How Can You Be Pro-America but Anti-Trump?

Because Pro-America and Pro-Trump are not compatible positions. Trump's stated intention are to change America in ways it was never meant to be, and contrary to the Constitution or laws on the books. One would have to have flunked History, social studies, economics in high school and college, not to mention being against law and order under our present constitution. He simply is not worth the chaos to the country.

So, what is your excuse? You are the only human being I have ever contacted that allegedly is former military yet holds so many anti-American views. What is the reason for your insanity?
Because Pro-America and Pro-Trump are not compatible positions. Trump's stated intention are to change America in ways it was never meant to be, and contrary to the Constitution or laws on the books. One would have to have flunked History, social studies, economics in high school and college, not to mention being against law and order under our present constitution. He simply is not worth the chaos to the country.
You win 1st prize for the championship of projection!
Well, if US veterans are raping and murdering, I recommend those specific veterans be caught, prosecuted and jailed, but certainly not treating all veterans as if they represented a special class of criminal, across the board. I really haven't heard of that going on much. I don't know any woman, or girl that has been raped by a veteran in Jackson, TN. I don't even know any that were raped by an illegal alien. Most of the time, in this country and locally, the raping and murdering is done by white guys and black guys, regardless of military service. I did not actually know you had, such a negative opinion of those that served. Heck, Trump thinks they are chumps for serving and taking the chances he would not, but even he does not regard them as a class of rapist and murderers, in general.

That $750 stipend is not the soul thing, they can sign up for, just a temp get by thing. Where did you ever get that idea? Is that a TicToc thing you have been reading? Hopefully, it wasn't a lie on a Trump tweet or all trumpers would be up in arms, not know it was another lie. No. They can sign up for disaster relief and assistance on their primary home. Businesses and farmers can apply for assistance, signing up at FEMA disaster assist for SBA.

Defunding police is mostly a local deal. Good local governments don't do it. Ours certainly didn't. I take it, yours did, so you are upset. Hopefully you voted the mayor and city counsel out of office.

You have never seen an amendment revoking the 2nd amendment. To amend the constitution requires 2/3 majority in both houses of US Congress. If it passes there, it does not go to the President, as the President has no role in amending the constitution. The resolution goes to the Archivists, which sends it to the Governors of the states, be submitted to their legislatures. This is done in all states, and if ratified, they must submit it back. 3/4 of the states (38) have to approve, in order for it to become the supreme law of the land. It is not an easy process, nor was it meant to be. Heck, they can't even give women equal rights, republican have blocked that for years, after it passed both houses of congress. And as a dedicated Republican, I am sure you are against it also, as women simply are not as important as party loyalty. You do not have to worry about the revocation of the 2nd Amendment. It would not make it through either the US House of Representatives, nor the US Senate, much less 38 state legislatures. It is simply political fodder for the TicToc, X, Facebook political discussion crowd. All of this is actually covered in 9th Grade High school civic or was, if you were my age, but if your high school was that dysfunctional, here is a link. Constitutional Amendment Process

All of your post, unfortunately sounds like you have been believing BS political rhetoric, as if it were real, to tell you the truth.
If it is not the soul thing, is it jazz, rhythm and blues, or hip hop?

BTW, it's TikTok.
So, what is your excuse? You are the only human being I have ever contacted that allegedly is former military yet holds so many anti-American views. What is the reason for your insanity?
Just because I do not believe in the great fraudster Trump. Fuck you very much, swabby.
If it is not the soul thing, is it jazz, rhythm and blues, or hip hop?

BTW, it's TikTok.
Not a member, never have been, so did not have to care of the spelling. I think you knew what I was referring to. Thanks for being the board grammar/spelling Nazi.

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