How can any American celebrate the indictments of Trump when Americans are starving on the streets and addicted to drugs?

We have tons of homeless problems in democrat led cities like San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle… we’re even seeing homelessness issues in places we haven’t seen before like in parts of the suburbs

How about the hundreds of thousands of people each year that have died from fetnal and other drug abuse in this country. The many Americans who are waking up using drugs every day because they don’t have a good job they don’t have a relationship. These are the core issues that we must confront. But the media and the politicians distract us with nonsense.

Our economy is in one of the worst states of our countries history.. and yet on C-SPAN, a number of people called in celebrating this nonsense prosecution of Donald Trump. Thankfully a majority of cspan callers supported Mr. Trump and noticed that this is a political prosecution.

When one drives across the country, you get the feeling that most Americans do not agree with prosecuting Trump. Never before in the history of this country has a president or former president faced this type of legal scrutiny. This is a monumental disgrace.

With the rise of BLM racism, and this attack on American history, the destruction of historical statues. The violent rioting across country driven by Democrats in 2020. The attacks on democratic institutions by left-wing fanatics …The fake idea that the police are the enemy and that white people are privileged, the persecution of Donald Trump(which is being done by pro BLM anti Americans)all serves as a distraction from the fact that so many Americans can’t afford basic cost of living.

For once can any far left wing democrat think about the plight of the working class black man and white man in this country. Put country before politics.

We have to confront the racism and the attempted destruction of American society by far left wingers and their Republican supporters in this country ..And I think we will for sure, because America always prevails.
Easy. The two issues are not related. One can easily celebrate the destruction of Trump while having problems with Americans going hungry.
The “Admiral” is a typical nasty Trumpster asshole. He is vicious and cruel, even to other Trump supporters.

Everything was better under President Trump. Now all that has been torn apart by these incompetents or intentionally done?

Your every post attacks President Trump and wholeheartedly supports this collapse. Therefore you get your head hammered repeatedly. You deserve to be chained, dragged and fed into the woodchipper as you are a threat to all that is good, decent and prosperous you POS.
Now you liberals have a chance to get more government money to help the homeless. Tell Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden to redirect the money for the Trump cases to government agencies that help the homeless.

Billions spent in CA alone to “help” the homeless problem. Again, GOVT get rich and the money doesnt reach the targeted group. The problem grows, they grow GOVT, more get rich. Repeat to collapse.
You don't have to be homeless, to know what the homeless need. It's self-evident, and quite simple to identify what they need, it only takes a few brain cells, which apparently you don't have. The homeless need more than just a job. I was homeless in the late 90s and early 2000s and I managed to get back on my feet. I needed more than a job, and those who are homeless today, likewise, need more assistance than just finding a job.
I will give you that statement, which standing alone is accurate, but that is not all that you said about homelessness. The rest that you said showed that you are pretty fucking stupid.

Republicans? So why do Democrats not refund? Okay, blame everyone in the Federal Government. But that leaves no blame for the states. Homelessness is a state problem, not a Federal problem. Republicans have not defunded all the programs, nor half, most likely they have defunded none.
Republicans defund all of the social services that the homeless need to get back on their feet.
Everything was better under President Trump. Now all that has been torn apart by these incompetents or intentionally done?

Your every post attacks President Trump and wholeheartedly supports this collapse. Therefore you get your head hammered repeatedly. You deserve to be chained, dragged and fed into the woodchipper as you are a threat to all that is good, decent and prosperous you POS.
paine, piss poor pussy pain pos, PPPPP it is.
The only people whining about the Gulag were criminals and traitors of the revolution (or capitalist apologists in online forums, whining like you're doing now). The maximum sentence was ten years, unlike today here in the USA, where criminals get 1000+ year sentences. Have you ever been in jail or in prison here in the United States? It's HELL, you have no idea.
Yes, I have been to jail. I got a nice taste. I managed to get out right after Breakfast which was a lousy bologna sandwich. Yes, Jail and Prison is bad. I been there, 34 hours. Just enough time to be put in a cell with 7 others. In that sense, I definitely know much more about it than your experiences.

and again, you are a bigot, stereotyping me repeatedly.

