How Can There Be Multiple Gods and Multiple Truths?

Do you agree with the following:

There is 1 God, with one path to Heaven.
There are multiple Gods, and many paths to Heaven.
Doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something?

If there are multiple Gods, who gets to decide what?
Why do they "disagree"?
there are no "gods"....we were put here,"seeded", so to speak by a super advanced race of beings.....
Probably more likely than the god story. Certainly possible.
There are multiple Gods/theories but there is only one "truth" and we probably wont ever know..

except after we die? Or do you mean "ever ever"?
Personally, I don't think we will know anything after we die. I don't believe in a man made god. I don't doubt a supreme creator/being but not the Abrahamic "God". I think if there was something so fuckin awesome that could have made us/world, they wouldn't be as narcissistic as the Abrahamic god. I don't think they would spiritually rape a virgin. I don't think they would send us to an eternity of fire for having a different opinion. And I damn sure think that if someone created us, they are watching us; yhey would show their faces and straighten us out instead of letting us kill each other and dwell on metaphorical bullshit.

well then, if there IS some kind of creator, they are still allowing this to happen to us....
Very good point ;)

Wouldn't the answer be because they could care less what's happening here?
Possibly. But why would someone do all this just to forget about it?
Then again, we could be to them like an ant colony is to humans..
Like I said, we will probably never know.. :/
Do you agree with the following:

There is 1 God, with one path to Heaven.
There are multiple Gods, and many paths to Heaven.
Doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something?

If there are multiple Gods, who gets to decide what?
Why do they "disagree"?
there are no "gods"....we were put here,"seeded", so to speak by a super advanced race of beings.....
Probably more likely than the god story. Certainly possible.
Just as possible as any other theory, IMO.
except after we die? Or do you mean "ever ever"?
Personally, I don't think we will know anything after we die. I don't believe in a man made god. I don't doubt a supreme creator/being but not the Abrahamic "God". I think if there was something so fuckin awesome that could have made us/world, they wouldn't be as narcissistic as the Abrahamic god. I don't think they would spiritually rape a virgin. I don't think they would send us to an eternity of fire for having a different opinion. And I damn sure think that if someone created us, they are watching us; yhey would show their faces and straighten us out instead of letting us kill each other and dwell on metaphorical bullshit.

well then, if there IS some kind of creator, they are still allowing this to happen to us....
Very good point ;)

Wouldn't the answer be because they could care less what's happening here?
Possibly. But why would someone do all this just to forget about it?
Then again, we could be to them like an ant colony is to humans..
Like I said, we will probably never know.. :/
True. As to your question, they could be on the other end of the Universe watching 5 galactic empires try to destroy each other's galaxies or who knows what. One thing I'm certain of, is that whether or not a God or Gods exist, it has no relevance to our daily lives here. And it's doubtful that of the thousands of religions that have existed, all with equally faithful believers, that the Abrahamic story is correct and all the others are not.
Do you agree with the following:

There is 1 God, with one path to Heaven.
There are multiple Gods, and many paths to Heaven.
Doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something?

If there are multiple Gods, who gets to decide what?
Why do they "disagree"?

how about there is 1 G-d and he's called by different names?
Personally, I don't think we will know anything after we die. I don't believe in a man made god. I don't doubt a supreme creator/being but not the Abrahamic "God". I think if there was something so fuckin awesome that could have made us/world, they wouldn't be as narcissistic as the Abrahamic god. I don't think they would spiritually rape a virgin. I don't think they would send us to an eternity of fire for having a different opinion. And I damn sure think that if someone created us, they are watching us; yhey would show their faces and straighten us out instead of letting us kill each other and dwell on metaphorical bullshit.

well then, if there IS some kind of creator, they are still allowing this to happen to us....
Very good point ;)

Wouldn't the answer be because they could care less what's happening here?
Possibly. But why would someone do all this just to forget about it?
Then again, we could be to them like an ant colony is to humans..
Like I said, we will probably never know.. :/
True. As to your question, they could be on the other end of the Universe watching 5 galactic empires try to destroy each other's galaxies or who knows what. One thing I'm certain of, is that whether or not a God or Gods exist, it has no relevance to our daily lives here. And it's doubtful that of the thousands of religions that have existed, all with equally faithful believers, that the Abrahamic story is correct and all the others are not.
Not to mention the roots of the gods are so similar to each other..
People had to explain what they didn't understand somehow..

