How Can We Stop Future Stolen Elections?

A lot of what has been reported is no doubt true. It doesn't mean fraud, or that it happened everywhere, but it does indicate confusion, poorly maintained voter rolls (everyone knows about those, Dr. Love), trying to organize massive mail-in campaigns on short notice, etc. They did a great job, overall, as the recounts show. But I'm a proponent of mail-in ballots if it leads to greater voter participation, and I'd like to see them go as smoothly and tightly as voting in person. There is room for improvement, and there is room to acknowledge that we can do better in some areas.

Mail in voting is a terrible idea because that's how Democrats draw in the politically ignorant. If a person is politically ignorant, it's almost a guaranteed Democrat vote. That's why they've been pushing it for so long.
It’s not people on welfare that need expanded voting opportunities. They have plenty of time off to vote. It’s people working two jobs at places that don’t give you three hours off paid to wait in line.

In all the elections I ever voted in, the most I waited was a half-hour. Usually it's only about ten minutes. The law in most states is an employer has to allow you time to vote. You want to see mail in because one person out of 30,000 may have a second job? Ridiculous.
No, “they” don’t. We check every signature against the voter’s registration form. We can also view signature histories and the signatures of everyone in the household...with a single click.

As local boards of elections meet this week to review the final set of mail-in ballots, they’ll look to make sure that the voter’s name and signature are on the front of each envelope. But they won’t look to see if that signature matches one on file somewhere, because voter signature matching is not required in North Carolina. Signature matching is a common practice, required in 30 states, to help protect the legitimacy of absentee mail-in ballots. But it’s not mandated in everywhere, including in key battleground states such as Wisconsin and Pennsylvania.

Read more here:
A lot of what has been reported is no doubt true. It doesn't mean fraud, or that it happened everywhere, but it does indicate confusion, poorly maintained voter rolls (everyone knows about those, Dr. Love), trying to organize massive mail-in campaigns on short notice, etc. They did a great job, overall, as the recounts show. But I'm a proponent of mail-in ballots if it leads to greater voter participation, and I'd like to see them go as smoothly and tightly as voting in person. There is room for improvement, and there is room to acknowledge that we can do better in some areas.

Mail in voting is a terrible idea because that's how Democrats draw in the politically ignorant. If a person is politically ignorant, it's almost a guaranteed Democrat vote. That's why they've been pushing it for so long.
You seem quite ignorant. Trump was a giant failure. Huge deficits, most pandemic deaths, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, tariffs hurt manufacturing, Mexico didn't pay for a wall, didn't deliver the best healthcare.... yet you still support him.
A lot of what has been reported is no doubt true. It doesn't mean fraud, or that it happened everywhere, but it does indicate confusion, poorly maintained voter rolls (everyone knows about those, Dr. Love), trying to organize massive mail-in campaigns on short notice, etc. They did a great job, overall, as the recounts show. But I'm a proponent of mail-in ballots if it leads to greater voter participation, and I'd like to see them go as smoothly and tightly as voting in person. There is room for improvement, and there is room to acknowledge that we can do better in some areas.

Mail in voting is a terrible idea because that's how Democrats draw in the politically ignorant. If a person is politically ignorant, it's almost a guaranteed Democrat vote. That's why they've been pushing it for so long.
Isn't that how trump votes?
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
If it was a serious problem there would be evidence. There is none. Just a bunch of whining from the right.
your boss sure pays you well for the lies you tell.
And yet trumps legal team has nothing. Go figure. Why is it surprising to you that such a failure lost the election?
Ain't over yet.
Did their signature match the one on my driver's license? HELL no!!

It doesn't matter. My father went to the polls one year to vote, and because of his arm surgery, he couldn't sign his name the way he usually did, so they stopped him. He showed them the surgery scar on his right arm, he presented two valid forms of ID, and all he was allowed to do is fill out a provisional ballot.
I myself went a few election periods to vote, and was turned away because I wasn't in the system they claimed. So I had my voter registration card, but lost it prior, and figured oh well all I have to do is show my driver's license. Nope they said, otherwise they said that if my voter card wasn't renewed I couldn't vote. Huh ?
What state? I think they may have pulled a fast one unless they made it crystal clear you must register for each year in the beginning or lose your right to vote.
Yep, they pulled a fast one, and I must say I fell for it.
I'm so sorry, beagle. To make matters worse, those in the deep state broke every law and pushed every envelope to destroy President Trump's landslide re-election.
And I am most sorry to see Biden saying he will end the completion of the wall that has alleviated the flow of fentanyl that was killing 300 Americans per week from its passing the holes in the border for such a long time.

