How Atheists Destroyed the World

The claim that Stalin and Mao were examples of murderous 'atheists' is a fallacy. They did not commit their acts in the name of no god. It wasn't what drove them. All the murders and genocides committed by theists WERE committed in the name of their god.

Non-sequitur. Stupendous ignorance and denial ha ha.

Atheism leads to communism. That's how it goes with liberalism. The thinking goes if there isn't a God, then there is no one to judge me. Atheists and evolutionists are already on the path to hell, i.e. the wrong path. You are a good example of one who is usually wrong.

In a nutshell,

"Karl Marx said, "Religion is the opium of the people". Marx also stated: "Communism begins from the outset with atheism, but atheism is at first far from being communism; indeed, that atheism is still mostly an abstraction."

Vladimir Lenin similarly wrote regarding atheism and communism: "A Marxist must be a materialist, i. e., an enemy of religion, but a dialectical materialist, i. e., one who treats the struggle against religion not in an abstract way, not on the basis of remote, purely theoretical, never varying preaching, but in a concrete way, on the basis of the class struggle which is going on in practice and is educating the masses more and better than anything else could."

Friedrich Engels wrote of atheistic evolutionism and communism: "Just as Darwin discovered the law of development of organic nature, so Marx discovered law of development of human history."

In 1955, Chinese communist leader Zhou Enlai declared, "We Communists are atheists". In 2014, the Communist Party of China reaffirmed that members of their party must be atheists.

In 2016, the International Business Times reported:

“ A senior Chinese advisor on religious affairs has said the country should promote atheism throughout society, in remarks that appear to reflect a deepening campaign to reinforce traditional Marxist values in China — and could add to concern about official attitudes among believers in the country’s five officially recognized religions.[7]
There is growing persecution of Christians by the Chinese government."


"According to the University of Cambridge, historically, the "most notable spread of atheism was achieved through the success of the 1917 Russian Revolution, which brought the Marxist-Leninists to power."
Reading the Book of Jasher, I see the similarities of today in which Jesus Warned, "as it was in the Days of Noah, so shall it be when the son of Man Comes."

And all the sons of men that were left upon the earth, became exhausted through evil on account of the rain, for the waters were coming more violently upon the earth, and the animals and beasts were still surrounding the ark.

17 And the sons of men assembled together, about seven hundred thousand men and women, and they came unto Noah to the ark.

18 And they called to Noah, saying, Open for us that we may come to thee in the ark--and wherefore shall we die?

19 And Noah, with a loud voice, answered them from the ark, saying, Have you not all rebelled against the Lord, and said that he does not exist? and therefore the Lord brought upon you this evil, to destroy and cut you off from the face of the earth.

20 Is not this the thing that I spoke to you of one hundred and twenty years back, and you would not hearken to the voice of the Lord, and now do you desire to live upon earth?
Notice 4 atheistic God Haters LAUGHED at the MILLIONS who died in the Flood. Even if you don't believe it happened, you LAUGHED.

Its why something really bad is about to come to you and your children.

The laughing will end then, but utll be too late for you and your children and your country.
The claim that Stalin and Mao were examples of murderous 'atheists' is a fallacy. They did not commit their acts in the name of no god. It wasn't what drove them. All the murders and genocides committed by theists WERE committed in the name of their god.

Non-sequitur. Stupendous ignorance and denial ha ha.

Atheism leads to communism. That's how it goes with liberalism. The thinking goes if there isn't a God, then there is no one to judge me. Atheists and evolutionists are already on the path to hell, i.e. the wrong path. You are a good example of one who is usually wrong.

In a nutshell,

"Karl Marx said, "Religion is the opium of the people". Marx also stated: "Communism begins from the outset with atheism, but atheism is at first far from being communism; indeed, that atheism is still mostly an abstraction."

