How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Yeah. I don't get the 'invasion' mentality at all. If we're really being invaded, we should focus on annihilating the enemy, not building walls to hide behind.
So 77 countries around the world have it wrong ? And when double fences went up in El Paso, Yuma, and San Diego, illegal alien apprehensions didn't go down 90%. Fact is, they did.
So, no. I'm not even sure what you're going on about here. I was merely pointing out that it's not an invasion. And if it were, a wall would be a cowardly response.

A wall is a cowardly response? Let's go back to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Is that still recent enough for you?

The Iraqis fortified their border with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait by building the opposite of walls, They excavated ditches to prevent our tanks and troops easy access to their land.


Is that a cowardly response or good tactical military decision?
Japan is not replacing its own population with invaders. A smart move by any metric.

Um, not really. Right now, they don't have enough working folks to support the people who are too old to work.

If you can't see that the invaders have massively different interests from Americans, you are blind.

funny, most immigrants I know want to learn english and work jobs.

It was very stupid to not make more Japanese babies, that I agree with. Maybe stop killing the babies? The solution is not to replace the Japanese people with invaders. The old will have to do with less for supporting the stupidity.

The United States fell below replacement levels of fertility back in the late 1980s. Without immigration our population would be on the decline as well.

You say that like it is bad thing. Why?

The same reason it is a growing crisis in most developed countries, dumbass.

OK, so how is it a crisis? You don't know do you? That is why you keep dodging the question.
Yeah. I don't get the 'invasion' mentality at all. If we're really being invaded, we should focus on annihilating the enemy, not building walls to hide behind.

Invasion is going someplace where you are not permitted to go. So how is it not an invasion?

Pathetic chickenshit.

Oh please, obviously you speak from a position of solidarity and nothing more. If it were any other group outside of your own, you'd be on our side of this issue.

What “group” are you imagining for me, idiot? What is “our side “?

By your replies and avatar, I'm assuming you are a minority yourself. Our side means Americans who don't want to surrender our country to foreigners. Because once this place is gone, there is no other America to move to.

He is a Japanese wannabe. He is probably about as Japanese as Ralph Macchio who played the Karete Kid.
Yeah. I don't get the 'invasion' mentality at all. If we're really being invaded, we should focus on annihilating the enemy, not building walls to hide behind.
So 77 countries around the world have it wrong ? And when double fences went up in El Paso, Yuma, and San Diego, illegal alien apprehensions didn't go down 90%. Fact is, they did.
So, no. I'm not even sure what you're going on about here. I was merely pointing out that it's not an invasion. And if it were, a wall would be a cowardly response.

A wall is a cowardly response? Let's go back to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Is that still recent enough for you?

The Iraqis fortified their border with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait by building the opposite of walls, They excavated ditches to prevent our tanks and troops easy access to their land.


Is that a cowardly response or good tactical military decision?

If we were as weak as the Iraqis, I suppose it might make sense. But we have the most powerful military in the world. And it's not an invasion. So, yes, a wall is cowardly. And kind of pathetic.
Yeah. I don't get the 'invasion' mentality at all. If we're really being invaded, we should focus on annihilating the enemy, not building walls to hide behind.
So 77 countries around the world have it wrong ? And when double fences went up in El Paso, Yuma, and San Diego, illegal alien apprehensions didn't go down 90%. Fact is, they did.
So, no. I'm not even sure what you're going on about here. I was merely pointing out that it's not an invasion. And if it were, a wall would be a cowardly response.

A wall is a cowardly response? Let's go back to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Is that still recent enough for you?

The Iraqis fortified their border with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait by building the opposite of walls, They excavated ditches to prevent our tanks and troops easy access to their land.


Is that a cowardly response or good tactical military decision?

If we were as weak as the Iraqis and we were really facing an invasion, I suppose it might make sense. But neither of those things is true, so yes, it's cowardly. And kind of pathetic.

Thank you for just proving how truly great a dumbass you are!

At the time, the Iraqis had the third largest Army in the world.
Yeah. I don't get the 'invasion' mentality at all. If we're really being invaded, we should focus on annihilating the enemy, not building walls to hide behind.
So 77 countries around the world have it wrong ? And when double fences went up in El Paso, Yuma, and San Diego, illegal alien apprehensions didn't go down 90%. Fact is, they did.
So, no. I'm not even sure what you're going on about here. I was merely pointing out that it's not an invasion. And if it were, a wall would be a cowardly response.

