How can any American celebrate the indictments of Trump when Americans are starving on the streets and addicted to drugs?

I call myself a communist because communism is the objective of socialism. I identify my socialism with communism as Karl Marx and Engels did, way before the USSR ever existed. ....
Yes, I have been to jail. I got a nice taste. I managed to get out right after Breakfast which was a lousy bologna sandwich. Yes, Jail and Prison is bad. I been there, 34 hours. Just enough time to be put in a cell with 7 others. In that sense, I definitely know much more about it than your experiences.

and again, you are a bigot, stereotyping me repeatedly.

You know about jail because you been to a prison as a social worker? I dont know anything about because I am not you?
Fine, I will let you state I know nothing, because I really dont know much about jail only being there on a few occasions and at the most 34 hours. You won that.

It is hell, as you say, and I have no idea as you say. You win.
And now I get to apply your reasoning to you, you dont know jack shit about Gulags. You have never been there so you dont know nothing. Nothing at all. But as a bigot you claim differently. You disqualify me with your broken reasoning so we must use your reasoning on your comments, you know nothing about the Gulags!!!

whining, you a huge whiner, crying about capitalism

Capitalism gave you the computer you are using to cry about capitalism.

The only person crying in this forum, is you, the fake, a person who knows nothing about the gulags.

I know more about the USSR and the Gulag than you'll ever know. Most of what you've heard about it through capitalist propaganda is bullshit.

Your assumption that the computer and other modern technologies are purely capitalist inventions is a misconception. In reality, many of the most transformative technologies we use today have roots in government-funded research and development, often conducted with public money for public aims before they became commercial products. Let’s take a closer look at some pivotal examples:

  1. The Internet:
    Contrary to popular belief, the Internet was not initially developed by private entrepreneurs. It grew out of the ARPANET, a project funded by the United States Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the 1960s. Universities and public research labs played a major role in this.
  2. Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi technology builds heavily on a range of prior research, much of which was publicly funded. A key development in Wi-Fi technology came from the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), Australia’s national science agency, which was responsible for significant patented work on wireless networking.
  3. Touch Screens: The foundational technology behind touch screens was developed by CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, which is funded by 23 member states. This technology was developed for more efficient interaction with control systems, not initially for commercial profit.
  4. Computers: The development of computers involved significant public-sector involvement. ENIAC, one of the first general-purpose computers, was financed by the United States Army during World War II. Alan Turing, whose work is foundational to computer science, was funded by the British government.
  5. Global Positioning System (GPS): The system was developed by the United States Department of Defense and was initially intended for military navigation but was later made available to civilians.
  6. Semiconductor Research: Much of the fundamental research on semiconductors, which are essential for all electronic devices, was conducted under government or publicly funded auspices. In the United States, for example, the government played a significant role through funding provided by the Department of Defense and later the National Science Foundation.
It is essential to realize that these groundbreaking technologies, which underpin so much of our modern life, did not emerge from a void but were built on extensive, often publicly funded, research and development. They demonstrate that the public sector plays an indispensable role in driving major technological innovation, often taking on the high risks and uncertainty that private firms are unwilling or unable to assume.

Furthermore, many of these technologies were developed for the public or common good, not initially for commercial profit.

Here are some Soviet inventions:

  • First Nuclear Power Plant Connected to an Electric Grid:
    The world's first nuclear power plant, Obninsk, was connected to the electrical grid in 1954 in the Soviet Union.
  • First Man-made Satellite: Sputnik 1, launched in 1957, was the world's first artificial satellite.
  • First Human in Space: Yuri Gagarin became the first human to travel into space and orbit the Earth in 1961.
  • Laser Research: Alexander Prokhorov and Nikolai Basov conducted pioneering work on lasers and masers, for which they shared a Nobel Prize in 1964.
  • LED (Light Emitting Diodes): Oleg Losev is credited with significant early work on LEDs in the 1920s.
  • Phage Therapy: The use of bacteriophages (viruses that kill bacteria) to treat bacterial infections was extensively developed in the Soviet Union.
  • First Spacecraft to Reach the Moon: Luna 2 was the first human-made object to reach the moon in 1959.
  • First Woman in Space: Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to travel into space in 1963.
  • First Spacewalk: Alexei Leonov conducted the world's first spacewalk in 1965.
  • First Robotic Spacecraft to Land on Another Planet: Venera 7 was the first spacecraft to successfully land on another planet (Venus) and transmit data back to Earth in 1970.
  • Development of the AK-47: Mikhail Kalashnikov developed this iconic and widely used assault rifle.
  • Synthesis of Element 102, Nobelium: Soviet scientists were among the teams that discovered this element in the 1950s.
  • First Interplanetary Spacecraft: Mars 3, launched in 1971, was the first spacecraft to land on Mars, although it only transmitted data for a short time.
  • First Nuclear Icebreaker: The Lenin, launched in 1957, was the world's first nuclear-powered icebreaker.
  • First Commercial Jetliner, the Tu-104: This was one of the first jetliners in the world, taking its maiden flight in 1955.
  • Tetris: This iconic video game was created by Soviet software engineer Alexey Pajitnov in 1984.
  • First Mobile (Car) Phone System: While not a handheld mobile phone as we know today, the Soviet Union developed a system called Altay in 1958 that allowed mobile calls from cars.
  • First Supersonic Passenger Jet, the Tu-144: This plane, which first flew in 1968, was the world’s first commercial supersonic transport aircraft (SST), predating the Concorde.
  • First Radar System: Soviet engineer Pavel Oshchepkov was involved in the development of one of the world's first radar systems in the 1930s.
  • First Artificial Heart: Vladimir Demikhov, a Soviet scientist, developed one of the first artificial hearts and implanted it into a dog in 1937.
I will give you that statement, which standing alone is accurate, but that is not all that you said about homelessness. The rest that you said showed that you are pretty fucking stupid.

