How can Trump supporters deny the facts?

How can Trump supporters deny the facts?
The facts are:
Trump has done nothing but lose since 2020 - he lost the Presidency - the House - the Senate - 80 lawsuits in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

The evidence of Trump's unethical/ illegal activity on trying to overturn the 2020 election is coming from Republicans, most of who voted for Trump. Not Democrats, CNN, MSNBC or far left whackos. The Republicans all said they decided to put the country above party and their support of Trump. These are people who worked for and around Trump. Most testimony was first hand, not hear say.
The Trump minions are not listening to the Trump staff but to Trump. Why have multiple Trump cohorts pleaded the 5th? Why have no Trump cohorts come forward to counter the testimony of the Trump staff?

How do Trump supporters rationalize the facts above

Great post.
Nope. Your views are poo poo.

Hey - no one cares about Obama bin Biden.

Here's what people care about:

The Democratic National Committee funded eight months of domestic terror.

And now the Stalinist pigs are flaunting their political dirty tricks right in our faces.

Hey, reality check, you know who's in there cleaning up the BLM books right now? Hillary Clinton's people. Marc Elias and them.

Looks like HILLARY CLINTON had something to do with the funding of those riots
but he is not an immoral, unethical con man that sucks in the dumbest around us.
Your post is subjective blather coming from an obsessed TDS-Suffering snowflake...

...while it is fact Biden is a dementia-ravaged mental incompetent.

Furthermore, the fact that you claim Biden - a man who showered with his young daughter, has sniffed / groped / fondled children for years, spent a lifetime engaged in Influence Peddling, extortion, and criminal self-enrichment off of his political positions (he and his family), and was proven to have played a part in Hilary's & Obama's sefitious / treasonous Russian Collusion scandal - the largest criminal political scandal in US history - is 'not an immoral, unethical con man that sucks in the dumbest around us' is possibly the biggest lie you have ever told ... and that's saying something.

'that sucks in the dumbest around us'
By your comment you prove he sure sucked you in.
CNN reports. "Former White House counsel Pat Cipollone testified for eight hours in front of the House Jan. 6 Committee on Friday in a closed-door interview. Here are some key moments of his testimony played at the committee's seventh hearing on Tuesday.

Another Trump follower with limited awareness responds.

A 'closed-door interview'........How did CNN get in there?
The Jan 6 committee showed videos of the Cipollone testimony.

These people really crack me up.

Something to think about. They chose our President in 2916.
BS. We still have a democracy even with you brainwashed functional nut jobs around... but you are the worst threat to our democracy in our history as far as i can tell .
No. we don’t have a democracy, serious. We never have had a democracy.

There is no threat to “our” democracy since we don’t have one and never had. There’s not much a moron like you can tell. You can’t even grasp the basics. 🤣😂
BS. We still have a democracy even with you brainwashed functional nut jobs around... but you are the worst threat to our democracy in our history as far as i can tell .
Our system of government was destroyed when Congress refused to investigate the fraud.
No. we don’t have a democracy, serious. We never have had a democracy.

There is no threat to “our” democracy since we don’t have one and never had. There’s not much a moron like you can tell. You can’t even grasp the basics. 🤣😂
Of course we have a democracy, or a Republic if you insist. But a Republic is defined as a representational democracy since there are too many people for a true democracy duh....
there is no fraud dumb ass period. Everyone gave your crap all the time it deserved. You're a world joke.... Poor America
Then Congress should have investigated to prove that. There was no reason not to except that there was fraud and they were complicit. Period, traitor.
Of course we have a democracy, or a Republic if you insist. But a Republic is defined as a representational democracy since there are too many people for a true democracy duh....
No. We have a Constitutional republic. Your would be daffynition of “republic” is erroneous. We do employ a representative version of democracy— duh — but as a component part of our Constitutional republic precisely to avoid being a democracy. Duh. Maybe you’ve heard about it. Separation of powers? Federalism?Enumerated powers? Checks and balances? Guaranteed rights not susceptible to the whims of any majority? Divided government? Things like the electoral college? A necessity in many cases for a supermajority?

Are any of those things familiar to you?
CNN reports. "Former White House counsel Pat Cipollone testified for eight hours in front of the House Jan. 6 Committee on Friday in a closed-door interview. Here are some key moments of his testimony played at the committee's seventh hearing on Tuesday.

Another Trump follower with limited awareness responds.

The Jan 6 committee showed videos of the Cipollone testimony.

These people really crack me up.

