How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

.... once here, assimilated into our society. That's not happening with these third worlders.

Today's immigrants are assimilating just as those before them did. Previous waves of immigrants to America faced the same kind idiotic cowardice being promulgated by some here. Cycles.

Total bullshit........

Totally true. Previous waves of immigrants (yes, including those from Europe - probably the ancestors of some of the shameless cowards posting here) were poor, uneducated, and lived in heavily segregated communities upon arrival. The first generations lived with like folk wherever possible, spoke their heritage languages, practiced their religious beliefs, and lived according to their old world ethnic heritages. All sorts of things that put the panties of pussies like you in a knot today. There were newspapers, businesses, and religious worships all in the native language of newcomers. The first generations adapted as much as they needed to, and their children grew up mostly if not entirely Americanized. Just like today. By the second full generation, 98% of immigrants speak English as their primary or only language at home. The kids help mom talk to the man at the grocery store or bank, and the grandkids can't really converse with grandma in the old tongue. A pattern that continues with each wave of immigration to my great nation.
Whites made this country and now the Browns and Blacks want to steal it away. White Guilt pussy assholes are so confused as to want to help the Browns and Blacks.

If the Blacks and Browns succeed, helped by the confused White Moon Bats, this country will be quickly destroyed. We saw the beginning of that when Obama was President with increased poverty, decreased family income, tremendous debt and dismal economic growth.

The next Moon Bat President will even do more damage. God only knows what damage will be done by this Moon Bat House that these idiots elected in 2018. Just look at the damage the Moon Bats did in 2007 when they took over Congress. The economy went to hell, didn't it?

Another scared old white racist, just like so many others on this thread.
War is not beat downs and mindless violence. Its not mano mano crap. War is an ocean wave that does not stop until it is completed or ended. Get with the program and join the unique American culture if you have not.
......Hate freedom and want free shit... totally compatible with America.........

You would know better than to post such bullshit if you ever actually interacted with people instead of just frowning from behind the curtains through your dirty windows.
.... once here, assimilated into our society. That's not happening with these third worlders.

Today's immigrants are assimilating just as those before them did. Previous waves of immigrants to America faced the same kind idiotic cowardice being promulgated by some here. Cycles.

Total bullshit........

Totally true. Previous waves of immigrants (yes, including those from Europe - probably the ancestors of some of the shameless cowards posting here) were poor, uneducated, and lived in heavily segregated communities upon arrival. The first generations lived with like folk wherever possible, spoke their heritage languages, practiced their religious beliefs, and lived according to their old world ethnic heritages. All sorts of things that put the panties of pussies like you in a knot today. There were newspapers, businesses, and religious worships all in the native language of newcomers. The first generations adapted as much as they needed to, and their children grew up mostly if not entirely Americanized. Just like today. By the second full generation, 98% of immigrants speak English as their primary or only language at home. The kids help mom talk to the man at the grocery store or bank, and the grandkids can't really converse with grandma in the old tongue. A pattern that continues with each wave of immigration to my great nation.

The next generations aren't doing much better - if any better. Further even the immigrants that came from Europe quickly turned their tail. We didn't have welfare back then, they weren't after free shit. Entirely different story now.

You are full of shit Unkotare. Confusing a 3rd world invasion with the little first world immigration that happened in the past is frankly, retarded. But go see the statistics yourself instead of making up bullshit.
.......What's your excuse Unkotare? You thought instead of procreating - far too much work for you........

Are you actually trying to make as much of a fool of yourself as possible? You guess wrong AGAIN, dumbass.
A lot of White Democrats are upper middle class, but they still hate the "Rich" and capitalism.
They want higher taxes, but they take all of their tax deductions.
Those are called the Psychocrats.

They don’t hate capitalism.

They hate racism.

But you keep telling yourself that myth.

Democrats only like for capitalism for the tax revenue.
Hating the Rich is childish envy.
Democrats make politics about race because they are racist cretins.
It’s why the Democrats have so many hate groups.

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White upper middle class Democrats don't hate capitalism.

They hate racism.

That's why they hate so many of you.
.... once here, assimilated into our society. That's not happening with these third worlders.

Today's immigrants are assimilating just as those before them did. Previous waves of immigrants to America faced the same kind idiotic cowardice being promulgated by some here. Cycles.

Total bullshit........

Totally true. Previous waves of immigrants (yes, including those from Europe - probably the ancestors of some of the shameless cowards posting here) were poor, uneducated, and lived in heavily segregated communities upon arrival. The first generations lived with like folk wherever possible, spoke their heritage languages, practiced their religious beliefs, and lived according to their old world ethnic heritages. All sorts of things that put the panties of pussies like you in a knot today. There were newspapers, businesses, and religious worships all in the native language of newcomers. The first generations adapted as much as they needed to, and their children grew up mostly if not entirely Americanized. Just like today. By the second full generation, 98% of immigrants speak English as their primary or only language at home. The kids help mom talk to the man at the grocery store or bank, and the grandkids can't really converse with grandma in the old tongue. A pattern that continues with each wave of immigration to my great nation.