A wall is a cowardly response? Let's go back to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Is that still recent enough for you?

The Iraqis fortified their border with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait by building the opposite of walls, They excavated ditches to prevent our tanks and troops easy access to their land.


Is that a cowardly response or good tactical military decision?

If we were as weak as the Iraqis and we were really facing an invasion, I suppose it might make sense. But neither of those things is true, so yes, it's cowardly. And kind of pathetic.

Thank you for just proving how truly great a dumbass you are!

At the time, the Iraqis had the third largest Army in the world.

LOL... yes. You're right. We should hide behind a wall if we're being invaded. The invaders will eventually get tired and go home.
So 77 countries around the world have it wrong ? And when double fences went up in El Paso, Yuma, and San Diego, illegal alien apprehensions didn't go down 90%. Fact is, they did.
So, no. I'm not even sure what you're going on about here. I was merely pointing out that it's not an invasion. And if it were, a wall would be a cowardly response.

A wall is a cowardly response? Let's go back to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Is that still recent enough for you?

The Iraqis fortified their border with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait by building the opposite of walls, They excavated ditches to prevent our tanks and troops easy access to their land.


Is that a cowardly response or good tactical military decision?

If we were as weak as the Iraqis and we were really facing an invasion, I suppose it might make sense. But neither of those things is true, so yes, it's cowardly. And kind of pathetic.

Thank you for just proving how truly great a dumbass you are!

At the time, the Iraqis had the third largest Army in the world.

LOL... yes. You're right. We should hide behind a wall if we're being invaded. The invaders will eventually get tired and go home.

I am sure that the first thing you do if someone were shooting at you is stand out in the middle of the street like the dumbass you are!

I guess that why forts in the Old West had walls. Our troops were simply cowards.

You know that the Trojans thought that is exactly what the Greeks did when they left them the Trojan Horse. They thought they left, Too bad it didn't work out well for them.
How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

It's the whites Republicans don't want:

college professors
women who don't want their bodies legislated

See what I mean?

It's so obvious.

I'm embarrassed to have to explain.


You have to admit the question "how can WHITE Americans be Democrats" is hilarious.

Republicans are so racist they can't imagine whites who aren't.
Oh please, obviously you speak from a position of solidarity and nothing more. If it were any other group outside of your own, you'd be on our side of this issue.

What “group” are you imagining for me, idiot? What is “our side “?

By your replies and avatar, I'm assuming you are a minority yourself....

You make assumptions because you’re a dimwit.

No, but if it walks like a duck......quacks like a duck.........

You are just plain stupid.

I am. So tell us; tell us you're an average American white guy. You have no personal stake in giving our country away. You are not taking the position you do out of solidarity, particularly to Hispanics who march here with their Honduran flags a flying. Tell us that. I want to see just how honest you really are.

WTF do you people get this idea that the United States of America has an inherent obligation to let anybody in that wants to be here? Where is that written? And what other country than the US is more generous to the world when it comes to immigration than us? We allow a million foreigners a year to become citizens here. We hand out over 11,000 Visa's a year for work or education, green cards, work permits. We have the weakest policies to remove people that are not supposed to be here. Who else does that? What other country issues drivers licenses to people who are there illegally?

In spite of our generosity, people like you think that we are not doing enough. We need open borders and allow others from third world countries to destroy everything we created. Why? Because somehow we are obligated by the world to do so.
How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

It's the whites Republicans don't want:

college professors
women who don't want their bodies legislated

See what I mean?

It's so obvious.

I'm embarrassed to have to explain.


You have to admit the question "how can WHITE Americans be Democrats" is hilarious.

Republicans are so racist they can't imagine whites who aren't.

Why is it hilarious? The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. What fool would side with a party that wants to eliminate them as the majority in their very own country?
So 77 countries around the world have it wrong ? And when double fences went up in El Paso, Yuma, and San Diego, illegal alien apprehensions didn't go down 90%. Fact is, they did.
So, no. I'm not even sure what you're going on about here. I was merely pointing out that it's not an invasion. And if it were, a wall would be a cowardly response.

A wall is a cowardly response? Let's go back to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Is that still recent enough for you?