You know about jail because you been to a prison as a social worker? I dont know anything about because I am not you?
Fine, I will let you state I know nothing, because I really dont know much about jail only being there on a few occasions and at the most 34 hours. You won that.

It is hell, as you say, and I have no idea as you say. You win.
And now I get to apply your reasoning to you, you dont know jack shit about Gulags. You have never been there so you dont know nothing. Nothing at all. But as a bigot you claim differently. You disqualify me with your broken reasoning so we must use your reasoning on your comments, you know nothing about the Gulags!!!

whining, you a huge whiner, crying about capitalism

Capitalism gave you the computer you are using to cry about capitalism.

The only person crying in this forum, is you, the fake, a person who knows nothing about the gulags.
paine, piss poor pussy pain pos, PPPPP it is.
elektra apparently has a crush or an obsession with me, which is why she insults me lately at every opportunity. She must think she is very attractive when she acts this childishly.

But I’m an old guy and am not at all interested in her … or her charming personality.

She’s probably just embarrassed because she showed herself to be such a petulant liar and ignoramus during our little dispute about the rise of factory construction in the U.S. over the last two years:

Capitalist propagandists always need to discuss the USSR, when debating economics with communists, as if capitalism doesn't have its own skeletons in its closet. Ever heard of those millions of black slaves that capitalists were purchasing like animals in Africa and selling to Americans, who were exploiting them? Ever heard of colonialism and imperialism?
????? Gee, you call yourself a Communist, which is the USSR's brand of communism. Yet, you make it an issue as if I am making some sort of mistake when I bring up the USSR? You call yourself a communist, yet we can discuss communism when you bring up communism? Talk about not having a solid position to stand on.

Black slaves, ever hear of Kings and Queens, Lords, Dukes? Ever hear of Royalty? Capitalism ended slavery. Capitalism largely destroyed Royalty. For the good of mankind.

Black slaves, every hear of the Aro Confederacy, Allada, Dahomey, Kanem-Bornu Empire, Songhai, Mali and Morocco.

Capitalists ended slavery and the aritocrats that brought slavery to the New World.
elektra apparently has a crush or an obsession with me, which is why she insults me lately at every opportunity. She must think she is very attractive when she acts this childishly.

But I’m an old guy and am not at all interested in her … or her charming personality.
ah, poor PPPPP, first off you mental midget, I am a man, elektra is a record label, as my avatar shows. Not the goddess you dream of.

PPPPP, you insulted me, first, and then again, and again, before I returned the favor. Technically, my insults are not insults, they are a description of who you are. Nothing more.

Yea, I believe you when you say you are not attracted to me as a woman, which means now that you know I am a man you are very much attracted to me. How about another P, for pervert.

see, not a girl, just took a name of a record label I like. I guess based on your thinking that I am a girl, you are must believe people mistake you for Thomas Paine, the founding father of our country. PPPPPP, pos, piss, poor, pervert, pussy, punk, pain. Pain, like a hemorrhoid.

I only insult you, because you troll, flame, insult, and lie. You get what you dish out, and it hurts you because what I state, is the truth.
Yes that is exactly what a home should require. Perhaps less down but without major skin in the game too many neighborhoods would become like downtown LA.

People don't take care of things they have no investment in. I spent a decade building and rehabbing HUD housing and the filth that lived in them would wreck them faster than I could finish the one next door to them. It was an endless circle jerk of finish one complex the go back to the previous one to fix what had been torn up.

I do give to homeless charities almost exclusively but at food banks and the like. Homeless destroy the neighborhoods they live in 100% of the time.
I did not say homes should be given away. Homes were much cheaper before the government guaranteed 30 year loans. Before that, I think it was a 15 year loan they guaranteed. I would have to research for the specifics.

The day I got out of High School, I was homeless. My parents who I am sure loved me were of the belief that we must get out and make life on our own without any help from them. No college money, no food money, nothing. Just get the fuck out.

