How can any American celebrate the indictments of Trump when Americans are starving on the streets and addicted to drugs?

Absentee ballots are perfectly legal, valid, secure, and are the future of our voting system.
It is unrealistic in this day and age to expect Americans to be able to cast every single ballot in person on one single day
There are just too many of us voting now.

I agree. Today many more people travel, or have a second home away from home. There are tons of old people whose minds are sharp and care about politics who can’t easily get to the polls and wait on lines. It’s not like mail-in ballots haven’t been used before. Didn’t Trump use them regularly himself?

Personally, I used to really like voting in person. It’s a great old civic tradition. Volunteering as a polling aid is a fine thing too. It teaches one a lot, and I guess is even a way to make a few bucks in most places.

On the other hand, anybody who elevates “party over country” and is caught breaking the law, trying to vote twice, obstructing others trying to vote, etc. …. is the lowest of the low, and ought to be punished severely.
The fact show us at the economy was much better under Trump. Lower unemployment under Biden doesnt mean much because they don’t pay enough to compete with the cost of living.

The most important thing in the country is the cost of gas and the cost of a home. And right now the average cost of a home in America is $400,000. Not only this, but the high interest rates are crushing Americans.

So many Americans are broke. This constant talk about Hunter Biden, and Donald Trump is a distraction from our faltering economy in America. Not sure how things are in Canada but here in America the economy is very bad.

Have you not figured out that facts have no effect on them?
Get in
Make fun of them
Get out.
Well, I don’t respond to trolling responses. To be fair to you in the future, I will not be responding to any of your trolling posts other than a response of telling you thank you for contributing to The thread views. There’s gonna be some grammar issues because of a physical disability. I had to relearn how to walk. Most people would get a ton of weight in a wheelchair. Not me I beat the wheelchair.

Yes, there are horrendous drug issues in our country that did not exist in the countries past. There are issues today with the over prescription of antidepressants. People did not take antidepressants in the past. The country was better. There was less school shootings. Had a much lower divorce rate in the 1950s compared to today. I have nothing but respect for the black and white people of America’s greatest generation.
Get spellcheck!
No, it is a BLUE COUNTY bringing the charges. Are you stupid, dishonest or both?
No. Not dishonest or stupid. I really cannot help that state charges were brought in the county of the capital of Georgia. Maybe Donny should have conducted himself in a more upright legal manner, not involving conspiracies to change the vote outcome after the election. It is not like he was forced to, and not like his and his fellow conspirators and political operative were effective. But, Donny has never been too bright.
Get spellcheck!
Can’t do that on my phone Sir. I’m physically disabled and I have to use the voice application. I’ve already told you this about four times now.

For both of our sakes, I’m going to put you on ignore if you keep on posting in such an extreme, arrogant matter, even though I’ve already told you, I’m physically disabled.

Thanks for continuing to contribute to my threads and increasing the thread views
Some of the Biden supporters think this is funny. They also think it’s “fake news” when it is staring them in the face fellow Americans literally starving on the streets. Addicted to drugs.

There is nothing funny about the above those are somebody’s parents somebody’s children. And look at what happened in this country a small percentage of Americans don’t give a damn about the above. They are the ugliest people in the world. It is extremely ugly to just laugh at homeless people.

We have a cultural problem in America. People mostly Democrats …Also, some Republicans have a monstrous attitude toward life. These are clearly not Christians they are the most toxic people on the Internet launching unprovoked personal attacks . They are the exact type of people who wouldn’t hold the door open for a man who doesn’t have arms. The type of people who laugh at those who get diagnosed with cancer.

As Christians we can only pray for these types of people that they change their ways
those programs only help the poor stay poor,,

best way to help the poor is to make them uncomfortable in their poverty,,

starvation is a great motivator,,

and those red states are more than willing to help those that help themselves,, not the ones that want to live on the efforts of other people,,

If what you say is true, why do red states have the highest rates of poverty in the USA???

If making the poor uncomfortable in their poverty is the way to eliminate poverty, why do the states which do the LEAST to help those in poverty have the highest rates of poverty?????

In Canada we have basically guanteed income for life. Our education, health care, and basic infrastructure are all taxpayer funded, and yet we have a higher percentage of our population working than the USA.

Republicans keep spreading this fiction that if you give poor people money, they won't work, but that's simply not true. In Oakland, they had a pilot project which increased welfare by $500 per month. At the end of the one year, many of the families had paid off their debts, upgraded their skills and found full time employment.

When people have their basic needs taken care of, it gives them the energy and the time to improve other aspects of their life.
I agree. Today many more people travel, or have a second home away from home. There are tons of old people whose minds are sharp and care about politics who can’t easily get to the polls and wait on lines. It’s not like mail-in ballots haven’t been used before. Didn’t Trump use them regularly himself?

Personally, I used to really like voting in person. It’s a great old civic tradition. Volunteering as a polling aid is a fine thing too. It teaches one a lot, and I guess is even a way to make a few bucks in most places.

On the other hand, anybody who elevates “party over country” and is caught breaking the law, trying to vote twice, obstructing others trying to vote, etc. …. is the lowest of the low, and ought to be punished severely.
I always vote in person, and always take my oldest son with me.
Can’t do that on my phone Sir. I’m physically disabled and I have to use the voice application. I’ve already told you this about four times now.

For both of our sakes, I’m going to put you on ignore if you keep on posting in such an extreme, arrogant matter, even though I’ve already told you, I’m physically disabled.

Thanks for continuing to contribute to my threads and increasing the thread views
You are also mentally disabled. but that hasn't stopped you from posting! All Democrats are mentally disabled or they would not be Democrats.
We have tons of homeless problems in democrat led cities like San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle… we’re even seeing homelessness issues in places we haven’t seen before like in parts of the suburbs

How about the hundreds of thousands of people each year that have died from fetnal and other drug abuse in this country. The many Americans who are waking up using drugs every day because they don’t have a good job they don’t have a relationship. These are the core issues that we must confront. But the media and the politicians distract us with nonsense.

Our economy is in one of the worst states of our countries history.. and yet on C-SPAN, a number of people called in celebrating this nonsense prosecution of Donald Trump. Thankfully a majority of cspan callers supported Mr. Trump and noticed that this is a political prosecution.

When one drives across the country, you get the feeling that most Americans do not agree with prosecuting Trump. Never before in the history of this country has a president or former president faced this type of legal scrutiny. This is a monumental disgrace.

With the rise of BLM racism, and this attack on American history, the destruction of historical statues. The violent rioting across country driven by Democrats in 2020. The attacks on democratic institutions by left-wing fanatics …The fake idea that the police are the enemy and that white people are privileged, the persecution of Donald Trump(which is being done by pro BLM anti Americans)all serves as a distraction from the fact that so many Americans can’t afford basic cost of living.

For once can any far left wing democrat think about the plight of the working class black man and white man in this country. Put country before politics.

We have to confront the racism and the attempted destruction of American society by far left wingers and their Republican supporters in this country ..And I think we will for sure, because America always prevails.

So how is that whole war on drugs, tough on crime, open up the asylum doors, trickle down economics, conservativetopia working out for you?

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