The Iraqis fortified their border with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait by building the opposite of walls, They excavated ditches to prevent our tanks and troops easy access to their land.


Is that a cowardly response or good tactical military decision?

If we were as weak as the Iraqis and we were really facing an invasion, I suppose it might make sense. But neither of those things is true, so yes, it's cowardly. And kind of pathetic.

Thank you for just proving how truly great a dumbass you are!

At the time, the Iraqis had the third largest Army in the world.

LOL... yes. You're right. We should hide behind a wall if we're being invaded. The invaders will eventually get tired and go home.

No, they won't get tired, they just won't try to get in. It's worked every place else and even here in the US.

Nobody wants to build a wall for us to hide behind, we are building a wall to keep others out. You don't have a fence on your property because you hate everybody outside of it, you have a fence on your property to protect those within.
People from Third World countries will be allowed in and given the opportunity to work under this legislation, whether a cowardly weakling like you likes it or not. Not every Third World country is so defined by whatever categories scare you personally the most. Your personal fear and weakness is your own problem to work out with your own shrink.
That will change very quickly.

Japan will understand that their culture is no better at protecting itself than western cultures once they have barbarians inside their gates and they will kick them out.

Relax, chickenshit. Japan has Long had an immigrant population, they are just allowing somewhat more in the face of a demographic challenge.
Japan is 98.7% JAPANESE.

Their immigrant population is less than minuscule.

The average person in Japan is FAR RIGHT on immigration. Both the left and the right are far right on immigration in Japan.

You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about. You just think you can apply any of your notions because it’s that far away place over there. You are completely ignorant about what you’re trying to talk about. Views on immigration are changing as the reality of demographics becomes more and more apparent and immediate. Just as it will be an all developed countries very soon.

We provided you with facts. ...s!

What facts, supporting what claim?
So, no. I'm not even sure what you're going on about here. I was merely pointing out that it's not an invasion. And if it were, a wall would be a cowardly response.

A wall is a cowardly response? Let's go back to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Is that still recent enough for you?

The Iraqis fortified their border with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait by building the opposite of walls, They excavated ditches to prevent our tanks and troops easy access to their land.


Is that a cowardly response or good tactical military decision?

If we were as weak as the Iraqis and we were really facing an invasion, I suppose it might make sense. But neither of those things is true, so yes, it's cowardly. And kind of pathetic.

Thank you for just proving how truly great a dumbass you are!

At the time, the Iraqis had the third largest Army in the world.

LOL... yes. You're right. We should hide behind a wall if we're being invaded. The invaders will eventually get tired and go home.

No, they won't get tired, they just won't try to get in. It's worked every place else and even here in the US.

Nobody wants to build a wall for us to hide behind, we are building a wall to keep others out. You don't have a fence on your property because you hate everybody outside of it, you have a fence on your property to protect those within.

Still not an invasion. Your kid fears are spinning out of control.
So, no. I'm not even sure what you're going on about here. I was merely pointing out that it's not an invasion. And if it were, a wall would be a cowardly response.

A wall is a cowardly response? Let's go back to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Is that still recent enough for you?

The Iraqis fortified their border with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait by building the opposite of walls, They excavated ditches to prevent our tanks and troops easy access to their land.


Is that a cowardly response or good tactical military decision?

If we were as weak as the Iraqis and we were really facing an invasion, I suppose it might make sense. But neither of those things is true, so yes, it's cowardly. And kind of pathetic.

Thank you for just proving how truly great a dumbass you are!

At the time, the Iraqis had the third largest Army in the world.

LOL... yes. You're right. We should hide behind a wall if we're being invaded. The invaders will eventually get tired and go home.

I am sure that the first thing you do if someone were shooting at you is stand out in the middle of the street like the dumbass you are!

I guess that why forts in the Old West had walls. Our troops were simply cowards.

You know that the Trojans thought that is exactly what the Greeks did when they left them the Trojan Horse. They thought they left, Too bad it didn't work out well for them.

Not an invasion.
That will change very quickly.

Japan will understand that their culture is no better at protecting itself than western cultures once they have barbarians inside their gates and they will kick them out.

Relax, chickenshit. Japan has Long had an immigrant population, they are just allowing somewhat more in the face of a demographic challenge.
Japan is 98.7% JAPANESE.

Their immigrant population is less than minuscule.

