How can Trump supporters deny the facts?

LMAO. All it takes to get posted on YouTube is a webcam and internet access. I can promise you, when you apply for a job and list all your YouTube videos or your YouTube channels the employer doesn't give two shits. But when you list your published works, well they stand up and take notice.

I can tell you, my oldest son is an "expert in his field". He has traveled the world, given presentations on four continents. Does he have a YouTube channel, HELL NO. But he has been published more than a dozen times. People like you absolutely amaze me with your ignorance.,
And when people such myself watch dozens of videos we are able to narrow down to those who we recognize as seeing the truth.
Google "2016 Trump market crash" to see that 100% of the Economists you worship swore the US economy would tank within a month of Trump becoming President.
Larry Kudlow agreed and when he realized he was 100% wrong, he ate crow and joined Trump's administration.

Face're an idiot.
Hey! A well traveled polyglot libtard.

I presume frenchie is fluent in babble.
What retard doesn't realize is that I have dozens of relatives who know more than 3 languages, lived in half a dozen countries and they love Trump.
That could be because they don't have a Masters in a bullshit History Degree.
Hey! A well traveled polyglot libtard.

I presume frenchie is fluent in babble.
Well for one thing France and Spain and Germany and Italy etcetera etcetera have all had socialist and communist parties at the same time in democracies, and the difference is socialists are always democratic. The socialists stomped the communists and the communists disappeared after the fall of the Soviet Union so they know the difference only English speakers are so stupid about communism and socialism. Because they are the biggest savage capitalists ever the UK and the United states and in particular the Republicans and the Tories. A lot of crap.
Well for one thing France and Spain and Germany and Italy etcetera etcetera have all had socialist and communist parties at the same time in democracies, and the difference is socialists are always democratic. The socialists stomped the communists and the communists disappeared after the fall of the Soviet Union so they know the difference only English speakers are so stupid about communism and socialism. Because they are the biggest savage capitalists ever the UK and the United states and in particular the Republicans and the Tories. A lot of crap.
Lol. You just said that socialists are always democratic. Too fucking funny.
What retard doesn't realize is that I have dozens of relatives who know more than 3 languages, lived in half a dozen countries and they love Trump.
That could be because they don't have a Masters in a bullshit History Degree.
... Or any real knowledge about politics or facts. Sounds like eastern RW Europeans who have very little experience with democracy and are open to all kinds of bigotry and religious idiocy...
Lol. You just said that socialists are always democratic. Too fucking funny.
France and Spain and Germany and Italy etcetera etcetera have all had socialist and communist parties at the same time in democracies, and the difference is socialists are always democratic. The socialists stomped the communists and the communists disappeared after the fall of the Soviet Union so they know the difference only English speakers are so stupid about communism and socialism. Because they are the biggest savage capitalists ever the UK and the United states and in particular the Republicans and the Tories. A lot of crap.
and communists never are period now you know the difference. Of course the Nazis and commies are the biggest liars ever and like to call themselves socialists because they fool the rubes like you...
Now I don’t know anything YOU claim because you’re quite incredible. As I’m not believable.

Now I know you’re ignorant or stupid or dishonest. And fools like you live to disclaim that the Nazis were socialists because it’s one of those embarrassing and very inconvenient truths

Socialists are far from “always” being Democratic. You’re an idiot. Laughable.
How can Trump supporters deny the facts?
The facts are:
Trump has done nothing but lose since 2020 - he lost the Presidency - the House - the Senate - 80 lawsuits in an attempt to overturn the 2020 election.

The evidence of Trump's unethical/ illegal activity on trying to overturn the 2020 election is coming from Republicans, most of who voted for Trump. Not Democrats, CNN, MSNBC or far left whackos. The Republicans all said they decided to put the country above party and their support of Trump. These are people who worked for and around Trump. Most testimony was first hand, not hear say.
The Trump minions are not listening to the Trump staff but to Trump. Why have multiple Trump cohorts pleaded the 5th? Why have no Trump cohorts come forward to counter the testimony of the Trump staff?

How do Trump supporters rationalize the facts above
Sorry I always try to say brainwashed functional idiot politically. I live where it is 72% trump voters in New York State and they are the greatest people but their politics are totally misinformed.
😂 silly boy. It is you whose politics is totally misinformed.
Your post is subjective blather coming from an obsessed TDS-Suffering snowflake...

...while it is fact Biden is a dementia-ravaged mental incompetent.

Furthermore, the fact that you claim Biden - a man who showered with his young daughter, has sniffed / groped / fondled children for years, spent a lifetime engaged in Influence Peddling, extortion, and criminal self-enrichment off of his political positions (he and his family), and was proven to have played a part in Hilary's & Obama's sefitious / treasonous Russian Collusion scandal - the largest criminal political scandal in US history - is 'not an immoral, unethical con man that sucks in the dumbest around us' is possibly the biggest lie you have ever told ... and that's saying something.

'that sucks in the dumbest around us'
By your comment you prove he sure sucked you in.
No my post is fact and you are one of the dumbest of the herd is a fact.
Lol. You just said that socialists are always democratic. Too fucking funny.
It is also true we don't know that every modern country but the United states is socialist now. In other words they are fair capitalists with a good safety net. We are the only modern country that doesn't have a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and taxing the rich for God's sake. England got socialism right after World War Two with Labor Party and Canada and Australia and New Zealand followed. But here we only got the GI bill after World War Two and the golden age that followedsts are always democratic. Too fucking funny.

It is also true we don't know that every modern country but the United states is socialist now. In other words they are fair capitalists with a good safety net. We are the only modern country that doesn't have a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations and taxing the rich for God's sake. England got socialism right after World War Two with Labour Party and Canada and Australia and New Zealand followed. But here we only got the GI bill after World War Two and the golden age that followed and the republican crap age that came after 1980....or was it Nixon comma those god damn southern california Republicans.
... Or any real knowledge about politics or facts. Sounds like eastern RW Europeans who have very little experience with democracy and are open to all kinds of bigotry and religious idiocy...
The biggest farce is a History Degree; you don't have to know anything about science, you just have to bullshit your way through a dissertation.

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