How can we possibly "secure" a national mail in vote election?

We're not talking about a handful of absentee ballots. This is the total migration of in person "secure" voting, where there are election officials watching every ballot as its cast, to relying on people who are unqualified to handle such responsibilities as they become TOTALLY overwhelmed with mail. The same unqualified individuals who are often in the news for nefarious activities regarding regular mail.
Who's going to monitor the millions of mail carriers as they walk from house to house collecting ballots? Who's going to watch them as they unload their trucks full of ballots?
There are not enough poll watchers and election officials to even come close to making this a secure process.


Entire states have been voting by mail for years. You didn't give it a second thought until you were programmed to by your blob. have zero doubt of the validity of those elections....never mentioned them once....until now.

You're full of sh*t.
We're not talking about a handful of absentee ballots. This is the total migration of in person "secure" voting, where there are election officials watching every ballot as its cast, to relying on people who are unqualified to handle such responsibilities as they become TOTALLY overwhelmed with mail. The same unqualified individuals who are often in the news for nefarious activities regarding regular mail.
Who's going to monitor the millions of mail carriers as they walk from house to house collecting ballots? Who's going to watch them as they unload their trucks full of ballots?
There are not enough poll watchers and election officials to even come close to making this a secure process.

They sky is falling.

Look, we've been doing ALL mail in ballots for registered voters in Colorado since 2003, and we haven't had any problems. The ballots are secured in multiple ways with bar codes and signatures being required. As for myself, I return my ballot (even on election day, sometimes) to a drop box located just outside of city hall where I see a line of cars (in 2 directions) all doing the same thing. It's safe. it's effortless. And it's pretty much idiot proof as long as Trump doesn't muddy the waters, that is.

We're not talking about a handful of absentee ballots. This is the total migration of in person "secure" voting, where there are election officials watching every ballot as its cast, to relying on people who are unqualified to handle such responsibilities as they become TOTALLY overwhelmed with mail. The same unqualified individuals who are often in the news for nefarious activities regarding regular mail.
Who's going to monitor the millions of mail carriers as they walk from house to house collecting ballots? Who's going to watch them as they unload their trucks full of ballots?
There are not enough poll watchers and election officials to even come close to making this a secure process.


Entire states have been voting by mail for years. You didn't give it a second thought until you were programmed to by your blob. have zero doubt of the validity of those elections....never mentioned them once....until now.

You're full of sh*t.

The question is, where is the science behind the need to vote by mail? Fauci said voting in person is fine, so what is the real reason behind this?

This will begin the future of voting by mail, I submit that it is FAR easier to manipulate a vote in this manner than showing up with I.D (how it should be) and polling observers overseeing the election in a deconstructed manner in locations all over rather than one centralized system that can't have nearly the same oversight.
And by the way....weren't you fuckers complaining about rigged elections before all of the "vote by mail" conspiracy crap began? didn't think voting in person was secure and you don't think voting by mail is secure.

Really, what would make you guys convinced of our election security...other than your candidates winning?
We're not talking about a handful of absentee ballots. This is the total migration of in person "secure" voting, where there are election officials watching every ballot as its cast, to relying on people who are unqualified to handle such responsibilities as they become TOTALLY overwhelmed with mail. The same unqualified individuals who are often in the news for nefarious activities regarding regular mail.
Who's going to monitor the millions of mail carriers as they walk from house to house collecting ballots? Who's going to watch them as they unload their trucks full of ballots?
There are not enough poll watchers and election officials to even come close to making this a secure process.
the great majority of mail carriers can care less about how you vote....they are trying get done before night time or going into unauthorized OT....were do you think they unload their trucks at?....just because you were in prison once gramps does not mean everyone is a fucking get caught fucking with ballots you lose the job and any pension you have earned....not too many carriers are that stupid to risk that for a fucking election...
My pridon record has nothing to do with this topic. The fact that you think it's relevant just shows what an idiot you are.
and you saying what you said just shows what an idiot you are....

If election "security" wasn't a concern then BOTH parties wouldn't be sending "poll watchers" to every precinct. We gonna have "poll watchers" with every mail man? At every public mail box? In every postal processing center?

Admit it, you made a STUPID FUCKING COMMENT. No need to demean yourself by doubling down.
i think you made the stupid comment about them unloading their trucks....where do they unload them gramps?....
Playing semantics now?