Republicans? So why do Democrats not refund? Okay, blame everyone in the Federal Government. But that leaves no blame for the states. Homelessness is a state problem, not a Federal problem. Republicans have not defunded all the programs, nor half, most likely they have defunded none.
You're saying I'm stupid while arguing that the federal government has no role in eliminating homelessness. The irony. The states receive much of their yearly funding from the federal government. Republicans in both state and federal governments, are constantly trying to defund social programs. In doing so, they make the situation worse and more expensive for everyone. The cost burden on society is increased when social ills like homelessness aren't effectively addressed. It's more expensive to leave people out in the street than to simply house them.
The USSR was the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics. Do you see the word "communist" there anywhere"? No. The Soviet Union wasn't communist, but rather a socialist nation on the path to communism. The reason socialists like me, identify ourselves as communists, is because the aim of our socialism is communism. If you're unable to wrap your head around that, that's not my fault. The problem is yours, not mine.
hahahahahaha, thank you for that, proving that you have no idea what a Communist is known as, historically.

USSR, yep, dont see the name communist, hence they were not communist
USA, yep, dont see the word capitalist, hence we are not capitalist.

See how your thinking works. WRONG!

You have demonstrated, again, that you do not know history, and if you do not know some history, you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground when it comes to Communist.

CPSU? What is that, Communist Party of the Soviet Union? Russian Communist Party? All Union Communist Party?
RSFSR? Communist Party of the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic?

You are right, the united states is not a capitalist country because USA does not contain a "C".

Call yourself what you like. Your comments prove you dont know shit about Communists.
Only drug dealers should be prosecuted if not executed in front of a firing squad.
Wow. Even during constitutional prohibition the Moonshiner were not executed. I hear the Philippines are looking for some good goon squad recruits .....
You're saying I'm stupid while arguing that the federal government has no role in eliminating homelessness. The irony. The states receive much of their yearly funding from the federal government. Republicans in both state and federal governments, are constantly trying to defund social programs. In doing so, they make the situation worse and more expensive for everyone. The cost burden on society is increased when social ills like homelessness aren't effectively addressed. It's more expensive to leave people out in the street than to simply house them.
Yep, you are dumb. Homelessness, is a state problem. Sure, the Federal government does more than out constitution allows, that does not make it their responsibility.

Defunding Federal Programs makes things more expensive? Again, it is a state problem. You do not understand how our government is designed to work. Just like you think the USSR is not communist because there is no C in USSR.

The Federal Government has no business addressing homelessness. It is the state that is responsible for the problems in that particular state.

We should be using the Federal Government for Federal stuff, like the military.
...Only drug dealers should be prosecuted if not executed in front of a firing squad. ...

Know where that happens, comrade? China. Go live there for a few years then come back and spew your nonsense. You won't.
Tell that to New York city. They obviously disagree.

That is part of the problem. In big liberal cities like NYC, land and housing is very expensive, yet their general “liberal” policies — and the opposite policies of conservative districts and states that are hostile to the homeless — drive millions of drug addicts, mentally ill and simply poor homeless who are working but fall on hard times — to end up on those cities’ streets. Plus of course foreign refugees and illegal immigrants often are channeled to such cities or drawn to them seeking work.

This is not so much an ideological problem as a complex of social and economic problems in society as a whole. There may be political solutions — but they aren’t simple, nor can they all be blamed on any one party.
That is part of the problem. In big liberal cities like NYC, land and housing is very expensive, yet their general “liberal” policies — and the opposite policies of conservative districts and states that are hostile to the homeless — drive millions of drug addicts, mentally ill and simply poor homeless who are working but fall on hard times — to end up on those cities’ streets. Plus of course foreign refugees and illegal immigrants often are channeled to such cities or drawn to them seeking work.

