How can Hollywood make the movie "Noah"?

Noah is supposedly portrayed as an animal rights activist and ecofreak.

Hence, the usual suspects can safely declare it to be part of the liberal Hollywood conspiracy.
CNN, or maybe it was MSNBC said today, that it was a religious version of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.
How much you want to bet that the God aspect of the movie is limited to Noah saying he has a mission from God??

And with hollywood, it is all about the money... they would make a movie about gay cowboys if it would make a buck... er wait.. did that... I mean a movie about a fictitious portrayal of a president... errr... wait.. they did that.... or a movie chock full of lies about 9/11 being a conspiracy.. err.. wait they did did that
Because the bible which aired on the History Channel had huge ratings and the movie take off from it Son of God did big box office Hollywood will go where the money is that does not mean they have respect for religion or people of faith.
How much you want to bet that the God aspect of the movie is limited to Noah saying he has a mission from God??

And with hollywood, it is all about the money... they would make a movie about gay cowboys if it would make a buck... er wait.. did that... I mean a movie about a fictitious portrayal of a president... errr... wait.. they did that.... or a movie chock full of lies about 9/11 being a conspiracy.. err.. wait they did did that

Actually I read that the word "God" is never said in the entire film.
I mean...seriously???
Noah is supposedly portrayed as an animal rights activist and ecofreak.

Hence, the usual suspects can safely declare it to be part of the liberal Hollywood conspiracy.

Do you always close your eyes and swallow whatever is put in your mouth? I mean, you dont even bother to find out. Rumors are enough?

What about all the other ones? Liberal bias...all of them?
CNN, or maybe it was MSNBC said today, that it was a religious version of Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

You must be talking about the other one from a few years back...Passion of the Christ. Religious folks ate it up and it was about as bloody as Texas Chainsaw

Filmed in Latin, Aramaic and Hebrew, it remains the biggest independent film ever, according to Hollywood Reporter, with box office earnings of more than $600 million worldwide.

They love that stuff
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Where else they gonna make a movie that is at least watchable, just let the Jews in Hollywood handle it....
How much you want to bet that the God aspect of the movie is limited to Noah saying he has a mission from God??

And with hollywood, it is all about the money... they would make a movie about gay cowboys if it would make a buck... er wait.. did that... I mean a movie about a fictitious portrayal of a president... errr... wait.. they did that.... or a movie chock full of lies about 9/11 being a conspiracy.. err.. wait they did did that

Actually I read that the word "God" is never said in the entire film.
I mean...seriously???

You should confirm it first before being offended
I also read that the film is basically "religious void"...not only is the word God never said throughout the entire film, but the religious aspect is almost completely absent.
Also that they portrayed Noah as a homicidal maniac, chopping people up and even trying to kill his own family.
Then to top it off, they put in this giant "rock monsters" that helped Noah build the ark.
Does Noah avoid mentioning God?

This is the silliest controversy around the film.

God is a constant presence in Noah. Noah’s visions of the flood and the ark, the gathering of the animals, the flood itself and the rainbow are all from God. God’s existence is taken for granted by everyone, even the villain.

The sole issue, if you can call it that, is that characters in Noah generally speak, not of “God,” but of “the Creator.” It’s hard to imagine anyone considering this controversial or problematic, but for some reason the claim that “God is never mentioned” in the film refuses to die — even though the Creator actually is referred to as “God” at least once, when Ham tells Tubal-cain, “My father says there can be no king; the Creator is God.”

Why call God “the Creator”? For several reasons. A slightly less familiar term helps create a sense of a bygone era, a cultural world remote from our own. When Christians (and Jews) hear “God,” they can hardly help thinking of the Lord who called Abraham and chose Israel, who delivered his people from Egypt, and so on. Noah’s God hasn’t done any of those things. Using a less familiar term for him helps us appreciate this. It also helps nonbelievers watching the film to prescind from their own views and enter the worldview of the characters.

Calling God “the Creator” emphasizes God’s identity as the maker of all things, an especially noteworthy emphasis so close to the time of creation. It highlights that God is not just a big boss in the sky, but the One on whom all that is depends for its existence.

Finally, my friend Peter Chattaway reminds us (in a blog post on this very question) that, in Jewish piety, not only is the divine Name never spoken — with circumlocutions like “the Lord” or even “The Name” (Adonai, HaShem) used instead — the very word “God” is sometimes written “G-d” out of respect. Noah’s general avoidance of “God” can thus be seen as convergent with Jewish piety (particularly given Aronofsky’s Jewish background).

The ?Noah? Movie Controversies: Questions and Answers | Daily News |[
I also read that the film is basically "religious void"...not only is the word God never said throughout the entire film, but the religious aspect is almost completely absent.
Also that they portrayed Noah as a homicidal maniac, chopping people up and even trying to kill his own family.
Then to top it off, they put in this giant "rock monsters" that helped Noah build the ark.

Have you seen it or do you always take someone elses word for it?
Any dialog between the characters in the film is obviously going to be entirely fiction. As are most of the depictions of the events which take place.

"Lighten up, Francis."
Should Christians see Noah?
Noah is not a movie for everybody, and not all Christians will want to see it. At the same time, there is no reason all Christians, as Christians, should avoid seeing it. It is a movie with notable strengths and drawbacks — one that some will find off-putting and others will appreciate. My review, my interview with Aronofsky and his co-writer and this article are intended to help readers figure out which group they’re likely to fall into, as well as to help those who do see the film think through the issues the film raises.

Read more: The ?Noah? Movie Controversies: Questions and Answers | Daily News |

At least like...find out know, read stuff
Hollywood has made many films based on the Bible. What's the issue again?

What am I supposed to be freaked out over as a conservative?

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