Vladimir Lenin similarly wrote regarding atheism and communism: "A Marxist must be a materialist, i. e., an enemy of religion, but a dialectical materialist, i. e., one who treats the struggle against religion not in an abstract way, not on the basis of remote, purely theoretical, never varying preaching, but in a concrete way, on the basis of the class struggle which is going on in practice and is educating the masses more and better than anything else could."

Friedrich Engels wrote of atheistic evolutionism and communism: "Just as Darwin discovered the law of development of organic nature, so Marx discovered law of development of human history."

In 1955, Chinese communist leader Zhou Enlai declared, "We Communists are atheists". In 2014, the Communist Party of China reaffirmed that members of their party must be atheists.

In 2016, the International Business Times reported:

“ A senior Chinese advisor on religious affairs has said the country should promote atheism throughout society, in remarks that appear to reflect a deepening campaign to reinforce traditional Marxist values in China — and could add to concern about official attitudes among believers in the country’s five officially recognized religions.[7]
There is growing persecution of Christians by the Chinese government."


"According to the University of Cambridge, historically, the "most notable spread of atheism was achieved through the success of the 1917 Russian Revolution, which brought the Marxist-Leninists to power."

You link the two in your mind because it makes you feel good to do so. You didn't refute what I said but that's ok, you still feel good about your muddy view of the world.

The murderous acts of Christians were nearly all committed in the name of their god. There are no atheists who committed these acts in the name of their atheism. You weak attempt to link these things by innuendo fails. By your way of 'connecting' things all Christians today are murderers because of the losers that killed abortion doctors.

Wallow in your muddy sty.
By your way of 'connecting' things all Christians today are murderers because of the losers that killed abortion doctors.
And all God Haters ARE responsible for the deaths of 60 million American babies.
So 3% of the US population are responsible for the deaths of 60 million American babies? You might want to check your math there because it seems to me most of those deaths must be due to theists, not atheists.
He let the godly ones die of old age before cleansing the world.
There is no answer as to why humans lived as long as they did, but the life expectancy decreased over time until in king David's day, it was 70.
Prove it.

Secondly, it appears your god isn't the all knowing, all loving and all merciful God I know. Are you sure you're not a Satan worshiper?
And all God Haters ARE responsible for the deaths of 60 million American babies.
If this were true, then there'd be 60M charges of murder. Are you sure you're not a Satan worshiper spreading lies and hate? I think you are. Your username "Death Angel" is Satanic to me.
And this thread reveals WHY these Atheist's children will be worshipping Allah.

They're already at the door. You've squandered your freedom so you'll soon lose it.


Hmmmm those are no atheists.....they are your people......
And this thread reveals WHY these Atheist's children will be worshipping Allah.

They're already at the door. You've squandered your freedom so you'll soon lose it.

Allah can go fuck himself along with the rest of the Gods people worship...and you can go fuck yourself for trying to represent me as a human and what I will do with my life...
The claim that Stalin and Mao were examples of murderous 'atheists' is a fallacy. They did not commit their acts in the name of no god. It wasn't what drove them. All the murders and genocides committed by theists WERE committed in the name of their god.

Non-sequitur. Stupendous ignorance and denial ha ha.

Atheism leads to communism. That's how it goes with liberalism. The thinking goes if there isn't a God, then there is no one to judge me. Atheists and evolutionists are already on the path to hell, i.e. the wrong path. You are a good example of one who is usually wrong.

In a nutshell,

"Karl Marx said, "Religion is the opium of the people". Marx also stated: "Communism begins from the outset with atheism, but atheism is at first far from being communism; indeed, that atheism is still mostly an abstraction."

Vladimir Lenin similarly wrote regarding atheism and communism: "A Marxist must be a materialist, i. e., an enemy of religion, but a dialectical materialist, i. e., one who treats the struggle against religion not in an abstract way, not on the basis of remote, purely theoretical, never varying preaching, but in a concrete way, on the basis of the class struggle which is going on in practice and is educating the masses more and better than anything else could."

