How Bad Have the Democrats Been Since Obama Was Elected?


Diamond Member
Sep 29, 2005
Outside of the White House, pretty bad.

After two presidential victories, Mr. Obama presides over a Democratic Party that has lost 13 seats in the U.S. Senate and 69 in the House during his tenure, a net loss unmatched by any modern U.S. president.

Democrats have also lost 11 governorships, four state attorneys general, 910 legislative seats, as well as the majorities in 30 state legislative chambers. In 23 states, Republicans control the governor’s office and the legislature; Democrats, only seven.​


Democratic Party Machinery Shows Rust - WSJ
California has gone full Communist. Hopefully all the Illegal Aliens revolt and hang all them bastards.
I think the primary cause was stepping over the line with that gun control nonsense, the ACA. . . and believe it or not, that silly FDA Food Safety Modernization Act. The local Farmers market has tripled in size since the start of the Obama regime. Folks with small businesses are really struggling. I can't, just can't understand why they don't understand that small business is the life blood of the nation's poor and middle class in this age.

It doesn't make any sense.


According to the most recent US Census data, 89% of the 27.7 million US firms have 19 or fewer employees. 19 is an interesting break-point in company size to consider, especially considering that we discovered 20 was actually the general public’s median number for “small business” as a measure of employee counts. So: Based on US Census data and our median “small business” employee count numbers, more people than not would describe 89% of American businesses as “small businesses.”

Interestingly, while the vast majority of businesses fit most people’s employee count driven definition of “small business,” these companies generate a proportionally low percentage of the United States’ overall sales revenues. The latest census data identified total sales receipts of $30.7 trillion for all US businesses. The 89% of American businesses that had 19 or fewer employees actually only generate 12% of overall annual sales revenue.
Study What is a Small Business

So making policies that are detrimental to 90% of the economy simply because it only generates 12% of annual revenues seems suicidal. Frankly, I don't think the Democrats or the Republicans give a shit about these small businesses. They only care about the big firms that have the huge wealth. No wonder they beat us over the head with how bad "Capitalism" is, and we hear shit like, "You didn't build that."

Why? Because they don't give a shit about the little guy anymore. In the age of the STATE sponsored international corporation, the small business doesn't have any political clout anymore. Even though they employ most people.
California has gone full Communist. Hopefully all the Illegal Aliens revolt and hang all them bastards.

They won't as long as they get free hand outs, drivers licenses, etc. and the State acquiesces to their demand not to fly the American flag at it's Universities. Perhaps in a few years time, that state will raise the Mexican flag at it's Universities to pacify it's illegals.

You know they would do that rather than take meaningful action.
California has gone full Communist. Hopefully all the Illegal Aliens revolt and hang all them bastards.
How come those maps don't show the communist states in America? Is California the only communist state or are more communist states on the way? I always suspected Nevada with its gambling and so forth.

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