That and Biden reversing Trump's measures against China's unfair trade and copyright infringements, not to mention removing American jobs by sending them overseas once more as Biden gets ready to eliminate jobs Trump encouraged makes me wonder how we will make it through this winter. :(

Bunker up!! :laughing0301:
I am hoping Biden's love affair with the 2.5 billion dollars China passed along to the Biden family's pay-to-play banking accounts will disqualify him from his takeover plan on the grounds that he is more interested in pleasing his Chinese puppeteers. To the best of my knowledge, if a candidate or office holder is found to be compromised, he is by law rejected and removed from Power even when elected. The automatic winner-picking software that elected him notwithstanding. Also, the iconoclastic nature of erasing history and replacment of it with whatever pleases the kingpin that socialism creates is disrespectful of all those interred in Arlington cemetery, because they gave up life itself to make America the iconic leader of the free world.
Isn't that how trump votes?

Trump is the President. It's a pain in the ass for a President to vote in person along with the people in the area. I'm sure Trump didn't stuff his ballot in a mailbox around the corner. His people likely delivered it personally to the election board. Did some Republican voters use mail in? Perhaps. But most only because they needed to do it that way. Republicans love to vote in person when possible because we are knowledgeable about politics and it means that much to us.
Did their signature match the one on my driver's license? HELL no!!

It doesn't matter. My father went to the polls one year to vote, and because of his arm surgery, he couldn't sign his name the way he usually did, so they stopped him. He showed them the surgery scar on his right arm, he presented two valid forms of ID, and all he was allowed to do is fill out a provisional ballot.
I myself went a few election periods to vote, and was turned away because I wasn't in the system they claimed. So I had my voter registration card, but lost it prior, and figured oh well all I have to do is show my driver's license. Nope they said, otherwise they said that if my voter card wasn't renewed I couldn't vote. Huh ?
What state? I think they may have pulled a fast one unless they made it crystal clear you must register for each year in the beginning or lose your right to vote.
Yep, they pulled a fast one, and I must say I fell for it.
I'm so sorry, beagle. To make matters worse, those in the deep state broke every law and pushed every envelope to destroy President Trump's landslide re-election.
And I am most sorry to see Biden saying he will end the completion of the wall that has alleviated the flow of fentanyl that was killing 300 Americans per week from its passing the holes in the border for such a long time.

That and Biden reversing Trump's measures against China's unfair trade and copyright infringements, not to mention removing American jobs by sending them overseas once more as Biden gets ready to eliminate jobs Trump encouraged makes me wonder how we will make it through this winter. :(

Bunker up!! :laughing0301:
I am hoping Biden's love affair with the 2.5 billion dollars China passed along to the Biden family's pay-to-play banking accounts will disqualify him from his takeover plan on the grounds that he is more interested in pleasing his Chinese puppeteers. To the best of my knowledge, if a candidate or office holder is found to be compromised, he is by law rejected and removed from Power even when elected. The automatic winner-picking software that elected him notwithstanding. Also, the iconoclastic nature of erasing history and replacment of it with whatever pleases the kingpin that socialism creates is disrespectful of all those interred in Arlington cemetery, because they gave up life itself to make America the iconic leader of the free world.

We’re up to 2.5 BILLION now? I want me sum-o-dat Biden cheese!! :lmao:
You seem quite ignorant. Trump was a giant failure. Huge deficits, most pandemic deaths, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, tariffs hurt manufacturing, Mexico didn't pay for a wall, didn't deliver the best healthcare.... yet you still support him.

Yes I support him. Prior to the virus we got from Biden's buddies in China, we had the best economy in 50 years. Lowest unemployment for women and every minority group since records were kept. Several new stock market highs, 1.5 million more jobs than Americans to work them, new median household income high, a fantastic job keeping illegals out of the country, got rid of the Commie Care fines who were paid by the people who could least afford them, fuel prices super low even with the booming economy. Thinking that was a failure is what true ignorance is combined with TDS. And no, we don't have the most deaths per capita in the world either.

