How Breitbart Claims Liberals Have Fooled The Right Into Not Getting 'Trump Vaccine' So They Would Die


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
This is interesting.

A new conspiracy theory from the crazy people at brietbart is that the democrats and liberals are colluding to kill republicans and conservatives with the virus by, get this one, insisting that they get vaccinated.

That's right folks. All these months of sane and intelligent people begging, bribing and doing everything to talk people into getting vaccinated has been a huge conspiracy to get republicans and conservatives to NOT get vaccinated so they will die.

Now, I don't really care about the stupid lies and conspiracies but all you people who do buy into it, please buy into this one and get vaccinated.

Please don't become another victim of the democrat and liberal mass conspiracy to kill you. Get vaccinated.

This is interesting.

A new conspiracy theory from the crazy people at brietbart is that the democrats and liberals are colluding to kill republicans and conservatives with the virus by, get this one, insisting that they get vaccinated.

That's right folks. All these months of sane and intelligent people begging, bribing and doing everything to talk people into getting vaccinated has been a huge conspiracy to get republicans and conservatives to NOT get vaccinated so they will die.

Now, I don't really care about the stupid lies and conspiracies but all you people who do buy into it, please buy into this one and get vaccinated.

Please don't become another victim of the democrat and liberal mass conspiracy to kill you. Get vaccinated.

I guess I should be surprised, but....
The only thing I buy, is antique bottles from Schuylkill county PA, and WWII militaria. Hit me up if you have the bottles. :p
You trust your doctor enough to let him fondle your balls while you cough.

You let him stick his finger up your butt.

Your doctor has a vested interest in keeping you alive so he can make more money off you.

Why not ask your doctor if you should take the vaccine?
You trust your doctor enough to let him fondle your balls while you cough.

You let him stick his finger up your butt.

Your doctor has a vested interest in keeping you alive so he can make more money off you.

Why not ask your doctor if you should take the vaccine?
In general, I agree with this idea. The problem is that not all doctors are well-grounded in the facts surrounding this topic. I had a discussion with one provider that I see monthly and he became rather animated when I said I hadn't yet gotten the vaccine. He wanted to know why and I began explaining that this vaccine wasn't a vaccine in the traditional sense and he launched on me.

I mentioned the fact that the government's own VAERS website was reporting nearly 12,000 deaths related to the vaccines and he said there had actually only been SIX deaths. He went on to say they had all been female and all had shared the same clotting disorder. I was left dumbfounded by that. I thought at first he was trying to make some sort of joke but no, he was deadly serious. When you have medical professionals who are obviously buying into rumors and are choosing sides politically, who is there left to trust?

Trust is the main issue among those who are refusing the vaccines. Those who are mocking us and casting us as idiots or cultists or some other demeaning "ists" don't actually give a damn at all how many of us may die because of that doubt. There is such a blizzard of information out there on this topic and so much of it conflicting in one way or another that educated, well-meaning people are simply at a loss as to what to believe. The one issue there is NO DOUBT about, is the lack of justification for any kind of "vaccine passports" or other kinds of documentation being required by governments. Not a single vaccine can promise to stop the transmission of Covid and that alone makes the "papers" issue nothing more than obvious governmental overreach.
You trust your doctor enough to let him fondle your balls while you cough.

You let him stick his finger up your butt.

Your doctor has a vested interest in keeping you alive so he can make more money off you.

Why not ask your doctor if you should take the vaccine?
Many folks have and many Dr's have recommended they wait for a whole host of reasons everybody wants to preexisting illnesses and ongoing treatments or if they already have had covid...why do the vaccine Nazis ignore those facts?....isn't that proof of them politicizing covid vaccines?....
You guys can have's cool.

It's funny, they are not requiring our replacements (Southern border invaders) to have the shot though.

Why is that?
‘So Breitbart is essentially arguing that “the left” is trying to convince Trump supporters *not* to get the vaccine by… telling them to get the vaccine? And that Trump supporters are refusing to get the vaccine to own the libs?’ ibid

What’s remarkable to consider is that conservatives, Republicans, Trump supporters, and others on the right are stupid enough to buy into this.
You trust your doctor enough to let him fondle your balls while you cough.

You let him stick his finger up your butt.

Your doctor has a vested interest in keeping you alive so he can make more money off you.

Why not ask your doctor if you should take the vaccine?
Yeah ...
... then when you have further health issues and complecations from taking the vaccine(s) your doctor makes more money off of you, and health insurance company.

Fits your theory~scenario.

As I've mentioned often here, got covid just after Easter this year, was like a few days of a bad case of flu. Now recovered and better off than the vaccine(s) could do.
Those choosing not to get the VAX have determined for themselves they are willing to risk the KNOWN complications from COVID rather than take the risk of the UNKNOWN complications from the VAX,

You left wing communist cucks decide to risk your lives every time you drive....yet you still choose to drive.

Once again, tongue my grapes.

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