Tripple down on your stupidity idk
We're not talking about a handful of absentee ballots. This is the total migration of in person "secure" voting, where there are election officials watching every ballot as its cast, to relying on people who are unqualified to handle such responsibilities as they become TOTALLY overwhelmed with mail. The same unqualified individuals who are often in the news for nefarious activities regarding regular mail.
Who's going to monitor the millions of mail carriers as they walk from house to house collecting ballots? Who's going to watch them as they unload their trucks full of ballots?
There are not enough poll watchers and election officials to even come close to making this a secure process.


Entire states have been voting by mail for years. You didn't give it a second thought until you were programmed to by your blob. have zero doubt of the validity of those elections....never mentioned them once....until now.

You're full of sh*t.

The question is, where is the science behind the need to vote by mail? Fauci said voting in person is fine, so what is the real reason behind this?

This will begin the future of voting by mail, I submit that it is FAR easier to manipulate a vote in this manner than showing up with I.D (how it should be) and polling observers overseeing the election in a deconstructed manner in locations all over rather than one centralized system that can't have nearly the same oversight.

First of all, he said it can be made safe--6' distancing. Meaning that a line with 200 people will be 1,200 feet long. In November. At night. A line with 400 people is about a mile long.

It can be made safe. But its impractical.

What is the problem==beyond the wild conspiracy theories--with voting by mail? Entire stated do it. Nobody has questioned the validity of those elected officials.
We're not talking about a handful of absentee ballots. This is the total migration of in person "secure" voting, where there are election officials watching every ballot as its cast, to relying on people who are unqualified to handle such responsibilities as they become TOTALLY overwhelmed with mail. The same unqualified individuals who are often in the news for nefarious activities regarding regular mail.
Who's going to monitor the millions of mail carriers as they walk from house to house collecting ballots? Who's going to watch them as they unload their trucks full of ballots?
There are not enough poll watchers and election officials to even come close to making this a secure process.
the great majority of mail carriers can care less about how you vote....they are trying get done before night time or going into unauthorized OT....were do you think they unload their trucks at?....just because you were in prison once gramps does not mean everyone is a fucking get caught fucking with ballots you lose the job and any pension you have earned....not too many carriers are that stupid to risk that for a fucking election...
My pridon record has nothing to do with this topic. The fact that you think it's relevant just shows what an idiot you are.
and you saying what you said just shows what an idiot you are....

If election "security" wasn't a concern then BOTH parties wouldn't be sending "poll watchers" to every precinct. We gonna have "poll watchers" with every mail man? At every public mail box? In every postal processing center?

Admit it, you made a STUPID FUCKING COMMENT. No need to demean yourself by doubling down.
i think you made the stupid comment about them unloading their trucks....where do they unload them gramps?....
Playing semantics now?

Tripple down on your stupidity idk
you said....." Who's going to watch them as they unload their trucks full of ballots?" cant be at the PO because there are cameras all over the back where do they unload their trucks gramps? made the statement....back it up....
We're not talking about a handful of absentee ballots. This is the total migration of in person "secure" voting, where there are election officials watching every ballot as its cast, to relying on people who are unqualified to handle such responsibilities as they become TOTALLY overwhelmed with mail. The same unqualified individuals who are often in the news for nefarious activities regarding regular mail.
Who's going to monitor the millions of mail carriers as they walk from house to house collecting ballots? Who's going to watch them as they unload their trucks full of ballots?
There are not enough poll watchers and election officials to even come close to making this a secure process.
Millions upon millions of votes are cast by mail every election cycle. Very few cases of fraud are ever found. This despite investigations into it by Trump loyalists. Why oh why should this election cycle be different?
here's what Democrats need to do my friends.

you fight fear with facts. YOU FIGHT FEAR WITH FACTS.

ridicule the right. ridicule is man's most potent weapon, like Alinsky said.

we need to expose that Trump is stealing this election from Biden
We're not talking about a handful of absentee ballots. This is the total migration of in person "secure" voting, where there are election officials watching every ballot as its cast, to relying on people who are unqualified to handle such responsibilities as they become TOTALLY overwhelmed with mail. The same unqualified individuals who are often in the news for nefarious activities regarding regular mail.
Who's going to monitor the millions of mail carriers as they walk from house to house collecting ballots? Who's going to watch them as they unload their trucks full of ballots?
There are not enough poll watchers and election officials to even come close to making this a secure process.
the great majority of mail carriers can care less about how you vote....they are trying get done before night time or going into unauthorized OT....were do you think they unload their trucks at?....just because you were in prison once gramps does not mean everyone is a fucking get caught fucking with ballots you lose the job and any pension you have earned....not too many carriers are that stupid to risk that for a fucking election...
My pridon record has nothing to do with this topic. The fact that you think it's relevant just shows what an idiot you are.
and you saying what you said just shows what an idiot you are....

