How Can We Stop Future Stolen Elections?

There you go! It sounds like it's impossible to vote for someone else.

Not impossible, but improbable. Voting in person is the most secure way to vote.

Simply not true ^ The five states with all mail-in have had less fraud.
Choose your source

the five states with all mail in voting have found less fraud

You can't prove fraud until you find it. From what I understand, the Governor of Michigan had all machines locked down where nobody could get to them.

^ Reminds me of “can’t prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist until ya find him. Every time someone’s about to take a picture, he darts into the bushes!”

Ray, just stop it. All of you stop it! We’re screwed as a country if ya don’t.
Republicans have been programmed to deny the facts. Facts don’t matter.

Let me give you an example. Global warming is a fact. The entire world knows it. Half of American voters know it. The lobbyists and Mitch McConnell know it.

But as long as half the voters don’t know it, republicans will continue to pretend they don’t know because she’ll and bp pay them to deny the science.

No different than lead and tobacco. They used to deny cigarettes caused cancer remember? So then why do we continue to believe republican liars?

Republican voters have been convinced it’s the government scientists who are lying to keep their funding. It’s insane
"They" used to deny cigarettes caused cancer? Have proof it was Republicans that denied it while democrats believed it? It would seem you got caught up in your fever swamp there a little bit.

Well Trumptard, I suppose we could begin here eh? :rolleyes-41:
"Trumptard"? Wow, that's just unbelievable. I'll never recover from that. Man, that's just devastating, and so mature too! I mean, I expected something along the lines of a playground insult from a five year old, but you came out with one from a 6 year old! That was unexpected. You kids just grow up so fast.

Now, your contention was that "they" denied tobacco causes cancer. That's not what Pence said, is it? He said that 9 out of 10 smokers don't develop lung cancer. If that is true (oops, it is since 10 to 15% of smokers develop lung cancer), then you can't truthfully claim that he said smoking doesn't cause cancer. You really shouldn't let your 6 year old emotions run so wild with you. Please try again, and remember, it wasn't very long ago that Republicans and democrats alike smoked while ignoring warnings and not believing they would develop cancer, and most did not.
There you go! It sounds like it's impossible to vote for someone else.

Not impossible, but improbable. Voting in person is the most secure way to vote.

Simply not true ^ The five states with all mail-in have had less fraud.
Choose your source

the five states with all mail in voting have found less fraud

You can't prove fraud until you find it. From what I understand, the Governor of Michigan had all machines locked down where nobody could get to them.

^ Reminds me of “can’t prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist until ya find him. Every time someone’s about to take a picture, he darts into the bushes!”

Ray, just stop it. All of you stop it! We’re screwed as a country if ya don’t.
Republicans have been programmed to deny the facts. Facts don’t matter.

Let me give you an example. Global warming is a fact. The entire world knows it. Half of American voters know it. The lobbyists and Mitch McConnell know it.

But as long as half the voters don’t know it, republicans will continue to pretend they don’t know because she’ll and bp pay them to deny the science.

No different than lead and tobacco. They used to deny cigarettes caused cancer remember? So then why do we continue to believe republican liars?

Republican voters have been convinced it’s the government scientists who are lying to keep their funding. It’s insane
"They" used to deny cigarettes caused cancer? Have proof it was Republicans that denied it while democrats believed it? It would seem you got caught up in your fever swamp there a little bit.

Well Trumptard, I suppose we could begin here eh? :rolleyes-41:
"Trumptard"? Wow, that's just unbelievable. I'll never recover from that. Man, that's just devastating, and so mature too! I mean, I expected something along the lines of a playground insult from a five year old, but you came out with one from a 6 year old! That was unexpected. You kids just grow up so fast.

Now, your contention was that "they" denied tobacco causes cancer. That's not what Pence said, is it? He said that 9 out of 10 smokers don't develop lung cancer. If that is true (oops, it is since 10 to 15% of smokers develop lung cancer), then you can't truthfully claim that he said smoking doesn't cause cancer. You really shouldn't let your 6 year old emotions run so wild with you. Please try again, and remember, it wasn't very long ago that Republicans and democrats alike smoked while ignoring warnings and not believing they would develop cancer, and most did not.