The average person in Japan is FAR RIGHT on immigration. Both the left and the right are far right on immigration in Japan.

You have no fucking idea what you’re talking about. You just think you can apply any of your notions because it’s that far away place over there. You are completely ignorant about what you’re trying to talk about. Views on immigration are changing as the reality of demographics becomes more and more apparent and immediate. Just as it will be an all developed countries very soon.

We provided you with facts. ...s!

What facts, supporting what claim?

You said Japan had a immigrant population for a long time. The fact is that it is microscopic compared to the US. I posted the numbers earlier.
A wall is a cowardly response? Let's go back to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Is that still recent enough for you?

The Iraqis fortified their border with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait by building the opposite of walls, They excavated ditches to prevent our tanks and troops easy access to their land.


Is that a cowardly response or good tactical military decision?

If we were as weak as the Iraqis and we were really facing an invasion, I suppose it might make sense. But neither of those things is true, so yes, it's cowardly. And kind of pathetic.

Thank you for just proving how truly great a dumbass you are!

At the time, the Iraqis had the third largest Army in the world.

LOL... yes. You're right. We should hide behind a wall if we're being invaded. The invaders will eventually get tired and go home.

I am sure that the first thing you do if someone were shooting at you is stand out in the middle of the street like the dumbass you are!

I guess that why forts in the Old West had walls. Our troops were simply cowards.

You know that the Trojans thought that is exactly what the Greeks did when they left them the Trojan Horse. They thought they left, Too bad it didn't work out well for them.

Not an invasion.

Oh my God! The illegals are not trying to get in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA without permission? What do you call it? A walk in the fucking desert?
Um, not really. Right now, they don't have enough working folks to support the people who are too old to work.

funny, most immigrants I know want to learn english and work jobs.

It was very stupid to not make more Japanese babies, that I agree with. Maybe stop killing the babies? The solution is not to replace the Japanese people with invaders. The old will have to do with less for supporting the stupidity.

The United States fell below replacement levels of fertility back in the late 1980s. Without immigration our population would be on the decline as well.

You say that like it is bad thing. Why?

The same reason it is a growing crisis in most developed countries, dumbass.

OK, so how is it a crisis? You don't know do you? That is why you keep dodging the question.

Are you really this stupid?
Indeed, it's hard to believe that the second biggest party of the country stands for replacement of its own citizens and discrimination against majority of its citizens... in short genocide of its own population.

In Japan, they probably can't believe it.

They turn white man in panda bears. A dying race that refuses to breed, content to spend its days lying around and snacking of mass quantities of food with little to no nutrients.
A wall is a cowardly response? Let's go back to the invasion of Iraq in 2003. Is that still recent enough for you?

The Iraqis fortified their border with Saudi Arabia and Kuwait by building the opposite of walls, They excavated ditches to prevent our tanks and troops easy access to their land.


Is that a cowardly response or good tactical military decision?

If we were as weak as the Iraqis and we were really facing an invasion, I suppose it might make sense. But neither of those things is true, so yes, it's cowardly. And kind of pathetic.

Thank you for just proving how truly great a dumbass you are!

At the time, the Iraqis had the third largest Army in the world.

LOL... yes. You're right. We should hide behind a wall if we're being invaded. The invaders will eventually get tired and go home.

No, they won't get tired, they just won't try to get in. It's worked every place else and even here in the US.

Nobody wants to build a wall for us to hide behind, we are building a wall to keep others out. You don't have a fence on your property because you hate everybody outside of it, you have a fence on your property to protect those within.

Still not an invasion. Your kid fears are spinning out of control.

We have over 20 million people who are not supposed to be here; people that came in without our permission; people that violated our laws. If that's not in invasion, then what the hell is?
It was very stupid to not make more Japanese babies, that I agree with. Maybe stop killing the babies? The solution is not to replace the Japanese people with invaders. The old will have to do with less for supporting the stupidity.

The United States fell below replacement levels of fertility back in the late 1980s. Without immigration our population would be on the decline as well.

You say that like it is bad thing. Why?

The same reason it is a growing crisis in most developed countries, dumbass.

OK, so how is it a crisis? You don't know do you? That is why you keep dodging the question.

Are you really this stupid?

I want to know why you keep dodging the question. That is not stupid, but it does indicate that you may not be able to answer and that is stupid!

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