alcuin, an eighth-century English scholar. There is also a more recent book titled “The Book of Jashar” by science fiction and fantasy writer Benjamin Rosenbaum. This book is a complete work of fiction.

Another book by this same name, called by many “Pseudo-Jasher,” while written in Hebrew, is also not the “Book of Jasher” mentioned in Scripture. It is a book of Jewish legends from the creation to the conquest of Canaan under Joshua, but scholars hold that it did not exist before A.D. 1625. In addition, there are several other theological works by Jewish rabbis and scholars called “Sefer ha Yashar,” but none of these claim to be the original Book of Jasher.

In the end, we must conclude that the Book of Jasher mentioned in the Bible was lost and has not survived to modern times. All we really know about it is found in the two Scripture quotations mentioned earlier. The other books by that title are mere fictions or Jewish moral treatises."

I was thinking about this the other day. If God isn't going to destroy the earth by water as He promised, then it probably is by fire. What else would cause the most total destruction? Everything will be carbon residue. The thinking is man today has eliminated the supernatural, i.e. God, using that which Christians created -- science. It only took around 1600 years for Noah's Flood, so I figure it's not going to be another millennium before the beginning of the end.
I seem to have upset atheists and ala carte "Christians" who reject their role in the destruction of civilization.

In the end, all that matters are these words of the prophet Noah:
And Noah .... answered them from the ark, saying,Have you not all rebelled against the Lord, and said that he does not exist?
....The thinking is man today has eliminated the supernatural, i.e. God, using that which Christians created -- science. It only took around 1600 years for Noah's Flood, so I figure it's not going to be another millennium before the beginning of the end.
An interesting post and far too long for me to comment upon point-for-point, so I'll just comment on the one quoted:

Man cannot eliminate "the supernatural" if, for no other reason, it's supernatural: outside the natural universe.

Science is a tool, a method for understanding our natural universe. If God created the natural universe, the God also created all the laws within it. Since science is the study of those laws, science, IMO, is the study of the divine.

Lastly, I'm not a Bible literalist. A bunch of men sat around a table in 325AD and cherry-picked out of the hundreds of Christian religious texts which direction they wanted "the Church" to go. Religion is a tool, like science, but for giving greater understanding to our spiritual selves. It's not an end to itself. Only spiritually "retarded" believe their religion is the only path to spiritual awakeness, the only path to God.
I seem to have upset atheists and ala carte "Christians" who reject their role in the destruction of civilization.

In the end, all that matters are these words of the prophet Noah:
And Noah .... answered them from the ark, saying,Have you not all rebelled against the Lord, and said that he does not exist?
No doubt you are legend in your own mind. ;)
Lastly, I'm not a Bible literalist. A bunch of men sat around a table in 325AD and cherry-picked out of the hundreds of Christian religious texts which direction they wanted "the Church" to go. Religion is a tool, like science, but for giving greater understanding to our spiritual selves. It's not an end to itself. Only spiritually "retarded" believe their religion is the only path to spiritual awakeness, the only path to God.

There are better people, i.e. Biblical or church experts, to explain what happened in 325 AD than I. It is a very important part. The big thing I got out of it was The Trinity. As for being literal, there are people who take it to the n-th degree and make it too extreme. I think the Bible is what you see is what you get. What the majority of people get when they first read and understand it is the probably the correct interpretation. Creation science is founded on the Bible and while science should be able to stand on its own, it isn't wrong to base it on the Bible. In fact, it's the correct way. However, by the nature of science we can't just say the source is the Bible. We have to demonstrate it in other ways. Today's science will not accept the Bible nor accept a God theory. It will not be peer-reviewed and thus has been eliminated to the sole realm of creation scientists to peer-review..
The claim that Stalin and Mao were examples of murderous 'atheists' is a fallacy. They did not commit their acts in the name of no god. It wasn't what drove them. All the murders and genocides committed by theists WERE committed in the name of their god.
The claim that Stalin and Mao were examples of murderous 'atheists' is a fallacy. They did not commit their acts in the name of no god. It wasn't what drove them. All the murders and genocides committed by theists WERE committed in the name of their god.
Exactly what all militant atheists proclaim. Militant Christians denounce back-shooting anti-abortionists too then turn right around and start preaching how bad abortionists are without ever taking responsibility for what they are preaching. You know, just like you.
Spanish inquisition
Salem witch trials
Dark ages

Oh those atheists.
The claim that Stalin and Mao were examples of murderous 'atheists' is a fallacy. They did not commit their acts in the name of no god. It wasn't what drove them. All the murders and genocides committed by theists WERE committed in the name of their god.
Exactly what all militant atheists proclaim. Militant Christians denounce back-shooting anti-abortionists too then turn right around and start preaching how bad abortionists are without ever taking responsibility for what they are preaching. You know, just like you.

