How Can We Stop Future Stolen Elections?

1) you say no sizeable voter fraud. Republicans would disagree. Even still, you say "no sizeable voter fraud". In my book, ANY voter fraud is too much. Who's to determine what is "sizeable"?
Republicans would disagree? So?

Well there will always be some fraud--usually by mistake not on purpose. The "sizeable" is in terms of being large enough to overturn the election. I agree with you that any that we can prevent should be prevented.

Again, with mail in voting, nobody is against absentee balloting, what they are against is blanket mail out of ballots. There should be no reason why, if you want to vote by mail, that you can't go through the process. Request one, have an updated signature on file, and go through the normal process. I dont think anyone is against that.
Again, five states have been doing it for years. The number of objections on this board? Almost zero. The number of contested elections? Almost zero if not zero. The number of officials elected by these five states who are deemed illegitimate? Zero.

3) well, its more than trump. There have been several news organizations with video evidence of strange things going on, weird middle of the night vote tally jumps for biden, batches of ballots coming in almost exclusively for biden. Things like that. Things that, had it happened to biden, the left would be doing exactly what trump is doing.

Biden was prepared to do exactly what trump is doing.
Conspiracy theories...not worth commenting on. Biden did lawyer up. Biden would have conceded by now. The blob? No so much.

5) honestly, I'm not up to speed on blockchain myself. I've heard it's very secure, and ive also heard democrats are very against it.

And, you are right, nobody would be saying anything about it, because nobody ever contests their own win. However, had trump won, the transition integrity project, and bidens 600 lawyers were prepared to engage equally as fervently as trump is.

Not even close in my view but it's a hypothetical so who knows.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
You mean, how can we assure that white votes count more than colored ones.
How woulld making them all equal make white votes count more?
Dead-end trumpers don't believe in equal, they want their votes to count as more than colored votes.
We believe in equality before the law, not equality of results.
Sure, you cead-end trumpers believe that law is to protect one side while used against the other. Just look at the DOJ under trump sycophant billy barr.
Although I was disappointed when Attorney General Barr resigned, he never was a sycophant, and Trump gave him the right to speak his mind about being unhappy with tweets. I'm disappointed the Democrats used both him and President as a whipping boy for their irrational hatred for good Constitutional interpretation.
Conservative votes should count more than dead people's votes.
One dead person's vote cancels one of the living's.
Good thing dead people don’t vote. I have worked in an election office since 2006 and every instance of a “dead person” voting turned out to be false. Either the voter signed the wrong line on the roster, returned the wrong ballot or we killed off the wrong voter.
You're a Dim, so why should anyone take your word for it?
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
#1 way is to take down the leftist media. They r the #1 threat to America.

So how exactly would you “take down” the “leftist media”?
No, I want to see VBM continue for those that want to use it and no, it is not most states that allow time off to vote. In about half it is unpaid time off. People working two jobs can’t take unpaid time off. (Which is about 13 million people).

People can't afford to not get paid one hour or a little more? What happens when they become ill?
Then don't allow Trump to vote by mail...

Trump did not vote by mail, you incredible partisan dumbass!

Trump did vote by mail in the state primary in August. However since he did not request the ballot 10 days before the election, he picked up the ballots in-person and had someone else drop off the ballots. Sounds like ballot harvesting.
Someone came to his door and demanded that he turn his ballot over?

No one has demanded anyone turn their ballot over. He did not drop it off in person.
Then don't allow Trump to vote by mail...

Trump did not vote by mail, you incredible partisan dumbass!
By law, in Florida, he used an absentee ballot that was delivered by a third party. He followed the law, unlike Dems in other states.
What states? What laws were not followed? Links please.

Oh, shut up! You know states like Pennsylvania accepted mail-in ballots three days after the election, but their state law says election day!
Their law says they can accept ballots POSTMARKED on election day up to 3 days after. My state’s law says 17 days.

Sure it does, because you say so.
A lot of what has been reported is no doubt true. It doesn't mean fraud, or that it happened everywhere, but it does indicate confusion, poorly maintained voter rolls (everyone knows about those, Dr. Love), trying to organize massive mail-in campaigns on short notice, etc. They did a great job, overall, as the recounts show. But I'm a proponent of mail-in ballots if it leads to greater voter participation, and I'd like to see them go as smoothly and tightly as voting in person. There is room for improvement, and there is room to acknowledge that we can do better in some areas.

