How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Super wrong....we are more aware of the US than you are....before moving I could challenge most Americans on American politics, geography, history and so can most people. They know the flaws of the US more than most Americans.
In middle school I could recite US history important events and dates...while to my Schock when I moved here, american adults couldn't even name the capital of their state or country.
I can challenge you RIGHT NOW, and show you how much you don't know about Islam and crime and race. Generally, US liberals are the most information-deprived people in America, as a result of their attachment to liberal OMISSION media (CNN, MSNBC, PBS, New York Times, etc
Since I'm not consumed by race, I can't do anything about your fears.
Sure you could. You could publicly OPPOSE AFFIRMATIVE ACTION, just on moral grounds (as well as legal), "consumed" or not.

I’m opposed to affirmative action. Everyone should be judged on merit.

But that doesn’t change the fact that a whole bunch of old people in this thread are scared of getting brown grandbabies.
Ahh so you're desperate to change subjects...
Liberals favorite baseball team must be the >>

Well, I don't vote gop. I don't vote Democrat. It's strictly third party for me. But o gotta say I live on the same caldesac as two white heterosexual white male business owners who both vote Democrat. I don't agree with them but I don't believe politics should enter into a friendship as it's not all that important really. I know of many others in our church congregation that also support Democrats.
Why is 30 million the optimum population?
I forgot to mention >> "relative to resource base" One way to look at it is to compare the US with Canada. 2 countries with a very similar resource base, but widely different populations.

For decades, Canada with only 30 million people, was the USA's # 1 supplier of oil. They had a surplus of oil. We had a deficit of it. We bought it. They sold it. We spent money. They MADE MONEY (and lot of it). If we had been selling oil as long as they did, we wouldn't have debts and deficits.

Plus, Canada has long had a Point System of immigration, keeping their population down to barely more than 30 million. We, stupidly have had chain migration system that expands our population quickly, with much of it from the 3rd world "shithole countries" bringing high %s of welfare leeches to drain our tax treasuries.
90% of Canada isn't habitable. That's why it has only 30 million people. That being said, I think the world population should be reduced to 1.5 billion. That's about what the earth can sustain without driving all the other animals in the world extinct.

I never took you for being an extremist left-wing environmentalist, Brian.
I think hearing things like Medicare is bad, social security is bad, paid sick leave is bad etc turns people away.
It's typical of the left. Move to where the white people are, and then complain about the white people. If that's how you feel, why did you move by the white people? Oh, because white people keep their environment clean and safe.

I remember when our neighborhood started to turn black, at the time, people used those old cordless phones which were lower frequency. A friend of mine discovered that you could actually listen to phone calls in your area with a simple police scanner. It was fun and everything, but the way black people talked about whites made any white racism a joke. I never realized how much these people hated whites, but they moved in with us anyway.
In America, blacks are, by far, more racist than whites. And white Democrats exploit that.
That will change very quickly.

Japan will understand that their culture is no better at protecting itself than western cultures once they have barbarians inside their gates and they will kick them out.
No better way to learn than by experience. If Japan imports millions of 3rd worlders, it won't take long before they realize the horror of their mistake. Of course, in Japan, there may be politicians who, like US Democrats, are only thinking about VOTES, and their careers.
Well, you could also say how can decent people of any color vote republican since so many republicans fly the rebel flag proudly and a good number of them wear the nazi or klan uniform.

Many Republicans fly the rebel flag?
A good number of them wear Nazi or Klan uniforms?

Care to give us a percentage since you're making such an ass out of yourself?
That will change very quickly.

Japan will understand that their culture is no better at protecting itself than western cultures once they have barbarians inside their gates and they will kick them out.
No better way to learn than by experience. If Japan imports millions of 3rd worlders, it won't take long before they realize the horror of their mistake. Of course, in Japan, there may be politicians who, like US Democrats, are only thinking about VOTES, and their careers.
It's just bidnesz !
Racial discrimination against WHITES?

WTF planet do you live on...or more accurately...what country do you live in...
HA HA HA. Look at the insanity of the American left. Here it is folks. On open display. This one is clueless about racial discrimination in America.

Brainwashed by leftist media, he thinks we're still living in the 1950s before Brown Vs Board of Ed, Affirmative Action, and the 1960s civil rights laws.

That's pretty much what liberal media infuses in these people. I can turn on a PBS channel on TV right now, and it's noting but old black white footage of 1950s Jim Crow stuff, fed to these people like gourmet dinners. And the Pavlov's dogs go out and repeat it in forums like this. Sad.
Indeed, it's hard to believe that the second biggest party of the country stands for replacement of its own citizens and discrimination against majority of its citizens... in short genocide of its own population.

In Japan, they probably can't believe it.
In almost every country in the world, they can't believe it. The most unbelievable part of it, is millions of people (whites) supporting racist discrimination against themselves, while going around blabbering about "racism."

