How can any American celebrate the indictments of Trump when Americans are starving on the streets and addicted to drugs?

We have tons of homeless problems in democrat led cities like San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle… we’re even seeing homelessness issues in places we haven’t seen before like in parts of the suburbs

How about the hundreds of thousands of people each year that have died from fetnal and other drug abuse in this country. The many Americans who are waking up using drugs every day because they don’t have a good job they don’t have a relationship. These are the core issues that we must confront. But the media and the politicians distract us with nonsense.

Our economy is in one of the worst states of our countries history.. and yet on C-SPAN, a number of people called in celebrating this nonsense prosecution of Donald Trump. Thankfully a majority of cspan callers supported Mr. Trump and noticed that this is a political prosecution.

When one drives across the country, you get the feeling that most Americans do not agree with prosecuting Trump. Never before in the history of this country has a president or former president faced this type of legal scrutiny. This is a monumental disgrace.

With the rise of BLM racism, and this attack on American history, the destruction of historical statues. The violent rioting across country driven by Democrats in 2020. The attacks on democratic institutions by left-wing fanatics …The fake idea that the police are the enemy and that white people are privileged, the persecution of Donald Trump(which is being done by pro BLM anti Americans)all serves as a distraction from the fact that so many Americans can’t afford basic cost of living.

For once can any far left wing democrat think about the plight of the working class black man and white man in this country. Put country before politics.

We have to confront the racism and the attempted destruction of American society by far left wingers and their Republican supporters in this country ..And I think we will for sure, because America always prevails.
Trump is the Democrat's boogeyman.
You just admitted to being full of shit. Too late to dance it back now, fraud.

You're the worthless, smelly shit itself, which makes it even worse punk.
tenor (3).gif
What's that, fraud? What have you seen for yourself? Nothing?
You're irrational. I'm not going to waste anymore time or energy going back and forth with you. Have the last word and delude yourself into thinking you've "won" something .
We have tons of homeless problems in democrat led cities like San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle… we’re even seeing homelessness issues in places we haven’t seen before like in parts of the suburbs

How about the hundreds of thousands of people each year that have died from fetnal and other drug abuse in this country. The many Americans who are waking up using drugs every day because they don’t have a good job they don’t have a relationship. These are the core issues that we must confront. But the media and the politicians distract us with nonsense.

Our economy is in one of the worst states of our countries history.. and yet on C-SPAN, a number of people called in celebrating this nonsense prosecution of Donald Trump. Thankfully a majority of cspan callers supported Mr. Trump and noticed that this is a political prosecution.

When one drives across the country, you get the feeling that most Americans do not agree with prosecuting Trump. Never before in the history of this country has a president or former president faced this type of legal scrutiny. This is a monumental disgrace.

With the rise of BLM racism, and this attack on American history, the destruction of historical statues. The violent rioting across country driven by Democrats in 2020. The attacks on democratic institutions by left-wing fanatics …The fake idea that the police are the enemy and that white people are privileged, the persecution of Donald Trump(which is being done by pro BLM anti Americans)all serves as a distraction from the fact that so many Americans can’t afford basic cost of living.

For once can any far left wing democrat think about the plight of the working class black man and white man in this country. Put country before politics.

We have to confront the racism and the attempted destruction of American society by far left wingers and their Republican supporters in this country ..And I think we will for sure, because America always prevails.

No one, including democrats care about the homeless druggies. As it should be. They don't even care about themselves.
Trump is the Democrat's boogeyman.
Here the Democrats have a chance to spend more money to help the homeless. Will they do it? Just drop the phony charges against Trump and redirect that money to agencies that help the homeless.
We have tons of homeless problems in democrat led cities like San Francisco, Chicago, New York City, Los Angeles, Seattle… we’re even seeing homelessness issues in places we haven’t seen before like in parts of the suburbs

How about the hundreds of thousands of people each year that have died from fetnal and other drug abuse in this country. The many Americans who are waking up using drugs every day because they don’t have a good job they don’t have a relationship. These are the core issues that we must confront. But the media and the politicians distract us with nonsense.

Our economy is in one of the worst states of our countries history.. and yet on C-SPAN, a number of people called in celebrating this nonsense prosecution of Donald Trump. Thankfully a majority of cspan callers supported Mr. Trump and noticed that this is a political prosecution.

When one drives across the country, you get the feeling that most Americans do not agree with prosecuting Trump. Never before in the history of this country has a president or former president faced this type of legal scrutiny. This is a monumental disgrace.

With the rise of BLM racism, and this attack on American history, the destruction of historical statues. The violent rioting across country driven by Democrats in 2020. The attacks on democratic institutions by left-wing fanatics …The fake idea that the police are the enemy and that white people are privileged, the persecution of Donald Trump(which is being done by pro BLM anti Americans)all serves as a distraction from the fact that so many Americans can’t afford basic cost of living.

For once can any far left wing democrat think about the plight of the working class black man and white man in this country. Put country before politics.