So tell us, who did you support this election?
Did their signature match the one on my driver's license? HELL no!!

It doesn't matter. My father went to the polls one year to vote, and because of his arm surgery, he couldn't sign his name the way he usually did, so they stopped him. He showed them the surgery scar on his right arm, he presented two valid forms of ID, and all he was allowed to do is fill out a provisional ballot.
I myself went a few election periods to vote, and was turned away because I wasn't in the system they claimed. So I had my voter registration card, but lost it prior, and figured oh well all I have to do is show my driver's license. Nope they said, otherwise they said that if my voter card wasn't renewed I couldn't vote. Huh ?
What state? I think they may have pulled a fast one unless they made it crystal clear you must register for each year in the beginning or lose your right to vote.
Yep, they pulled a fast one, and I must say I fell for it.
I'm so sorry, beagle. To make matters worse, those in the deep state broke every law and pushed every envelope to destroy President Trump's landslide re-election.
And I am most sorry to see Biden saying he will end the completion of the wall that has alleviated the flow of fentanyl that was killing 300 Americans per week from its passing the holes in the border for such a long time.

That and Biden reversing Trump's measures against China's unfair trade and copyright infringements, not to mention removing American jobs by sending them overseas once more as Biden gets ready to eliminate jobs Trump encouraged makes me wonder how we will make it through this winter. :(

Bunker up!! :laughing0301:
I am hoping Biden's love affair with the 2.5 billion dollars China passed along to the Biden family's pay-to-play banking accounts will disqualify him from his takeover plan on the grounds that he is more interested in pleasing his Chinese puppeteers. To the best of my knowledge, if a candidate or office holder is found to be compromised, he is by law rejected and removed from Power even when elected. The automatic winner-picking software that elected him notwithstanding. Also, the iconoclastic nature of erasing history and replacment of it with whatever pleases the kingpin that socialism creates is disrespectful of all those interred in Arlington cemetery, because they gave up life itself to make America the iconic leader of the free world.

We’re up to 2.5 BILLION now? I want me sum-o-dat Biden cheese!! :lmao:
Former Vice President Biden had many years to get a lot more than that, and in deep state jargon, a point man is the one who brings in the most money with which to bribe leadership most expediently.
Good evening, all.
You seem quite ignorant. Trump was a giant failure. Huge deficits, most pandemic deaths, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, tariffs hurt manufacturing, Mexico didn't pay for a wall, didn't deliver the best healthcare.... yet you still support him.

Yes I support him. Prior to the virus we got from Biden's buddies in China, we had the best economy in 50 years. Lowest unemployment for women and every minority group since records were kept. Several new stock market highs, 1.5 million more jobs than Americans to work them, new median household income high, a fantastic job keeping illegals out of the country, got rid of the Commie Care fines who were paid by the people who could least afford them, fuel prices super low even with the booming economy. Thinking that was a failure is what true ignorance is combined with TDS. And no, we don't have the most deaths per capita in the world either.

So tell us, who did you support this election?

ABT = Anyone But Trump. Spongebob? No prob!

Btw, Impeached, Lame Duck Rump is no longer POTUS ;)
Did their signature match the one on my driver's license? HELL no!!

It doesn't matter. My father went to the polls one year to vote, and because of his arm surgery, he couldn't sign his name the way he usually did, so they stopped him. He showed them the surgery scar on his right arm, he presented two valid forms of ID, and all he was allowed to do is fill out a provisional ballot.
I myself went a few election periods to vote, and was turned away because I wasn't in the system they claimed. So I had my voter registration card, but lost it prior, and figured oh well all I have to do is show my driver's license. Nope they said, otherwise they said that if my voter card wasn't renewed I couldn't vote. Huh ?
What state? I think they may have pulled a fast one unless they made it crystal clear you must register for each year in the beginning or lose your right to vote.
Yep, they pulled a fast one, and I must say I fell for it.
I'm so sorry, beagle. To make matters worse, those in the deep state broke every law and pushed every envelope to destroy President Trump's landslide re-election.
And I am most sorry to see Biden saying he will end the completion of the wall that has alleviated the flow of fentanyl that was killing 300 Americans per week from its passing the holes in the border for such a long time.

