How can Trump supporters deny the facts?

What "facts"? That Donald Trump disputed who won the election? That a lot of people agreed with that view? That a protest of that election got out of control when security at the Capital was woefully inadequate?

Those are the "facts"!

So how do you get from an "insurrection"?
ElmoDud starts with the false conclusion: and needs no path to get there. Facts are of no significance to his propaganda efforts.
How can Trump supporters deny the facts?
The facts are:
Trump has done nothing but lose since 2020 - he lost the Presidency - the House - the Senate - 80 lawsuits in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

The evidence of Trump's unethical/ illegal activity on trying to overturn the 2020 election is coming from Republicans, most of who voted for Trump. Not Democrats, CNN, MSNBC or far left whackos. The Republicans all said they decided to put the country above party and their support of Trump. These are people who worked for and around Trump. Most testimony was first hand, not hear say.
The Trump minions are not listening to the Trump staff but to Trump. Why have multiple Trump cohorts pleaded the 5th? Why have no Trump cohorts come forward to counter the testimony of the Trump staff?

How do Trump supporters rationalize the facts above
Elmer, you must first understand the mindset of the trump Nazis. Since the 1960s, the right-wingers have been bombarded with Republican propaganda (lies). For those born after the Vietnam War ended, they have never heard the truth spoken, publicly, by any of their politicians.

Once FOX Noise arrived on cable TV, the right-wingers' thought processes have been programmed by the broadcasting corporations' 24/7 flow of disinformation. Just look back over the decades of the constant assault of lies FOX Noise (and its clones) hammer into the weak and (extremely) pliable minds of their enraptured audience. This endless propaganda has taken the Republicans' base through the many, many years of their perceived victimization by the poor, the dark-skinned minorities, independent women, and so many other groups and individuals and turned the righties' feelings of victimhood into full-on hatred, racism, bigotry, etc.

The addition of trump's lies, hate-speech, and his violence-inciting rhetoric over the past six+ years has exposed the long-standing want among the 74 million trump Nazis to create another Reich and Holocaust.

When the next congressional session begins on January 3, 2023, the trump Nazis will control the legislative and judicial branches of our government. But the unelected leaders that will rule this new order have a big surprise for the trump Nazis. The authoritarian fascist, white Christian conservative utopia the trump Nazis are expecting isn't going to materialize.

Instead, there will be a plutocratic committee running the government. The country will have three classes of people, the billionaires, the military, and the rest of us. You can understand there will be little need for any of the 328 million or so in the lowest class to need constitutional rights. Such benefits will be reserved for the important citizens.

Elmer, you must first understand the mindset of the trump Nazis. Since the 1960s, the right-wingers have been bombarded with Republican propaganda (lies). For those born after the Vietnam War ended, they have never heard the truth spoken, publicly, by any of their politicians.

Once FOX Noise arrived on cable TV, the right-wingers' thought processes have been programmed by the broadcasting corporations' 24/7 flow of disinformation. Just look back over the decades of the constant assault of lies FOX Noise (and its clones) hammer into the weak and (extremely) pliable minds of their enraptured audience. This endless propaganda has taken the Republicans' base through the many, many years of their perceived victimization by the poor, the dark-skinned minorities, independent women, and so many other groups and individuals and turned the righties' feelings of victimhood into full-on hatred, racism, bigotry, etc.

The addition of trump's lies, hate-speech, and his violence-inciting rhetoric over the past six+ years has exposed the long-standing want among the 74 million trump Nazis to create another Reich and Holocaust.

When the next congressional session begins on January 3, 2023, the trump Nazis will control the legislative and judicial branches of our government. But the unelected leaders that will rule this new order have a big surprise for the trump Nazis. The authoritarian fascist, white Christian conservative utopia the trump Nazis are expecting isn't going to materialize.

Instead, there will be a plutocratic committee running the government. The country will have three classes of people, the billionaires, the military, and the rest of us. You can understand there will be little need for any of the 328 million or so in the lowest class to need constitutional rights. Such benefits will be reserved for the important citizens.

Funny, during Trump WE had the best economy, lowest gas prices, no big wars. You have him confused with Obama and Biden.
Elmer, you must first understand the mindset of the trump Nazis. Since the 1960s, the right-wingers have been bombarded with Republican propaganda (lies). For those born after the Vietnam War ended, they have never heard the truth spoken, publicly, by any of their politicians.