We have to confront the racism and the attempted destruction of American society by far left wingers and their Republican supporters in this country ..And I think we will for sure, because America always prevails.
Thats easy. Trump is no different than any other suspect getting due process.
I call myself a communist because communism is the objective of socialism. I identify my socialism with communism as Karl Marx and Engels did, way before the USSR ever existed. You apparently don't know what communism is. Communism is a stateless society, without socioeconomic classes or the need for money. That's the Marxist definition of communism, dating over fifty years before the Russian Bolshevik revolution.

The USSR was the Union Of Soviet Socialist Republics. Do you see the word "communist" there anywhere"? No. The Soviet Union wasn't communist, but rather a socialist nation on the path to communism. The reason socialists like me, identify ourselves as communists, is because the aim of our socialism is communism. If you're unable to wrap your head around that, that's not my fault. The problem is yours, not mine.

If we're discussing capitalism and communism, within the context of addressing present socioeconomic challenges and conditions, and you want to point out mistakes communists made in the past, in managing their economies or in producing goods and services to meet the needs of their citizens, that's fine. That's a valid critique if you're debating a communist who is telling you that communism is the solution to our present economic problems.

You mentioning the past errors of a centrally planned, command economy, like that of the USSR's, asking me how communists today intend to overcome those apparent systemic flaws in a marketless, non-profit centrally planned economy, is a 100% valid, honest objection to my position. If you were doing that, in your critique of the Soviet economy, I wouldn't consider you being disingenuous or resorting to red herrings. I would give you a thumbs up, for asking me good, honest questions.

However, if you start with the cheap capitalist polemics about how the Soviets were "EVIL" and how communism is Satanic, and how we communists killed a hundred trillion innocent little lambs...etc, then you're being dishonest, hypocritical, and in many ways, irrational. That same ad hominem criticism that you're using against me and my communist position, can be used against you as a defender of capitalism. Death toll arguments, in a debate between far-left socialists like me and capitalists like you, don't prove anything, much less undermine any of our positions.

Why? Because both of our respective positions are standing on a huge mountain of rotting corpses. You have for-profit pursuing imperialism, with its racist, inhumane colonialism and slavery to grapple with and we have our own crimes as well. Class warfare is bloody, and all types of people die. Good, bad, ugly, rich, poor, young, old, males, females, millions die in a revolution. Civil wars between socioeconomic classes create mountains of bodies. OK? None of us have any moral high ground on such issues, so let's move on to discussing economics.

Your claim that "Capitalism ended slavery" is overly simplistic and lacks historical depth. It is crucial to recognize that slavery was abolished through immense political and social struggle, in which various groups, including slaves themselves, played pivotal roles. Capitalism, as an economic system, was largely indifferent to the moral status of slavery, and in many instances, capitalists profited greatly from the slave trade and slave labor. The abolition of slavery involved much more than the rise of capitalism.

Moreover, your assertion that capitalism "destroyed Royalty" is misleading. We still have constitutional monarchies in many capitalist countries today. The capitalist class has often found it convenient to form alliances with existing power structures, including royalty, when it suits their interests. The main transformation was the shift of dominant economic power from the landed aristocracy to the capitalist class, rather than a simple "destruction" of royalty.

Your point about capitalism’s relationship with slavery and royalty also overlooks the significant issue of the employer-employee relationship under capitalism. While capitalism has indeed revolutionized production and improved the material conditions of life for many, it has done so through a system that is fundamentally exploitative. In this system, the working class sells its labor to the capitalist class for wages, while the capitalist class owns the means of production and profits from the surplus value generated by the workers. This dynamic mirrors previous systems of exploitation, effectively replacing 'serf and lord' with 'employee and employer'.

Adam Smith the father of modern capitalism, called capitalists "masters", in his work "The Wealth of Nations".

Moreover, wage labor under capitalism isn't just an economic contract; it's a power relation. The capitalist has significant control over the worker's life, how they work, where they work, and under what conditions they work. This is why I use the term "wage slavery". While workers under capitalism are 'free' in a legal sense, they are often subjected to deeply unequal, undemocratic, and exploitative conditions in their workplace, akin to a kind of 'totalitarian mini-state'. Can you not see the profound lack of freedom that this represents for many workers?

As advanced automation continues to replace jobs, eventually it will force society by necessity to adopt a non-profit system of mass production. Another word for that is socialism or communism.

Soviet Russia was never successful. Even now Russia is impoverished and backwards. Stunning stupidity when you consider how rich they are in land, water, oil, timber and other natural resources.
Here the Democrats have a chance to spend more money to help the homeless. Will they do it? Just drop the phony charges against Trump and redirect that money to agencies that help the homeless.

So far Trump has spent $56 million on his legal fees.
I know more about the USSR and the Gulag than you'll ever know. Most of what you've heard about it through capitalist propaganda is bullshit.