That and Biden reversing Trump's measures against China's unfair trade and copyright infringements, not to mention removing American jobs by sending them overseas once more as Biden gets ready to eliminate jobs Trump encouraged makes me wonder how we will make it through this winter. :(

Bunker up!! :laughing0301:
I am hoping Biden's love affair with the 2.5 billion dollars China passed along to the Biden family's pay-to-play banking accounts will disqualify him from his takeover plan on the grounds that he is more interested in pleasing his Chinese puppeteers. To the best of my knowledge, if a candidate or office holder is found to be compromised, he is by law rejected and removed from Power even when elected. The automatic winner-picking software that elected him notwithstanding. Also, the iconoclastic nature of erasing history and replacment of it with whatever pleases the kingpin that socialism creates is disrespectful of all those interred in Arlington cemetery, because they gave up life itself to make America the iconic leader of the free world.

We’re up to 2.5 BILLION now? I want me sum-o-dat Biden cheese!! :lmao:
Former Vice President Biden had many years to get a lot more than that, and in deep state jargon, a point man is the one who brings in the most money with which to bribe leadership most expediently.
Good evening, all.

Well then we should start referring to it as TWENTY ELEVENTEEN BILLION!!!

You seem quite ignorant. Trump was a giant failure. Huge deficits, most pandemic deaths, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, tariffs hurt manufacturing, Mexico didn't pay for a wall, didn't deliver the best healthcare.... yet you still support him.

Yes I support him. Prior to the virus we got from Biden's buddies in China, we had the best economy in 50 years. Lowest unemployment for women and every minority group since records were kept. Several new stock market highs, 1.5 million more jobs than Americans to work them, new median household income high, a fantastic job keeping illegals out of the country, got rid of the Commie Care fines who were paid by the people who could least afford them, fuel prices super low even with the booming economy. Thinking that was a failure is what true ignorance is combined with TDS. And no, we don't have the most deaths per capita in the world either.

So tell us, who did you support this election?

ABT = Anyone But Trump. Spongebob? No prob!

Btw, Impeached, Lame Duck Rump is no longer POTUS ;)
BTW, that is TOTALLY ACQUITTED President Trump at least until Jan. 20--maybe beyond. It ain't over yet, moron.
Did their signature match the one on my driver's license? HELL no!!

It doesn't matter. My father went to the polls one year to vote, and because of his arm surgery, he couldn't sign his name the way he usually did, so they stopped him. He showed them the surgery scar on his right arm, he presented two valid forms of ID, and all he was allowed to do is fill out a provisional ballot.
I myself went a few election periods to vote, and was turned away because I wasn't in the system they claimed. So I had my voter registration card, but lost it prior, and figured oh well all I have to do is show my driver's license. Nope they said, otherwise they said that if my voter card wasn't renewed I couldn't vote. Huh ?
What state? I think they may have pulled a fast one unless they made it crystal clear you must register for each year in the beginning or lose your right to vote.
Yep, they pulled a fast one, and I must say I fell for it.
I'm so sorry, beagle. To make matters worse, those in the deep state broke every law and pushed every envelope to destroy President Trump's landslide re-election.
And I am most sorry to see Biden saying he will end the completion of the wall that has alleviated the flow of fentanyl that was killing 300 Americans per week from its passing the holes in the border for such a long time.

That and Biden reversing Trump's measures against China's unfair trade and copyright infringements, not to mention removing American jobs by sending them overseas once more as Biden gets ready to eliminate jobs Trump encouraged makes me wonder how we will make it through this winter. :(

Bunker up!! :laughing0301:
I am hoping Biden's love affair with the 2.5 billion dollars China passed along to the Biden family's pay-to-play banking accounts will disqualify him from his takeover plan on the grounds that he is more interested in pleasing his Chinese puppeteers. To the best of my knowledge, if a candidate or office holder is found to be compromised, he is by law rejected and removed from Power even when elected. The automatic winner-picking software that elected him notwithstanding. Also, the iconoclastic nature of erasing history and replacment of it with whatever pleases the kingpin that socialism creates is disrespectful of all those interred in Arlington cemetery, because they gave up life itself to make America the iconic leader of the free world.

