How can we trust Kamala?

She's a politician. Politicians are hypocrites. This game is played constantly, in every election.

Not much news here.
So you will vote for someone you don’t trust? She blatantly lied about Abe Lincoln and the Supreme Court
Of course. The alternative is far, far worse. And I trust him far, far less.

Sure wish I had better options, but there's nothing I can do about that.
Really? If it were Mike Pence running with Haley as his VP who would you vote for?
Easy. Third party. But I live in a purple state and I have to vote against this stain on our history.
Stain on our history is Mr. Obama it seems. Under him we saw the rise of ISIS, Antifa, BLM and the cause the greatest political divide of our time as he approved spying on a campaign from a rival party via sketchy at best information garnered by opposition research. Interesting how you utterly ignore that while admitting that Trump has been beneficial for your business interests. To each their own I suppose. After all the party you support said that riots were a myth, that Antifa is just an idea and if you don’t vote for Biden you ain’t black.

Don’t forget, the Kenyan was the first American President to spend more on welfare than on our military, he put 16 million more on the taxpayer tit, he grew our illegal alien population by nearly 25%...added 2.5 million more to our already failed and flooded education and healthcare systems. He destroyed all hope for bipartisanship, he sewed division among the people like no president before him by “fundamentally changing” America.
But, but, but....he spoke with eloquence and that’s what gets Mac1958 all warm and fuzzy, results are so secondary.
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She's a politician. Politicians are hypocrites. This game is played constantly, in every election.

Not much news here.
So you will vote for someone you don’t trust? She blatantly lied about Abe Lincoln and the Supreme Court
Of course. The alternative is far, far worse. And I trust him far, far less.

Sure wish I had better options, but there's nothing I can do about that.
Really? If it were Mike Pence running with Haley as his VP who would you vote for?
Easy. Third party. But I live in a purple state and I have to vote against this stain on our history.
So you would never vote Red. Got it.
Not right now. Correct.

Except when I do, particularly on state and local matters.
She's a politician. Politicians are hypocrites. This game is played constantly, in every election.

Not much news here.
So you will vote for someone you don’t trust? She blatantly lied about Abe Lincoln and the Supreme Court
Of course. The alternative is far, far worse. And I trust him far, far less.

Sure wish I had better options, but there's nothing I can do about that.
Really? If it were Mike Pence running with Haley as his VP who would you vote for?
Easy. Third party. But I live in a purple state and I have to vote against this stain on our history.
Stain on our history is Mr. Obama it seems. Under him we saw the rise of ISIS, Antifa, BLM and the cause the greatest political divide of our time as he approved spying on a campaign from a rival party via sketchy at best information garnered by opposition research. Interesting how you utterly ignore that while admitting that Trump has been beneficial for your business interests. To each their own I suppose. After all the party you support said that riots were a myth, that Antifa is just an idea and if you don’t vote for Biden you ain’t black.
I know, I know. It's all the other guys. I get it.
View attachment 399281

She viciously attacked Biden during the primaries and then said she didn't mean it as it was just a debate. So how can we believe what she said during the Pence debate since it too was just a debate?

So you don't trust Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio or any of the Republicans that "attacked" Trump during the primaries? They all suck his orange mushroom dick now, but back then?

I wouldn't trust her to guard the sugar bowl and neither should anyone else.

I trust Kamela implicitly.

I trust that if I had something she wanted badly, she'd shine my knob like a pro, licking and slurping her way to trust and satisfaction giving great head, then when I wasn't looking and my back was turned, stick a knife right in my back!

If Joe wins, I wouldn't give you 2¢ for his miserable life.

But then, after a lifetime of his abusing women, I can't think of anyone who deserves it more.
View attachment 399281

She viciously attacked Biden during the primaries and then said she didn't mean it as it was just a debate. So how can we believe what she said during the Pence debate since it too was just a debate?

Democrats are dishonest to the core. There's no lie or flip flop no matter how blatant they won't make for a vote. You never know what you will get from the Dems after the elections, typically they screw the people over while laughing.
..she's like Obama and the other blacks =race comes before common sense..their policies are based on race
...don't prosecute black criminals and denounce not only the police, but denounce WHITES/America/common sense/law and order/etc
Ask the black gentlemen she's incarcerated with falsified evidence only to have their convictions overturned and then given multi-million dollar awards. She seems to be good at one thing only - sucking black dick.
She's a politician. Politicians are hypocrites. This game is played constantly, in every election.

