How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Because YOU posted lies and misrepresentation?

Then point it out, or are you too much of a coward?

I will.

You are lying that he said immigration was better than making babies. He said no such thing. You said that, not him.

He says that we need immigration because we aren't having enough kids. There is one other solution to that "problem" (note that not everyone even agrees it's a problem):

1) Take in more immigrants.
2) Make more babies.

So yes, he is saying immigration is better than making babies of our own. Therefore he probably prefers 3rd world poopulation in America over Americans in America. I propose he moves to Venezuela so we can have more room for 3rd worlders.

(The real reason I propose this is so that no one in America would have to tolerate his genocidal views).

We wasn’t making a normative statement, Norman. He was making a factual one. It was you who then twisted what he said.

Go back to listening to talk radio for your education.

He was stating something far more important than normative bullshit - his preference.

Yeah he is unable to adapt to the white genocide.

Or wait, maybe the problem is that we are bringing in too many people which is why the demographics are changing. Maybe that's the problem... And maybe their un-American values are a problem that should not be accepted.

You should adapt to Venezuela.

“White genocide”


Oh, but he’s not a racist, nosiree!

The fact that you advocate for white genocide does make you a racist.

View attachment 243825

No need to specify that. All your posts are rated retarded, easy task given they are coming from a retard.

This coming from a racist evoking “white genocide” because of immigration. I doubt you’ve ever had sex before. Because if you had, you wouldn’t say such retarded things.

You are the only one of us who is pro racial genocide. The only staunch racist to be found.

How racist must one be to condemn defense against a racial genocide?
A party that supports racial discrimination against whites, is supported by millions of whites ? Whaaat ? "I don't believe it" is what millions of people in other countries say. Here in America, though, we know it to be true. It (Affirmative Action) was formally and openly stated in the 2004 and 2008 platforms of the Democratic party.

2004 >> "the party "support affirmative action to redress discrimination and to achieve the diversity from which all Americans benefit."

2008 >> ""We support affirmative action, including in federal contracting and higher education, to make sure that those locked out of the doors of opportunity will be able to walk through those doors in the future"

The words "Affirmative Action" are not mentioned in the National Democratic Party platforms of 2012 and 2016, however the description of it, with goals to achieve diversity are mentioned. Seems like Democrats are becoming rather defensive about the idea of racially discriminating in order to stop racially discriminating.

There's an obvious reason why Democrats have removed the words "affirmative action" from their national platforms. Overwhelmingly, the American people oppose the concept. Almost two-thirds of Americans disagree with the June 2016 Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, that allows public colleges to use race as a factor in their admissions decisions.

According to a Gallup poll conducted over June 29 through July 2, 2016, 70 percent of Americans say merit should be the only factor in college admissions. That number has stayed relatively stable over the last 12 years.

Poll finds surprising American opinions on affirmative action

In California, Democrats HAVE used the words Affirmative Action in their state platform >> "California Democrats will > Encourage, support and defend voluntary, and mandatory affirmative action measures aimed at enhancing equality in employment, education, and business opportunities;"

So with all this discrimination where non-whites are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims, why do white Democrats support it ? Does Nancy Pelosi think it's OK for her many sons, daughters, and grandkids to be victims of this racist discrimination, when applying for college, for college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc, ?


I vote democrat because they are the lesser of 2 evils.

I have no doubt YOU will kill me long before any democrats do.
“White genocide”


Oh, but he’s not a racist, nosiree!

The fact that you advocate for white genocide does make you a racist.

View attachment 243825

No need to specify that. All your posts are rated retarded, easy task given they are coming from a retard.

This coming from a racist evoking “white genocide” because of immigration. I doubt you’ve ever had sex before. Because if you had, you wouldn’t say such retarded things.

You are the only one of us who is pro racial genocide. The only staunch racist to be found.

How racist must one be to condemn defense against a racial genocide?

Gets his education from talk radio.

Thinks white genocide is a thing.


So yes, he is saying immigration is better than making babies of our own. .....

NO, he didn't say that, you stupid, lying piece of shit.

Okay, so making our own babies is better?

So let's make some babies, build that wall and stop the megalomaniac plans of replacing American people. Good choice.
The fact that you advocate for white genocide does make you a racist.

View attachment 243825

No need to specify that. All your posts are rated retarded, easy task given they are coming from a retard.

This coming from a racist evoking “white genocide” because of immigration. I doubt you’ve ever had sex before. Because if you had, you wouldn’t say such retarded things.

You are the only one of us who is pro racial genocide. The only staunch racist to be found.

How racist must one be to condemn defense against a racial genocide?

