Zone1 How Can Christians Condone Abortion?

Yeah, there is no calculus in which killing a helpless innocent kid is the lesser evil.

It is always evil, for one, and almost assuredly one of the greatest evils in any relative sense.
How is it possible for Christians to believe that each individual has a soul and yet condone its destruction? Was it really up to Mary and Elizabeth to decide whether or not to terminate their pregnancies? Is a soul's existence really dependent on a Certificate of Live Birth?

Please enlighten me.
The government isn't forcing anyone to get an abortion.

No one "condones" abortion but aren't you glad no one is using the power of government to force people into undergoing medical procedures they don't want.

Well, unless you're a pregnant woman. Then it's perfectly fine to force your religious views down their throats.
Yeah, there is no calculus in which killing a helpless innocent kid is the lesser evil.

It is always evil, for one, and almost assuredly one of the greatest evils in any relative sense.


You should learn the difference
Forcing a woman to comply with your religious view using the power of government is evil.
And unconstitutional
What does the government have to do with it? Are you saying people need to have government permission before making a choice?
There are no two evils when it comes to abortion, especially not when so many long to adopt.
Have you ever given birth? My wife did and there was a good bit of misery involved. How to weigh that suffering against the life of a single cell?
Have you ever given birth? My wife did and there was a good bit of misery involved. How to weigh that suffering against the life of a single cell?
You mean pain and suffering like every other child birth?

How many single cells do you believe get aborted.
Have you ever given birth? My wife did and there was a good bit of misery involved. How to weigh that suffering against the life of a single cell?
Why, yes I have, and natural childbirth at that. Twice.

I think everyone understands there is a wide distinction between, "I am miserable" and "I am evil". The two words are not interchangeable.

And let's say the whole nine months were a misery between exhaustion, nausea, dietary issues. bladder issues, labor pains, and on and on. Do you know what would cause me even greater pain? If either of my daughters were to ever say to me, "Mom, you should have gotten rid of me when I was was just a cell or two."
Been to LA, MS, TX, OH, IN... recently?
You missed my point. You were accusing people of faith for wanting to have the power to make choices for others. We do not. The government wants to be the entity that says, "You have a choice" or "You don't have a choice." In fact the government does everything to herd women into make the choice it wants women to make. Government does everything it can to block disturbing information/pictures from being given to women.

In either case, I was speaking about choice in general, choices people make under no influence at all and no permission--from anyone--needed.
How is it possible for Christians to believe that each individual has a soul and yet condone its destruction? Was it really up to Mary and Elizabeth to decide whether or not to terminate their pregnancies? Is a soul's existence really dependent on a Certificate of Live Birth?

Please enlighten me.
They can't.
How is it possible for Christians to believe that each individual has a soul and yet condone its destruction? Was it really up to Mary and Elizabeth to decide whether or not to terminate their pregnancies? Is a soul's existence really dependent on a Certificate of Live Birth?

Please enlighten me.
If by condone you mean how can Christian women have abortions, the answer would be the same way they commit any other sin.

If by condone you mean how can Christians allow abortions, the answer is they have no say in the matter other than their role in secular processes.

I think the better question is how can Christians abide abortion. And that answer is the same way God abides our sins. It's important to remember that God allows us free will. I believe God does so because it's not virtuous if He forces us to be virtuous. So that's how I abide abortion. By remembering it wouldn't be virtuous if women were forced to be virtuous.
You missed my point. You were accusing people of faith for wanting to have the power to make choices for others. We do not. The government wants to be the entity that says, "You have a choice" or "You don't have a choice." In fact the government does everything to herd women into make the choice it wants women to make. Government does everything it can to block disturbing information/pictures from being given to women.

In either case, I was speaking about choice in general, choices people make under no influence at all and no permission--from anyone--needed.
Excuse me?
That is EXACTLY what you're doing.
Using the power of government to enforce YOUR religious view.

OR did you forget the child in Ohio who had to go to Indiana for an abortion after she was raped and Indiana fixed that siutation by punishing the doctor and passing laws to make sure 10 year old girls are forced to have babies.

These are the facts.
Excuse me?
That is EXACTLY what you're doing.
Using the power of government to enforce YOUR religious view.

OR did you forget the child in Ohio who had to go to Indiana for an abortion after she was raped and Indiana fixed that siutation by punishing the doctor and passing laws to make sure 10 year old girls are forced to have babies.

These are the facts.
Except they can go to other states to have the procedure done, right?

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