What skin did I have at 17 years old, to put into the game?
I did not say homes should be given away. Homes were much cheaper before the government guaranteed 30 year loans. Before that, I think it was a 15 year loan they guaranteed. I would have to research for the specifics.

The day I got out of High School, I was homeless. My parents who I am sure loved me were of the belief that we must get out and make life on our own without any help from them. No college money, no food money, nothing. Just get the fuck out.

What skin did I have at 17 years old, to put into the game?
That's different. Vadt majority of today's homeless are a result of YEARS of bad decisions.
Right-wing, conservative Republicans are much more likely than Democrats, to defund government programs that help the homeless and continue supporting a "drug war" that undermines a homeless person's ability to qualify for government assistance. You conservatives kick the homeless out of the cities that you manage, forcing these people to move to cities run by liberals. Aren't most of you Republican conservatives also disciples of Jesus? It seems you don't read your bible much or follow the noble example of Jesus, who always defended the poor and was quite suspicious, if not critical, of the rich and powerful.

Stop stigmatizing drug use by criminalizing it, and fund programs that help these people get off the street, into rehab. Only drug dealers should be prosecuted if not executed in front of a firing squad. The victims of these drug-dealers should be helped and treated with some compassion.

Right-wing neo-liberal economic policies actually undermine people's jobs and keep people poor (scraping by, barely making it). The mainstream media is controlled by big-money capitalists, advancing their vested interests at the expense of the public good.

We just came out of a pandemic and many companies are raising prices to recover their losses. People are getting sick and tired of working for capitalist employers who don't give a shit about them, and do nothing but exploit and boss them around like tools. There's no democracy in the American workplace, hence no wonder that people are seeking other ways to generate an income.

He shouldn't have bullied people to change the results of the election:

That's what he's being charged with. It's related to his effort to commit election fraud in Georgia.

Your worried about statues? There's no white racism? Many of these Trump supporters are racist:

The leftists didn't riot in the capitol building, walking around with zip-ties to kidnap and assassinate politicians:

The police enforce bad laws, hence are sometimes seen as the enemy, by even law-abiding citizens. I'm a leftist who doesn't hate the police or see them as the enemy because I consider them nothing more than tools of the real enemy, who are in control of our government. The big-money capitalists, who bribe politicians with their armies of lobbyists and super PACs The wealthy ruling elites and their cronies in government, are the real problem, not the police, who are simply enforcing the bad laws that corrupt legislators give them to enforce.

White people are certainly privileged, and to believe otherwise is to have one's head in the sand like an ostrich. You're much better off as a Caucasian White Anglo-Saxon man in America than a Black or Latino. I'm a Cuban American, that like Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, can pass as a white guy, but there are many Latinos who don't have that luxury. I've had "real Whites", treat me as one of their own until they find out my parents are Cuban, and my last name is Spanish. I go from being another white guy to being a spick, in the blink of an eye. Not all Caucasians are like that with me, I have many Anglo friends, but all of the racism that I have ever received has come from Anglos.

I lived two years in Tucson, Arizona, not that long ago. I was standing in line at the Barnes and Nobles cafe, with my father who was visiting me. We were talking in Spanish, and a MAGA HAT-wearing retardo-bigot and his wife, while walking past us with his coffee and pastry, told me I should stop speaking Spanish. I told him I can speak whatever language I want and he should mind his own business.

This old MAGA-fart hillbilly stopped and said "What", starring at me with an angry, macho-man face, and I told him " I don't have to repeat myself, you heard me". His wife agreed with me and if it wasn't for her, things would've gotten really bad for everybody. He just walked away with his wife, mumbling some stupid shit.

I've had my fair share of incidents like that, due to being Hispanic. It's always the white dude with the attitude.

In the golden age of the US economy, after WW2, we had a 90% tax rate for the wealthiest people in society, 1/3rd of the American workforce was unionized and America was the manufacturing hub of the world:

All of that changed in the 1980s. The Republicans passed government policies that decimated the labor unions and gutted our manufacturing base. Our economy shifted from production/manufacturing to finance/wall street and retail service jobs. We went from having good-paying blue-collar jobs to having mostly low-paying retail jobs, with the wealthy investing most if not all of their money into the Wall Street casino.