Once FOX Noise arrived on cable TV, the right-wingers' thought processes have been programmed by the broadcasting corporations' 24/7 flow of disinformation. Just look back over the decades of the constant assault of lies FOX Noise (and its clones) hammer into the weak and (extremely) pliable minds of their enraptured audience. This endless propaganda has taken the Republicans' base through the many, many years of their perceived victimization by the poor, the dark-skinned minorities, independent women, and so many other groups and individuals and turned the righties' feelings of victimhood into full-on hatred, racism, bigotry, etc.

The addition of trump's lies, hate-speech, and his violence-inciting rhetoric over the past six+ years has exposed the long-standing want among the 74 million trump Nazis to create another Reich and Holocaust.

When the next congressional session begins on January 3, 2023, the trump Nazis will control the legislative and judicial branches of our government. But the unelected leaders that will rule this new order have a big surprise for the trump Nazis. The authoritarian fascist, white Christian conservative utopia the trump Nazis are expecting isn't going to materialize.

Instead, there will be a plutocratic committee running the government. The country will have three classes of people, the billionaires, the military, and the rest of us. You can understand there will be little need for any of the 328 million or so in the lowest class to need constitutional rights. Such benefits will be reserved for the important citizens.

Bertie ^ is a walking talking drooling and very boring cliche.
Elmer, you must first understand the mindset of the trump Nazis. Since the 1960s, the right-wingers have been bombarded with Republican propaganda (lies). For those born after the Vietnam War ended, they have never heard the truth spoken, publicly, by any of their politicians.

Once FOX Noise arrived on cable TV, the right-wingers' thought processes have been programmed by the broadcasting corporations' 24/7 flow of disinformation. Just look back over the decades of the constant assault of lies FOX Noise (and its clones) hammer into the weak and (extremely) pliable minds of their enraptured audience. This endless propaganda has taken the Republicans' base through the many, many years of their perceived victimization by the poor, the dark-skinned minorities, independent women, and so many other groups and individuals and turned the righties' feelings of victimhood into full-on hatred, racism, bigotry, etc.

The addition of trump's lies, hate-speech, and his violence-inciting rhetoric over the past six+ years has exposed the long-standing want among the 74 million trump Nazis to create another Reich and Holocaust.

When the next congressional session begins on January 3, 2023, the trump Nazis will control the legislative and judicial branches of our government. But the unelected leaders that will rule this new order have a big surprise for the trump Nazis. The authoritarian fascist, white Christian conservative utopia the trump Nazis are expecting isn't going to materialize.

Instead, there will be a plutocratic committee running the government. The country will have three classes of people, the billionaires, the military, and the rest of us. You can understand there will be little need for any of the 328 million or so in the lowest class to need constitutional rights. Such benefits will be reserved for the important citizens.

Did you mean to say something?
Now that's your violent delusion. I believe a an actual conviction is closer to the mark for the wishes of the left. But, what do I know? I don't read minds, like magaturds think they do.
Thats the reality

If pelosi showed up on the capital steps with trump’s bloody head on the end of a stick libs would cheer
'Not as sharp as he should be'?

The man needs cue cards to tell him to walk, sit, and speak.

Close, but no cigar.
but he is not an immoral, unethical con man that sucks in the dumbest around us.
The Republicans never take responsibility for what Trump has done.

And they never will.

Oh, you mean the full employment, the nonexistent inflation, the low gas prices, .... all that?

That's what you're complaining about?

But oh, those mean tweets ...

Hey - anyone with a brain larger than a pea can see CLEARLY what the Stalinists want.

The righties believe, that Trump honestly believed, that the election had been stolen from him and cheating had occurred.

The ONLY hope the Stalinist dog and pony committee has, is to paint the picture that Trump did NOT believe the election was being stolen from him, and instead was engaging in some kind of grand conspiracy to retain the presidency.

And, we ALL know Trump, if he really wanted to retain the presidency he would have done it. But instead we have a picture of a confused little man who was so taken by surprise by all the election bullshit that all he could do was hire shyster lawyers.

Dudes and dudettes, people who want to take over the country do NOT hire lawyers. That's not how the country takeover business operates.

This whole line of stinking bullshit from the Democrats is beyond laughable. This is the THIRD time Pelosi has tried to knock Trump out of the box, she failed the other two times and she's going to fail this time too. Because she's going to be out of a job before she can get the job done

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