How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

A party that supports racial discrimination against whites, is supported by millions of whites ? Whaaat ? "I don't believe it" is what millions of people in other countries say. Here in America, though, we know it to be true. It (Affirmative Action) was formally and openly stated in the 2004 and 2008 platforms of the Democratic party.

2004 >> "the party "support affirmative action to redress discrimination and to achieve the diversity from which all Americans benefit."

2008 >> ""We support affirmative action, including in federal contracting and higher education, to make sure that those locked out of the doors of opportunity will be able to walk through those doors in the future"

The words "Affirmative Action" are not mentioned in the National Democratic Party platforms of 2012 and 2016, however the description of it, with goals to achieve diversity are mentioned. Seems like Democrats are becoming rather defensive about the idea of racially discriminating in order to stop racially discriminating.

There's an obvious reason why Democrats have removed the words "affirmative action" from their national platforms. Overwhelmingly, the American people oppose the concept. Almost two-thirds of Americans disagree with the June 2016 Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, that allows public colleges to use race as a factor in their admissions decisions.

According to a Gallup poll conducted over June 29 through July 2, 2016, 70 percent of Americans say merit should be the only factor in college admissions. That number has stayed relatively stable over the last 12 years.

Poll finds surprising American opinions on affirmative action

In California, Democrats HAVE used the words Affirmative Action in their state platform >> "California Democrats will > Encourage, support and defend voluntary, and mandatory affirmative action measures aimed at enhancing equality in employment, education, and business opportunities;"

So with all this discrimination where non-whites are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims, why do white Democrats support it ? Does Nancy Pelosi think it's OK for her many sons, daughters, and grandkids to be victims of this racist discrimination, when applying for college, for college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc, ?

Affirmative action in colleges using skin color as a qualifier to build a diverse base of graduates to reflect their social agenda over intelligence-------- not much different than the affirmative action being used by the democrats to fill the country with a flood of poor, needy, uneducated Latinos in order to change the fundamental voting metric of the country.
I will say this the Black race is getting a bad rap from the Liberals. In some cases a very few blacks are falling for the Blacks who us the Race card as a winning card. Much I have found is how good you are in your profession. Not how black you are. People of all shades of blk have shown to be pregidiouts
Indeed, it's hard to believe that the second biggest party of the country stands for replacement of its own citizens and discrimination against majority of its citizens... in short genocide of its own population.

In Japan, they probably can't believe it.

And Japan is currently undergoing a demographic death spiral because they are so xenophobic.

Here's the thing about people like you crapping yourself over the Mexicans coming.

50 years ago, they said the same thing about the Poles
100 years ago, they said it about the Italians and Germans.
150 years ago, they said it about the Irish.

The country turned out just fine, thanks.

Japan is not replacing its own population with invaders. A smart move by any metric.

If you can't see that the invaders have massively different interests from Americans, you are blind.
Sorry its wrong blk people are just as racist as white, that is something we both have in common.
Yeah. I don't get the 'invasion' mentality at all. If we're really being invaded, we should focus on annihilating the enemy, not building walls to hide behind.
So 77 countries around the world have it wrong ? And when double fences went up in El Paso, Yuma, and San Diego, illegal alien apprehensions didn't go down 90%. Fact is, they did.
So, no. I'm not even sure what you're going on about here. I was merely pointing out that it's not an invasion. And if it were, a wall would be a cowardly response.

Which is like saying your business keeps getting broken into once a week, so a burglar alarm is a cowardly response.
No. It's like saying it's not an invasion. You pussies are exaggerating.
affirmative action is not really all that serious of an issue, tbh. I'm not in favor but there are far more important things to worry about.

Besides, if you remove race as a factor, then it mostly just benefits Asians, since they tend to have the best actual qualifications. Not white people.
How absurd to say that the largest (by far) racial discrimination in America, which has victimized hundreds of millions of Americans, for over 50 years, is "not really all that serious of an issue"

if you remove race as a factor, it benefits Asians, Whites, Hispanics, and all non-blacks, and everyone in their families, including hundreds of millions of women.
America has always been the land of immigrants. And while illegal immigration is a problem we must confront, equating it to a military invasion is chicken little chickenshit.

Yeah. I don't get the 'invasion' mentality at all. If we're really being invaded, we should focus on annihilating the enemy, not building walls to hide behind.

Invasion is going someplace where you are not permitted to go. So how is it not an invasion?
I think its a big picture thing. Money makes money and sometimes you have to help the racially oppressed minorities along. Maybe other places are some kind of crazy utopia. Here folks know what high schools and zip codes to look for on resumes to avoid hiring blacks. SO, the big stick of affirmative action comes down. The other choice is to jail racists I suppose.
Whites and Asians are the "oppressed", and Affirmative Action is the reason.
America has always been the land of immigrants. And while illegal immigration is a problem we must confront, equating it to a military invasion is chicken little chickenshit.