It's the genuine, far-left that actually cares about the working class and it's the Republicans who are only concerned with the vested interests of the wealthy elites, at the expense of workers.

That is the biggest collection of lies I have seen on this forum. Congrats!
Red herrings much? The Gulag topic is completely irrelevant to what we're discussing. Do you want to discuss the USSR? What the heck does that have to do with the homeless issue in America? Nothing. Anyways, sure let's go that route, why not.
Now to get to what was really rich of you to say.

Slow down Mr Bigot. Red Herrings? The Gulag is irrelevant? You claim to be communist, your rant and rant while denigrating the USA. Your entire rant is Communist this, communist that, communist good. I throw down the Gulags because you are talking about how great communism is, how you provide jobs for the people, as if people all want the job you will give them. The Gulags are communism! The Gulags are the jobs you would "give" people. The Gulags existed because communism can not survive without the brutal violent oppressive control by communists.

Jobs, homelessness, communism, you are discussing capitalism vs communism, yet you tell us communist jobs are not part of the discussion, the gulags were the communist jobs the gave to millions.

The Gulags, the innocent only were arrested, in the middle of the night, terrorized and tortured to confess, once they confessed they were put on trail, which was sign your confession here. Than off to the Gulags for "10 years". Many spent more that 10 years in the Gulags, and many more than that died in the Gulags.

A bigot you are, stereotyping me, making assumptions, while also making statements proving you know nothing about communism. Further, according to how you see me, that I know nothing based on your assumption that I have not been in Jail or Homeless, if I apply how you judge me, to yourself, you know nothing about communism. It is impossible for you to know communism. You have never lived as a communist as a communist country.

The USSR, we should of Nuked Stalin and then Mao, then Ho Chi Minh, then we should of sent the Marines to Cuba to smack Castro down like the bitch that he was, is.
Everything was better under President Trump. Now all that has been torn apart by these incompetents or intentionally done?

Your every post attacks President Trump and wholeheartedly supports this collapse. Therefore you get your head hammered repeatedly. You deserve to be chained, dragged and fed into the woodchipper as you are a threat to all that is good, decent and prosperous you POS.
I celebrate justice and am not a fan of acting in way the Germans call, "schadenfreude", meaning the enjoyment obtained from the troubles of others. Hopefully Trump gets what he deserves, whichever way it goes.

????? Gee, you call yourself a Communist, which is the USSR's brand of communism. Yet, you make it an issue as if I am making some sort of mistake when I bring up the USSR? You call yourself a communist, yet we can discuss communism when you bring up communism? Talk about not having a solid position to stand on.

Black slaves, ever hear of Kings and Queens, Lords, Dukes? Ever hear of Royalty? Capitalism ended slavery. Capitalism largely destroyed Royalty. For the good of mankind.

Black slaves, every hear of the Aro Confederacy, Allada, Dahomey, Kanem-Bornu Empire, Songhai, Mali and Morocco.

Capitalists ended slavery and the aritocrats that brought slavery to the New World.

????? Gee, you call yourself a Communist, which is the USSR's brand of communism.

I call myself a communist because communism is the objective of socialism. I identify my socialism with communism as Karl Marx and Engels did, way before the USSR ever existed. You apparently don't know what communism is. Communism is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. That's the Marxist definition of communism, dating over fifty years before the Russian Bolshevik revolution.

The USSR was the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics. Do you see the word "communist" there anywhere"? No. The Soviet Union wasn't communist, but rather a socialist nation on the path to communism. The reason socialists like me, identify ourselves as communists, is because the aim of our socialism is communism. If you're unable to wrap your head around that, that's not my fault. The problem is yours, not mine.

Yet, you make it an issue as if I am making some sort of mistake when I bring up the USSR? You call yourself a communist, yet we can discuss communism when you bring up communism? Talk about not having a solid position to stand on.

If we're discussing capitalism and communism, within the context of addressing present socioeconomic challenges and conditions, and you want to point out mistakes communists made in the past, in managing their economies or in producing goods and services to meet the needs of their citizens, that's fine. That's a valid critique if you're debating a communist who is telling you that communism is the solution to our present economic problems.

