How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Most White Liberals are thinly veiled White Supremacist.
They believe that they are superior to minorities and other White People.
How can White Americans be Democrats?

1. Wigger-itis... a mental disorder

2. Tradition - they still think it's their grandfather's Democratic Party

3. Poverty - they still hope it's their grandfather's Democratic Party

4. Compassion and humanitarianism - for these, the Dems are the only game in town; grotesquely imperfect as that is


Republicans measure political success with economic indices.

Democrats measure political success with indices pertaining to the health and well-being and happiness of The People.

If that means they have to play nice with the riff-raff, well, so be it.


As with most things, The Truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Why would anyone who’s not a heartless rich white guy be a Republican?

What do they actually do on behalf of Americans?

Look at the economy today. Look at our fuel prices today. Look at our decreasing population on social programs today.

Any other questions?
Again, do you think we should allow millions of people in mass to move from central America to the USA or not? You advocated for this a few posts ago.

I have no problem with it.. They'll make fine citizens.

Maybe we can do a swap. We get a couple million of them, we can ship them a couple million of our white trash, bible thumping morons in the red states, and we'll see how that works out.

Why not ship a couple million liberals there instead? You all seem to love them so much.
The fact is that for a married middle class couple, to afford a house, two vehicles, food, vacations, weekend fun, bills...they both have to work at least full time...
Many of the products we purchase are made overseas. They are much cheaper because many of the foreign employees are working in near sweat shop conditions. And since they had nothing before they consider this a huge upgrade. A 25 inch analog TV in the 1960's may have cost at least a few hundred dollars and more. Today we can purchase a 32 inch HDTV for less then a hundred dollars.
How can White Americans be Democrats?

1. Wigger-itis... a mental disorder

2. Tradition - they still think it's their grandfather's Democratic Party

3. Poverty - they still hope it's their grandfather's Democratic Party

4. Compassion and humanitarianism - for these, the Dems are the only game in town; grotesquely imperfect as that is


Republicans measure political success with economic indices.

Democrats measure political success with indices pertaining to the health and well-being and happiness of The People.

If that means they have to play nice with the riff-raff, well, so be it.


As with most things, The Truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Why would anyone who’s not a heartless rich white guy be a Republican?

What do they actually do on behalf of Americans?

Look at the economy today. Look at our fuel prices today. Look at our decreasing population on social programs today.

Any other questions?

What do they do for the country? I don't know, they built it and provide you the free shit so you can parasite. Contrary to popular belief among idiots, it doesn't originate from government's vending machine. That's all...
How can White Americans be Democrats?

1. Wigger-itis... a mental disorder

2. Tradition - they still think it's their grandfather's Democratic Party

3. Poverty - they still hope it's their grandfather's Democratic Party

4. Compassion and humanitarianism - for these, the Dems are the only game in town; grotesquely imperfect as that is


Republicans measure political success with economic indices.

Democrats measure political success with indices pertaining to the health and well-being and happiness of The People.

If that means they have to play nice with the riff-raff, well, so be it.


As with most things, The Truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Why would anyone who’s not a heartless rich white guy be a Republican?

What do they actually do on behalf of Americans?

Look at the economy today. Look at our fuel prices today. Look at our decreasing population on social programs today.

Any other questions?

Those were all true under Obama.
That was the point of this discussion. Women do want to go out and work whereas before, most wanted to just be home raising their children.

You mean they realized there was more to life? Wow... that's horrible.

Cons want woman barefoot and preggy. Not these uppity independent ladies with their jobs and opinions.

I didn't say that's what I wanted, I said it in regards to having enough children to replenish the folks dying off in this country.
How can White Americans be Democrats?

1. Wigger-itis... a mental disorder

2. Tradition - they still think it's their grandfather's Democratic Party

3. Poverty - they still hope it's their grandfather's Democratic Party

4. Compassion and humanitarianism - for these, the Dems are the only game in town; grotesquely imperfect as that is


Republicans measure political success with economic indices.