If election "security" wasn't a concern then BOTH parties wouldn't be sending "poll watchers" to every precinct. We gonna have "poll watchers" with every mail man? At every public mail box? In every postal processing center?

Admit it, you made a STUPID FUCKING COMMENT. No need to demean yourself by doubling down.
i think you made the stupid comment about them unloading their trucks....where do they unload them gramps?....
Playing semantics now?

Tripple down on your stupidity idk
you said....." Who's going to watch them as they unload their trucks full of ballots?" cant be at the PO because there are cameras all over the back where do they unload their trucks gramps? made the statement....back it up....
You're right, no postal carrier has ever unloaded their truck. We have decades of mail just piling up in every truck yet somehow they never get full. It's a mystery of science how postal carriers trucks are never emptied of their mail.

It's also a mystery of science how you got this far in life playing stupid.

Face it, you can't refute the fact that the security of voting by mail will be a mere shadow of the security provided when you insert your own ballot into the machine at the polling place.

Finally I'll leave you with this. You can fuck right off. Not playing your childish games in this thread any further.
Mail-in voting as been around for decades and instances of fraud are as rare as hell but just one little whine from Trump and suddenly Republicans are convinced mail-in voting is rife with fraud...go figure.
We're not talking about a handful of absentee ballots. This is the total migration of in person "secure" voting, where there are election officials watching every ballot as its cast, to relying on people who are unqualified to handle such responsibilities as they become TOTALLY overwhelmed with mail. The same unqualified individuals who are often in the news for nefarious activities regarding regular mail.
Who's going to monitor the millions of mail carriers as they walk from house to house collecting ballots? Who's going to watch them as they unload their trucks full of ballots?
There are not enough poll watchers and election officials to even come close to making this a secure process.
the great majority of mail carriers can care less about how you vote....they are trying get done before night time or going into unauthorized OT....were do you think they unload their trucks at?....just because you were in prison once gramps does not mean everyone is a fucking get caught fucking with ballots you lose the job and any pension you have earned....not too many carriers are that stupid to risk that for a fucking election...
My pridon record has nothing to do with this topic. The fact that you think it's relevant just shows what an idiot you are.
and you saying what you said just shows what an idiot you are....

If election "security" wasn't a concern then BOTH parties wouldn't be sending "poll watchers" to every precinct. We gonna have "poll watchers" with every mail man? At every public mail box? In every postal processing center?

Admit it, you made a STUPID FUCKING COMMENT. No need to demean yourself by doubling down.
i think you made the stupid comment about them unloading their trucks....where do they unload them gramps?....
Playing semantics now?

Tripple down on your stupidity idk
you said....." Who's going to watch them as they unload their trucks full of ballots?" cant be at the PO because there are cameras all over the back where do they unload their trucks gramps? made the statement....back it up....
You're right, no postal carrier has ever unloaded their truck. We have decades of mail just piling up in every truck yet somehow they never get full. It's a mystery of science how postal carriers trucks are never emptied of their mail.

It's also a mystery of science how you got this far in life playing stupid.

Face it, you can't refute the fact that the security of voting by mail will be a mere shadow of the security provided when you insert your own ballot into the machine at the polling place.

Finally I'll leave you with this. You can fuck right off. Not playing your childish games in this thread any further.
in other words you cant answer your own question.....oh and hey gramps?... you fuck right off and go and hide like a little pussy....
MAIL-IN FRAUD CAUGHT - Mail-in ballots for primary were sent in NJ town to Republicans that listed only Democrat choices. But the label still said Republican.

“The slate of candidates was all Democrat from Joe Biden down to dogcatcher, but on the upper right it clearly stated it was a Republican ballot and it had my name and correct information on the return envelope,”

Of the 2,400 registered Republicans in Bernardsville, 500 to 700 of them received erroneous mail-in ballots, listing the Democratic candidates instead of the Republicans.

