How can we protect the Capitol from REAL insurrectionists on Jan 3, 2023?

Why can’t any of you “INSURRECTION” whiners ever answer the question?
Here, try again…
“Do you really believe that a few hundred old fat dudes armed with flags and crutches intended to take ove the U.S. government?”

Kondor3 your thoughts?
That was never their job.

Their job was to stop the count.
Very simple. Ban all democrats, leftists, globalists and socialists (a fine distinction) from being within five miles of the Capitol on 1/3/23. Put up Joe Biden's barricades for weeks after with 50,000 National Guard there. In the future as democrats register and attend riots and protests and such, we need to get all of them microchipped for easier identification not allowing gatherings of more than three progs in any public place at a time.
This is the insanity we have to deal with
This is the insanity we have to deal with

No, you have to deal with reality.

Like Mayor Bowser (woof) calling out the national guard for a few brown people.

But refusing to do so for AntiFa and BLM riots.

The immigrants aren't rioting. They're better behaved than American leftards.
Are you sure you don’t mean ‘protest the count’?

Leftards don't do nuance. They only do distortion

To “stop” the count wouldn’t they have needed to take over government?

No shit. The hysterical leftards were firebombing buildings all summer long and then they get all pissy about a clown in buffalo horns?

Fuck these retarded leftist assholes. They're way too stupid to be running anything.
Are you sure you don’t mean ‘protest the count’?
To “stop” the count wouldn’t they have needed to take over government?
Hey dumbfuck. Those Insurrectionists DID stop the Count. That their efforts failed because Congress came back and completed their duties does not negate the fact that they did their job.

The rest of the Coup failed...largely because Mike Pense stood tall and did the right thing
Why can’t any of you “INSURRECTION” whiners ever answer the question?
Here, try again…
“Do you really believe that a few hundred old fat dudes armed with flags and crutches intended to take ove the U.S. government?”

Kondor3 your thoughts?
No, I do not believe that a few thousand people - of greatly varied ages, physical condition, intelligence, intent, etc. - COULD take over the US Government.

However, the then-sitting President, one of his sons, one of his lawyers, and various enthralled Congress-critters and other minions did wrong on January 6.

They summoned the mob... they whipped-up the mob... they aimed the mob... they loosed the mob... they observed its progress for hours before acting.

The whole point of the mob was to halt the formal certification of the results of the Electoral College vote connected with the election of November 3 2020.

The mob succeeded in delaying the formal certification but the mob could not cancel it altogether and therefore ultimately failed in its designed mission.

Halting the formal certification of the voting results of the Electoral College would have kept the previous incumbent in office until the matter was settled.

Giving the incumbent more time to conjure-up solutions ( seizure of ballot boxes, declaring the election invalid, martial law, whatever ) to keep him in power.

Keeping him in power would have had the effect of overthrowing the US Government and the Constitution in a philosophical if not a physical sense.

Had it succeeded this would have been what is known as a "bloodless coup" (nearly bloodless, anyway).

As it is... charges of conspiracy, sedition, insurrection and defrauding of the US government will have to do, in order to punish and to discourage a repeat.

Given that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff had issued a caution to the White House about Martial Law and Lawful Orders. Rump had no recourse.

His summoning and activation of the mob - mostly through his lieutenants [ ol' Teflon Don ] - was a last desperate measure to try to hold onto power.

It was an arrogant, selfish, disloyal, un-American and traitorous act that will go down in the history books as a grotesque and indefensible infamy.

Rightly so.
No, I do not believe that a few thousand people - of greatly varied ages, physical condition, intelligence, intent, etc. - COULD take over the US Government.

However, the then-sitting President, one of his sons, one of his lawyers, and various enthralled Congress-critters and other minions did wrong on January 6.

They summoned the mob... they whipped-up the mob... they aimed the mob... they loosed the mob... they observed its progress for hours before acting.

The whole point of the mob was to halt the formal certification of the results of the Electoral College vote connected with the election of November 3 2020.

The mob succeeded in delaying the formal certification but the mob could not cancel it altogether and therefore ultimately failed in its designed mission.

Halting the formal certification of the voting results of the Electoral College would have kept the previous incumbent in office until the matter was settled.

Giving the incumbent more time to conjure-up solutions ( seizure of ballot boxes, declaring the election invalid, martial law, whatever ) to keep him in power.

Keeping him in power would have had the effect of overthrowing the US Government and the Constitution in a philosophical if not a physical sense.

Had it succeeded this would have been what is known as a "bloodless coup" (nearly bloodless, anyway).

As it is... charges of conspiracy, sedition, insurrection and defrauding of the US government will have to do, in order to punish and to discourage a repeat.

Given that the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff had issued a caution to the White House about Martial Law and Lawful Orders. Rump had no recourse.

His summoning and activation of the mob - mostly through his lieutenants [ ol' Teflon Don ] - was a last desperate measure to try to hold onto power.

It was an arrogant, selfish, disloyal, un-American and traitorous act that will go down in the history books as a grotesque and indefensible infamy.

Rightly so.

You are completely full of shit.


Do you seriously think America would have stood by and done nothing over an actual coup?


Especially Trump supporters?

Your tin foil hat insurrection scenario is entirely ludicrous. Only a Kool Aid swilling lemming would fail to see how thoroughly nonsensical it is
You are completely full of shit.

Nope. Everything that I articulated is quite true.

I understand that it is in the best interests of Rump supporters to declare otherwise, but declaring it thus does not render it thus.

Good luck defending the indefensible. You are on the wrong side of the right-wrong fence this time. You are on the wrong side of history.

