How Bad Are the Vaccines? House Dems: They're Trump's Fault

“The Trump administration pressured the Food and Drug Administration to authorize the first COVID-19 vaccines and unproven treatments for political purposes”
You really need to read that sentence over a few times. That doesn't say that the vaccines were ineffective.

Trump wanted the vaccines out before the election and he didn't want to wait for the clinical trials to be done. One of the unproven treatments mentioned in the OP is hydroxy. Trump was pushing that.
You really need to read that sentence over a few times. That doesn't say that the vaccines were ineffective.

Trump wanted the vaccines out before the election and he didn't want to wait for the clinical trials to be done. One of the unproven treatments mentioned in the OP is hydroxy. Trump was pushing that.
So what’s the BFD then? Trump pushed DC desk jockeys hard during a crisis that’s was killing millions?

Cry me a River. God Bless President Trump for pushing them hard then.
"No, I don't take responsibility at all." djt

Like this clown ^^^^^ ever takes responsibility for anything.

So what’s the BFD then? Trump pushed DC desk jockeys hard during a crisis that’s was killing millions?
Before the clinical trials were finished. He wanted them pushed for political reasons.

It still doesn’t say anything about vaccines being ineffective. If you weren’t an idiot, you would have realized that the first time.
We already know the vaccines don't work. They don't prevent illness. They only prevent "serious illness and death" for a short time.

Worse news is on the horizon. You've heard of "sudden adult death"? What do you think that might be?

Huh. Could be some House Dems are picking up the signals. Suddenly, it's Trump's fault!

The Trump administration pressured the Food and Drug Administration, including former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, to authorize unproven treatments for Covid-19 and the first Covid-19 vaccines on an accelerated timeline, according to a report released Wednesday by Democrats on the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.

Someone should explain why the vaccine, not made from a virus strain, doesn’t work against different variants? I thought it boosted the mRNA?

Did they lie? Hahaha
We already know the vaccines don't work. They don't prevent illness. They only prevent "serious illness and death" for a short time.

Worse news is on the horizon. You've heard of "sudden adult death"? What do you think that might be?

Huh. Could be some House Dems are picking up the signals. Suddenly, it's Trump's fault!

The Trump administration pressured the Food and Drug Administration, including former FDA Commissioner Stephen Hahn, to authorize unproven treatments for Covid-19 and the first Covid-19 vaccines on an accelerated timeline, according to a report released Wednesday by Democrats on the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.

An important point needs to be made here.

While Trump pushed hard to get a “vaccine” developed quickly and out into use against the COVID-1984 virus, and very likely caused some shortcuts to be taken that never should have been taken, as far as I know, he never advocated that anyone should be pressured into taking it without their freely-given and fully-informed consent. That would have been deeply unethical, and a violation of the Nuremberg Code. Trump never approached that line; it was the Democraps who eagerly rushed to cross that line as soon as they were able to do so. It was the Democraps who pushed all sorts of attempted mandates to illegally compel people to take these dangerous drugs, and even to cause thousands of people to be forced out of their jobs for refusing to take these drugs. It is the Democraps who crossed the lines that should never have been crossed, who committed serious crimes against the people, and who are now trying to deflect the blame for these crimes back at Donald Trump.
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It's called inference. You should try it sometime.

They can't make the simplest analogies or even read and study for themselves the manuscripts, journals etc that have been published on these injections. They believe everything the media and govt tell them. If govt tells them they need a booster every year, even though hundreds of thousands are dying every day due to this injection, they will not utter a word and flock to receive another injection.
Before the clinical trials were finished. He wanted them pushed for political reasons.

It still doesn’t say anything about vaccines being ineffective. If you weren’t an idiot, you would have realized that the first time.
And guess what?
The FDA agreed.

God Bless President Trump for getting the government off its fat ass during a crisis.
And guess what?
The FDA agreed.

God Bless President Trump for getting the government off its fat ass during a crisis.
Still doesn’t say anything about ineffective vaccines, dumbass.

I’m not sure why I need to be the one to explain this to you.

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