This is not so much an ideological problem as a complex of social and economic problems in society as a whole. There may be political solutions — but they aren’t simple, nor can they all be blamed on any one party.
You are as full of shit as usual. Carry on!
Yep, you are dumb. Homelessness, is a state problem. Sure, the Federal government does more than out constitution allows, that does not make it their responsibility.

Defunding Federal Programs makes things more expensive? Again, it is a state problem. You do not understand how our government is designed to work. Just like you think the USSR is not communist because there is no C in USSR.

The Federal Government has no business addressing homelessness. It is the state that is responsible for the problems in that particular state.

We should be using the Federal Government for Federal stuff, like the military.

You're obviously the big dummy, claiming homelessness is strictly a state issue, and insisting that the federal government should remain uninvolved. In a capitalist system, where wealth and resources are so unevenly distributed, homelessness isn't just a failure of individual states, it's a national failure, indicative of the profound social and economic inequalities perpetuated by capitalism itself.

Firstly, people experiencing homelessness can and do move from one state to another. If one state enacts draconian laws against homelessness, it doesn't solve the problem, it merely shifts it to another state. This clearly demonstrates that homelessness is not confined within the borders of individual states and, as such, warrants a unified, national response. DUH!?

Secondly, homelessness is not an isolated issue; it’s deeply connected to broader national economic conditions, including employment opportunities, healthcare, and housing affordability, all of which are influenced by federal policies. The federal government already plays a significant role in shaping the economy through its monetary policy, regulation of interstate commerce, and major entitlement programs. So why, then, should the federal government be absolved of responsibility in matters like homelessness, which are so clearly tied to national economic conditions? It shouldn't and you asserting otherwise just demonstrates how fucking retarded you are.

The US federal government is already extensively involved in funding state programs through grants and aid. This is a recognition of the interconnectedness of our states and the need for federal support to address various issues. It's contradictory to accept federal funds for some state issues but to argue that homelessness should be excluded from this framework. Your point is arbitrary and STUPID.


Homelessness in a society as wealthy as the United States is a stark illustration of the failures of capitalism. It is the result of a system that prioritizes profit over people, where the basic human need for shelter is secondary to the ability to pay. Housing must be viewed as a fundamental human right, not a commodity to be bought and sold for profit. This is not about federal versus state; this is about the inherent contradictions and moral failings of a capitalist system that allows such immense wealth to coexist with extreme poverty and deprivation.

Any nation that allows this... failing.

The Constitution’s Preamble talks about promoting the “general Welfare” of the people of the United States. It's within the purview of ‘general Welfare’ to ensure that every citizen has a safe and stable place to live, to avoid what you saw in the above video.

It will require the US Federal government to pass laws that will allow the states to adjudicate homeless drug addicts into rehab or mental institutions, where they belong until they get well (NOT ALL HOMELESS PEOPLE ARE DRUG ADDICTS OR CRAZY, HENCE THEY DON'T NEED TO BE ADJUDICATED, THEY NEED HOUSING!). All of the homeless should be housed, period. Even the God of your Holy Bible, commands His disciples to feed and house the homeless, under threat of throwing all of you into hell, if you refuse to do that:

Mat 25:41-46 Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels: (42) For I was hungry, and ye gave me no meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me no drink: (43) I was a stranger, and ye took me not in: naked, and ye clothed me not: sick, and in prison, and ye visited me not. (44) Then shall they also answer him, saying, Lord, when saw we thee an hungred, or athirst, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not minister unto thee? (45) Then shall he answer them, saying, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to one of the least of these, ye did it not to me. (46) And these shall go away into everlasting punishment: but the righteous into life eternal.


If you conservative Christians fail to obey your Lord, then He will commission us communists to do it. You're irresponsible mammon worshipers, who refuse to follow your King's directives, will be replaced by communists. We will do it because you, the "born again, salt of the Earth" won't.