Mail in voting is a terrible idea because that's how Democrats draw in the politically ignorant. If a person is politically ignorant, it's almost a guaranteed Democrat vote. That's why they've been pushing it for so long.
Isn't that how trump votes?

No. He votes absentee, There is a difference.
It’s not people on welfare that need expanded voting opportunities. They have plenty of time off to vote. It’s people working two jobs at places that don’t give you three hours off paid to wait in line.

In all the elections I ever voted in, the most I waited was a half-hour. Usually it's only about ten minutes. The law in most states is an employer has to allow you time to vote. You want to see mail in because one person out of 30,000 may have a second job? Ridiculous.
No, I want to see VBM continue for those that want to use it and no, it is not most states that allow time off to vote. In about half it is unpaid time off. People working two jobs can’t take unpaid time off. (Which is about 13 million people).
Masks save lives? HaHaHa! Go read the mask box. "Not effective against covid virus" Why don't you take up smoking, it has a warning on the side that you can disregard too. SMH

That means YOU might get it. It is VERY effective in preventing you from spreading it!
It’s not people on welfare that need expanded voting opportunities. They have plenty of time off to vote. It’s people working two jobs at places that don’t give you three hours off paid to wait in line.

In all the elections I ever voted in, the most I waited was a half-hour. Usually it's only about ten minutes. The law in most states is an employer has to allow you time to vote. You want to see mail in because one person out of 30,000 may have a second job? Ridiculous.
No, I want to see VBM continue for those that want to use it and no, it is not most states that allow time off to vote. In about half it is unpaid time off. People working two jobs can’t take unpaid time off. (Which is about 13 million people).
Masks save lives? HaHaHa! Go read the mask box. "Not effective against covid virus" Why don't you take up smoking, it has a warning on the side that you can disregard too. SMH
Yes, stupid American, masks save lives.

Run right down and get a suit like the emperor's. There are just as many "experts" that say masks are detrimental to your health--look out, whew, that piece of sky barely missed you.

They are morons. just like you!
It’s not people on welfare that need expanded voting opportunities. They have plenty of time off to vote. It’s people working two jobs at places that don’t give you three hours off paid to wait in line.

In all the elections I ever voted in, the most I waited was a half-hour. Usually it's only about ten minutes. The law in most states is an employer has to allow you time to vote. You want to see mail in because one person out of 30,000 may have a second job? Ridiculous.
No, I want to see VBM continue for those that want to use it and no, it is not most states that allow time off to vote. In about half it is unpaid time off. People working two jobs can’t take unpaid time off. (Which is about 13 million people).
Masks save lives? HaHaHa! Go read the mask box. "Not effective against covid virus" Why don't you take up smoking, it has a warning on the side that you can disregard too. SMH
Yes, stupid American, masks save lives.

Run right down and get a suit like the emperor's. There are just as many "experts" that say masks are detrimental to your health--look out, whew, that piece of sky barely missed you.
:lol: No there aren't. The overwhelming majority of the scientific community know masks save lives. No reputable doctor is telling you not to wear a mask.
North Carolina requires a witness signature instead.

Oh, so if a person votes for somebody other than themselves, their so-called witness is an honest and upstanding person?
No, we don't. But, the penalty for fraud is pretty steep. That's an awful lot of risk for little to no gain. And now instead of just one person potentially committing a crime, you're going to bring another party in on it? Again for little to no personal gain.

Yes, it is possible to commit fraud whether voting in person or by.mail, but you stand a good chance of getting caught so you are taking a very great risk and are unlikely to swing an election. Voting by mail is as safe and secure as any other method of voting and people don't do it because they are lazy. That's a lazy argument.
A lot of what has been reported is no doubt true. It doesn't mean fraud, or that it happened everywhere, but it does indicate confusion, poorly maintained voter rolls (everyone knows about those, Dr. Love), trying to organize massive mail-in campaigns on short notice, etc. They did a great job, overall, as the recounts show. But I'm a proponent of mail-in ballots if it leads to greater voter participation, and I'd like to see them go as smoothly and tightly as voting in person. There is room for improvement, and there is room to acknowledge that we can do better in some areas.