Your analogy fails. There is a tendency these days for people to immediately jump to the false equivalency to try to support whatever it is they are pushing. Just saying it doesn't make it so.
Your analogy fails. There is a tendency these days for people to immediately jump to the false equivalency to try to support whatever it is they are pushing. Just saying it doesn't make it so.
An expected response from the standard militant atheists.

What you forget, my militant atheist, is that I have no more love for you than I do militant theists. I consider both groups to be assholish, domineering and groups who seek to dominate human rights. My answer to both groups is a big "FUCK YOU!"

Fortunately, most human beings are not like you and your assholish counterparts. Most human beings are too busy minding their own business to fuck with the business of others.
Your analogy fails. There is a tendency these days for people to immediately jump to the false equivalency to try to support whatever it is they are pushing. Just saying it doesn't make it so.
An expected response from the standard militant atheists.

What you forget, my militant atheist, is that I have no more love for you than I do militant theists. I consider both groups to be assholish, domineering and groups who seek to dominate human rights. My answer to both groups is a big "FUCK YOU!"

Fortunately, most human beings are not like you and your assholish counterparts. Most human beings are too busy minding their own business to fuck with the business of others.

You are an Angriest. Negative memes are just lines up like a Rolodex in your head and they pop up on their own in the true fashion of the automoton.
The claim that Stalin and Mao were examples of murderous 'atheists' is a fallacy. They did not commit their acts in the name of no god. It wasn't what drove them. All the murders and genocides committed by theists WERE committed in the name of their god.
It's what happens when Man believes there is no greater authority than himself. So yes, Godless Atheism is at the root of Godvernment violence.
You are an Angriest. Negative memes are just lines up like a Rolodex in your head and they pop up on their own in the true fashion of the automoton.
"Angriest"? LOL Jesus Fucking Christ! How old are you? Seriously. How old are you?

I'm guessing early 20s. Maybe teens. Money bets, anyone? I need proof before payoffs.
The claim that Stalin and Mao were examples of murderous 'atheists' is a fallacy. They did not commit their acts in the name of no god. It wasn't what drove them. All the murders and genocides committed by theists WERE committed in the name of their god.
It's what happens when Man believes there is no greater authority than himself. So yes, Godless Atheism is at the root of Godvernment violence.
Religious assholes are no better than fucking atheist assholes. Both are against God and all about dominating others. Fuck all of them.
Religious assholes are no better than fucking atheist assholes. Both are against God and all about dominating others. Fuck all of them.
You worship God with that mouth?

You would have rejected Noah's warning too. You too would have perished
You worship God with that mouth?

You would have rejected Noah's warning too. You too would have perished
God and I have a special understanding. I died once and was sent back. My understanding was that I need to live more. If I fuck up, I expect to be punished. My fervent belief is that God is all loving, all knowing and all merciful. You obviously want to limit God to being as big a fucking asshole as you are. Your choice. Let God judge.
20 Is not this the thing that I spoke to you of one hundred and twenty years back, and you would not hearken to the voice of the Lord, and now do you desire to live upon earth?
So those people, people so evil that God determined to wipe them all out, lived to be over 120 years old. Or was he talking to the descendants of the original group?

If the former, why does no one live so long today? As bad as they were, did God like them more than us?

If the later, wasn't God punishing the innocent, including children too young to understand?

What about people who lived in China or the Americas that never heard Noah, were they evil too?
So those people, people so evil that God determined to wipe them all out, lived to be over 120 years old. Or was he talking to the descendants of the original group?
He let the godly ones die of old age before cleansing the world.
There is no answer as to why humans lived as long as they did, but the life expectancy decreased over time until in king David's day, it was 70.

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