You mentioning the past errors of a centrally planned, command economy, like that of the USSR's, asking me how communists today intend to overcome those apparent systemic flaws in a marketless, non-profit centrally planned economy, is a 100% valid, honest objection to my position. If you were doing that, in your critique of the Soviet economy, I wouldn't consider you being disingenuous or resorting to red herrings. I would give you a thumbs up, for asking me good, honest questions.

However, if you start with the cheap capitalist polemics about how the Soviets were "EVIL" and how communism is Satanic, and how we communists killed a hundred trillion innocent little lambs...etc, then you're being dishonest, hypocritical, and in many ways, irrational. That same ad hominem criticism that you're using against me and my communist position, can be used against you as a defender of capitalism. Death toll arguments, in a debate between far-left socialists like me and capitalists like you, don't prove anything, much less undermine any of our positions.

Why? Because both of our respective positions are standing on a huge mountain of rotting corpses. You have for-profit pursuing imperialism, with its racist, inhumane colonialism and slavery to grapple with and we have our own crimes as well. Class warfare is bloody, and all types of people die. Good, bad, ugly, rich, poor, young, old, males, females, millions die in a revolution. Civil wars between socioeconomic classes create mountains of bodies. OK? None of us have any moral high ground on such issues, so let's move on to discussing economics.

Black slaves, ever hear of Kings and Queens, Lords, Dukes? Ever hear of Royalty? Capitalism ended slavery. Capitalism largely destroyed Royalty. For the good of mankind.

Black slaves, every hear of the Aro Confederacy, Allada, Dahomey, Kanem-Bornu Empire, Songhai, Mali and Morocco.

Capitalists ended slavery and the aritocrats that brought slavery to the New World.

Your claim that "Capitalism ended slavery" is overly simplistic and lacks historical depth. It is crucial to recognize that slavery was abolished through immense political and social struggle, in which various groups, including slaves themselves, played pivotal roles. Capitalism, as an economic system, was largely indifferent to the moral status of slavery, and in many instances, capitalists profited greatly from the slave trade and slave labor. The abolition of slavery involved much more than the rise of capitalism.

Moreover, your assertion that capitalism "destroyed Royalty" is misleading. We still have constitutional monarchies in many capitalist countries today. The capitalist class has often found it convenient to form alliances with existing power structures, including royalty, when it suits their interests. The main transformation was the shift of dominant economic power from the landed aristocracy to the capitalist class, rather than a simple "destruction" of royalty.

Your point about capitalism’s relationship with slavery and royalty also overlooks the significant issue of the employer-employee relationship under capitalism. While capitalism has indeed revolutionized production and improved the material conditions of life for many, it has done so through a system that is fundamentally exploitative. In this system, the working class sells its labor to the capitalist class for wages, while the capitalist class owns the means of production and profits from the surplus value generated by the workers. This dynamic mirrors previous systems of exploitation, effectively replacing 'serf and lord' with 'employee and employer'.

Adam Smith the father of modern capitalism, called capitalists "masters", in his work "The Wealth of Nations".

Moreover, wage labor under capitalism isn't just an economic contract; it's a power relation. The capitalist has significant control over the worker's life, how they work, where they work, and under what conditions they work. This is why I use the term "wage slavery". While workers under capitalism are 'free' in a legal sense, they are often subjected to deeply unequal, undemocratic, and exploitative conditions in their workplace, akin to a kind of 'totalitarian mini-state'. Can you not see the profound lack of freedom that this represents for many workers?

As advanced automation continues to replace jobs, eventually it will force society by necessity to adopt a non-profit system of mass production. Another word for that is socialism or communism.
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Yes. Tax evasion, sexual assault, so far. Also, the suspension of his charity license went all went through the courts.

Then there’s the 4000 other lawsuits that he’s had over the years most of which he lost or settled.

I have no doubt that the charges will be proven in the court of law because we watched do it all on television.
Oh, you have "no doubt"! Well, why bother with legal proceedings at all then?

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