The next generations aren't doing much better - .......

They most certainly are. Just like those who came before them.
.... once here, assimilated into our society. That's not happening with these third worlders.

Today's immigrants are assimilating just as those before them did. Previous waves of immigrants to America faced the same kind idiotic cowardice being promulgated by some here. Cycles.

Total bullshit........

Totally true. Previous waves of immigrants (yes, including those from Europe - probably the ancestors of some of the shameless cowards posting here) were poor, uneducated, and lived in heavily segregated communities upon arrival. The first generations lived with like folk wherever possible, spoke their heritage languages, practiced their religious beliefs, and lived according to their old world ethnic heritages. All sorts of things that put the panties of pussies like you in a knot today. There were newspapers, businesses, and religious worships all in the native language of newcomers. The first generations adapted as much as they needed to, and their children grew up mostly if not entirely Americanized. Just like today. By the second full generation, 98% of immigrants speak English as their primary or only language at home. The kids help mom talk to the man at the grocery store or bank, and the grandkids can't really converse with grandma in the old tongue. A pattern that continues with each wave of immigration to my great nation.
The issue of who is coming in is different then the issue of how many are coming in. This has become political when in the past the government shut down the spigot until groups were absorbed into the American culture. There was also no social programs back then.
.... once here, assimilated into our society. That's not happening with these third worlders.

Today's immigrants are assimilating just as those before them did. Previous waves of immigrants to America faced the same kind idiotic cowardice being promulgated by some here. Cycles.

Total bullshit.


Every chart tells the same story. Let's immigrate more of those Mexicans 60% whom don't have an high school degree and IQ of 70. Hate freedom and want free shit... totally compatible with America.

We could just have babies of our own and build that wall. What's your excuse Unkotare? You thought instead of procreating - far too much work for you... it would be easier to just bring in some Mexican?
UncleTard teaches wrestling to sweaty teens who grab each other in all the wrongs places. Maybe UncleTard really likes how the beaners sweat it up.

Obsessed much, troll?

No means no.
People should know what a perv they are dealing with.

You've made it clear what an obsessed deviant you are, freak show.
.... once here, assimilated into our society. That's not happening with these third worlders.

Today's immigrants are assimilating just as those before them did. Previous waves of immigrants to America faced the same kind idiotic cowardice being promulgated by some here. Cycles.

Total bullshit........

Totally true. Previous waves of immigrants (yes, including those from Europe - probably the ancestors of some of the shameless cowards posting here) were poor, uneducated, and lived in heavily segregated communities upon arrival. The first generations lived with like folk wherever possible, spoke their heritage languages, practiced their religious beliefs, and lived according to their old world ethnic heritages. All sorts of things that put the panties of pussies like you in a knot today. There were newspapers, businesses, and religious worships all in the native language of newcomers. The first generations adapted as much as they needed to, and their children grew up mostly if not entirely Americanized. Just like today. By the second full generation, 98% of immigrants speak English as their primary or only language at home. The kids help mom talk to the man at the grocery store or bank, and the grandkids can't really converse with grandma in the old tongue. A pattern that continues with each wave of immigration to my great nation.

The next generations aren't doing much better - .......

They most certainly are. Just like those who came before them.

Nope, 3rd worlders gonna 3rd world... votes for socialism. Which obviously is why you want them in.
.... once here, assimilated into our society. That's not happening with these third worlders.

Today's immigrants are assimilating just as those before them did. Previous waves of immigrants to America faced the same kind idiotic cowardice being promulgated by some here. Cycles.

Assimilating? ......

Yes, assimilating. The Melting Pot is still working just fine.

I warned you about editing my posts. That tears it!

You are worthless piece of Japanese wannabe. Why don't you go over there to live? Oh, that's right! They wouldn't let you in, would they?
.... once here, assimilated into our society. That's not happening with these third worlders.

Today's immigrants are assimilating just as those before them did. Previous waves of immigrants to America faced the same kind idiotic cowardice being promulgated by some here. Cycles.

Assimilating? ......

Yes, assimilating. The Melting Pot is still working just fine.

I warned you about editing my posts. That tears it!

You are worthless piece of Japanese wannabe. Why don't you go over there to live? Oh, that's right! They wouldn't let you in, would they?

Is this the reason he advocates for open borders?
Today's immigrants are assimilating just as those before them did. Previous waves of immigrants to America faced the same kind idiotic cowardice being promulgated by some here. Cycles.

Total bullshit.


Every chart tells the same story. Let's immigrate more of those Mexicans 60% whom don't have an high school degree and IQ of 70. Hate freedom and want free shit... totally compatible with America.

We could just have babies of our own and build that wall. What's your excuse Unkotare? You thought instead of procreating - far too much work for you... it would be easier to just bring in some Mexican?
UncleTard teaches wrestling to sweaty teens who grab each other in all the wrongs places. Maybe UncleTard really likes how the beaners sweat it up.

