How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Okay, so making our own babies is better?

So let's make some babies, build that wall and stop the megalomaniac plans of replacing American people. Good choice.

You see, here's the thing. Your ancestors and mine came to this continent some time in the last 200 years. There's a shitload of websites that will make you spit in a bottle and tell you where your ancestors came from in Europe in case you've lost track.

But you are upset when some people native to this continent move from one part of it to another?

If people tried to move from one part of the continent to this part in mass, we would shoot them. I don't believe there is any disagreement about this.

Of course, you don't agree with this, because you are anti-American communist who denies the sovereignty of the nation. However, the rest of the people here, who actually call themselves American, totally agree.
A party that supports racial discrimination against whites, is supported by millions of whites ? Whaaat ? "I don't believe it" is what millions of people in other countries say. Here in America, though, we know it to be true. It (Affirmative Action) was formally and openly stated in the 2004 and 2008 platforms of the Democratic party.

2004 >> "the party "support affirmative action to redress discrimination and to achieve the diversity from which all Americans benefit."

2008 >> ""We support affirmative action, including in federal contracting and higher education, to make sure that those locked out of the doors of opportunity will be able to walk through those doors in the future"

The words "Affirmative Action" are not mentioned in the National Democratic Party platforms of 2012 and 2016, however the description of it, with goals to achieve diversity are mentioned. Seems like Democrats are becoming rather defensive about the idea of racially discriminating in order to stop racially discriminating.

There's an obvious reason why Democrats have removed the words "affirmative action" from their national platforms. Overwhelmingly, the American people oppose the concept. Almost two-thirds of Americans disagree with the June 2016 Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, that allows public colleges to use race as a factor in their admissions decisions.

According to a Gallup poll conducted over June 29 through July 2, 2016, 70 percent of Americans say merit should be the only factor in college admissions. That number has stayed relatively stable over the last 12 years.

Poll finds surprising American opinions on affirmative action

In California, Democrats HAVE used the words Affirmative Action in their state platform >> "California Democrats will > Encourage, support and defend voluntary, and mandatory affirmative action measures aimed at enhancing equality in employment, education, and business opportunities;"

So with all this discrimination where non-whites are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims, why do white Democrats support it ? Does Nancy Pelosi think it's OK for her many sons, daughters, and grandkids to be victims of this racist discrimination, when applying for college, for college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc, ?


I think its a big picture thing. Money makes money and sometimes you have to help the racially oppressed minorities along. Maybe other places are some kind of crazy utopia. Here folks know what high schools and zip codes to look for on resumes to avoid hiring blacks. SO, the big stick of affirmative action comes down. The other choice is to jail racists I suppose.

You libtarded morons act like we live in the 1850’s

In todays America you can go as far as your brain and

ambition will take you…………..

You losers are just good at making up excuses for your shortcomings.

Try to articulate better.

Are you saying there is no racism?

And no, I am not saying its inpossible to escape the ghetto. We're all talking in degrees.

Hey, today does a liberal like tariffs or are tariffs a conservative thing? How about tomorrow?
More denial. Affirmative action is a fact. Further I wouldn't trust a communist on anything in any case. That being said, it's not difficult to spot your total and utter lies. Now you are trying to conflate affirmative action with equal protection under law. Communists are always dishonest, lying pieces of feces.

except we don't have equal protection under the law. We have a system that greatly benefits you if you are white and male, because for the most part, other white males are making the hiring decisions.

Affirmative Action is nice and all, especially if you are a white woman, but the reality is, when you live in a world of no unions, at-will employment and right to work, we are all just one step away from being screwed in your careers.

The thing that switched me from being conservative to liberal is when I encountered age discrimination for the first time in my life. Then I realized, "Hey, discrimination kind of sucks, we shouldn't have that."
How much has your leftist government taken? About 50% of every pay check. It would be much better if communists just moved to communist countries. So many to choose from, what are you waiting for?

Again, I would love to see this pay check you supposedly have where the government has taken 50% of what you earn.

Maybe you can post an image of it on line... that would be amusing.
More denial. Affirmative action is a fact. Further I wouldn't trust a communist on anything in any case. That being said, it's not difficult to spot your total and utter lies. Now you are trying to conflate affirmative action with equal protection under law. Communists are always dishonest, lying pieces of feces.

except we don't have equal protection under the law. We have a system that greatly benefits you if you are white and male, because for the most part, other white males are making the hiring decisions.

Affirmative Action is nice and all, especially if you are a white woman, but the reality is, when you live in a world of no unions, at-will employment and right to work, we are all just one step away from being screwed in your careers.

The thing that switched me from being conservative to liberal is when I encountered age discrimination for the first time in my life. Then I realized, "Hey, discrimination kind of sucks, we shouldn't have that."

More communist nonsense. The law is the SAME regardless of who makes the hiring decisions. You don't even understand the basics of our society, get the fuck out already.

You are not a liberal. You are a C-O-M-M-U-N-I-S-T, and it's a lie that you have ever been conservative. You are ENCOURAGING the discrimination that's called affirmative action, so the story makes no sense whatsoever. Total lie, to be expected from a communist.
How much has your leftist government taken? About 50% of every pay check. It would be much better if communists just moved to communist countries. So many to choose from, what are you waiting for?

Again, I would love to see this pay check you supposedly have where the government has taken 50% of what you earn.

Maybe you can post an image of it on line... that would be amusing.

Which country do you live in again? Where did you get that the government only taxes wages?
If people tried to move from one part of the continent to this part in mass, we would shoot them. I don't believe there is any disagreement about this.