Yeah. I don't get the 'invasion' mentality at all. If we're really being invaded, we should focus on annihilating the enemy, not building walls to hide behind.

Invasion is going someplace where you are not permitted to go. So how is it not an invasion?

Pathetic chickenshit.
affirmative action is not really all that serious of an issue, tbh. I'm not in favor but there are far more important things to worry about.

Besides, if you remove race as a factor, then it mostly just benefits Asians, since they tend to have the best actual qualifications. Not white people.
How absurd to say that the largest (by far) racial discrimination in America, which has victimized hundreds of millions of Americans, for over 50 years, is "not really all that serious of an issue"

if you remove race as a factor, it benefits Asians, Whites, Hispanics, and all non-blacks, and everyone in their families, including hundreds of millions of women.

You don't really understand AA all that well if you genuinely believe it's a huge issue.

Also, women have benefitted MORE from it than anyone else. Especially white women.
You don't really understand AA all that well if you genuinely believe it's a huge issue.

Also, women have benefitted MORE from it than anyone else. Especially white women.
Both of those very dumb comments were refuted moments ago (Post # 244)
America has always been the land of immigrants. And while illegal immigration is a problem we must confront, equating it to a military invasion is chicken little chickenshit.

Yeah. I don't get the 'invasion' mentality at all. If we're really being invaded, we should focus on annihilating the enemy, not building walls to hide behind.

Invasion is going someplace where you are not permitted to go. So how is it not an invasion?

Pathetic chickenshit.

Oh please, obviously you speak from a position of solidarity and nothing more. If it were any other group outside of your own, you'd be on our side of this issue.
America has always been the land of immigrants. And while illegal immigration is a problem we must confront, equating it to a military invasion is chicken little chickenshit.

Yeah. I don't get the 'invasion' mentality at all. If we're really being invaded, we should focus on annihilating the enemy, not building walls to hide behind.

Invasion is going someplace where you are not permitted to go.
No, that's trespassing.
So how is it not an invasion?

Because it's not.

But if it really were an invasion, if a real army were attacking, shouldn't we just attack them back? Or should you ask them to wait politely while we build a wall?
How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Guilt ignorance and
But if it really were an invasion, if a real army were attacking, shouldn't we just attack them back? Or should you ask them to wait politely while we build a wall?

Post # 238 answered this already.
Japan is not replacing its own population with invaders. A smart move by any metric.

Um, not really. Right now, they don't have enough working folks to support the people who are too old to work.

If you can't see that the invaders have massively different interests from Americans, you are blind.

funny, most immigrants I know want to learn english and work jobs.

It was very stupid to not make more Japanese babies, that I agree with. Maybe stop killing the babies? The solution is not to replace the Japanese people with invaders. The old will have to do with less for supporting the stupidity.

The United States fell below replacement levels of fertility back in the late 1980s. Without immigration our population would be on the decline as well.

You say that like it is bad thing. Why?
The only reason Duke supports Trump is because Trump wants to stop illegals from entering this country, and many of those are from south of here. It's the only issue he has.
Why did Trump lie about not knowing who David Duke is? How would you spin that?

And regarding Duke: Dr. David Duke “Trump Inauguration Speech Declares War on the Neocons & Promotes Our Slogan “America First!” - he praises Trump for far more than the border issue.

Do you have picture of them together?
But if it really were an invasion, if a real army were attacking, shouldn't we just attack them back? Or should you ask them to wait politely while we build a wall?

Post # 238 answered this already.
Nope. It was a silly dodge. If we had it to do over again, I suppose your response to the Japanese attacking Pearl Harbor would be to build a wall, eh?

You pathetic cowards would utterly crap yourselves if we were faced with a real invasion.
You don’t care if someone who agrees with you goes off topic, prosnitchionist. How fascist, silencing people who disagree with you.
I mentioned it to Norman who agrees with me. Read the thread before posting. And you're still showing off your immaturity and simplemindedness by continuing to use the idiot word "snitch" How old are you ? 13 ?
America has always been the land of immigrants. And while illegal immigration is a problem we must confront, equating it to a military invasion is chicken little chickenshit.

Yeah. I don't get the 'invasion' mentality at all. If we're really being invaded, we should focus on annihilating the enemy, not building walls to hide behind.

Invasion is going someplace where you are not permitted to go. So how is it not an invasion?

Pathetic chickenshit.

Oh please, obviously you speak from a position of solidarity and nothing more. If it were any other group outside of your own, you'd be on our side of this issue.

What “group” are you imagining for me, idiot? What is “our side “?

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