Do you seriously think America would have stood by and done nothing over an actual coup?
A silent coup or fait accompli would be impossible to stop once legitimate high-ranking military officers had been quickly replaced by Rump loyalists.

And the postponing of the formal certification of the Electoral College voting results would have bought Rump the time needed to do just that.

Epic fail.


Especially Trump supporters?

Your tin foil hat insurrection scenario is entirely ludicrous. Only a Kool Aid swilling lemming would fail to see how thoroughly nonsensical it is
Yes, yes, yes... very nice... we all understand that you are unable to refute the points being made, so derision and ad hominem attack are all you have left.

You are dismissed.

Nope. Everything that I articulated is quite true.

I understand that it is in the best interests of Rump supporters to declare otherwise, but declaring it thus does not render it thus.

Good luck defending the indefensible. You are on the wrong side of the right-wrong fence this time. You are on the wrong side of history.

A silent coup or fait accompli would be impossible to stop once legitimate high-ranking military officers had been quickly replaced by Rump loyalists.

And the postponing of the formal certification of the Electoral College voting results would have bought Rump the time needed to do just that.

Epic fail.

Yes, yes, yes... very nice... we all understand that you are unable to refute the points being made, so derision and ad hominem attack are all you have left.

You are dismissed.



Your tin foil hat bullshit won't get any traction, here or anywhere else.

This is only the 476th completely ridiculous tin foil conspiracy you asswipes have made up about Donald Trump.

And this one is equally as ridiculous as the previous 475.

But you fuckers never learn. Donald Trump is still a free man and he might even be president again, and YOU asswipes have 30 more days then it's curtains.

I expect you'll be pressing your bleeding bullshit till the very end. And then some.

Know what? No one cares. The only thing WE care about is getting you clowns out of office so you cant fuck things up any worse than you already have
Know what? No one cares.
And that is where you are profoundly wrong.
The only thing WE care about is getting you clowns out of office so you cant fuck things up any worse than you already have
Oh, I'm entirely on-board with getting the Idiot Democrats out of office... they would phukk-up a two-car funeral.

But only after Rump has been permanently barred from office so that he no longer represents an existential threat to American representative democracy.


As to the rest of your spew... as I said a few moments ago... you cannot refute the points being made... derision and ad hominem attach won't be enough.

You are ubiquitous but not very bright nor are you very good at this.

And that is where you are profoundly wrong.

Oh, I'm entirely on-board with getting the Idiot Democrats out of office... they would phukk-up a two-car funeral.

But only after Rump has been permanently barred from office so that he no longer represents an existential threat to American representative democracy.


As to the rest of your spew... as I said a few moments ago... you cannot refute the points being made... derision and ad hominem attach won't be enough.

You are ubiquitous but not very bright nor are you very good at this.


I don't need to refute your idiotic points

All I need to do is get the libtards away from the levers of power. The rest I don't care about, you guys can work it out.

So far things are proceeding according to plan. If the Dems try anything though, you'll see what's what. There won't be any more of this play acting Hollywood insurrection bullshit
Nope. Everything that I articulated is quite true.
It is quite true that you have concocted a grand fictional hypothesis. I’m fascinated by your imagination.
I understand that it is in the best interests of Rump supporters to declare otherwise, but declaring it thus does not render it thus.
Yet, hardcore TDS’ers in cyberspace declaring it thus renders it thus?
Good luck defending the indefensible. You are on the wrong side of the right-wrong fence this time. You are on the wrong side of history.
Hahaha…NOBODY but a few blue-haired whackos with neck tattoos and SJW glasses, feminazis, chicks with dicks, rug munchers and pole puffers give two shits about the Jan 6 PROTEST.
A silent coup or fait accompli would be impossible to stop once legitimate high-ranking military officers had been quickly replaced by Rump loyalists.

And the postponing of the formal certification of the Electoral College voting results would have bought Rump the time needed to do just that.
WOW….your imagination rivals that of an eccentric 5 year old. Stay young…stay weird.
I don't need to refute your idiotic points
a. the points are not "idiotic"

b. you cannot refute them because they are true

All I need to do is get the libtards away from the levers of power. The rest I don't care about, you guys can work it out.
Yes. All you care about is power. Like your Orange Fuhrer. That is why you cannot be allowed back into the White House.
So far things are proceeding according to plan.
Oh, the Idiot Dems are shooting themselves in the foot well enough, no context.

The way is open to the White House in 2024 if you run Desantis. If you're stupid enough to run Rump again (and you are) then you will lose. Bigly.
If the Dems try anything though, you'll see what's what.
You phukk-ups and pu$$ie$ and retards and trailer-trash couldn't even take the Capitol Building properly. I'm not overly concerned.
There won't be any more of this play acting Hollywood insurrection bullshit
Ooooooohhhh.,.. real skeeeeerred now...

The people rioting on Jan 3, 2023 will be the brainwashed Biden voters, particularly the rioters whose proclivity toward murderous violence was demonstrated all summer long, in city after city.

Also, are you suggesting something we would see in Communist China - where citizens voting for the “other” candidate are imprisoned? That‘s pretty extreme, even for a leftist.
You have a fantasy future...we know already what MAGAts are capable of with the failed insurrection of 6 January, 2021.
Hey dumbfuck. Those Insurrectionists DID stop the Count. That their efforts failed because Congress came back and completed their duties does not negate the fact that they did their job.

The rest of the Coup failed...largely because Mike Pense stood tall and did the right thing
The count was over, fuckalufagusx.

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