How can Trump supporters deny the facts?

You forgot the one real fact: The FBI and sometimes the CIA are on the side of dems and globalist conspirators and help them keep their enemies at bay using bogus "reality show" witch hunts. And they must have been awfully concerned about Trump because they tried one desperate cornball attempt after another to boot him out of office. But since all these "facts" didn't add up they couldn't and didn't. Stop trying to flip the truth.

How can Trump supporters deny the facts?​

We never do. We admit it:
  1. TRUMP is a far better president than Joe Bedpan.
  2. TRUMP is far better looking than Joe Bedpan.
  3. TRUMP is far more interesting to listen to than Joe Bedpan.
  4. TRUMP has an infinitely nicer family than Joe Bedpan.
  5. TRUMP is a much more America First president than Joe Bedpan!
Trump wanted to use the National Guard to "LEAD" the insurrection? You really are clueless.

Numerous reports and statements from defense officials show Trump was not involved in the deployment of the D.C. National Guard to quell the riot at the Capitol.

WTF? Are you kidding me? Economists on YouTube? Seriously, what self respecting real economist would be posting shit on YouTube? Hell, you got research to do, classes to plan, papers to grade, YouTube, are you flippin kidding me?
Oh stop it Winnie. Lots of economic professionals make videos on You Tube. Look up Ray Dalio for instance. All you do here is argue.

Numerous reports and statements from defense officials show Trump was not involved in the deployment of the D.C. National Guard to quell the riot at the Capitol.

Your link only says Trump 'was not directly involved with the deployment of the National Guard.' That's because Pence (who worked FOR Trump) handled it and Trump authorized protection for the Capitol days before. Trump was the CIF of the D.C. National Guard but not the Capitol police. Trump gave Miller the green light to provide protection. Your Newsweek 'fact check' writes a long picky screed in order to support their false claim that Trump did nothing.
WTF? Are you kidding me? Economists on YouTube? Seriously, what self respecting real economist would be posting shit on YouTube? Hell, you got research to do, classes to plan, papers to grade, YouTube, are you flippin kidding me?
Remove head from ass and realize that experts in all fields recognize YouTube as an asset.
You think real economists limit themselves to magazines that nobody subscribes to or reads anymore?
I bet you think that appearing on CNN or MSNBC makes someone an authority on a subject.
Yes yes we have a constitution too, doesn't change the fact that we are still a democracy with representation and a constitution- it's still a democracy what is your point you brainwashed fool? lol
No. What it means as I correctly stated is that we are not a democracy. We are a Constitutional republic. You are the brainwashed fool. Thanks for inquiring.
Sorry, but Dalio is hardly an economist
Yeah, I figured you say that, but he's a world class investor and billionaire and interviewed with 'The Economist.' But, I get it, you're one of those 'disagree with anything' trolls that just like to argue. The truth is, You Tube has lots of videos on economics....Here educate your dumb self.
I have a masters in history speak three languages and have lived in France Spain England... And you are still brainwashed and clueless absolutely.
I'm happy for you that you lived in nations that need handouts from the US.
Remove head from ass and realize that experts in all fields recognize YouTube as an asset.
You think real economists limit themselves to magazines that nobody subscribes to or reads anymore?
I bet you think that appearing on CNN or MSNBC makes someone an authority on a subject.

LMAO. All it takes to get posted on YouTube is a webcam and internet access. I can promise you, when you apply for a job and list all your YouTube videos or your YouTube channels the employer doesn't give two shits. But when you list your published works, well they stand up and take notice.

I can tell you, my oldest son is an "expert in his field". He has traveled the world, given presentations on four continents. Does he have a YouTube channel, HELL NO. But he has been published more than a dozen times. People like you absolutely amaze me with your ignorance.,
How can Trump supporters deny the facts?
The facts are:
Trump has done nothing but lose since 2020 - he lost the Presidency - the House - the Senate - 80 lawsuits in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

The evidence of Trump's unethical/ illegal activity on trying to overturn the 2020 election is coming from Republicans, most of who voted for Trump. Not Democrats, CNN, MSNBC or far left whackos. The Republicans all said they decided to put the country above party and their support of Trump. These are people who worked for and around Trump. Most testimony was first hand, not hear say.
The Trump minions are not listening to the Trump staff but to Trump. Why have multiple Trump cohorts pleaded the 5th? Why have no Trump cohorts come forward to counter the testimony of the Trump staff?

How do Trump supporters rationalize the facts above
The only explanation I can see is...they love losers.

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