Not much news here.
So you will vote for someone you don’t trust? She blatantly lied about Abe Lincoln and the Supreme Court
Of course. The alternative is far, far worse. And I trust him far, far less.

Sure wish I had better options, but there's nothing I can do about that.
Really? If it were Mike Pence running with Haley as his VP who would you vote for?
Easy. Third party. But I live in a purple state and I have to vote against this stain on our history.
So you would never vote Red. Got it.
Not right now. Correct.

Except when I do, particularly on state and local matters.
She's a politician. Politicians are hypocrites. This game is played constantly, in every election.

Not much news here.
So you will vote for someone you don’t trust? She blatantly lied about Abe Lincoln and the Supreme Court
Of course. The alternative is far, far worse. And I trust him far, far less.

Sure wish I had better options, but there's nothing I can do about that.
Really? If it were Mike Pence running with Haley as his VP who would you vote for?
Easy. Third party. But I live in a purple state and I have to vote against this stain on our history.
Stain on our history is Mr. Obama it seems. Under him we saw the rise of ISIS, Antifa, BLM and the cause the greatest political divide of our time as he approved spying on a campaign from a rival party via sketchy at best information garnered by opposition research. Interesting how you utterly ignore that while admitting that Trump has been beneficial for your business interests. To each their own I suppose. After all the party you support said that riots were a myth, that Antifa is just an idea and if you don’t vote for Biden you ain’t black.
I know, I know. It's all the other guys. I get it.
Never said “all” but it’s not one side of the coin either and the way the Democrats reacted during the Kavanaugh hearings was abominable and you agreed with that. Yet you still support them.
View attachment 399281

She viciously attacked Biden during the primaries and then said she didn't mean it as it was just a debate. So how can we believe what she said during the Pence debate since it too was just a debate?

So you don't trust Lindsey Graham, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio or any of the Republicans that "attacked" Trump during the primaries? They all suck his orange mushroom dick now, but back then?

Correct. I do not trust them. Find one post where I said I did.
P.S. It is fun to imagine what the Russian and Chinese dictators are saying about her in private.

This is an illustration of what they're saying. They know she is a whore that would be stuck working as a low level state gov't drone if she didn't suck off and fuck the right people.
She's a politician. Politicians are hypocrites. This game is played constantly, in every election.

Not much news here.
So you will vote for someone you don’t trust? She blatantly lied about Abe Lincoln and the Supreme Court
Of course. The alternative is far, far worse. And I trust him far, far less.

Sure wish I had better options, but there's nothing I can do about that.
Really? If it were Mike Pence running with Haley as his VP who would you vote for?
Easy. Third party. But I live in a purple state and I have to vote against this stain on our history.
Stain on our history is Mr. Obama it seems. Under him we saw the rise of ISIS, Antifa, BLM and the cause the greatest political divide of our time as he approved spying on a campaign from a rival party via sketchy at best information garnered by opposition research. Interesting how you utterly ignore that while admitting that Trump has been beneficial for your business interests. To each their own I suppose. After all the party you support said that riots were a myth, that Antifa is just an idea and if you don’t vote for Biden you ain’t black.
I know, I know. It's all the other guys. I get it.
Never said “all” but it’s not one side of the coin either and the way the Democrats reacted during the Kavanaugh hearings was abominable and you agreed with that. Yet you still support them.
I honestly don't know why this needs to be so complicated.

I disagree with Republicans on some issues. I disagree with Democrats on some issues. I disagree with BOTH on some issues. Overall, at a macro level, I lean Left, definitely.

Is a person required to agree with everything a candidate or a party is says if they vote for a candidate from that party?

Is that how obedient and weak-willed we've become?
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View attachment 399281

She viciously attacked Biden during the primaries and then said she didn't mean it as it was just a debate. So how can we believe what she said during the Pence debate since it too was just a debate?

You can not and should not trust her!

The goal is not getting Biden into the Oval Office but to get Harris there through a Biden win...

So this election boils down to do you want Harris or Pence as President?
She's a politician. Politicians are hypocrites. This game is played constantly, in every election. Not much news here.
So you will vote for someone you don’t trust? She blatantly lied about Abe Lincoln and the Supreme Court
Of course. The alternative is far, far worse. And I trust him far, far less.

Sure wish I had better options, but there's nothing I can do about that.

Let me put it in another way and would you prefer her over Pence?

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