How Can White Americans Be Democrats ?

Further explain "not being the best of the best". As in not being productive at work? I think they are doing fine.
How can White Americans be Democrats?

1. Wigger-itis... a mental disorder

2. Tradition - they still think it's their grandfather's Democratic Party

3. Poverty - they still hope it's their grandfather's Democratic Party

4. Compassion and humanitarianism - for these, the Dems are the only game in town; grotesquely imperfect as that is


Republicans measure political success with economic indices.

Democrats measure political success with indices pertaining to the health and well-being and happiness of The People.

If that means they have to play nice with the riff-raff, well, so be it.


As with most things, The Truth lies somewhere in the middle.

Why would anyone who’s not a heartless rich white guy be a Republican?

What do they actually do on behalf of Americans?
Further explain "not being the best of the best". As in not being productive at work? I think they are doing fine.
Because we operate on pure quotas. And males are being emasculated. Production is irrelevant. I am talking the best of the best. So we can be competitive. Rosie the Riveter was incredible. But all comparative work back then women were two to three times more defect prone in all female factories. And this is with men who were either older or partially disabled working in others. Everything is more expensive today then it has to be.
Been a white person all my life. have no clue how what political party I prefer has any bearing on my color, if the goal is to treat every American as equal, then the only thing lost is a wanted but unwarranted preference by white men to always be chosen over women & blacks.
A party that supports racial discrimination against whites, is supported by millions of whites ? Whaaat ? "I don't believe it" is what millions of people in other countries say. Here in America, though, we know it to be true. It (Affirmative Action) was formally and openly stated in the 2004 and 2008 platforms of the Democratic party.

2004 >> "the party "support affirmative action to redress discrimination and to achieve the diversity from which all Americans benefit."

2008 >> ""We support affirmative action, including in federal contracting and higher education, to make sure that those locked out of the doors of opportunity will be able to walk through those doors in the future"

The words "Affirmative Action" are not mentioned in the National Democratic Party platforms of 2012 and 2016, however the description of it, with goals to achieve diversity are mentioned. Seems like Democrats are becoming rather defensive about the idea of racially discriminating in order to stop racially discriminating.

There's an obvious reason why Democrats have removed the words "affirmative action" from their national platforms. Overwhelmingly, the American people oppose the concept. Almost two-thirds of Americans disagree with the June 2016 Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action, that allows public colleges to use race as a factor in their admissions decisions.

According to a Gallup poll conducted over June 29 through July 2, 2016, 70 percent of Americans say merit should be the only factor in college admissions. That number has stayed relatively stable over the last 12 years.

Poll finds surprising American opinions on affirmative action

In California, Democrats HAVE used the words Affirmative Action in their state platform >> "California Democrats will > Encourage, support and defend voluntary, and mandatory affirmative action measures aimed at enhancing equality in employment, education, and business opportunities;"

So with all this discrimination where non-whites are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims, why do white Democrats support it ? Does Nancy Pelosi think it's OK for her many sons, daughters, and grandkids to be victims of this racist discrimination, when applying for college, for college financial aid, job hiring, job promotions, business loans, etc, ?


How can ANY American be a democrat?

How can any HUMAN with a shred of moral integrity and humanity be a democrat?
Yes...but on the other hand, wages today ate lagging. If people make a small wage then they can't afford to buy necessities. No American I know aspires to toil away in a factory. I don't blame them.
Types of White Democrats: Angry Feminist, Environmental extremist, Marxist crackpots, Gaystopo, Union Cultist, Anti-Wasp bigots, Young and naïve, Poor and dumb, Global Warming Cultist
A lot of White Democrats are upper middle class, but they still hate the "Rich" and capitalism.
They want higher taxes, but they take all of their tax deductions.
Those are called the Psychocrats.
Yes...but on the other hand, wages today ate lagging. If people make a small wage then they can't afford to buy necessities. No American I know aspires to toil away in a factory. I don't blame them.
They are lagging because the feminist movement put tens of millions of women in the workforce starting in the early 1970's. And yeah, white males were denied good jobs back then because of it. The fiat currency needs to hide true inflation. So the reduced wages show a comparable reduced tax bite. But there are many more employed. I read this several times many years ago and unfortunately all the literature I had which was from bookstores is gone.
Social security bad
Medicare bad
Paid sick time bad
FMLA bad
Unions bad
Benefits too costly
Govt workers bad
Teachers bad
Employees and labor bad
Higher wages bad
Ever think this kind of rhetoric turns workers off? It's out there. This IS a factor.
Many White Democrats want an amoral culture.
But for thousands of generations wise people have determined that amoral cultures do not prosper and they spread misery.
The fact is that for a married middle class couple, to afford a house, two vehicles, food, vacations, weekend fun, bills...they both have to work at least full time...
No need to specify that. All your posts are rated retarded, easy task given they are coming from a retard.

This coming from a racist evoking “white genocide” because of immigration. I doubt you’ve ever had sex before. Because if you had, you wouldn’t say such retarded things.

You are the only one of us who is pro racial genocide. The only staunch racist to be found.

How racist must one be to condemn defense against a racial genocide?

Gets his education from talk radio.

Thinks white genocide is a thing.


So tired of dealing with this moron. Yes, going at our current rate the genocide is a mathematical fact, and of course something you lust over as the crazy racist leftist you are.

However, it won't happen because Americans and people of the West will grow their balls and... you will be lucky if traitors such as yourself aren't executed.

It’s your own fault . Righty racists made the rules that mixed babies can’t be white .

Soon the whites will be eliminated and we can finally breed out their hatefilled evil gene .

You better pray that doesn’t happen...who will feed all you disgusting bottom feeders? Have you been to any Brown nation...they’re all filthy shitholes...why you ask....because the people are filthy subhumans..that’s why.
Then point it out, or are you too much of a coward?

I will.

You are lying that he said immigration was better than making babies. He said no such thing. You said that, not him.

He says that we need immigration because we aren't having enough kids. There is one other solution to that "problem" (note that not everyone even agrees it's a problem):

1) Take in more immigrants.
2) Make more babies.

So yes, he is saying immigration is better than making babies of our own. Therefore he probably prefers 3rd world poopulation in America over Americans in America. I propose he moves to Venezuela so we can have more room for 3rd worlders.

(The real reason I propose this is so that no one in America would have to tolerate his genocidal views).

We wasn’t making a normative statement, Norman. He was making a factual one. It was you who then twisted what he said.

Go back to listening to talk radio for your education.

He was stating something far more important than normative bullshit - his preference.

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A smiling white guy in a wetback sombrero scares nobody...the filthy 5’ tall little beaner with silver teeth that smells like ass and Modello scares nobody.
That was the point of this discussion. Women do want to go out and work whereas before, most wanted to just be home raising their children.

You mean they realized there was more to life? Wow... that's horrible.

Cons want woman barefoot and preggy. Not these uppity independent ladies with their jobs and opinions.
stupid statement have you seen all the Female lawyers commentators on Fox News?

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