We’re up to 2.5 BILLION now? I want me sum-o-dat Biden cheese!! :lmao:
Former Vice President Biden had many years to get a lot more than that, and in deep state jargon, a point man is the one who brings in the most money with which to bribe leadership most expediently.
Good evening, all.

Well then we should start referring to it as TWENTY ELEVENTEEN BILLION!!!

View attachment 430459
If Biden ever sets foot in the WH, I have no doubt that is exactly what we'll be saying. Nice likeness of Quid Pro Joe, btw.
You seem quite ignorant. Trump was a giant failure. Huge deficits, most pandemic deaths, couldn't hit 3% gdp growth, tariffs hurt manufacturing, Mexico didn't pay for a wall, didn't deliver the best healthcare.... yet you still support him.

Yes I support him. Prior to the virus we got from Biden's buddies in China, we had the best economy in 50 years. Lowest unemployment for women and every minority group since records were kept. Several new stock market highs, 1.5 million more jobs than Americans to work them, new median household income high, a fantastic job keeping illegals out of the country, got rid of the Commie Care fines who were paid by the people who could least afford them, fuel prices super low even with the booming economy. Thinking that was a failure is what true ignorance is combined with TDS. And no, we don't have the most deaths per capita in the world either.

So tell us, who did you support this election?

ABT = Anyone But Trump. Spongebob? No prob!

Btw, Impeached, Lame Duck Rump is no longer POTUS ;)
BTW, that is TOTALLY ACQUITTED President Trump at least until Jan. 20--maybe beyond. It ain't over yet, moron.

The Kraken died. What do you plan on releasing - The GiuliaLeak? :laugh2:

ABT = Anyone But Trump. Spongebob? No prob!

Btw, Impeached, Lame Duck Rump is no longer POTUS

And when gasoline goes up to $5.00 a gallon because Biden stopped fracking, you'll be the first here to bitch about those evil rich oil companies. When job creation is at a crawl like under Obama because of increased taxes and Commie Care mandates being instituted again, you'll be blaming Trump. When those filthy diseased third worlders come flooding over our border, you'll be saying that Trump's wall was a failure. When inflation reaches levels we haven't seen in decades and jobs are going overseas again because of Biden's new national $15.00 minimum wage, you'll be telling is it's Trump's fault for not doing better with Covid.

As the old saying goes: be careful what you wish for. It just may come true.
ABT = Anyone But Trump. Spongebob? No prob!

Btw, Impeached, Lame Duck Rump is no longer POTUS

And when gasoline goes up to $5.00 a gallon because Biden stopped fracking, you'll be the first here to bitch about those evil rich oil companies. When job creation is at a crawl like under Obama because of increased taxes and Commie Care mandates being instituted again, you'll be blaming Trump. When those filthy diseased third worlders come flooding over our border, you'll be saying that Trump's wall was a failure. When inflation reaches levels we haven't seen in decades and jobs are going overseas again because of Biden's new national $15.00 minimum wage, you'll be telling is it's Trump's fault for not doing better with Covid.

As the old saying goes: be careful what you wish for. It just may come true.
Dr. Love is a moron that is just putting out click bait--I ignored him.
ABT = Anyone But Trump. Spongebob? No prob!

Btw, Impeached, Lame Duck Rump is no longer POTUS

And when gasoline goes up to $5.00 a gallon because Biden stopped fracking, you'll be the first here to bitch about those evil rich oil companies. When job creation is at a crawl like under Obama because of increased taxes and Commie Care mandates being instituted again, you'll be blaming Trump. When those filthy diseased third worlders come flooding over our border, you'll be saying that Trump's wall was a failure. When inflation reaches levels we haven't seen in decades and jobs are going overseas again because of Biden's new national $15.00 minimum wage, you'll be telling is it's Trump's fault for not doing better with Covid.

As the old saying goes: be careful what you wish for. It just may come true.

The day President Biden outlaws fracking is the day I admit that I’m an idiot and leave the forum forevs. Ray, there are people who can help you through this difficult time. ;-)

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