How Can You Be Pro-America but Anti-Trump?

Sorry to hear it.

You spoke!! 😮

No I'm not and you know it too.

No matter how you feel about Trump let me ask you some questions. Is it worth it to allow illegal immigrants to be treated better than US veterans especially when they've been raping and murdering people? How about giving $750.00 to people who have lost their homes in hurricane Helene? Defunding the police? Revoking the second amendment? Does any of that sound Pro-American to you?
Well, if US veterans are raping and murdering, I recommend those specific veterans be caught, prosecuted and jailed, but certainly not treating all veterans as if they represented a special class of criminal, across the board. I really haven't heard of that going on much. I don't know any woman, or girl that has been raped by a veteran in Jackson, TN. I don't even know any that were raped by an illegal alien. Most of the time, in this country and locally, the raping and murdering is done by white guys and black guys, regardless of military service. I did not actually know you had, such a negative opinion of those that served. Heck, Trump thinks they are chumps for serving and taking the chances he would not, but even he does not regard them as a class of rapist and murderers, in general.

That $750 stipend is not the soul thing, they can sign up for, just a temp get by thing. Where did you ever get that idea? Is that a TicToc thing you have been reading? Hopefully, it wasn't a lie on a Trump tweet or all trumpers would be up in arms, not know it was another lie. No. They can sign up for disaster relief and assistance on their primary home. Businesses and farmers can apply for assistance, signing up at FEMA disaster assist for SBA.

Defunding police is mostly a local deal. Good local governments don't do it. Ours certainly didn't. I take it, yours did, so you are upset. Hopefully you voted the mayor and city counsel out of office.

You have never seen an amendment revoking the 2nd amendment. To amend the constitution requires 2/3 majority in both houses of US Congress. If it passes there, it does not go to the President, as the President has no role in amending the constitution. The resolution goes to the Archivists, which sends it to the Governors of the states, be submitted to their legislatures. This is done in all states, and if ratified, they must submit it back. 3/4 of the states (38) have to approve, in order for it to become the supreme law of the land. It is not an easy process, nor was it meant to be. Heck, they can't even give women equal rights, republican have blocked that for years, after it passed both houses of congress. And as a dedicated Republican, I am sure you are against it also, as women simply are not as important as party loyalty. You do not have to worry about the revocation of the 2nd Amendment. It would not make it through either the US House of Representatives, nor the US Senate, much less 38 state legislatures. It is simply political fodder for the TicToc, X, Facebook political discussion crowd. All of this is actually covered in 9th Grade High school civic or was, if you were my age, but if your high school was that dysfunctional, here is a link. Constitutional Amendment Process

All of your post, unfortunately sounds like you have been believing BS political rhetoric, as if it were real, to tell you the truth.
White 6 I'm starting with your response a piece at a time. (At least you give responses.) When I was talking about illegal immigrants being treated better than veterans, I was pointing out the fact that they're being booted out of their homes and onto the streets while illegal immigrants are taking their shelter. Also, where is their assisted income?

When it comes to $750.00 a temporary deal, I never heard Kamala Harris say that she was planning on giving hurricane Helene victims more money.

As for defunding the police I meant she wants to defund the police and also take away assault rifles. Whatever the heck that's supposed to mean.
White 6 I'm starting with your response a piece at a time. (At least you give responses.) When I was talking about illegal immigrants being treated better than veterans, I was pointing out the fact that they're being booted out of their homes and onto the streets while illegal immigrants are taking their shelter. Also, where is their assisted income?

When it comes to $750.00 a temporary deal, I never heard Kamala Harris say that she was planning on giving hurricane Helene victims more money.

As for defunding the police I meant she wants to defund the police and also take away assault rifles. Whatever the heck that's supposed to mean.
What veteran is being booted out to give their place to illegal immigrants? Is this some more Facebook/TicToc stuff?