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I dont think you have ever stepped out of your town let alone the US...
You say Republicans/trump/conservatives anywhere outside the US, they tell you racism. Pick any country other than Israel and maybe Russia...everyone knows that the %26 ***** that always existed in the US somehow managed to gain power.

20 years ago when I was moving to the US, it was a known fact to us international students to avoid red areas because of racism and backwardness.
I say this and I'm not a Democrat. Just to save you the rant.
The rest of the world is almost as ignorant about the US as we are about them.

They know next nothing except what the tabloid known as the BBC has told them.
Super wrong....we are more aware of the US than you are....before moving I could challenge most Americans on American politics, geography, history and so can most people. They know the flaws of the US more than most Americans.
In middle school I could recite US history important events and dates...while to my Schock when I moved here, american adults couldn't even name the capital of their state or country.

Profoundly incorrect statement. Let me guess, you think US should be a socialist country.

Can anyone explain, why the hell should we immigrate these idiots, who aren't only arrogant, stupid and wrong, but as anti-American as one can be?

Yet for some reason they are moving here, even though their country is "so much better". Huh?
When the US budget consist of %54 to the army it is socialism dumbo.
So what's wrong with that? Who said it's vital that our populations consistently grow and not decrease?
Actually, it is beneficial to America to have a declining population. Geographers have long agreed that the optimum American population is about 30 million, approximately same as Canada. The level (less than 1/10 of our current population) was reached in 1860. Other than cases of very high MERIT, we should have had zero immigration since then.

And yes, I do have a college degree in Geography (and Economics as well)

These leftists always tell us how great the economy was in the 60's and 70's when we had unions and high taxation. Little do they remember we also had a hell of a lot less people than we have today. Now their argument is that we are hostage to population growth in order to support the now failing programs THEY STARTED and supported all these years.
Indeed, it's hard to believe that the second biggest party of the country stands for replacement of its own citizens and discrimination against majority of its citizens... in short genocide of its own population.

In Japan, they probably can't believe it.
In almost every country in the world, they can't believe it. The most unbelievable part of it, is millions of people (whites) supporting racist discrimination against themselves, while going around blabbering about "racism."

View attachment 243635
I dont think you have ever stepped out of your town let alone the US...
You say Republicans/trump/conservatives anywhere outside the US, they tell you racism. Pick any country other than Israel and maybe Russia...everyone knows that the %26 ***** that always existed in the US somehow managed to gain power.

20 years ago when I was moving to the US, it was a known fact to us international students to avoid red areas because of racism and backwardness.
I say this and I'm not a Democrat. Just to save you the rant.
The rest of the world is almost as ignorant about the US as we are about them.

They know next nothing except what the tabloid known as the BBC has told them.
Super wrong....we are more aware of the US than you are....before moving I could challenge most Americans on American politics, geography, history and so can most people. They know the flaws of the US more than most Americans.
In middle school I could recite US history important events and dates...while to my Schock when I moved here, american adults couldn't even name the capital of their state or country.
You are barely literate and completely ignorant of American politics when you now live in America.

You can kind of sort of challenge the most ignorant Democrats in this country because they don’t know anything about anything and are actually PROUD of that, but in my community if you don’t know even the most random historical facts and figures you are looked down upon, and I live in Kentucky.
Kentucky ? Lol that's a shithole of a place, I'll prove it to you right now. :)
Kentucky ranks:
34 in education
45 in health care
30 opportunity
24k median income that's what I made as a student when I landed in CA. 20 years ago.

Dude as a middle school kid overseas I knew where propseperous places, education, opportunities were and where shitholes infested places to avoid...kentucky only know for it's disgusting KFC.
I really don't understand the point of your link. The only other rant he went into was about the Jewish. Israel has never had a stronger supporter of the Jewish state than Donald Trump. HIs grandchildren are half Jewish.

So as I stated earlier, the only issue he has with Trump is the border, and given the fact that every estimate states this will wipe out the white race as the majority in this country for the first time, it should be a concern of all whites.

What other group of people other than white liberals would be stupid enough to support a party wanting to wipe them out????
Only Trumpsters are worried about being "wiped out".

And as I said earlier, many are Democrats for many other reasons.

Of course I'm worried about being wiped out. The Democrat party is now the anti-white party. Why would I (as a white person) be stupid enough to side with a party that's against my own race?
Since I'm not consumed by race, I can't do anything about your fears.

Not consumed by race = does not give a shit if a race gets wiped out of the map.

You really think whites are going to be "wiped off the map"?

Good gawd, right wing media has you folks absolutely paranoid.
Imbeciles like you keep gloating about the extinction of the white race, so why would we be nervous?
Because white democrats live and work and play with nothing but other white democrats because they love diversity and are immune from and oblivious to the demise resulting from what they advocate.
They can't let their kids go to school with those brown people.

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