Friedrich Engels wrote of atheistic evolutionism and communism: "Just as Darwin discovered the law of development of organic nature, so Marx discovered law of development of human history."

In 1955, Chinese communist leader Zhou Enlai declared, "We Communists are atheists". In 2014, the Communist Party of China reaffirmed that members of their party must be atheists.

In 2016, the International Business Times reported:

“ A senior Chinese advisor on religious affairs has said the country should promote atheism throughout society, in remarks that appear to reflect a deepening campaign to reinforce traditional Marxist values in China — and could add to concern about official attitudes among believers in the country’s five officially recognized religions.[7]
There is growing persecution of Christians by the Chinese government."


"According to the University of Cambridge, historically, the "most notable spread of atheism was achieved through the success of the 1917 Russian Revolution, which brought the Marxist-Leninists to power."

You link the two in your mind because it makes you feel good to do so. You didn't refute what I said but that's ok, you still feel good about your muddy view of the world.

The murderous acts of Christians were nearly all committed in the name of their god. There are no atheists who committed these acts in the name of their atheism. You weak attempt to link these things by innuendo fails. By your way of 'connecting' things all Christians today are murderers because of the losers that killed abortion doctors.

Wallow in your muddy sty.

I disproved your claim that "Stalin and Mao were examples of murderous 'atheists' is a fallacy." They used atheism, which is a religion, in order to bring society to communism. Once that was done, then they had the power to kill as many as they wished for the good of the masses. Mao's program was called "The Great Leap Forward." As for your claims of Christianity commiting mass murder, torture and violence, the problem with this critique is that it exaggerates the crimes attributed to religion, while ignoring the greater crimes of atheistic fanaticism.

The best example of religious persecution in America is the Salem witch trials. A total of 25 were put to death by burning at the stake. Atheists like you rail against the misdeeds of the Crusaders and Inquisitors more than 500 years ago. You're wrong about the Crusades. The Crusades was not about religious persecution. It was about recapturing the Holy Lands from the pagans (Islamics) for the papacy. No wonder the liberals support Islam today ha ha. It was also about Middle Eastern riches and the sense of adventure of being a Crusader. It was European nationalism. The number sentenced to death by the Spanish Inquisition appears to be about 10,000. Some historians contend that an additional 100,000 died in jail due to malnutrition or illness. These figures are tragic, just the same, but are miniscule compared to the atheist tyrants who murdered over 100 million people.

Atheist leaders want their followers to believe that religion is bad and is the cause of mass murder. However, they deny atheism is a religion and avoid discussing that it leads to communism and extreme leftist politics which allow the leftist despots to commit mass murder.

It's a fact that the communist leaders used atheism and materialism; they admit as much. They will be using evolution next. Mao Zedong killed 45 million in four years and is the greatest mass murderer. .
And this thread reveals WHY these Atheist's children will be worshipping Allah.

They're already at the door. You've squandered your freedom so you'll soon lose it.

Allah can go fuck himself along with the rest of the Gods people worship...and you can go fuck yourself for trying to represent me as a human and what I will do with my life...


It's ignorant to lump all religions together. For someone like you, I give you the Jack Chick tract on Why Should I? ha ha -- Why Should I? .
And this thread reveals WHY these Atheist's children will be worshipping Allah.

They're already at the door. You've squandered your freedom so you'll soon lose it.

Allah can go fuck himself along with the rest of the Gods people worship...and you can go fuck yourself for trying to represent me as a human and what I will do with my life...


It's ignorant to lump all religions together. For someone like you, I give you the Jack Chick tract on Why Should I? ha ha -- Why Should I? .
It's a shortcut relying upon condemnation in a condensed version....Who cares what you need...
Just imagine.


He planned for Americans to become SIBJECTS under the boot of Russians, Chinese, Cubans! SLAVES IN OUR OWN LAND!

This is Atheistic Liberalism!

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