How Can We Stop The People From Blocking Traffic On Our Highways And Streets ?

Are we talking about a delivery truck blocking a lane in front of a deli or we talking about anarchy? State and local government might issue a permit to block a street during a demonstration or a parade or a celebration but other than that unattended vehicles intentionally left on a residential street or highway in order to block traffic during a demonstration should be treated as potential IED's and carefully towed and subsequently destroyed in a safe area.
How Can We Stop The People From Blocking Traffic On Our Highways And Streets ?
Maybe the cops need to use monster trucks with cow catchers plowing over the stupid people and then have front loaders scrape up whats left and haul it away in huge dump trucks to a some place that will not interfere with the people just trying to go about their business.
How about changing your attitude that "These People" deserve to be plowed over? How dare They interfere with your ability to ignore their justified complaints?

How dare they impede ambulances, firetrucks, and police cars.
How is this restricting their right to protest?

If you want it to be not in certain areas for certain reasons that is the definition of restriction
Then I guess it's cool if the KKK holds their next rally in your living room? Your logic is terribly flawed.

Living rooms arent public property goofball
So? You said...

"If you want it to be not in certain areas for certain reasons that is the definition of restriction".

Your living room applies to your quoted position. Your position is clearly not well thought out.

So does your anus? Why not have a party there?
You're confusing USMB with one of your gay porn sites. Do you do this often?
That means that every protest disturbs the peace ergo protests aren't allowed.

The protestors themselves are peacefully assembling. You not liking it doesn't mean it's violent. Silly

Your opinion has no factual basis. In fact, most protests are allowed; however, those that disrupt traffic are not. Feel free to walk up and down the sidewalk with your signs if you like; stand by the side of the road if that is your preference; but if you block a highway you are disturbing the peace and there is no constitutional right for such behavior. As I said, I don't know the laws in your jurisdiction but generally blocking traffic is a crime and the First Amendment will not protect you. Here are selected portions from a good article on the subject:

“Disorderly conduct laws differ significantly among states and municipalities, and the type of conduct covered by these laws and ordinances is quite broad. States typically categorize disorderly conduct as any behavior that is likely to cause other people alarm, anger, annoyance, or an increased likelihood to engage in unlawful activity.”

“Protests: While engaging in peaceful protests is a constitutionally protected right, engaging in disruptive protests is not. For example, courts have held that participants in a sit-in demonstration engaged in disorderly conduct because they blocked traffic on a pedestrian walkway. “

Disorderly Conduct Laws by State: Charges and Penalties | Criminal Law

(Please take note that a protest doesn't have to be violent to be illegal,)

You see, protesters have certain rights, but they have no right to trample on the rights of others. Apparently, you think that it's OK for protesters to block highways keeping people from getting to work and appointments and interfering with emergency vehicles. One of us is indeed silly, and it sure as hell isn't me.

Now I am done with you and this thread.
They should be sued for damages booth real and punitive for me not being able to get to work on time.
Tear gas and water cannons, attack dogs, rubber bullets.
If one of my grandkids was choking to death and I was rushing her to the hospital and a bunch of BLM asshole sub-humans were blocking the road I would drive right through them.
This is exactly what will happen one day.
How Can We Stop The People From Blocking Traffic On Our Highways And Streets ?
Maybe the cops need to use monster trucks with cow catchers plowing over the stupid people and then have front loaders scrape up whats left and haul it away in huge dump trucks to a some place that will not interfere with the people just trying to go about their business.
Your contempt for the First Amendment is noted.
How Can We Stop The People From Blocking Traffic On Our Highways And Streets ?
Maybe the cops need to use monster trucks with cow catchers plowing over the stupid people and then have front loaders scrape up whats left and haul it away in huge dump trucks to a some place that will not interfere with the people just trying to go about their business.
Your contempt for the First Amendment is noted.

Meh, suddenly you left wing nutters are purists? Out of one side of your mouth you state that rights need to have limitations, and the other side you say this. Typical.
That means that every protest disturbs the peace ergo protests aren't allowed.

The protestors themselves are peacefully assembling. You not liking it doesn't mean it's violent. Silly

Your opinion has no factual basis. In fact, most protests are allowed; however, those that disrupt traffic are not. Feel free to walk up and down the sidewalk with your signs if you like; stand by the side of the road if that is your preference; but if you block a highway you are disturbing the peace and there is no constitutional right for such behavior. As I said, I don't know the laws in your jurisdiction but generally blocking traffic is a crime and the First Amendment will not protect you. Here are selected portions from a good article on the subject:

“Disorderly conduct laws differ significantly among states and municipalities, and the type of conduct covered by these laws and ordinances is quite broad. States typically categorize disorderly conduct as any behavior that is likely to cause other people alarm, anger, annoyance, or an increased likelihood to engage in unlawful activity.”

“Protests: While engaging in peaceful protests is a constitutionally protected right, engaging in disruptive protests is not. For example, courts have held that participants in a sit-in demonstration engaged in disorderly conduct because they blocked traffic on a pedestrian walkway. “

Disorderly Conduct Laws by State: Charges and Penalties | Criminal Law

(Please take note that a protest doesn't have to be violent to be illegal,)

You see, protesters have certain rights, but they have no right to trample on the rights of others. Apparently, you think that it's OK for protesters to block highways keeping people from getting to work and appointments and interfering with emergency vehicles. One of us is indeed silly, and it sure as hell isn't me.

Now I am done with you and this thread.
This fails as a false comparison fallacy.

The demonstrations and protests noted in the OP are in fact entitled to Constitutional protections, they do not manifest as ‘sit ins’ or other similar long-term, static gatherings subject to reasonable restrictions.

Law enforcement shutting down short-term protests that result in a temporary disruption of traffic would in fact violate the First Amendment.

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