Yep,I think Trumptard is a reasonably apt description of you ;-)

First, Pence asserts that smoking doesn’t kill. To back this up, he bafflingly concedes that a huge fraction of smokers — one in three! — die from smoking-related illnesses, a fact that a casual observer could be forgiven for interpreting as proof that smoking does, in fact, kill, and kills a lot of people at that. (Only one problem: Subsequent research has found that two out of three smokers die from a smoking-related illness — not one in three, as Pence insisted.)
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
There was no stolen election.

We do need a federally mandated full-time state-official whose express job is to sterilize the voter rolls in each state. We get audited at my place of business multiple times by governing organizations. There should be an independent group that follows up and sees how Mississippi is doing in purging the dead, relocated, and demonstrated disinterested from their voter rolls

Mail in voting is here and it's going to expand. Participating in 2020 was at record levels and that should be the hope of all who are fans of democracy. It makes sense to make the process as sterile as possible.
Mass mail in voting was an unfortunate one-off and shall never be repeated. That is why I invoked SCOTUS in the OP. That cannot stand.


Five states send a ballot to every registered voter in every election held by the state. Nobody has ever questioned the validity of the elections, the legitimacy of the victors, or exposed any sizable fraud in those five states.

It needs to be expanded nationwide.

At the same time, we need to police the voter rolls very closely so only living breathing voters who still live at their address receive ballots.
Covid caught a lot of states by surprise. I agree the reasonable thing to do is have voters request a mail in ballot, that way, we know the correct address and aren't sending multiple bulk mailings to people who moved away or died. And all states need to pass laws allowing early counting of mail in ballots so we don't have people whining for two months about the count changing overnight.

" I agree the reasonable thing to do is have voters request a mail in ballot, that way, we know the correct address and aren't sending multiple bulk mailings to people who moved away or died. And all states need to pass laws allowing early counting of mail in ballots so we don't have people whining for two months about the count changing overnight."

Sounds good to me, but not good enough. I think each state should verify that they take measures to ensure that dead people don't vote, and explain how to our satisfaction. And nobody votes more than once, nor those who have moved. I don't want to hear any crap about voter suppression, each and every voter should have a voter ID and no ballot gets counted if it has no matching voter id. We don't have to track how anyone voted, just that a person/ballot who has no corresponding voter id doesn't get counted.

Beyond that, each state should verify that the voting systems used do in fact count votes. Vote tallies should be in whole numbers, not fractions, how in the hell do you get a decimal number in there? It's one thing if you're tracking statistics, but not vote totals. And then there's this crap for ballots suddenly appearing out of the trunk of somebody's car and all of them went for one candidate over the other. I think each state should pass a law that says any ballot received after election day has to go through a validation check via a bipartisan and independent group. And if it ain't signed, dated and sealed in the ballot envelope then it doesn't get counted.

And finally, no judge, governor, or election official gets to change or ignore any election law that was duly passed by the legislature and signed into law by the governor. If signatures are supposed to reasonably match then Goddamnit, they should be thrown out of they don't match or there is no signature at all. No last minute bending of the rules should be allowed.

Right now, about half the country thinks this election wasn't entirely honest. Maybe Biden would have and should have won anyway, but the trust in our election system is significantly in question. And that shouldn't be. Don't try to tell me there was no fraud, I don't believe that. I do not know if it was enough to change the results in Trumps favor, but the fact that there is even some doubt is not good.

OL, they are getting to you. Don’t let’em!!
In what way are they getting to me?
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Counting on the Supreme Court of doing anything is fool hearted and has been since finding the Affordable Care Act Constitutional. As anyone with even the basic of their rights know this goes against everything
. Let me go out on a limb here and say their next monumental ruling will have to do with a ban on semi-automatic firearms in the producing more democRat shit holes of help less victim and rapid crime.
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This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
There was no stolen election.

We do need a federally mandated full-time state-official whose express job is to sterilize the voter rolls in each state. We get audited at my place of business multiple times by governing organizations. There should be an independent group that follows up and sees how Mississippi is doing in purging the dead, relocated, and demonstrated disinterested from their voter rolls

Mail in voting is here and it's going to expand. Participating in 2020 was at record levels and that should be the hope of all who are fans of democracy. It makes sense to make the process as sterile as possible.
Mass mail in voting was an unfortunate one-off and shall never be repeated. That is why I invoked SCOTUS in the OP. That cannot stand.


