How can any American celebrate the indictments of Trump when Americans are starving on the streets and addicted to drugs?

I dont need to hear from communists.

I already know what they're about.

Communists are thieves and murderers.

They're very dangerous.
This one is pretending to be a communist. A troll, no more. I will have fun pointing out his/her stupidity
you are a communist, only in your dreams

Technically, you should call yourself a Marxist unless you live in the old USSR.

Homeless need more than a job? How the fuck do you know what the homeless need? Many will not take a job, but that is where communism works, right.

Gulags, force the people to work until they die.

Round the people up in the middle of night, declare them guilty than throw them in court to sign the confession, than ship them off to the gulags to work.

Hey, my yard needs cleaning, why dont you show everyone you are a good communist and come over and clean up the mess I made.

you are a communist, only in your dreams Technically, you should call yourself a Marxist unless you live in the old USSR.

Really? Why would you believe such nonsense? Elaborate.

Homeless need more than a job? How the fuck do you know what the homeless need? Many will not take a job, but that is where communism works, right.

You don't have to be homeless, to know what the homeless need. It's self-evident, and quite simple to identify what they need, it only takes a few brain cells, which apparently you don't have. The homeless need more than just a job. I was homeless in the late 90s and early 2000s and I managed to get back on my feet. I needed more than a job, and those who are homeless today, likewise, need more assistance than just finding a job.

Gulags, force the people to work until they die.

Red herrings much? The Gulag topic is completely irrelevant to what we're discussing. Do you want to discuss the USSR? What the heck does that have to do with the homeless issue in America? Nothing. Anyways, sure let's go that route, why not.

The only people whining about the Gulag were criminals and traitors of the revolution (or capitalist apologists in online forums, whining like you're doing now). The maximum sentence was ten years, unlike today here in the USA, where criminals get 1000+ year sentences. Have you ever been in jail or in prison here in the United States? It's HELL, you have no idea.

I've never been to prison, but I've visited Rikers Island as a volunteer social worker and activist with an organization that I work with. You don't want to spend a second there. People get shanked and murdered regularly. Being incarcerated in the United States is horrible due to all of the drugs, mental illness, and gang violence. In other words, you have no moral high ground upon which to stand and point your crooked, feculent finger at communists or the USSR.

Most of what you "know" about the Gulag is nothing more than a bunch of Cold War, capitalist claptrap propaganda. Was the Gulag bad? Yeah, it was really bad. It was fucking horrible. But it wasn't nearly as bad as it's portrayed by Western capitalist propagandists.

Round the people up in the middle of night, declare them guilty than throw them in court to sign the confession, than ship them off to the gulags to work.


Capitalist propagandists always need to discuss the USSR, when debating economics with communists, as if capitalism doesn't have its own skeletons in its closet. Ever heard of those millions of black slaves that capitalists were purchasing like animals in Africa and selling to Americans, who were exploiting them? Ever heard of colonialism and imperialism?

Millions of people died as a result of capitalists pursuing their profits and new "captive markets". Keeping countries poor and unstable to exploit their dirt-cheap labor and raw materials. Starting and maintaining wars, in order to sell more weapons..etc. Capitalists have killed tens of millions of people in their insatiable, fierce effort to amass capital. Money money money. Mountains of dead, rotting corpses are beneath your feet, so spare me the scary campfire stories about evil communists.

Here are former CIA officers, admitting that they invented plenty of false stories about "evil communists" in the Western media:

Hey, my yard needs cleaning, why dont you show everyone you are a good communist and come over and clean up the mess I made.

As a capitalist, you're so used to others working for you, that you're begging me to break a sweat for you. You don't want to ruin your manicured hands? You're a typical capitalist parasite.
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I think I should remind FranklinRoosevelt_FTW , given his OP title “How can any American celebrate the indictments …when Americans are starving on the streets,” first that relatively few Americans are actually “starving on the streets,” and drugs and mental illness and homelessness are long-term and complex problems. In fact far more Americans are fat or even obese!

More importantly, most Americans don’t really “celebrate” these indictments of Trump but simply agree they were necessary.