Democrats measure political success with indices pertaining to the health and well-being and happiness of The People.

If that means they have to play nice with the riff-raff, well, so be it.


As with most things, The Truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Why would anyone who’s not a heartless rich white guy be a Republican?

What do they actually do on behalf of Americans?

Look at the economy today. Look at our fuel prices today. Look at our decreasing population on social programs today.

Any other questions?

Those were all true under Obama.

The difference is DumBama didn't do a thing for businesses. Businesses recovered themselves. DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime. Fuel? Give credit to fracking which the Democrats despise. Trump and Republicans have always supported more fuel sources.
That was the point of this discussion. Women do want to go out and work whereas before, most wanted to just be home raising their children.

You mean they realized there was more to life? Wow... that's horrible.

Cons want woman barefoot and preggy. Not these uppity independent ladies with their jobs and opinions.

I didn't say that's what I wanted, I said it in regards to having enough children to replenish the folks dying off in this country.

We will be just fine . We are far from being dangerously underpopulated .
How can White Americans be Democrats?

1. Wigger-itis... a mental disorder

2. Tradition - they still think it's their grandfather's Democratic Party

3. Poverty - they still hope it's their grandfather's Democratic Party

4. Compassion and humanitarianism - for these, the Dems are the only game in town; grotesquely imperfect as that is


Republicans measure political success with economic indices.

Democrats measure political success with indices pertaining to the health and well-being and happiness of The People.

If that means they have to play nice with the riff-raff, well, so be it.


As with most things, The Truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Why would anyone who’s not a heartless rich white guy be a Republican?

What do they actually do on behalf of Americans?

Look at the economy today. Look at our fuel prices today. Look at our decreasing population on social programs today.

Any other questions?

Those were all true under Obama.

The difference is DumBama didn't do a thing for businesses. Businesses recovered themselves. DumBama was the most anti-business President of our lifetime. Fuel? Give credit to fracking which the Democrats despise. Trump and Republicans have always supported more fuel sources.
oh yea
That was the point of this discussion. Women do want to go out and work whereas before, most wanted to just be home raising their children.

You mean they realized there was more to life? Wow... that's horrible.

Some did, yes. But today it's not an option for many. Today it's a necessity. Women in this country could always work, it's just that when we were kids, women preferred to stay home and take care of the house and kids.
Okay, so making our own babies is better?

So let's make some babies, build that wall and stop the megalomaniac plans of replacing American people. Good choice.

You see, here's the thing. Your ancestors and mine came to this continent some time in the last 200 years. There's a shitload of websites that will make you spit in a bottle and tell you where your ancestors came from in Europe in case you've lost track.

But you are upset when some people native to this continent move from one part of it to another?

At one time immigrants were needed. We were building a country. That's not he case today. Now they are a burden to our country between the crime, drugs, the billions we have to spend trying to keep them out of here.
Whenever you guys talk about freedom, it's usually the freedom of the rich to abuse the rest of you.

"Weeee, my boss just cancelled my health insurance! I'm FREEEEEEE"


It was free until a Communist was elected to the White House by losers like you simply because of the color of his skin. And if I get insurance, I'm going to make sure it covers psychiatric care in case I end up like you. Obviously yours doesn't because nobody suffering from your OCD would allow it to go on unless they couldn't afford help.

Hmmm.. my guess is, you'd probably be whining after about an hour of standing out there with that sign, Mr. "I don't want to find a better job because their trucks don't have air conditioning!"

Air conditioning? Is that a new one you dreamt up?
I don’t support illegal immigration.

If you are an immigrant like I am, then you should support yourself and not be on welfare.

But that doesn’t change the fact that SS is a giant wealth transfer scheme from the young to the old.
What happens when the young get old?

They won’t get the same level of SS their parents received, even though they paid for their parents’ SS.
They get more from what I have noticed. My Ma get maybe five hundred a month and so does my aunt.I will get over a thousand..Woohoo party time(for one hour of one day a year).