Five states send a ballot to every registered voter in every election held by the state. Nobody has ever questioned the validity of the elections, the legitimacy of the victors, or exposed any sizable fraud in those five states.

It needs to be expanded nationwide.

At the same time, we need to police the voter rolls very closely so only living breathing voters who still live at their address receive ballots.
Covid caught a lot of states by surprise. I agree the reasonable thing to do is have voters request a mail in ballot, that way, we know the correct address and aren't sending multiple bulk mailings to people who moved away or died. And all states need to pass laws allowing early counting of mail in ballots so we don't have people whining for two months about the count changing overnight.

" I agree the reasonable thing to do is have voters request a mail in ballot, that way, we know the correct address and aren't sending multiple bulk mailings to people who moved away or died. And all states need to pass laws allowing early counting of mail in ballots so we don't have people whining for two months about the count changing overnight."

Sounds good to me, but not good enough. I think each state should verify that they take measures to ensure that dead people don't vote, and explain how to our satisfaction. And nobody votes more than once, nor those who have moved. I don't want to hear any crap about voter suppression, each and every voter should have a voter ID and no ballot gets counted if it has no matching voter id. We don't have to track how anyone voted, just that a person/ballot who has no corresponding voter id doesn't get counted.

Beyond that, each state should verify that the voting systems used do in fact count votes. Vote tallies should be in whole numbers, not fractions, how in the hell do you get a decimal number in there? It's one thing if you're tracking statistics, but not vote totals. And then there's this crap for ballots suddenly appearing out of the trunk of somebody's car and all of them went for one candidate over the other. I think each state should pass a law that says any ballot received after election day has to go through a validation check via a bipartisan and independent group. And if it ain't signed, dated and sealed in the ballot envelope then it doesn't get counted.

And finally, no judge, governor, or election official gets to change or ignore any election law that was duly passed by the legislature and signed into law by the governor. If signatures are supposed to reasonably match then Goddamnit, they should be thrown out of they don't match or there is no signature at all. No last minute bending of the rules should be allowed.

Right now, about half the country thinks this election wasn't entirely honest. Maybe Biden would have and should have won anyway, but the trust in our election system is significantly in question. And that shouldn't be. Don't try to tell me there was no fraud, I don't believe that. I do not know if it was enough to change the results in Trumps favor, but the fact that there is even some doubt is not good.

OL, they are getting to you. Don’t let’em!!
In what way are they getting to me?

Seems like the lie about “great voter fraud” on mail-in might be sinking in. Don’t let it .. Tis bullshit. ;)
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
If it was a serious problem there would be evidence. There is none. Just a bunch of whining from the right.
Did their signature match the one on my driver's license? HELL no!!

It doesn't matter. My father went to the polls one year to vote, and because of his arm surgery, he couldn't sign his name the way he usually did, so they stopped him. He showed them the surgery scar on his right arm, he presented two valid forms of ID, and all he was allowed to do is fill out a provisional ballot.
I myself went a few election periods to vote, and was turned away because I wasn't in the system they claimed. So I had my voter registration card, but lost it prior, and figured oh well all I have to do is show my driver's license. Nope they said, otherwise they said that if my voter card wasn't renewed I couldn't vote. Huh ?
What state? I think they may have pulled a fast one unless they made it crystal clear you must register for each year in the beginning or lose your right to vote.
Yep, they pulled a fast one, and I must say I fell for it.
I'm so sorry, beagle. To make matters worse, those in the deep state broke every law and pushed every envelope to destroy President Trump's landslide re-election.
And I am most sorry to see Biden saying he will end the completion of the wall that has alleviated the flow of fentanyl that was killing 300 Americans per week from its passing the holes in the border for such a long time.

That and Biden reversing Trump's measures against China's unfair trade and copyright infringements, not to mention removing American jobs by sending them overseas once more as Biden gets ready to eliminate jobs Trump encouraged makes me wonder how we will make it through this winter. :(
Did their signature match the one on my driver's license? HELL no!!