Even most Democrats were won over only gradually to agree that indictments were tragically made necessary by Trump’s blatant defiance of the law, by his attempt to organize what amounted to a criminal coup to keep himself in power, and by the Republicans refusal or inability to deal with his threat by themselves.

Indictments are not convictions, but there is certainly plenty of strong evidence of Trump’s criminal wrongdoing. I expect many but not all charges will eventually be rejected by juries — simply because certain things are hard to prove before a jury, and the jury must render a unanimous verdict.

As to the OP’s argument that there are more important issues to deal with like drugs or the economy, I can only refer him to my response #116 earlier.
I believe that trumps arguments are the same as Al Gore‘s in the 2000 election. None of them use tanks or attack helicopters to try and gain power. That’s what’s important. So this is a political prosecution of Mr. Trump. I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 so there is nobody on here who can call me some kind of a rabid conservative. That makes absolutely no sense, but it keeps happening from trolls.

The truth of the matter is that 30 million Americans just had their food stamps slashed by 90%. So yes people are starving in America. It’s not millions of them but you can see in various videos like the ones I’ve shown huge swaths of people who are clearly underweight they’re on drugs there on the streets. Every major city has this problem in America.

It is of course obvious we have a major problem with inflation in this country. Basic foods are up 78%.

I like RFK Junior because he’s talking about bringing together Republicans and Democrats. And we did that before with Bob Dole and George McGovern in the 1970s revamping the food stamps program then and what they did the Republicans and Democrats working together was revitalized food stamps program, allowing folks to be able to eat food, and eventually they were able to get themselves off of the food stamp program and contribute to the economy working full-time jobs.

I wouldn’t want to see Obama or Hillary Clinton go under the legal scrutiny that Mr. Trump is facing. It’s horrible for the country. It’s not necessary not at the time of high inflation. They act like Trump attempted to use force to stay in power. That is simply impossible to make that argument that he tried to overturn the election. He complained about it. There was no attempt to overturn the election. Otherwise, Biden will not be in power today.

It is true. We have an obesity problem in America. We are perhaps the most obese country in the world aside for maybe 10 island countries that don’t really have many people.

But even though we have an obesity problem. That is simply because there are so many fast food restaurants across country. It is disgusting. It is a problem and it actually contributes to the poverty issue because in many areas across the inner cities in America people don’t have healthy grocery stores by them so they spend with little food they have at McDonald’s or Kentucky fried chicken. The government to do something about it because it is deplorable.

Record homelessness across US​

But we have record numbers of homeless people in this country. They’re not the ones who are stuffing their faces with McDonald’s or Popeyes chicken. They are begging for food, they are begging for money. It’s all across America. And you even see this in the suburbs, I’ve seen it here in the suburbs that we have people begging for money here in the suburbs. This was unthinkable Even five years ago

Millions of Americans face ‘hunger cliff’ as pandemic food benefits expires​

These are real legitimate issues. Nobody can deny it. And RFK Junior wants to bring together Republicans and Democrats to fight these things.
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I believe that trumps arguments are the same as Al Gore‘s in the 2000 election. None of them use tanks or attack helicopters to try and gain power. That’s what’s important. So this is a political prosecution of Mr. Trump. I voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016 so there is nobody on here who can call me some kind of a rabid conservative. That makes absolutely no sense, but it keeps happening from trolls.

The truth of the matter is that 30 million Americans just had their food stamps slashed by 90%. So yes people are starving in America. It’s not millions of them but you can see in various videos like the ones I’ve shown huge swaths of people who are clearly underweight they’re on drugs there on the streets. Every major city has this problem in America.

It is of course obvious we have a major problem with inflation in this country. Basic foods are up 78%.

I like RFK Junior because he’s talking about bringing together Republicans and Democrats. And we did that before with Bob Dole and George McGovern in the 1970s revamping the food stamps program then and what they did the Republicans and Democrats working together was revitalized food stamps program, allowing folks to be able to eat food, and eventually they were able to get themselves off of the food stamp program and contribute to the economy working full-time jobs.

I wouldn’t want to see Obama or Hillary Clinton go under the legal scrutiny that Mr. Trump is facing. It’s horrible for the country. It’s not necessary not at the time of high inflation. They act like Trump attempted to use force to stay in power. That is simply impossible to make that argument that he tried to overturn the election. He complained about it. There was no attempt to overturn the election. Otherwise, Biden will not be in power today.