The problem with our social programs is as they needed more funding, the politicians didn't do it. So they've been running out of money for years now and will eventually be a huge burden on the country.

It's very simple: if we want these programs (and most do) then we need to fund them. That's all.
True but the generational bumps is what is hurting them..

No, what's hurting them is the fact no politician on the left wants to raise taxes to support those programs. Because if we did properly fund these programs, many people would demand the elimination of them. We would demand something much better which would mean taking it out of the federal government hands and giving it to the private market. That means less dependency on our federal government which crushes the Democrat party.
Agreed. The more people working the less on programs which is what usually is the whine. Now women in the workforce is the problem.'s not their duty to have kids for the good of the nation. If they want kids that's awesome. I have 4 of my own. But in today's America i can understand if they don't choose to have them. Not their duty.
And your side is totally not at fault?

What party promoted that women should get out of the house and work? What party promoted that women should get an education and make better money? What party promoted that women only need men as sperm donors?

Well guess what, they listened. Today nearly every "mother" works. More women than men graduate college and pursue careers. You can't have five children and work full-time, at least successfully. The only people that do that are welfare queens. The left has promoted the single-parent family for many years.

It's not the Left, it's women.

lol old people ...

Yes, us old people WERE THERE. We seen how the left promoted these things.

And most women today agree with having the choice of working or staying home.

This isn't 1950 anymore. And few who aren’t old want to go back to that time.

That was the point of this discussion. Women do want to go out and work whereas before, most wanted to just be home raising their children.

You argued that it was a bad thing.

Women today don’t see it as a bad thing.

No, I didn't say it was a bad thing, I said it in the context that we are not having enough children to sustain the population; not that I think a smaller population is a bad thing. I think less people is a good thing.
What happens when the young get old?

They won’t get the same level of SS their parents received, even though they paid for their parents’ SS.
They get more from what I have noticed. My Ma get maybe five hundred a month and so does my aunt.I will get over a thousand..Woohoo party time(for one hour of one day a year).

The problem with our social programs is as they needed more funding, the politicians didn't do it. So they've been running out of money for years now and will eventually be a huge burden on the country.

It's very simple: if we want these programs (and most do) then we need to fund them. That's all.
True but the generational bumps is what is hurting them..

No, what's hurting them is the fact no politician on the left wants to raise taxes to support those programs. Because if we did properly fund these programs, many people would demand the elimination of them. We would demand something much better which would mean taking it out of the federal government hands and giving it to the private market. That means less dependency on our federal government which crushes the Democrat party.
Actually both sides have been working on SS reform and just this year you have to be older to get 100% and that is from the Reagan era..
That was the point of this discussion. Women do want to go out and work whereas before, most wanted to just be home raising their children.

You mean they realized there was more to life? Wow... that's horrible.

Cons want woman barefoot and preggy. Not these uppity independent ladies with their jobs and opinions.

I didn't say that's what I wanted, I said it in regards to having enough children to replenish the folks dying off in this country.

We will be just fine . We are far from being dangerously underpopulated .

I couldn't agree more. That's why this suggestion we need to bring in more immigrants to sustain the population is a phony argument to make.
Okay, so making our own babies is better?

So let's make some babies, build that wall and stop the megalomaniac plans of replacing American people. Good choice.

You see, here's the thing. Your ancestors and mine came to this continent some time in the last 200 years. There's a shitload of websites that will make you spit in a bottle and tell you where your ancestors came from in Europe in case you've lost track.

But you are upset when some people native to this continent move from one part of it to another?

At one time immigrants were needed. We were building a country. That's not he case today. Now they are a burden to our country between the crime, drugs, the billions we have to spend trying to keep them out of here.

Immigrant and a settler are different things anyway. Further those were not 3rd world immigrants.

The current immigration practices will lead to an absolute shitstorm.

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