It doesn't matter. My father went to the polls one year to vote, and because of his arm surgery, he couldn't sign his name the way he usually did, so they stopped him. He showed them the surgery scar on his right arm, he presented two valid forms of ID, and all he was allowed to do is fill out a provisional ballot.
I myself went a few election periods to vote, and was turned away because I wasn't in the system they claimed. So I had my voter registration card, but lost it prior, and figured oh well all I have to do is show my driver's license. Nope they said, otherwise they said that if my voter card wasn't renewed I couldn't vote. Huh ?
What state? I think they may have pulled a fast one unless they made it crystal clear you must register for each year in the beginning or lose your right to vote.
Yep, they pulled a fast one, and I must say I fell for it.
I'm so sorry, beagle. To make matters worse, those in the deep state broke every law and pushed every envelope to destroy President Trump's landslide re-election.
And I am most sorry to see Biden saying he will end the completion of the wall that has alleviated the flow of fentanyl that was killing 300 Americans per week from its passing the holes in the border for such a long time.

That and Biden reversing Trump's measures against China's unfair trade and copyright infringements, not to mention removing American jobs by sending them overseas once more as Biden gets ready to eliminate jobs Trump encouraged makes me wonder how we will make it through this winter. :(

Bunker up!! :laughing0301:
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
Mandatory death penalty for voter fraud.
Our free and fair election system is dead....the dems have been stealing house and senate races as well as state races for a long they know they can steal the highest office in the land...they will never give it up now....and the GOP are too weak and scared to try and stop them...
so very true.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
If it was a serious problem there would be evidence. There is none. Just a bunch of whining from the right.
your boss sure pays you well for the lies you tell.
We covered that earlier. Show me states that do not signature match on any mail in votes.

They only check the signature on the ballot to the name on the envelope. Not check the signature with one on file.
No, “they” don’t. We check every signature against the voter’s registration form. We can also view signature histories and the signatures of everyone in the household...with a single click.
Then don't allow Trump to vote by mail...

Trump did not vote by mail, you incredible partisan dumbass!
By law, in Florida, he used an absentee ballot that was delivered by a third party. He followed the law, unlike Dems in other states.
What states? What laws were not followed? Links please.

Oh, shut up! You know states like Pennsylvania accepted mail-in ballots three days after the election, but their state law says election day!
Their law says they can accept ballots POSTMARKED on election day up to 3 days after. My state’s law says 17 days.
Obviously you're unaware of how stupid this is.

This is yet another example of voter suppression by the right.

Yes, voter suppression. I want to suppress the vote of lazy welfare people.
It’s not people on welfare that need expanded voting opportunities. They have plenty of time off to vote. It’s people working two jobs at places that don’t give you three hours off paid to wait in line.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
There was no stolen election.

We do need a federally mandated full-time state-official whose express job is to sterilize the voter rolls in each state. We get audited at my place of business multiple times by governing organizations. There should be an independent group that follows up and sees how Mississippi is doing in purging the dead, relocated, and demonstrated disinterested from their voter rolls

Mail in voting is here and it's going to expand. Participating in 2020 was at record levels and that should be the hope of all who are fans of democracy. It makes sense to make the process as sterile as possible.
Mass mail in voting was an unfortunate one-off and shall never be repeated. That is why I invoked SCOTUS in the OP. That cannot stand.


Five states send a ballot to every registered voter in every election held by the state. Nobody has ever questioned the validity of the elections, the legitimacy of the victors, or exposed any sizable fraud in those five states.

It needs to be expanded nationwide.

At the same time, we need to police the voter rolls very closely so only living breathing voters who still live at their address receive ballots.
Covid caught a lot of states by surprise. I agree the reasonable thing to do is have voters request a mail in ballot, that way, we know the correct address and aren't sending multiple bulk mailings to people who moved away or died. And all states need to pass laws allowing early counting of mail in ballots so we don't have people whining for two months about the count changing overnight.

" I agree the reasonable thing to do is have voters request a mail in ballot, that way, we know the correct address and aren't sending multiple bulk mailings to people who moved away or died. And all states need to pass laws allowing early counting of mail in ballots so we don't have people whining for two months about the count changing overnight."

Sounds good to me, but not good enough. I think each state should verify that they take measures to ensure that dead people don't vote, and explain how to our satisfaction. And nobody votes more than once, nor those who have moved. I don't want to hear any crap about voter suppression, each and every voter should have a voter ID and no ballot gets counted if it has no matching voter id. We don't have to track how anyone voted, just that a person/ballot who has no corresponding voter id doesn't get counted.