Gets his education from talk radio.

Thinks white genocide is a thing.


So tired of dealing with this moron. Yes, going at our current rate the genocide is a mathematical fact, and of course something you lust over as the crazy racist leftist you are.

However, it won't happen because Americans and people of the West will grow their balls and... you will be lucky if traitors such as yourself aren't executed.
If we had wealth distribution, we wouldn't be America; we wouldn't be a free country. Just ask anybody in Cuba.

We already have wealth distribution.

You old people take more out in SS than they ever put in at the expense of young people, who will put in way more than they ever take out.

You don't hear about that on your Rush Limbaugh program, do you?

Of course we do. We've been hearing about it for years. Talk radio likes to point out how our social programs produce (or eventually will) failure.

No need to specify that. All your posts are rated retarded, easy task given they are coming from a retard.

This coming from a racist evoking “white genocide” because of immigration. I doubt you’ve ever had sex before. Because if you had, you wouldn’t say such retarded things.

You are the only one of us who is pro racial genocide. The only staunch racist to be found.

How racist must one be to condemn defense against a racial genocide?

Gets his education from talk radio.

Thinks white genocide is a thing.


So tired of dealing with this moron. Yes, going at our current rate the genocide is a mathematical fact, and of course something you lust over as the crazy racist leftist you are.

However, it won't happen because Americans and people of the West will grow their balls and... you will be lucky if traitors such as yourself aren't executed.

It’s your own fault . Righty racists made the rules that mixed babies can’t be white .

Soon the whites will be eliminated and we can finally breed out their hatefilled evil gene .
Takers? We were forced to contribute to these programs all of our lives and now we are takers?


And since your children and grandchildren will put in even more than you ever did and get less than you are now, you are a taker of the system.

Higher immigration solves this problem. But you dinosaurs scared of dark people don't want that to happen.

So cut your entitlements and cut my taxes. I shouldn't be supporting you freeloaders.

You don't want to support freeloaders, and then want to welcome the world into our country?

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

Immigrant Families Benefit Significantly from Obamacare
And your side is totally not at fault?

What party promoted that women should get out of the house and work? What party promoted that women should get an education and make better money? What party promoted that women only need men as sperm donors?

Well guess what, they listened. Today nearly every "mother" works. More women than men graduate college and pursue careers. You can't have five children and work full-time, at least successfully. The only people that do that are welfare queens. The left has promoted the single-parent family for many years.

It's not the Left, it's women.

lol old people ...

Yes, us old people WERE THERE. We seen how the left promoted these things.
Takers? We were forced to contribute to these programs all of our lives and now we are takers?


And since your children and grandchildren will put in even more than you ever did and get less than you are now, you are a taker of the system.

Higher immigration solves this problem. But you dinosaurs scared of dark people don't want that to happen.

So cut your entitlements and cut my taxes. I shouldn't be supporting you freeloaders.

You don't want to support freeloaders, and then want to welcome the world into our country?

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

Immigrant Families Benefit Significantly from Obamacare

I don’t support illegal immigration.

If you are an immigrant like I am, then you should support yourself and not be on welfare.

But that doesn’t change the fact that SS is a giant wealth transfer scheme from the young to the old.
Takers? We were forced to contribute to these programs all of our lives and now we are takers?


And since your children and grandchildren will put in even more than you ever did and get less than you are now, you are a taker of the system.

Higher immigration solves this problem. But you dinosaurs scared of dark people don't want that to happen.

So cut your entitlements and cut my taxes. I shouldn't be supporting you freeloaders.

You don't want to support freeloaders, and then want to welcome the world into our country?

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

Immigrant Families Benefit Significantly from Obamacare

I don’t support illegal immigration.

If you are an immigrant like I am, then you should support yourself and not be on welfare.

But that doesn’t change the fact that SS is a giant wealth transfer scheme from the young to the old.

Yes it is, and that's why we've always been against it. In fact, George Bush wanted to start a program where you could take a fraction of your contributions and invest it in your own personal IRA. The Democrats went nuts and stopped the idea.
And your side is totally not at fault?

What party promoted that women should get out of the house and work? What party promoted that women should get an education and make better money? What party promoted that women only need men as sperm donors?

Well guess what, they listened. Today nearly every "mother" works. More women than men graduate college and pursue careers. You can't have five children and work full-time, at least successfully. The only people that do that are welfare queens. The left has promoted the single-parent family for many years.

It's not the Left, it's women.

lol old people ...

Yes, us old people WERE THERE. We seen how the left promoted these things.

And most women today agree with having the choice of working or staying home.

