How can biden possibly be in cognitive decline

When he didn’t have a clue to begin with
He has been for a long time, he is too old to be the President of the USA, just after the USA election he was declining. I am sure he has dementia and that people who want power but never voted in are telling him what to say and do.
When he didn’t have a clue to begin with
Several decades ago my manager was from Delaware and he said his friends neighbors acquaintances thought Biden has his wife killed. I don't still know whehter that is true but in all my years watching politics (I married into one of DC's most connected political families) it is very unusual for someone to have such a reputation. I've seen politicians whose views are loathed but rarely did it carry over to suspecting them to be a murderer.
So I watched him for a long time. What I can say with no qualification is He is stupid, He is lazy beyond that I don't have confidence to say.
I wonder if you and the other Biden haters judge your own politicians by the same standards you set for Biden? I'm guessing the answer is "No" or you'd be saying the same about Donald 'covfefe' Trump.
You have to admit, it's funny watching the Dunning-Kruger crowd try this one.
Back in the 60's, hippies used to demonstrate against "big brother" and career politicians who never had a real job. Now the old hypocrites are the media and democrat establishment.

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