Beyond that, each state should verify that the voting systems used do in fact count votes. Vote tallies should be in whole numbers, not fractions, how in the hell do you get a decimal number in there? It's one thing if you're tracking statistics, but not vote totals. And then there's this crap for ballots suddenly appearing out of the trunk of somebody's car and all of them went for one candidate over the other. I think each state should pass a law that says any ballot received after election day has to go through a validation check via a bipartisan and independent group. And if it ain't signed, dated and sealed in the ballot envelope then it doesn't get counted.

And finally, no judge, governor, or election official gets to change or ignore any election law that was duly passed by the legislature and signed into law by the governor. If signatures are supposed to reasonably match then Goddamnit, they should be thrown out of they don't match or there is no signature at all. No last minute bending of the rules should be allowed.

Right now, about half the country thinks this election wasn't entirely honest. Maybe Biden would have and should have won anyway, but the trust in our election system is significantly in question. And that shouldn't be. Don't try to tell me there was no fraud, I don't believe that. I do not know if it was enough to change the results in Trumps favor, but the fact that there is even some doubt is not good.

OL, they are getting to you. Don’t let’em!!
In what way are they getting to me?

Seems like the lie about “great voter fraud” on mail-in might be sinking in. Don’t let it .. Tis bullshit. ;)
A lot of what has been reported is no doubt true. It doesn't mean fraud, or that it happened everywhere, but it does indicate confusion, poorly maintained voter rolls (everyone knows about those, Dr. Love), trying to organize massive mail-in campaigns on short notice, etc. They did a great job, overall, as the recounts show. But I'm a proponent of mail-in ballots if it leads to greater voter participation, and I'd like to see them go as smoothly and tightly as voting in person. There is room for improvement, and there is room to acknowledge that we can do better in some areas.
Voting procedures were changed by the courts, which is illegal, republican vote watchers were kept at a distance and not allowed to monitor the count up close, people were told to go home because the counting was done for the night, but then minutes later, counting started again, which led to a sudden uptick in votes for biden.

First, courts changing the conditions of an election are actually quite common, and perfectly legal. Since courts can react much faster than legislatures.

Say a storm hits a county which votes electronically, knocking out power for several hours. Someone files a motion for injunction to keep the polls open extra hours.
Judges to maintain the integrity of the election, and not disenfranchise the voters of the county hit by the storm, grant additional voting hours, keeping polls open past their normal closing time.

Or if a storm completely knocks out a counties elections. Again someone goes to the court to allow people to vote provisional ballots in a county not devastated by the storm.

Unless a state specifically has it in their constitution or in their laws that courts do not have jurisdiction over election controversies, then what these judges have been doing is perfectly legal.
Fraud storms are illegal.
Reminds me of “can’t prove Bigfoot doesn’t exist until ya find him. Every time someone’s about to take a picture, he darts into the bushes!”

Ray, just stop it. All of you stop it! We’re screwed as a country if ya don’t.

We're screwed as a country if we do. You realize of course you put a fragile frail old man with dementia in charge of the most powerful country on earth, don't you?
Yeah but he's leaving office on 1/20.

The notion that Donald J Trump is more stable than Joe Biden is laugh-out-loud funny. :rofl:
Biden appears to have had a stroke that effected his speech and thought process. Not sure when he had a stroke, but that appears to be what's wrong with him. Now if he had this stroke, and it began the deterioration of his brain, then either alzheimer's or dementia will be the result of it next.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
You mean, how can we assure that white votes count more than colored ones.
How woulld making them all equal make white votes count more?
Dead-end trumpers don't believe in equal, they want their votes to count as more than colored votes.
Nope, we just want them to count more than dead people's votes.
This is obviously a very serious problem. My only hope is SCOTUS in that a national standard has to be set including voter ID and verifiable paper ballots while precluding the very apparent problem of mail-in ballots and their harvesting which goes far beyond traditional grass roots politics.
If it was a serious problem there would be evidence. There is none. Just a bunch of whining from the right.
your boss sure pays you well for the lies you tell.
And yet trumps legal team has nothing. Go figure. Why is it surprising to you that such a failure lost the election?

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