How badly will Trump lose?

Um, no.
Then gander at this one, updated thirty six minutes ago.
He's going to lose a lot... instead of making a lot of money as mega-successful businessman, he will be serving the american people for very little compensation, comparatively.
Hillary 47%
Trump 39%
Johnson/Stein/other 14%
I'm pretty pissed off that Johnson & Stein are not doing better.

If not THIS election, WHEN?

When the Republican party finally decides it's no longer a viable organization and when the Tea Party, religious fundamentalists, and some Trumpsters, join hands and form their new party. Also if Bernie Sanders supporters don't see changes they could have the same effect on Democrats. It takes time but we're already seeing some transitioning.
Trump should have run as an independent, but he needed a major party's infrastructure. Since the GOP was ripe for a con, they went in that direction.

I'd be stunned to see them starting from scratch with an independent party, no way.

They're being forced into that direction because they are no longer winning races. Change is upon them even if they don't realize it.
I expect Hillary will win by at least 55-45. Maybe even 60-40. It could even be 65-35.


You guys make up shit saying obama won by a landslide.

This could be as bad as Reagan crushing landslide victorys.

Heard today he is only leading hillary 51 to 49 in south Carolina

Johnson has 7%

Jillan 2%
All these assholes still post with the same stupid assurance they did when they claimed Hillary would easily win.

These pre election threads show you exactly who is full of shit and should be ignored.

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