It is true. We have an obesity problem in America. We are perhaps the most obese country in the world aside for maybe 10 island countries that don’t really have many people.

But even though we have an obesity problem. That is simply because there are so many fast food restaurants across country. It is disgusting. It is a problem and it actually contributes to the poverty issue because in many areas across the inner cities in America people don’t have healthy grocery stores by them so they spend with little food they have at McDonald’s or Kentucky fried chicken. The government to do something about it because it is deplorable.

But we have record numbers of homeless people in this country. They’re not the ones who are stuffing their faces with McDonald’s or Popeyes chicken. They are begging for food, they are begging for money. It’s all across America. And you even see this in the suburbs, I’ve seen it here in the suburbs that we have people begging for money here in the suburbs. This was unthinkable Even five years ago

These are real legitimate issues. Nobody can deny it. And RFK Junior wants to bring together Republicans and Democrats to fight these things.

This is a form of violence:

People need more than just food stamps. I believe your heart is in the right place, but we're not in the 1930s or 60s. Advanced, intelligent automation is going to make everything much worse than it was in the 30s and 60s if we don't reform our system of production now, and start investing in infrastructure (housing, public transit, safe nuclear plants, healthcare, education, roads and bridges. etc). We need to bring our infrastructure up to the 21st century or we're going to get our asses kicked by China and Russia, and most likely see our country dissolve, similar to the USSR. We're stuck in the 20th century.
Now the Republicans give a shit about the homeless? How convenient.
Now you liberals have a chance to get more government money to help the homeless. Tell Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden to redirect the money for the Trump cases to government agencies that help the homeless.
Now you liberals have a chance to get more government money to help the homeless. Tell Chuck Schumer and Joe Biden to redirect the money for the Trump cases to government agencies that help the homeless.
A government has no need to borrow money from anyone, especially when it exclusively issues a sovereign fiat currency as we have. Yes indeed, communists (I'm not a liberal), do believe the government has a responsibility to develop the nation's infrastructure and protect people's human rights, including the basic right to housing.
We have tons of homeless problems in democrat led cities like San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle… we’re even seeing homelessness issues in places we haven’t seen before like in parts of the suburbs

How about the hundreds of thousands of people each year that have died from fetnal and other drug abuse in this country. The many Americans who are waking up using drugs every day because they don’t have a good job they don’t have a relationship. These are the core issues that we must confront. But the media and the politicians distract us with nonsense.

Our economy is in one of the worst states of our countries history.. and yet on C-SPAN, a number of people called in celebrating this nonsense prosecution of Donald Trump. Thankfully a majority of cspan callers supported Mr. Trump and noticed that this is a political prosecution.

When one drives across the country, you get the feeling that most Americans do not agree with prosecuting Trump. Never before in the history of this country has a president or former president faced this type of legal scrutiny. This is a monumental disgrace.

With the rise of BLM racism, and this attack on American history, the destruction of historical statues. The violent rioting across country driven by Democrats in 2020. The attacks on democratic institutions by left-wing fanatics …The fake idea that the police are the enemy and that white people are privileged, the persecution of Donald Trump(which is being done by pro BLM anti Americans)all serves as a distraction from the fact that so many Americans can’t afford basic cost of living.

For once can any far left wing democrat think about the plight of the working class black man and white man in this country. Put country before politics.

We have to confront the racism and the attempted destruction of American society by far left wingers and their Republican supporters in this country ..And I think we will for sure, because America always prevails.
How can Americans celebrate the Trump indictments when there are other things wrong in America?


Your ignorant, arrogant, sociopathic, traitorous phatt Orange Baboon-God must never again be allowed anywhere NEAR the White House.


January 6, 2021.

He summoned, incited and aimed a riotous mob in Insurrection against the Congress of the United States, abandoning our sacred tradition of a Peaceful Transfer of Power.

In the long run that's one helluva-lot more important than a gaggle of homeless folk.

An example must now be made of your Baboon-God to discourage such traitorous behaviors on the part of similar scum in future who might aspire to such machinations.