Everybody else, especially people that have dealt with FEMA, such as Tornado, Flood, Hurricane victims of the past know the real money does not come in the first week or two and there is a process. That said, I doubt it is as good as having insurance. Sure the immediate disaster, clearing the roads, rebuilding the electrical and communications infrastructure, rebuilding the roads, bridges, etc will happen, as quickly as possible. It is highly unlikely most of those folks have even had time to get estimates from contractors for the work, or that there are enough competent contractors of size to handle the increased demand in Western North Carolina and East Tennessee. It is unlikely we will see thousands of FEMA Trailers with toxic fumes moved in, as many of those live up in the hills where there are no long roads or bridges. Both states love their scenic, winding mountain roads, right beside rivers and creeks 20 feet below, where the crisp clean water splashes over the boulders. They have just never seen the water get 30 feet deep, taking out the roads and bridges, since the early 1900s, before most of us were born.

She has not defunded the police, not even when she was Attorney General. Local governments do what the voters allow local governments to do. That is definitely tictok/facebook stuff.

She won't take away assault rifles. She is not like Trump, who is noted for saying"We're going to take the firearms first and then go to court." Neither one of the two running for President even knows what an assault rifle actually is, or what makes it suitable or unsuitable for assaulting a position. or use in a hasty or prepared defense. I thought, you were actually saying someone credible was talking of revoking the Second Amendment. I just didn't realize, you may have said it, but didn't mean it at all. After all, how could I? I assumed you had some knowledge on the subject, but needed more. By the way, do you have any first-hand knowledge, familiarity, and experience with rifles, semi-automatic or otherwise? I am positive you have none with assault rifles, and never fired one in your life. Are you sure, this is your subject or is it just something trump supporters like to throw out.
Try to remember that accurate Trump quote, and remember, the only president to ever activate military to assist in taking weapons from American civilians accused of no crime, was a Republican President, during Katrina. Kind of like, never let an emergency go to waist, eh?
What veteran is being booted out to give their place to illegal immigrants? Is this some more Facebook/TicToc stuff?

No it's been in the news for a pretty long time now. The veterans have been booted from hotels and other shelters. I'm listening to Trump right now but I'm sure that I'll find videos of it on YouTube afterwards unless you want to search for it yourself first.

Everybody else, especially people that have dealt with FEMA, such as Tornado, Flood, Hurricane victims of the past know the real money does not come in the first week or two and there is a process.

Okay, I'll wait to see if you're right.

She has not defunded the police, not even when she was Attorney General. Local governments do what the voters allow local governments to do. That is definitely tictok/facebook stuff.

So in other words she's full of shit for saying that she will defund the police?

She won't take away assault rifles. She is not like Trump, who is noted for saying"We're going to take the firearms first and then go to court."

When did he say this?

Neither one of the two running for President even knows what an assault rifle actually is, or what makes it suitable or unsuitable for assaulting a position. or use in a hasty or prepared defense.

I can give you that.
I would not say they necessarily go hand-in-hand. Biden and Harris are a threat to the American way of life. In that sense, I would take a guy like Trump.

Otoh, Trump has shown disdain for basic rights. He used eminent domain for his own personal gain. He supported so called red flag statutes when he said we'd take the guns first and sort it out later. Trump also should have fired Fauci from day one of Corona. Fauci has also shown himself to be a threat to America.

I know a few people who will vote Trump, but hold their nose while doing it. Some give the old less of two evils thing. Some just throw up their hands and say THEY ARE ALL CORRUPT! And then what about voting for a third candidate? Yes, I know, a throwaway vote, but that is another discussion.
No it's been in the news for a pretty long time now. The veterans have been booted from hotels and other shelters. I'm listening to Trump right now but I'm sure that I'll find videos of it on YouTube afterwards unless you want to search for it yourself first.

Okay, I'll wait to see if you're right.

So in other words she's full of shit for saying that she will defund the police?

When did he say this?