Mail in voting is a terrible idea because that's how Democrats draw in the politically ignorant. If a person is politically ignorant, it's almost a guaranteed Democrat vote. That's why they've been pushing it for so long.
Isn't that how trump votes?

No. He votes absentee, There is a difference.
No, he doesn't. He lives in Florida which is NOT an absentee state. It is a no excuse Vote by Mail state. (Like most of the states)
Mitt Romney lost by 5 million votes in 2012 and sparked a 100-page RNC autopsy report. Donald Trump lost by 7 million and there isn’t a peep.

That's because Trump did NOT lose by 7 million votes.
You sure about that?

There you go! It sounds like it's impossible to vote for someone else.

Not impossible, but improbable. Voting in person is the most secure way to vote.

Simply not true ^ The five states with all mail-in have had less fraud.
Choose your source

the five states with all mail in voting have found less fraud

You can't prove fraud until you find it. From what I understand, the Governor of Michigan had all machines locked down where nobody could get to them.

^ Reminds me of “can’t prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist until ya find him. Every time someone’s about to take a picture, he darts into the bushes!”

Ray, just stop it. All of you stop it! We’re screwed as a country if ya don’t.
Republicans have been programmed to deny the facts. Facts don’t matter.

Let me give you an example. Global warming is a fact. The entire world knows it. Half of American voters know it. The lobbyists and Mitch McConnell know it.

But as long as half the voters don’t know it, republicans will continue to pretend they don’t know because she’ll and bp pay them to deny the science.

No different than lead and tobacco. They used to deny cigarettes caused cancer remember? So then why do we continue to believe republican liars?

Republican voters have been convinced it’s the government scientists who are lying to keep their funding. It’s insane
"They" used to deny cigarettes caused cancer? Have proof it was Republicans that denied it while democrats believed it? It would seem you got caught up in your fever swamp there a little bit.

Well Trumptard, I suppose we could begin here eh? :rolleyes-41:
"Trumptard"? Wow, that's just unbelievable. I'll never recover from that. Man, that's just devastating, and so mature too! I mean, I expected something along the lines of a playground insult from a five year old, but you came out with one from a 6 year old! That was unexpected. You kids just grow up so fast.

Now, your contention was that "they" denied tobacco causes cancer. That's not what Pence said, is it? He said that 9 out of 10 smokers don't develop lung cancer. If that is true (oops, it is since 10 to 15% of smokers develop lung cancer), then you can't truthfully claim that he said smoking doesn't cause cancer. You really shouldn't let your 6 year old emotions run so wild with you. Please try again, and remember, it wasn't very long ago that Republicans and democrats alike smoked while ignoring warnings and not believing they would develop cancer, and most did not.

Yep,I think Trumptard is a reasonably apt description of you ;-)

First, Pence asserts that smoking doesn’t kill. To back this up, he bafflingly concedes that a huge fraction of smokers — one in three! — die from smoking-related illnesses, a fact that a casual observer could be forgiven for interpreting as proof that smoking does, in fact, kill, and kills a lot of people at that. (Only one problem: Subsequent research has found that twoout of three smokers die from a smoking-related illness — not one in three, as Pence insisted.)
In ten years usmb republicans will deny that they ever said global warming was a hoax.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
National voter registry & national voter id card. Both must be renewed on a regular basis. All registrations must be compared to deaths and incarcerations every year.
Once that card is used in an election as required that person can not vote again until the next election.

That would solve 90% or more of our problems.
But we don’t have a problem with dead people voting or people voting twice.

Have any republicans got away with it?

You guys want voter ids so poor people won’t get them and vote. I say mail in votes are the way in the future. If it was good enough for trump then it’s good enough for the rest of us.
How does requiring an ID disenfrancise anyone? If they are provided free of charge, and you have like 2 more years before the mid terms, plenty of time to get it done. If it is a way to ensure better vote security, how is that a bad thing?
Liberal racism. They think minorities are TOO STUPID to find a way down to the dmv in a two year period.
Voter IDs are so yesterday.

Republicans are going for other means of voter disenfranchisement since most people now have picture IDs
That is the real reason they're against vote-by-mail... they don't want people voting.
Thats far from the truth. Nobody wants to disenfranchise anyone and nobody wants to stop anyone from voting. That is something that liberal media keeps drilling into you folks.
I disagree. The number of voting centers has consistently decreased in republican administrations.. We had massive turnout this past election with no sizable voter fraud. Yet nearly every right leaning poster here wants to roll back voting by mail.