Isa 58:5-12 Is it such a fast that I have chosen? a day for a man to afflict his soul? is it to bow down his head as a bulrush, and to spread sackcloth and ashes under him? wilt thou call this a fast, and an acceptable day to the LORD? (6) Is not this the fast that I have chosen? to loose the bands of wickedness, to undo the heavy burdens, and to let the oppressed go free, and that ye break every yoke? (7) Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house? when thou seest the naked, that thou cover him; and that thou hide not thyself from thine own flesh? (8) Then shall thy light break forth as the morning, and thine health shall spring forth speedily: and thy righteousness shall go before thee; the glory of the LORD shall be thy rereward. (9) Then shalt thou call, and the LORD shall answer; thou shalt cry, and he shall say, Here I am. If thou take away from the midst of thee the yoke, the putting forth of the finger, and speaking vanity; (10) And if thou draw out thy soul to the hungry, and satisfy the afflicted soul; then shall thy light rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the noonday: (11) And the LORD shall guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and like a spring of water, whose waters fail not. (12) And they that shall be of thee shall build the old waste places: thou shalt raise up the foundations of many generations; and thou shalt be called, The repairer of the breach, The restorer of paths to dwell in.

Is it not to deal thy bread to the hungry, and that thou bring the poor that are cast out to thy house?

If you don't open the door of your house to the homeless, then the communists will house the homeless, by ACTUALLY HOUSING the homeless. Providing them with housing, not packing them in a stinky warehouse, like sardines, full of bunkbeds, where they'll catch TB, and get eaten alive by bed bugs and cockroaches. When I was homeless in the 1990s and early 2000s, I slept outside, because I wasn't going to live in a homeless "shelter"-hell. No thanks, I'll sleep in the park or in front of your business, and pee and poop on the sidewalk like an animal, to make it smell good for your customers. Homeless people are expensive, it's cheaper to house them. Obey your Biblical God, and house them, properly, or the communists will do it.

giphy (3).gif

We evil communists, will house the homeless, and feed the hungry, muahahahaha....
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How can any American celebrate the indictments of Trump when Americans are starving on the streets and addicted to drugs?​

Well there you have it - no one can be held legally responsble because not everything in the coutry is perfect.

It really is that fucking stupid.

Predictably, the closer Trump gets to his jail cell the more and more nutty his faithful will be talking.
We have tons of homeless problems in democrat led cities like San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle… we’re even seeing homelessness issues in places we haven’t seen before like in parts of the suburbs

How about the hundreds of thousands of people each year that have died from fetnal and other drug abuse in this country. The many Americans who are waking up using drugs every day because they don’t have a good job they don’t have a relationship. These are the core issues that we must confront. But the media and the politicians distract us with nonsense.

Our economy is in one of the worst states of our countries history.. and yet on C-SPAN, a number of people called in celebrating this nonsense prosecution of Donald Trump. Thankfully a majority of cspan callers supported Mr. Trump and noticed that this is a political prosecution.

When one drives across the country, you get the feeling that most Americans do not agree with prosecuting Trump. Never before in the history of this country has a president or former president faced this type of legal scrutiny. This is a monumental disgrace.

With the rise of BLM racism, and this attack on American history, the destruction of historical statues. The violent rioting across country driven by Democrats in 2020. The attacks on democratic institutions by left-wing fanatics …The fake idea that the police are the enemy and that white people are privileged, the persecution of Donald Trump(which is being done by pro BLM anti Americans)all serves as a distraction from the fact that so many Americans can’t afford basic cost of living.

For once can any far left wing democrat think about the plight of the working class black man and white man in this country. Put country before politics.

We have to confront the racism and the attempted destruction of American society by far left wingers and their Republican supporters in this country ..And I think we will for sure, because America always prevails.

I don't see how they're mutually exclusive.
We have tons of homeless problems in democrat led cities like San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle… we’re even seeing homelessness issues in places we haven’t seen before like in parts of the suburbs

How about the hundreds of thousands of people each year that have died from fetnal and other drug abuse in this country. The many Americans who are waking up using drugs every day because they don’t have a good job they don’t have a relationship. These are the core issues that we must confront. But the media and the politicians distract us with nonsense.

Our economy is in one of the worst states of our countries history.. and yet on C-SPAN, a number of people called in celebrating this nonsense prosecution of Donald Trump. Thankfully a majority of cspan callers supported Mr. Trump and noticed that this is a political prosecution.

When one drives across the country, you get the feeling that most Americans do not agree with prosecuting Trump. Never before in the history of this country has a president or former president faced this type of legal scrutiny. This is a monumental disgrace.

With the rise of BLM racism, and this attack on American history, the destruction of historical statues. The violent rioting across country driven by Democrats in 2020. The attacks on democratic institutions by left-wing fanatics …The fake idea that the police are the enemy and that white people are privileged, the persecution of Donald Trump(which is being done by pro BLM anti Americans)all serves as a distraction from the fact that so many Americans can’t afford basic cost of living.

For once can any far left wing democrat think about the plight of the working class black man and white man in this country. Put country before politics.

We have to confront the racism and the attempted destruction of American society by far left wingers and their Republican supporters in this country ..And I think we will for sure, because America always prevails.

because those that aren't poorly educated can walk & chew gum @ the same time.

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