I can give you that.
Been in the news? You mean like FOX NEWS reporting on the Dominion voting machines? or NEWMAX reporting on Smartmatic? How did the accuracy and truthfulness of those right wing news organizations play out for you? How did it work out for their shareholders? Sure, it sounds good at the time, even if it isn't so. Then what have you got?
I saw this sign on the way to breakfast this morning. On the back of said anybody but Trump. It's sort of like saying that somebody is a Republican and a socialist at exactly the same time to me.

The leftists think that being pro-America means you can burn the US flag, kneel during the national anthem, encourage people to be trannies and cut breasts and penises off of children, and sexualize young children. That's why they want Harris to win. That is their America.
Been in the news? You mean like FOX NEWS reporting on the Dominion voting machines? or NEWMAX reporting on Smartmatic? How did the accuracy and truthfulness of those right wing news organizations play out for you? How did it work out for their shareholders? Sure, it sounds good at the time, even if it isn't so. Then what have you got?

Here. I'm still looking for when Trump said that thing about assault rifles btw.

Here. I'm still looking for when Trump said that thing about assault rifles btw.

It was guns in general. He doesn't think "Red Flag" laws work. His solution was "We're going to take the firearms first and then go to court."

Careful Trump supporters. He might just be the man to take your weapons first and worry about the process later. You guys have told me, he does what he says.
It was guns in general. He doesn't think "Red Flag" laws work. His solution was "We're going to take the firearms first and then go to court."
View attachment 1024800

Careful Trump supporters. He might just be the man to take your weapons first and worry about the process later. You guys have told me, he does what he says.

Fake website. I'm surprised that Snopes is even allowed as a source on here.
It was guns in general. He doesn't think "Red Flag" laws work. His solution was "We're going to take the firearms first and then go to court."
View attachment 1024800

Careful Trump supporters. He might just be the man to take your weapons first and worry about the process later. You guys have told me, he does what he says.

Now this is what you should be paying attention to.

It was guns in general. He doesn't think "Red Flag" laws work. His solution was "We're going to take the firearms first and then go to court."
View attachment 1024800

Careful Trump supporters. He might just be the man to take your weapons first and worry about the process later. You guys have told me, he does what he says.
Road Runner, I see your fake news sticker on my post. You don't believe any of the news reports? Why? You said you were waiting for a link, so I gave you a variety and could have posted a lot more, as it is factual. Who's link would you trust, if not any or all of those. Have you tried copy/pasting that quote to your search engine. You will get the same results and more. Being truthful news, you do not like, does not make it fake news. That is the trouble with the clan you have adopted. There is no room for discussion when one side rejects truthful reality. Who do you communicate meaningfully with, just people in the bubble. Try not to drown every time the bubble bursts, as it repeatedly does.
Fake website. I'm surprised that Snopes is even allowed as a source on here.
Try any or all the others, if you do not like the first one. Or copy/paste the link to your own search bar. It will be the same, no matter who reports, as it was real, and what he said. I hate to see you caught up is alternative reality, as it is as unreal as that experienced by anyone institutionalized, and force-fed drugs to tame their inner demons. I hope you are better, soon.:itsok:
That election was obviously stolen.
Well then give us proof before people obviously think you brain washed....

Just show some real evidence and then explain how Trump lost 60 court cases...

But then again he raised $250m on that grift...

Got give it to Trump, he maybe be immoral but he found an easy mark in MAGA... He got hard working Americans to give money to a billionaire to defend him against crimes he committed...
Well then give us proof before people obviously think you brain washed....

Just show some real evidence and then explain how Trump lost 60 court cases...

But then again he raised $250m on that grift...

Got give it to Trump, he maybe be immoral but he found an easy mark in MAGA... He got hard working Americans to give money to a billionaire to defend him against crimes he committed...
Look at Paxton's case. It is full of examples of the laws being changed improperly or just ignored. All violating the Equal protection clause. Start reading keeping in mind Paxton can prove these things. Will he ever get the chance?


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