And the making of that severe example has - and will have - and must have - a very high priority on the American political calendar.

American criminal law courts will now take care of Teflon Don.

Looks like he can't shoot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue in broad daylight and get away with it after all, eh? :abgg2q.jpg:
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I wouldn’t want to see Obama or Hillary Clinton go under the legal scrutiny that Mr. Trump is facing. It’s horrible for the country.
Yet, arguably, Obama and Hillary both should be facing more legal scrutiny. At the very least both should of been run out of politics as horrendous people.

Hillary, from White Water to Travel Gate to smearing the woman being molested by Bill Clinton. That was the beginning of the rotten politics. Not that politics was much better before. Hillary and Bill Clinton used the FBI to prosecute innocent government employees who complained about being fired! After that the real big one was the FBI files that the Clintons used against all their opponents. This does not even come close to Hillary as a Politician.

Hillary smashed Cell Phones, wiped out Hard Drives, deleted and destroyed tens of thousands of Emails under subpoena! You do not think that should be prosecuted? If Hillary got away with that, it shows that Democrats own the FBI!

Democrats own the FBI, you and so many others say give Hillary a pass, and she got that pass, and then turned the FBI and the intelligence agencies against Trump. Everything they persecuted Trump with was related to Hillary and the corruption that she and the Democrats created throughout those who are here to protect us. Now we need protection from them, but there is no one left to protect us.

Be proud to be a Democrat, to be a part of what is rotten in our society.
People are homeless because of poor life choices not because of our broken political system.
Stop conflating the two
You are right, but some are homeless because of our political system. Poor life choices, should not result in homelessness. Poor life choices certainly should result in not living in a beautiful new house with a new car every 5 years. But poor life choices, in most of the cases should not result in homelessness.
You are right, but some are homeless because of our political system. Poor life choices, should not result in homelessness. Poor life choices certainly should result in not living in a beautiful new house with a new car every 5 years. But poor life choices, in most of the cases should not result in homelessness.
Let the crack addicts live in your house/neighborhood then.
My wallet isn't the safety net for their stupidity
As a capitalist, you're so used to others working for you, that you're begging me to break a sweat for you. You don't want to ruin your manicured hands? You're a typical capitalist parasite.
As a bigot, you are used to stereotyping people. You have no idea how much of my work others have done.
Begging you? Why must you hyperbolize my comment if you have truth on your side.

I guarantee I have worked harder in my life than you have. I have done all the dirty jobs, from working hand and hand with illegal aliens from Mexico to working building nuclear submarines where the work destroyed my pretty hands.

Yep, a bigot you are, stereotyping folks, here as a troll. What else are you when you must exaggerate and lie?
Let the crack addicts live in your house/neighborhood then.
My wallet isn't the safety net for their stupidity
I have lived in neighborhoods with crack addicts and illegal aliens. I have been around the homeless, living in California. I have lived in Mexico for a year, I have lived in Brazil for five years.

I know all about what I speak. I understand your sentiment. I did not disagree and state you are flat out wrong and do not know what you are talking about. I did not disparage you.

I just stated what so many people are so used to that they do not see it as a problem. Basic, simply housing should be the easiest thing in our life. Not a 30 year mortgage with 20% down.
I have lived in neighborhoods with crack addicts and illegal aliens. I have been around the homeless, living in California. I have lived in Mexico for a year, I have lived in Brazil for five years.

I know all about what I speak. I understand your sentiment. I did not disagree and state you are flat out wrong and do not know what you are talking about. I did not disparage you.

I just stated what so many people are so used to that they do not see it as a problem. Basic, simply housing should be the easiest thing in our life. Not a 30 year mortgage with 20% down.
Yes that is exactly what a home should require. Perhaps less down but without major skin in the game too many neighborhoods would become like downtown LA.

People don't take care of things they have no investment in. I spent a decade building and rehabbing HUD housing and the filth that lived in them would wreck them faster than I could finish the one next door to them. It was an endless circle jerk of finish one complex the go back to the previous one to fix what had been torn up.

I do give to homeless charities almost exclusively but at food banks and the like. Homeless destroy the neighborhoods they live in 100% of the time.

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