People today seem to be happy with, we're here, we'll die, let's make the most of it....
Do you agree with the following:

There is 1 God, with one path to Heaven.
There are multiple Gods, and many paths to Heaven.
Doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something?

If there are multiple Gods, who gets to decide what?
Why do they "disagree"?
there are no "gods"....we were put here,"seeded", so to speak by a super advanced race of beings.....
Probably more likely than the god story. Certainly possible.
Just as possible as any other theory, IMO.
I've seen those shows about aliens turning earth monkey's into humans. Either they had sex with the monkeys or they artificially impregnated them.

But that doesn't solve anything because a theist would say that god created the aliens and us.
Why put us here then?
Same goes for God. He obviously abandoned us.

No, we are just dealing with the consequences of our choices.
If your child robs a bank and gets thrown in jail, are you abandoning him or her?
So we are prisoners? I guess I can agree.
"believe in me or burn for eternity".. lol
Thing is, he hasn't shown his face since he raped some child 2000+ years ago.
Why put us here then?
Same goes for God. He obviously abandoned us.

No, we are just dealing with the consequences of our choices.
If your child robs a bank and gets thrown in jail, are you abandoning him or her?
If I have the ability to remove lead from my children's toys, I do it. If god has the ability to remove cancer or drugs, why doesn't he?

I'm a better parent than God apparently.
Think about it. I come to you and I tell you about an invisible creature that has no beginning and no end and it created you and cares about you and built a heaven for you and a hell for your enemies. SHould I go on?

Point is, the chances of my invisible creature being real are not 50/50. And do you have to ask me if the odds are in favor or against it?

Without the organized religions, what evidence do you have for God? You have nothing. So without the stories that god visited and told your ancestors these stories you seem to believe, the odds of a god existing are very very low.

Could there be a generic creator that created the universe? Sure there could. I would have to be a god to know for sure if there is or isn't so in a way I'm agnostic. I don't know either way. BUT, do I lean one way or the other? Oh yea! I lean towards believing there is no god.

Could there be a creator? Sure. But no evidence to date suggest there is one.

Forget about "organized religions" for a minute. We have self-evidence of a spiritual creator greater than ourselves. If we didn't, we'd still be living in the trees with the monkeys... our common ancestors. Something obviously inspired us... made us not afraid to tame fire... to invent the wheel... to climb out of our tree and explore the universe around us.

We can argue philosophically over what that thing is... I think you assume it must be some kind of "invisible creature" because that's how you often describe it... but I don't believe in invisible creatures. Creatures are physical and have physical attributes. This guiding force is beyond the physical, it doesn't have those attributes.

You say that "no evidence suggests a creator" but you can't physically explain how physics created physics. It's a dichotomy... a paradox. In order for physical nature to exist, it has to have some source of creation. We observe physical nature exists and has entropy... the steady and constant devolving from order to chaos... so we have to presume physical nature had a beginning point. But how did it manage to create itself if it didn't exist? Occam's Razor says the simplest answers are usually the best. In this case, the simplest answer is a spiritual force created physical nature.

Now, perhaps you need to replace "spiritual force" with some other phrase in order to distinguish it in your mind away from religious beliefs... but do that... call it something else if you wish... that is what created us.
Do you agree with the following:

There is 1 God, with one path to Heaven.
There are multiple Gods, and many paths to Heaven.
Doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something?

If there are multiple Gods, who gets to decide what?
Why do they "disagree"?


Are you an Atheist or Agnostic?
Agnostic Atheist

The existence and non-existence of a god are not equally probable outcomes. The majority of things we can possibly imagine do not exist. Thus, belief is not as valid a position as skepticism when dealing with unsupported or unfalsifiable claims. Agnostic atheism is the most rational position.

Okay well let's pick this apart:

The existence and non-existence of a god are not equally probable outcomes. (Which is MORE probable?)
The majority of things we can possibly imagine do not exist. (According to who? How do you know?)

So you just have no belief either way. Correct?