This isn't 1950 anymore. And few who aren’t old want to go back to that time.
No need to specify that. All your posts are rated retarded, easy task given they are coming from a retard.

This coming from a racist evoking “white genocide” because of immigration. I doubt you’ve ever had sex before. Because if you had, you wouldn’t say such retarded things.

You are the only one of us who is pro racial genocide. The only staunch racist to be found.

How racist must one be to condemn defense against a racial genocide?

Gets his education from talk radio.

Thinks white genocide is a thing.


So tired of dealing with this moron. Yes, going at our current rate the genocide is a mathematical fact, and of course something you lust over as the crazy racist leftist you are.

However, it won't happen because Americans and people of the West will grow their balls and... you will be lucky if traitors such as yourself aren't executed.

It’s your own fault . Righty racists made the rules that mixed babies can’t be white .

Soon the whites will be eliminated and we can finally breed out their hatefilled evil gene .

Can't wait for Toro to ruin your fun. White genocide isn't a thing. You must be listening to evil right wing radio.
Takers? We were forced to contribute to these programs all of our lives and now we are takers?


And since your children and grandchildren will put in even more than you ever did and get less than you are now, you are a taker of the system.

Higher immigration solves this problem. But you dinosaurs scared of dark people don't want that to happen.

So cut your entitlements and cut my taxes. I shouldn't be supporting you freeloaders.

You don't want to support freeloaders, and then want to welcome the world into our country?

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

Immigrant Families Benefit Significantly from Obamacare

I don’t support illegal immigration.

If you are an immigrant like I am, then you should support yourself and not be on welfare.

But that doesn’t change the fact that SS is a giant wealth transfer scheme from the young to the old.
What happens when the young get old?
This coming from a racist evoking “white genocide” because of immigration. I doubt you’ve ever had sex before. Because if you had, you wouldn’t say such retarded things.

You are the only one of us who is pro racial genocide. The only staunch racist to be found.

How racist must one be to condemn defense against a racial genocide?

Gets his education from talk radio.

Thinks white genocide is a thing.


So tired of dealing with this moron. Yes, going at our current rate the genocide is a mathematical fact, and of course something you lust over as the crazy racist leftist you are.

However, it won't happen because Americans and people of the West will grow their balls and... you will be lucky if traitors such as yourself aren't executed.

It’s your own fault . Righty racists made the rules that mixed babies can’t be white .

Soon the whites will be eliminated and we can finally breed out their hatefilled evil gene .

Can't wait for Toro to ruin your fun. White genocide isn't a thing.
If it isn't a "thing" what is it?
Takers? We were forced to contribute to these programs all of our lives and now we are takers?


And since your children and grandchildren will put in even more than you ever did and get less than you are now, you are a taker of the system.

Higher immigration solves this problem. But you dinosaurs scared of dark people don't want that to happen.

So cut your entitlements and cut my taxes. I shouldn't be supporting you freeloaders.

You don't want to support freeloaders, and then want to welcome the world into our country?

Welfare Use by Immigrant Households with Children

Immigrant Families Benefit Significantly from Obamacare

I don’t support illegal immigration.

If you are an immigrant like I am, then you should support yourself and not be on welfare.

But that doesn’t change the fact that SS is a giant wealth transfer scheme from the young to the old.

Yes it is, and that's why we've always been against it. In fact, George Bush wanted to start a program where you could take a fraction of your contributions and invest it in your own personal IRA. The Democrats went nuts and stopped the idea.

Democrats are nuts? Tell us something we don’t know.

So yes, he is saying immigration is better than making babies of our own. .....

NO, he didn't say that, you stupid, lying piece of shit.

Okay, so making our own babies is better?......

People who want to have babies should. All life is precious. The fact is that in developed economies people tend to have fewer children for a number of reasons. This is unlikely to change. Deal with reality, not your irrational fears, pussy.
You are the only one of us who is pro racial genocide. The only staunch racist to be found.

How racist must one be to condemn defense against a racial genocide?

Gets his education from talk radio.

Thinks white genocide is a thing.


So tired of dealing with this moron. Yes, going at our current rate the genocide is a mathematical fact, and of course something you lust over as the crazy racist leftist you are.

However, it won't happen because Americans and people of the West will grow their balls and... you will be lucky if traitors such as yourself aren't executed.

It’s your own fault . Righty racists made the rules that mixed babies can’t be white .

Soon the whites will be eliminated and we can finally breed out their hatefilled evil gene .

Can't wait for Toro to ruin your fun. White genocide isn't a thing.
If it isn't a "thing" what is it?

It's a future the leftists lust for.

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