How can any American celebrate the indictments of Trump when Americans are starving on the streets and addicted to drugs?

No it's a general statement. A location isn't going to get ahead with blue collar factories.

That is probably not true.

Just south of the RTP - Vietnamese Automaker Vinfast - is building an electric vehicle assembly plant, expected to create 7,500 skilled jobs.
"I don't know where you live but I'd move . ....... Things have never been better. Everything is booming and the future looks good. We produce more and more each day and are totally invested in newer technologies and moving ahead.. Good bye ! Get out while you can , move somewhere positive."
Poster Stann above is responding to the OP, by poster FDR.
And, poster Stann nails it.
America is doing great. By and large. As in Jesus' time, there will always be poor. They will always be with us. We can earnestly attempt to mitigate the numbers (ala' the New Deal, ala' The Great Society), but a core of poverty remains and will continue to. We can dwell on that small FDR does in his an attempt to paint all of America as bad, or broken, or sick. But, in truth, the vast vast majority of America is doing just fine.
The angry, grievance-filled, ne'er-do-wells that Don Trump cynically curates and exclusively messages to.....are a fringie minority of Americans. They are 'ne'er-do-wells because of their own operator error.....not Americas.

How do we know the economy sucks? Poverty is gaining ground. That's how we know. In the face of high stock market numbers and claims of zero inflation real people are living real lives that are being devastated by systemic debt.
Several things. Mostly to address the expanding team of strawmen that poster Offal has recruited.
First, NOBODY is claiming "zeros inflation". Let's get that silly strawman off the table, PDQ.
Second, "poverty" is not gaining ground. All statistics show that is at minimum stable, somewhat entrenched, perhaps shrinking. The Covid stimulus...of food subsidies for school children, rent abatements, and now the huge need for workers in this booming economy, and has, lifted many from poverty levels. That's not to say poverty doesn't exist, it does. But earnest people, with earnest measures, continue to address it.

FYI....there is a statistic floating around that if Americans who delinquently owe money to the IRS would pay what they would be more than sufficient to virtually eliminate poverty in the US.

If one is truly interested in the reality of poverty in the US, I'd recommend you read Mathew Desmond's Pulitzer Prize book 'Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City'.
Or, if you don't have time to read a book.....then go online and find Calvin College's 'January Series' collection of lectures. Desmond spoke in that series and his talk in on line. He is an amazingly effective speaker. One of the best I've ever witnessed. And he speaks from a unique insight. He was raised poor. Very poor. His parents and siblings were evicted often in his childhood. But, he was very bright. Went on to teach at Harvard, and is now at Princeton. He is one of America's pre-eminent experts on poverty in this country.

CALL: "Nebraska, and Omaha are good examples of what can be accomplished with the right people. Nebraska is 77% Caucasian. Omaha is 71% Caucasian."
RESPONSE: "Damn! You folks don’t even try to hide your racism anymore"

RESPONSE #2: Damn! True that. Poster Lesh nails it.
And....not to go unnoticed ---- he nails poster BJ's racist "right people" post.
Last edited:
Fourth quarter GDP 3.3

That’s well out from COVID and better than any quarter under Trump.

How anyone can call that a bad economy is mind boggling
Bullshit. Trump is Trump. You are you

Stop trying to make him out to be the Second Coming
I dont do that

Its godless libs who have a phobia against Believers that want to set up a strawman
Poster Stann above is responding to the OP, by poster FDR.
And, poster Stann nails it.
America is doing great. By and large. As in Jesus' time, there will always be poor. They will always be with us. We can earnestly attempt to mitigate the numbers (ala' the New Deal, ala' The Great Society), but a core of poverty remains and will continue to. We can dwell on that small FDR does in his an attempt to paint all of America as bad, or broken, or sick. But, in truth, the vast vast majority of America is doing just fine.
The angry, grievance-filled, ne'er-do-wells that Don Trump cynically curates and exclusively messages to.....are a fringie minority of Americans. They are 'ne'er-do-wells because of their own operator error.....not Americas.


Several things. Mostly to address the expanding team of strawmen that poster Offal has recruited.
First, NOBODY is claiming "zeros inflation". Let's get that silly strawman off the table, PDQ.
Second, "poverty" is not gaining ground. All statistics show that is at minimum stable, somewhat entrenched, perhaps shrinking. The Covid stimulus...of food subsidies for school children, rent abatements, and now the huge need for workers in this booming economy, and has, lifted many from poverty levels. That's not to say poverty doesn't exist, it does. But earnest people, with earnest measures, continue to address it.

FYI....there is a statistic floating around that if Americans who delinquently owe money to the IRS would pay what they would be more than sufficient to virtually eliminate poverty in the US.

If one is truly interested in the reality of poverty in the US, I'd recommend you read Mathew Desmond's Pulitzer Prize book 'Evicted: Poverty and Profit in the American City'.
Or, if you don't have time to read a book.....then go online and find Calvin College's 'January Series' collection of lectures. Desmond spoke in that series and his talk in on line. He is an amazingly effective speaker. One of the best I've ever witnessed. And he speaks from a unique insight. He was raised poor. Very poor. His parents and siblings were evicted often in his childhood. But, he was very bright. Went on to teach at Harvard, and is now at Princeton. He is one of America's pre-eminent experts on poverty in this country.



RESPONSE #2: Damn! True that. Poster Lesh nails it.
And....not to go unnoticed ---- he nails poster BJ's racist "right people" post.
The fax would disagree with your opinion, my friend… if things were so great for most Americans, we would not be seeing the following. You see your average American can’t afford a home in this country. That’s what Bidenomics gives us.

Homes "unaffordable" in 99% of nation for average American​

BLM is one of the most racist if not the most racist organization in this country. And they lie every day same with their supporters and mass media and Hollywood who pump out pro BLM films and nonsense. Your average black man and white man in America is a good person. The problem is the elite far left wing with their heinous pro BLM radical environmentalism. They’re not doing anything to help the working man. Do you want to see Democrats that helps the man look at those Democrats from the era of the 1940s and 50s. Back in those days for the black man and the white man the middle was better and the divorce rate was much lower. The family spirit was better. Many less children born out of wedlock.
Dont kid yourselves folks

Trump is just a symbol of what libs hate most - you

Some lib wacko could assassinate trump and the lib mob would hate his replacement overnight just as much without skipping a beat

Whoever MAGAs support is the enemy to them because in lib la la land MAGAs are the real enemy
There’s nothing la-la about fascist MAGAs being the enemy. It’s self-preservation.
Trump … what a sick fucker. I hope Haley stays in till the end, and it drives Trump crazy. Nothing less than a grand “coronation” as “King of MAGA” will satisfy his maniacal ego.

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