How can any American celebrate the indictments of Trump when Americans are starving on the streets and addicted to drugs?

Know where that happens, comrade? China. Go live there for a few years then come back and spew your nonsense. You won't.

I don't need to live anywhere, other than here in the US. If you knew how destructive hard drugs are, you wouldn't be so quick to reject the policy of charging drug dealers, especially the high-ranking ones in the drug cartels, with a capital crime. These drug dealers should be put in front of a firing squad and executed, ASAP. However, when it comes to their victims, who are addicted to drugs, they should be adjudicated into rehab or a mental institution, not criminalized or charged with a crime. Substance abuse should be treated as a medical issue, not a criminal one.

Anyone caught with more than X amount of hard drugs, either selling, transporting, or storing such hard narcotics, should be executed. That will go a long way in eliminating the abuse of hard drugs in the US. Dealers are killed, and addicts are institutionalized until they get well. That's what the US government should do.
Wow. Even during constitutional prohibition the Moonshiner were not executed. I hear the Philippines are looking for some good goon squad recruits .....
You're comparing moonshine or alcohol to fentanyl? You're obviously confused.
People are homeless because of poor life choices not because of our broken political system.

Stop conflating the two
Half and half.

It's not just the political system though, corporate America is in the same boat.

Here's what it is: things have reached a point of unmanageable complexity.

Just a tiny example, you can get a web site for 5 bucks a month or less at your local data center, but that same thing in the cloud will cost you 70 bucks a month, and then you'll need to hire a cloud configuration expert and those people are expensive. (And hard to find).

In politics, you have for example the ecosystem of fact checkers, which is a very complicated process, the financial parts may be obvious but the front end of it is pretty impressive. It requires maintenance though. Someone has to manage it, especially during the down time between elections.

The complexity is what lets people get away with things. It's low hanging fruit for abuse. And, it's also the cause of a lot of inertia. It requires people to rise to the challenge, and you can see how well that's working so far...
Know where that happens, comrade? China. Go live there for a few years then come back and spew your nonsense. You won't.
Looks like that Red Tampon wind bag proved to be as empty and spineless as expected.
Pajitnov chooses freedom over communism
He's entitled to his opinion. For many freedom is socialism or its future objective, communism, a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. Communism is true freedom.
All talk. If you saw it once for yourself you'd keep your big mouth in check.
Just because you're all talk and have a big mouth, doesn't imply others are like you. Stop projecting. Seeing drug dealers/narcos/cartel thugs, being dispatched in front of a firing squad is a beautiful site.
Just because you're all talk and have a big mouth, doesn't imply others are like you. Stop projecting. Seeing drug dealers/narcos/cartel thugs, being dispatched in front of a firing squad is a beautiful site.

You haven't seen it, fraud. Stop playing games.
You're comparing moonshine or alcohol to fentanyl? You're obviously confused.
When produced incorrectly bathtub gin killed and blinded many. Fentanyl is too strong for the dealers to properly measure the doses and it's killing Americans.
In other words you HAVEN'T, you big mouth fraud. Go grow up and gain some experience before shooting your fat mouth off again.
I don't have to be there in person, seeing an execution, to be in favor of the death penalty for certain crimes. You're stupid and irrational. It wasn't that long ago in this country that we were executing criminals by strapping them to a chair and electricuting them to death. Do you have to witness that, before being in favor of it? You will never know what I have or haven't actually seen with respect to criminals getting shot, so nice try punk.

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