Really? So if a bunch of Californians move to Texas, they are going to start shooting?

Of course, you don't agree with this, because you are anti-American communist who denies the sovereignty of the nation. However, the rest of the people here, who actually call themselves American, totally agree.

I am willing to bet that only ONE of us has a DD214.

Here's the thing... most of us are the children of immigrants... and there has always been the asshole who wants to pull up the ladder, no matter what time you live in. I'm glad we didn't listen to these assholes in the 1930's when my grandparents were trying to get away from Hitler, and I'm glad we aren't listening to Trump now on it.
If people tried to move from one part of the continent to this part in mass, we would shoot them. I don't believe there is any disagreement about this.

Really? So if a bunch of Californians move to Texas, they are going to start shooting?

Of course, you don't agree with this, because you are anti-American communist who denies the sovereignty of the nation. However, the rest of the people here, who actually call themselves American, totally agree.

I am willing to bet that only ONE of us has a DD214.

Here's the thing... most of us are the children of immigrants... and there has always been the asshole who wants to pull up the ladder, no matter what time you live in. I'm glad we didn't listen to these assholes in the 1930's when my grandparents were trying to get away from Hitler, and I'm glad we aren't listening to Trump now on it.

Not from TEXAS, that's part of the USA you moron. Are you playing a retard, or are you actually this stupid?

Perhaps you realized how utterly STUPID your argument was and are walking back now. So let me ask... do you actually think we should allow millions of people in mass to move from central America to the USA unhindered, because some Europeans something 200 years ago?

That might make a goo
Which country do you live in again? Where did you get that the government only taxes wages?

You said, "50% of every pay check" Not, "50% of what I earn". Every tax after your pay check is kind of elective. Don't want to pay a property tax, rent. Don't want to pay a sales tax, don't buy stuff.

So again, let's see this paycheck of yours where the government took 50% of it.
Not from TEXAS, that's part of USA you moron. If people from central America attempted such. Are you playing a retard, or are you actually this stupid?

You said "one part to another' not any specific region....

Fact is, most of the very small group of people coming up now will probably be welcomed because our laws allow it.
Not from TEXAS, that's part of USA you moron. If people from central America attempted such. Are you playing a retard, or are you actually this stupid?

You said "one part to another' not any specific region....

Fact is, most of the very small group of people coming up now will probably be welcomed because our laws allow it.

YOU IDIOT. It was a response to your argument regarding immigration. Rather implicit when talking about immigration is that these people come from outside the USA.

Again, do you think we should allow millions of people in mass to move from central America to the USA or not? You advocated for this a few posts ago.
More communist nonsense. The law is the SAME regardless of who makes the hiring decisions. You don't even understand the basics of our society, get the fuck out already.

Okay, let's look at that. The Law is the same, but the law means that you do the bare minimum not to get caught. Do you keep under the speed limit every day? Probably not. Do you keep under it if you see Officer McDonut's squad car sitting there right where you can see it? Yup.

The thing is, the law only requires employers to consider applicants. Where they would get in trouble is if they passed up a more qualified woman/minority to promote a white guy, and proving that in a court of law where personnel records are treated like state secrets is an uphill climb. This is why most of us don't sue our employers, even when we have good cases.

I had a great case for age discrimination at the job that cured me of Republicanism. My boss right out and said I was too old. They usually aren't that clumsy. But was it worth it to fight it in court? Nope, not really. Your name gets attached to the lawsuit and it comes up on any background check.

You are not a liberal. You are a C-O-M-M-U-N-I-S-T, and it's a lie that you have ever been conservative. You are ENCOURAGING the discrimination that's called affirmative action, so the story makes no sense whatsoever. Total lie, to be expected from a communist.

Not at all... you see, I used to believe that you could achieve equality through fair treatment. the 25 years since I left the army cured me of that delusion, with one shitty boss after another.

I think the laws need to protect people from bad bosses. I'd rather have it be because every workplace has a strong union, but if this is what works, I'm good with that, too.
Again, do you think we should allow millions of people in mass to move from central America to the USA or not? You advocated for this a few posts ago.

I have no problem with it.. They'll make fine citizens.

Maybe we can do a swap. We get a couple million of them, we can ship them a couple million of our white trash, bible thumping morons in the red states, and we'll see how that works out.
How about building the wall, hiring another big bunch of patrol agents to patrol it, and let a woman decide if she wants kids or not? If she does fine. If not, THATS GREAT. It's a responsible decision. She should not be pressured by society to get married and have kids if she doesn't want them. It's a win win win situation. Can anyone find fault in any of this?
How can White Americans be Democrats?

1. Wigger-itis... a mental disorder

2. Tradition - they still think it's their grandfather's Democratic Party

3. Poverty - they still hope it's their grandfather's Democratic Party

4. Compassion and humanitarianism - for these, the Dems are the only game in town; grotesquely imperfect as that is


Republicans measure political success with economic indices.

Democrats measure political success with indices pertaining to the health and well-being and happiness of The People.

If that means they have to play nice with the riff-raff, well, so be it.


As with most things, The Truth lies somewhere in the middle.
That was the point of this discussion. Women do want to go out and work whereas before, most wanted to just be home raising their children.

You mean they realized there was more to life? Wow... that's horrible.

Cons want woman barefoot and preggy. Not these uppity independent ladies with their jobs and opinions.
Those independent ladies are not being the best of the best in the numbers needed. Hence we are losing our superiority and withing a couple of decades the Asians will be our masters.

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