Think about it. I come to you and I tell you about an invisible creature that has no beginning and no end and it created you and cares about you and built a heaven for you and a hell for your enemies. SHould I go on?

Point is, the chances of my invisible creature being real are not 50/50. And do you have to ask me if the odds are in favor or against it?

Without the organized religions, what evidence do you have for God? You have nothing. So without the stories that god visited and told your ancestors these stories you seem to believe, the odds of a god existing are very very low.

Could there be a generic creator that created the universe? Sure there could. I would have to be a god to know for sure if there is or isn't so in a way I'm agnostic. I don't know either way. BUT, do I lean one way or the other? Oh yea! I lean towards believing there is no god.

Could there be a creator? Sure. But no evidence to date suggest there is one.

Why put us here then?
Why not? I had an ant colony as a kid. I thought it would be fun. I got bored with it after a week and haven't thought about it since. It could be he doesn't even know we're here and he just designed the Universe with a certain set of physics and chemistry rules to see what would happen. And maybe tried different settings in a billion other Universes.
Do you agree with the following:

There is 1 God, with one path to Heaven.
There are multiple Gods, and many paths to Heaven.
Doesn't matter what you believe, as long as you believe in something?

If there are multiple Gods, who gets to decide what?
Why do they "disagree"?
there are no "gods"....we were put here,"seeded", so to speak by a super advanced race of beings.....
Probably more likely than the god story. Certainly possible.

Lol. Isn't that the same as a "god?"
Think about it. I come to you and I tell you about an invisible creature that has no beginning and no end and it created you and cares about you and built a heaven for you and a hell for your enemies. SHould I go on?

Point is, the chances of my invisible creature being real are not 50/50. And do you have to ask me if the odds are in favor or against it?

Without the organized religions, what evidence do you have for God? You have nothing. So without the stories that god visited and told your ancestors these stories you seem to believe, the odds of a god existing are very very low.

Could there be a generic creator that created the universe? Sure there could. I would have to be a god to know for sure if there is or isn't so in a way I'm agnostic. I don't know either way. BUT, do I lean one way or the other? Oh yea! I lean towards believing there is no god.

Could there be a creator? Sure. But no evidence to date suggest there is one.

Forget about "organized religions" for a minute. We have self-evidence of a spiritual creator greater than ourselves. If we didn't, we'd still be living in the trees with the monkeys... our common ancestors. Something obviously inspired us... made us not afraid to tame fire... to invent the wheel... to climb out of our tree and explore the universe around us.

We can argue philosophically over what that thing is... I think you assume it must be some kind of "invisible creature" because that's how you often describe it... but I don't believe in invisible creatures. Creatures are physical and have physical attributes. This guiding force is beyond the physical, it doesn't have those attributes.

You say that "no evidence suggests a creator" but you can't physically explain how physics created physics. It's a dichotomy... a paradox. In order for physical nature to exist, it has to have some source of creation. We observe physical nature exists and has entropy... the steady and constant devolving from order to chaos... so we have to presume physical nature had a beginning point. But how did it manage to create itself if it didn't exist? Occam's Razor says the simplest answers are usually the best. In this case, the simplest answer is a spiritual force created physical nature.

Now, perhaps you need to replace "spiritual force" with some other phrase in order to distinguish it in your mind away from religious beliefs... but do that... call it something else if you wish... that is what created us.
Yes you're right, the simplest answer IS to say we were just magic'd into existence by some megapowerful being we'll never meet or know anything about
Why put us here then?
Same goes for God. He obviously abandoned us.

No, we are just dealing with the consequences of our choices.
If your child robs a bank and gets thrown in jail, are you abandoning him or her?
If I have the ability to remove lead from my children's toys, I do it. If god has the ability to remove cancer or drugs, why doesn't he?

I'm a better parent than God apparently.

Now you're going to hell.
Why put us here then?
Same goes for God. He obviously abandoned us.

No, we are just dealing with the consequences of our choices.
If your child robs a bank and gets thrown in jail, are you abandoning him or her?
If I have the ability to remove lead from my children's toys, I do it. If god has the ability to remove cancer or drugs, why doesn't he?

I'm a better parent than God apparently.

Now you're going to hell.

luckily there isn't any such thing

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