Obsessed much, troll?

No means no.
People should know what a perv they are dealing with.

You've made it clear what an obsessed deviant you are, freak show.
Are you looking in a mirror?
A lot of White Democrats are upper middle class, but they still hate the "Rich" and capitalism.
They want higher taxes, but they take all of their tax deductions.
Those are called the Psychocrats.

They don’t hate capitalism.

They hate racism.

But you keep telling yourself that myth.

Democrats only like for capitalism for the tax revenue.
Hating the Rich is childish envy.
Democrats make politics about race because they are racist cretins.
It’s why the Democrats have so many hate groups.

View attachment 243877
View attachment 243878

White upper middle class Democrats don't hate capitalism.

They hate racism.

That's why they hate so many of you.

Sure they do, and every single one of them live in the whitest area their money can afford.
......we are almost a bilingual country today against our will. ]

More chickenshit nonsense.

Not nonsense at all. Do you have to push buttons on your phone when you call businesses to speak our language? Are there not bilingual signs on the doors to businesses? Are you not asked what language you want your ballot in? How abut your ATM machine?

If that's what's going on here up north, I know it has to be worse in other places.

:lol: Oh, poor baby!

You have to push a button?! Maybe if you hit the gym once in a while you'll be able to manage those big, heavy buttons (which you only push for a non-English option, dumbass).

If you want to tell a private business what signs they can put on their doors because it frightens you, well too fucking bad.

No, nobody asks me what language I want my ballot in. I'd be surprised if you could read one in English.

My ATM machine doesn't torment me. See your doctor about adjusting your doses.
Total bullshit.


Every chart tells the same story. Let's immigrate more of those Mexicans 60% whom don't have an high school degree and IQ of 70. Hate freedom and want free shit... totally compatible with America.

We could just have babies of our own and build that wall. What's your excuse Unkotare? You thought instead of procreating - far too much work for you... it would be easier to just bring in some Mexican?
UncleTard teaches wrestling to sweaty teens who grab each other in all the wrongs places. Maybe UncleTard really likes how the beaners [sic] sweat it up.

Obsessed much, troll?

No means no.
People should know what a perv they are dealing with.

You've made it clear what an obsessed deviant you are, freak show.
Are you looking in a mirror?

No, freak. Now STFU and get lost.
Today's immigrants are assimilating just as those before them did. Previous waves of immigrants to America faced the same kind idiotic cowardice being promulgated by some here. Cycles.

Total bullshit........

Totally true. Previous waves of immigrants (yes, including those from Europe - probably the ancestors of some of the shameless cowards posting here) were poor, uneducated, and lived in heavily segregated communities upon arrival. The first generations lived with like folk wherever possible, spoke their heritage languages, practiced their religious beliefs, and lived according to their old world ethnic heritages. All sorts of things that put the panties of pussies like you in a knot today. There were newspapers, businesses, and religious worships all in the native language of newcomers. The first generations adapted as much as they needed to, and their children grew up mostly if not entirely Americanized. Just like today. By the second full generation, 98% of immigrants speak English as their primary or only language at home. The kids help mom talk to the man at the grocery store or bank, and the grandkids can't really converse with grandma in the old tongue. A pattern that continues with each wave of immigration to my great nation.

The next generations aren't doing much better - .......

They most certainly are. Just like those who came before them.

Nope, 3rd worlders gonna 3rd world... votes for socialism. Which obviously is why you want them in.

Wrong guess AGAIN, dumbass. For someone so piss poor at guessing you sure do like to try.
.... once here, assimilated into our society. That's not happening with these third worlders.

Today's immigrants are assimilating just as those before them did. Previous waves of immigrants to America faced the same kind idiotic cowardice being promulgated by some here. Cycles.

Total bullshit........

Totally true. Previous waves of immigrants (yes, including those from Europe - probably the ancestors of some of the shameless cowards posting here) were poor, uneducated, and lived in heavily segregated communities upon arrival. The first generations lived with like folk wherever possible, spoke their heritage languages, practiced their religious beliefs, and lived according to their old world ethnic heritages. All sorts of things that put the panties of pussies like you in a knot today. There were newspapers, businesses, and religious worships all in the native language of newcomers. The first generations adapted as much as they needed to, and their children grew up mostly if not entirely Americanized. Just like today. By the second full generation, 98% of immigrants speak English as their primary or only language at home. The kids help mom talk to the man at the grocery store or bank, and the grandkids can't really converse with grandma in the old tongue. A pattern that continues with each wave of immigration to my great nation.

The next generations aren't doing much better - if any better. Further even the immigrants that came from Europe quickly turned their tail. We didn't have welfare back then, they weren't after free shit. Entirely different story now.

You are full of shit Unkotare. Confusing a 3rd world invasion with the little first world immigration that happened in the past is frankly, retarded. But go see the statistics yourself instead of making up bullshit.

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