What they do want is to make sure elections are honest and fair, they want to make sure nobody who isn't legally allowed to vote does vote and that ballots are not mailed to dead people, dogs, or people who have moved.
We had a very clean election this time. So it shouldn't be an issue going forward.
If you could ensure, without any doubt, proveably, that there would be no increased risk of fraud, I bet most Republicans would be all for it, after all, even Republicans like convenience.
Again, Disagree. The only reason republicans are sqawking about fraud is because the mango messiah is telling them to. The other 8,000 losers on election day--not as much as a peep.

Actually, someone here mentioned a way for those things to happen, its call block chain. They mentioned that it would be a way to do the mail in voting, and pretty much eliminate the risks. Would you be in favor of that? If not, why not?
Not sure what that is.

If we held an election tomorrow with the same exact perarmeters and the blob won...nobody on the right would be saying one damn word about voter fraud. True or false.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
National voter registry & national voter id card. Both must be renewed on a regular basis. All registrations must be compared to deaths and incarcerations every year.
Once that card is used in an election as required that person can not vote again until the next election.

That would solve 90% or more of our problems.
But we don’t have a problem with dead people voting or people voting twice.

Have any republicans got away with it?

You guys want voter ids so poor people won’t get them and vote. I say mail in votes are the way in the future. If it was good enough for trump then it’s good enough for the rest of us.
How does requiring an ID disenfrancise anyone? If they are provided free of charge, and you have like 2 more years before the mid terms, plenty of time to get it done. If it is a way to ensure better vote security, how is that a bad thing?
Liberal racism. They think minorities are TOO STUPID to find a way down to the dmv in a two year period.
Voter IDs are so yesterday.

Republicans are going for other means of voter disenfranchisement since most people now have picture IDs
That is the real reason they're against vote-by-mail... they don't want people voting.
Thats far from the truth. Nobody wants to disenfranchise anyone and nobody wants to stop anyone from voting. That is something that liberal media keeps drilling into you folks.
I disagree. The number of voting centers has consistently decreased in republican administrations.. We had massive turnout this past election with no sizable voter fraud. Yet nearly every right leaning poster here wants to roll back voting by mail.

What they do want is to make sure elections are honest and fair, they want to make sure nobody who isn't legally allowed to vote does vote and that ballots are not mailed to dead people, dogs, or people who have moved.
We had a very clean election this time. So it shouldn't be an issue going forward.
If you could ensure, without any doubt, proveably, that there would be no increased risk of fraud, I bet most Republicans would be all for it, after all, even Republicans like convenience.
Again, Disagree. The only reason republicans are sqawking about fraud is because the mango messiah is telling them to. The other 8,000 losers on election day--not as much as a peep.

Actually, someone here mentioned a way for those things to happen, its call block chain. They mentioned that it would be a way to do the mail in voting, and pretty much eliminate the risks. Would you be in favor of that? If not, why not?
Not sure what that is.

If we held an election tomorrow with the same exact perarmeters and the blob won...nobody on the right would be saying one damn word about voter fraud. True or false.
1) you say no sizeable voter fraud. Republicans would disagree. Even still, you say "no sizeable voter fraud". In my book, ANY voter fraud is too much. Who's to determine what is "sizeable"?

Again, with mail in voting, nobody is against absentee balloting, what they are against is blanket mail out of ballots. There should be no reason why, if you want to vote by mail, that you can't go through the process. Request one, have an updated signature on file, and go through the normal process. I dont think anyone is against that.

2) again, many would disagree.

3) well, its more than trump. There have been several news organizations with video evidence of strange things going on, weird middle of the night vote tally jumps for biden, batches of ballots coming in almost exclusively for biden. Things like that. Things that, had it happened to biden, the left would be doing exactly what trump is doing.

Biden was prepared to do exactly what trump is doing.

5) honestly, I'm not up to speed on blockchain myself. I've heard it's very secure, and ive also heard democrats are very against it.

And, you are right, nobody would be saying anything about it, because nobody ever contests their own win. However, had trump won, the transition integrity project, and bidens 600 lawyers were prepared to engage equally as fervently as trump is.
There is a fucking pandemic you fucktard. No one should have voted in person you fucking super spreaders

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