Your assumption that the computer and other modern technologies are purely capitalist inventions is a misconception. In reality, many of the most transformative technologies we use today have roots in government-funded research and development, often conducted with public money for public aims before they became commercial products. Let’s take a closer look at some pivotal examples:

  1. The Internet:
    Contrary to popular belief, the Internet was not initially developed by private entrepreneurs. It grew out of the ARPANET, a project funded by the United States Department of Defense's Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in the 1960s. Universities and public research labs played a major role in this.
  2. Wi-Fi: Wi-Fi technology builds heavily on a range of prior research, much of which was publicly funded. A key development in Wi-Fi technology came from the CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation), Australia’s national science agency, which was responsible for significant patented work on wireless networking.
  3. Touch Screens: The foundational technology behind touch screens was developed by CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, which is funded by 23 member states. This technology was developed for more efficient interaction with control systems, not initially for commercial profit.
  4. Computers: The development of computers involved significant public-sector involvement. ENIAC, one of the first general-purpose computers, was financed by the United States Army during World War II. Alan Turing, whose work is foundational to computer science, was funded by the British government.
  5. Global Positioning System (GPS): The system was developed by the United States Department of Defense and was initially intended for military navigation but was later made available to civilians.
  6. Semiconductor Research: Much of the fundamental research on semiconductors, which are essential for all electronic devices, was conducted under government or publicly funded auspices. In the United States, for example, the government played a significant role through funding provided by the Department of Defense and later the National Science Foundation.
It is essential to realize that these groundbreaking technologies, which underpin so much of our modern life, did not emerge from a void but were built on extensive, often publicly funded, research and development. They demonstrate that the public sector plays an indispensable role in driving major technological innovation, often taking on the high risks and uncertainty that private firms are unwilling or unable to assume.

Furthermore, many of these technologies were developed for the public or common good, not initially for commercial profit.

Here are some Soviet inventions:

  • First Nuclear Power Plant Connected to an Electric Grid:
    The world's first nuclear power plant, Obninsk, was connected to the electrical grid in 1954 in the Soviet Union.
  • First Man-made Satellite: Sputnik 1, launched in 1957, was the world's first artificial satellite.
  • First Human in Space: Yuri Gagarin became the first human to travel into space and orbit the Earth in 1961.
  • Laser Research: Alexander Prokhorov and Nikolai Basov conducted pioneering work on lasers and masers, for which they shared a Nobel Prize in 1964.
  • LED (Light Emitting Diodes): Oleg Losev is credited with significant early work on LEDs in the 1920s.
  • Phage Therapy: The use of bacteriophages (viruses that kill bacteria) to treat bacterial infections was extensively developed in the Soviet Union.
  • First Spacecraft to Reach the Moon: Luna 2 was the first human-made object to reach the moon in 1959.
  • First Woman in Space: Valentina Tereshkova became the first woman to travel into space in 1963.
  • First Spacewalk: Alexei Leonov conducted the world's first spacewalk in 1965.
  • First Robotic Spacecraft to Land on Another Planet: Venera 7 was the first spacecraft to successfully land on another planet (Venus) and transmit data back to Earth in 1970.
  • Development of the AK-47: Mikhail Kalashnikov developed this iconic and widely used assault rifle.
  • Synthesis of Element 102, Nobelium: Soviet scientists were among the teams that discovered this element in the 1950s.
  • First Interplanetary Spacecraft: Mars 3, launched in 1971, was the first spacecraft to land on Mars, although it only transmitted data for a short time.
  • First Nuclear Icebreaker: The Lenin, launched in 1957, was the world's first nuclear-powered icebreaker.
  • First Commercial Jetliner, the Tu-104: This was one of the first jetliners in the world, taking its maiden flight in 1955.
  • Tetris: This iconic video game was created by Soviet software engineer Alexey Pajitnov in 1984.
  • First Mobile (Car) Phone System: While not a handheld mobile phone as we know today, the Soviet Union developed a system called Altay in 1958 that allowed mobile calls from cars.
  • First Supersonic Passenger Jet, the Tu-144: This plane, which first flew in 1968, was the world’s first commercial supersonic transport aircraft (SST), predating the Concorde.
  • First Radar System: Soviet engineer Pavel Oshchepkov was involved in the development of one of the world's first radar systems in the 1930s.
  • First Artificial Heart: Vladimir Demikhov, a Soviet scientist, developed one of the first artificial hearts and implanted it into a dog in 1937.

What does any of that have to do with communism?
Soviet Russia was never successful. Even now Russia is impoverished and backwards. Stunning stupidity when you consider how rich they are in land, water, oil, timber and other natural resources
Soviet Russia was the second largest economy in the world, hence what you're saying is nonsense. It's the height of stupidity to claim that a new nation that was constantly being attacked, from both within and without, by domestic capitalist enemies and powerful foreign capitalist empires, was a complete failure when it managed to become the second-largest economy in the world, with a military rivaling that of the United State's. The communists managed to turn an under-industrialized, agrarian European country, under the heel of a king and one of the most brutal feudalistic systems in history, into an industrial juggernaut and world nuclear superpower. The fact that it eventually lost the Cold War, doesn't erase its many accomplishments.

Moreover, the fact that the USSR lost the Cold War and was dissolved from within by a cabal of capitalist revisionist agents within the Soviet government, doesn't imply that communism will not become the final successor of capitalism. All of the evidence points to socialism/communism, being the final "remainderman" and beneficiary, the successor of capitalism, due to the present rapid effort to automate production. Advanced 21st-century automation and artificial intelligence ensure the final victory of communism over capitalism.
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