Something to think about. They chose our President in 2916.
You only see what they want you to see. Yes I am from ‘2916’
How can Trump supporters deny the facts?
The facts are:
Trump has done nothing but lose since 2020 - he lost the Presidency - the House - the Senate - 80 lawsuits in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

The evidence of Trump's unethical/ illegal activity on trying to overturn the 2020 election is coming from Republicans, most of who voted for Trump. Not Democrats, CNN, MSNBC or far left whackos. The Republicans all said they decided to put the country above party and their support of Trump. These are people who worked for and around Trump. Most testimony was first hand, not hear say.
The Trump minions are not listening to the Trump staff but to Trump. Why have multiple Trump cohorts pleaded the 5th? Why have no Trump cohorts come forward to counter the testimony of the Trump staff?

How do Trump supporters rationalize the facts above
If only we had a winner like Biden to be proud of.
I live in Nassau County.
The other stuff I already have.
The supply chain will collapse soon but Biden will make a fortune from the Ukraine scam and you morons will cheer him on.
Why in the hell would the supply chain collapse? That statement, in and of itself, clearly indicates that you WANT things to go badly. I can hardly thing of anything more unAmerican.

I mean I see some possible glitches, concerned about the fall wheat and soybean crops. The dollar is almost on par with the Euro, providing steep discounts for imports from Europe but making exports more expensive in an already heavily burden market. But both cases can help alleviate inflation.

Inflation was high in June, but that is a backwards looking number. The Fed is probably going to increase the discount rate another 75 basis points, in my eyes, overkill. Because next month the July numbers are going to come in much lower.
They're not going to pay us for a wall that is still on the ground in pieces, because of Biden.
WTF, how can you blame Biden for a wall that was so poorly constructed that it is falling apart? Would it not make more sense to blame a dysfunctional and highly inept bidding process under Trump. You know, grease the Trump machine, get a contract to build a wall, who gives a shit about your qualifications, experience, or expertise.
Biden is not as sharp as he should be because of age and should not be President.
Trump is much sharper than Biden but is immoral, unethical, has committed crimes against our nation and should not be President.
Biden is twice as smart, and twice as sharp, as Trump. I mean damn, Trump is borderline retarded. Fourth grade vocabulary, and that is being generous. One of his college professors said he was the dumbest student he ever had. And the apple don't fall far from the tree. I mean his kids are dumber than a box or rocks. Ivanka is the smartest, not that that says much. I mean how smart is it to post pictures of yourself on social media with multi-million dollar artwork in the background that you failed to list on your government required asset listing. Baron will end up the smartest in the end, but his Mom is a genius.
Already wrong, Ace.

It was stolen, not lost. Trump set a new record for getting votes!

Trump neither won nor lost those.

Lying fuckface, it was only about 28 lawsuits, and most were dismissed for lack of standing, late filing and other technicalities.

There is no such evidence liar. All made up by lying shits like you. All the evidence points to J6 being a planned set up designed to hang on Trump. ITMT, Trump still gathers large crowds, is more popular than ever and candidates he endorses win election like 96% of the time.

Latest polls by democrats even show that if Biden ran against Trump today, it would at best be neck amnd neck with Trump still winning, beating the best thing you got and America's Most Popular President! :auiqs.jpg: So you say. :lmao:

Funny how Trump was only given six weeks to research, file, and prove endless corruption across six states in court while you democrats are still scrambling 1.5 years later still trying to prove what happened in one afternoon on one set of steps at one building, not even for court but just to make a case to the public and you still haven't, and you already investigated it thoroughly before the 2nd impeachment!


Damn, there is so much delusional shit in that post I don't even know where to start.
What "facts"? That Donald Trump disputed who won the election? That a lot of people agreed with that view? That a protest of that election got out of control when security at the Capital was woefully inadequate?

Those are the "facts"!

So how do you get from an "insurrection"?
Oh, that is easy. First, you need to show planning. Trump knew several things. First, he knew he lost. Hell, I will say he knew he was going to lose because he began making plans for this insurrection before the first votes were even cast. He also knew he had the power to motivate the people to come to DC and protest. And he knew they were armed, that it would be violent. But he kept all that under wraps until the day of the insurrection. Hell, he went to great lengths to hide that reality from those that actually gave a shit. And yep, damn skippy, he wanted to go to the capital. Hell, he wanted to be the one to wrap the noose around Pence's neck and string him up. He has always had delusions of grander. He took so long to call the protestors off because he was hoping they actually succeeded. I mean damn, he makes Benedict Arnold look like a patriot. This chapter in American history should end with Trump being hung with piano wire on pay for view.

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