Gardner brought the issue to the Somerset County Republican Organization on June 13. The organization’s chairman Al Gaburo notified the county clerk who promised to remedy the mistake.

The error originated with Reliance Graphics, Inc., the printing company which sent out Somerset County’s ballots. Normally, the county clerk’s office prepares the ballots themselves, but shopped the task to Reliance this year because of Gov. Phil Murphy’s executive order that every voter receive a vote-by-mail ballot for the delayed July 7 primary election.

“If we had had a greater lead time when we were sending out these ballots, we would have been able to do the ballot insertion in-house and this error would have been caught,” Somerset County Clerk Steve Peter said.

From a paid subscription article
Misprinted ballots with Democratic candidates mailed to Republicans in this N.J. town?

funkied ballots.PNG
When Dems downplay the level of voter fraud remind them that in battle ground districts the winning margin can be a box full of fraudulent Dem ballots.
Americans should vote as they choose, for what makes sense and it most reliable and secure for your population. It just seems to me to be a precarious method to use at such short notice for such an important vote, especially with potential outside threats from governments. Again, looking at the problems that occurred with the Dem Primary with digital apps and mail-in voting.

I just know that Canada was trying to present even running government via online communication and people weren't happy. The opposition demanded face to face representation and this was at the height of the threat and after our PMs wife had contracted the virus. My guess is the suggestion of voting by mail wouldn't be embraced too warmly and I fully understand why.
We're not talking about a handful of absentee ballots. This is the total migration of in person "secure" voting, where there are election officials watching every ballot as its cast, to relying on people who are unqualified to handle such responsibilities as they become TOTALLY overwhelmed with mail. The same unqualified individuals who are often in the news for nefarious activities regarding regular mail.
Who's going to monitor the millions of mail carriers as they walk from house to house collecting ballots? Who's going to watch them as they unload their trucks full of ballots?
There are not enough poll watchers and election officials to even come close to making this a secure process.

They sky is falling.

Look, we've been doing ALL mail in ballots for registered voters in Colorado since 2003, and we haven't had any problems. The ballots are secured in multiple ways with bar codes and signatures being required. As for myself, I return my ballot (even on election day, sometimes) to a drop box located just outside of city hall where I see a line of cars (in 2 directions) all doing the same thing. It's safe. it's effortless. And it's pretty much idiot proof as long as Trump doesn't muddy the waters, that is.

How does anyone even know that the person who sent in the ballot even voted? Even received the ballot?

I'm sure there is a way to get a record of who DOESN'T vote and then miraculously, 80% of them DO vote this time.

Anyone who intends on voting is waiting for the ballot to appear in the mail. If it doesn't arrive (which is highly unlikely) they can contact their local election commission to find out the status of their ballot. The primary place where someone could be reasonably concerned about a ballot being stolen is an apartment complex, but far and away, the vast majority of those places have mailboxes which require a key in order to retrieve the mail.

In an average presidential election year, only about 52-53% of eligible voters actually vote. So, the only potential danger I see is if someone decides not to vote. All that person would have to do is tear up the ballot and throw it in the trash. Hell, even just tossing it in the trash with everyday garbage would be enough to keep it from being used. At any rate, how would a stranger know how to falsify the signature of a stranger?

I've heard the crime of voter fraud described this way: It's a crime with an extremely low likelihood of success with an infinitesimally small to negligent gain, and the person would never know what kind of effect, if any, he had because we're talking about trying to dilute millions of votes with
I've never understood why some people have such an aversion going to a polling place on Election Day and casting a vote.
Ever heard of covid-19?

Seriously? That's your reason?

We've had absentee voting for a lot longer than Covid's been around, so your answer is stupid and fails to properly address my question.

Aside from that, though, businesses have reopened around the country. Take a look around, there's no great shortage of people anywhere you go. Consequently, trying to say Covid is a valid reason for people to not go to a polling place is ridiculous.

I was in Publix (grocery store) the other day. There were probably 100 other people in the store at the same time. As far as I'm concerned, not a single one of them can claim Covid as the reason they want to mail their ballot in...
No, it's neither stupid nor is it ridiculous, but seeing as how you are a trump cult member...

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