How Close Are We, America?

How much time is left to us before all Hell breaks loose everywhere in our America?

  • Hours

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Days

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Weeks

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Months

    Votes: 5 62.5%
  • Seconds . . . three . . . two . . . one . . . shit!!!!

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • An eternity. All will be well. Now back to swimming up the Nile.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I don't care. Give me my new smart device, load up my new video game, to hell with reality.

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • I'm confused. I'm a postmodernist. I have wings and people can fly.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Jun 12, 2018
The Full Moon
Blue iron dark clouds that've been gathering on the far, far horizon for years are at last looming overhead. When they breakā€”and Lord they're gonnaā€”as promised, it's going to be the storm of all millennia combinedā€”perhaps the worst storm in human history. You all know what I'm going on about, don't try to deny it. Get your heads out of the sand or plant them deeper, but first, come on up for a last breath or two of fresh, if not static heavy air, and tell us what you think. What you think about the "BIG ONE" what's about to break directly over our heads and drop Hell on Earth right into our laps. That's right, I'm a talking about a storm called 'nothing less than the collapse of our civilization' and buddies, it's a coming to a shuddered theater down the street and about to break right into our living rooms to boot.

So kindly cast your vote in our poll. What are you all supposed to vote on? How soon, that's what. How close are we to open, lawless chaos and pandemonium engulfing every major population center from coast to coast and every small town, village and borough, incorporated or not, in between? Yes, I am talking about the shit truly hitting the fan, Biblical like. So come on in, USMB, and tell us . . . how long do we got left until them there heaped Cumulonimbus clouds break and pour down the rain of Ages and arcs the lightning of crackling, searing vengeance at our poor little heads? Remember, your vote counts.
Blue iron dark clouds that've been gathering on the far, far horizon for years are at last looming overhead. When they breakā€”and Lord they're gonnaā€”as promised, it's going to be the storm of all millennia combinedā€”perhaps the worst storm in human history. You all know what I'm going on about, don't try to deny it. Get your heads out of the sand or plant them deeper, but first, come on up for a last breath or two of fresh, if not static heavy air, and tell us what you think. What you think about the "BIG ONE" what's about to break directly over our heads and drop Hell on Earth right into our laps. That's right, I'm a talking about a storm called 'nothing less than the collapse of our civilization' and buddies, it's a coming to a shuddered theater down the street and about to break right into our living rooms to boot.

So kindly cast your vote in our poll. What are you all supposed to vote on? How soon, that's what. How close are we to open, lawless chaos and pandemonium engulfing every major population center from coast to coast and every small town, village and borough, incorporated or not, in between? Yes, I am talking about the shit truly hitting the fan, Biblical like. So come on in, USMB, and tell us . . . how long do we got left until them there heaped Cumulonimbus clouds break and pour down the rain of Ages and arcs the lightning of crackling, searing vengeance at our poor little heads? Remember, your vote counts.
Months. 99 days to be certain. That is if Biden somehow loses to Trump. After that, if Trump wins reelection, the Left will have to be euthanized or there will be no living with them at all. They will be in full rebellion / sedition mode.
Blue iron dark clouds that've been gathering on the far, far horizon for years are at last looming overhead. When they breakā€”and Lord they're gonnaā€”as promised, it's going to be the storm of all millennia combinedā€”perhaps the worst storm in human history. You all know what I'm going on about, don't try to deny it. Get your heads out of the sand or plant them deeper, but first, come on up for a last breath or two of fresh, if not static heavy air, and tell us what you think. What you think about the "BIG ONE" what's about to break directly over our heads and drop Hell on Earth right into our laps. That's right, I'm a talking about a storm called 'nothing less than the collapse of our civilization' and buddies, it's a coming to a shuddered theater down the street and about to break right into our living rooms to boot.

So kindly cast your vote in our poll. What are you all supposed to vote on? How soon, that's what. How close are we to open, lawless chaos and pandemonium engulfing every major population center from coast to coast and every small town, village and borough, incorporated or not, in between? Yes, I am talking about the shit truly hitting the fan, Biblical like. So come on in, USMB, and tell us . . . how long do we got left until them there heaped Cumulonimbus clouds break and pour down the rain of Ages and arcs the lightning of crackling, searing vengeance at our poor little heads? Remember, your vote counts.
Months. 99 days to be certain. That is if Biden somehow loses to Trump. After that, if Trump wins reelection, the Left will have to be euthanized or there will be no living with them at all. They will be in full rebellion / sedition mode.

I agree. I was opting for shrewd but timely pessimism, voting for 'weeks'. I truly suspect the democrats, if DJT wins in November, will soon after report a thermonuclear "accident" and of course blame our POTUS for the few million resulting Kentucky fried, irradiated Americans, extra crispy.
Blue iron dark clouds that've been gathering on the far, far horizon for years are at last looming overhead. When they breakā€”and Lord they're gonnaā€”as promised, it's going to be the storm of all millennia combinedā€”perhaps the worst storm in human history. You all know what I'm going on about, don't try to deny it. Get your heads out of the sand or plant them deeper, but first, come on up for a last breath or two of fresh, if not static heavy air, and tell us what you think. What you think about the "BIG ONE" what's about to break directly over our heads and drop Hell on Earth right into our laps. That's right, I'm a talking about a storm called 'nothing less than the collapse of our civilization' and buddies, it's a coming to a shuddered theater down the street and about to break right into our living rooms to boot.

So kindly cast your vote in our poll. What are you all supposed to vote on? How soon, that's what. How close are we to open, lawless chaos and pandemonium engulfing every major population center from coast to coast and every small town, village and borough, incorporated or not, in between? Yes, I am talking about the shit truly hitting the fan, Biblical like. So come on in, USMB, and tell us . . . how long do we got left until them there heaped Cumulonimbus clouds break and pour down the rain of Ages and arcs the lightning of crackling, searing vengeance at our poor little heads? Remember, your vote counts.
Months. 99 days to be certain. That is if Biden somehow loses to Trump. After that, if Trump wins reelection, the Left will have to be euthanized or there will be no living with them at all. They will be in full rebellion / sedition mode.
^That. We may have to put them down like rabid dogs. It's tragic because it's not their fault.
We definitely need to eradicate the people that programmed/conditioned/brainwashed those bots.
Teaching by Socratic method only from here on out.
Maybe free classes to free their minds? 3 credit hours. :)
One class could fix a lot, I bet..
It would take a very smart man to design the curriculum.
Blue iron dark clouds that've been gathering on the far, far horizon for years are at last looming overhead. When they breakā€”and Lord they're gonnaā€”as promised, it's going to be the storm of all millennia combinedā€”perhaps the worst storm in human history. You all know what I'm going on about, don't try to deny it. Get your heads out of the sand or plant them deeper, but first, come on up for a last breath or two of fresh, if not static heavy air, and tell us what you think. What you think about the "BIG ONE" what's about to break directly over our heads and drop Hell on Earth right into our laps. That's right, I'm a talking about a storm called 'nothing less than the collapse of our civilization' and buddies, it's a coming to a shuddered theater down the street and about to break right into our living rooms to boot.

So kindly cast your vote in our poll. What are you all supposed to vote on? How soon, that's what. How close are we to open, lawless chaos and pandemonium engulfing every major population center from coast to coast and every small town, village and borough, incorporated or not, in between? Yes, I am talking about the shit truly hitting the fan, Biblical like. So come on in, USMB, and tell us . . . how long do we got left until them there heaped Cumulonimbus clouds break and pour down the rain of Ages and arcs the lightning of crackling, searing vengeance at our poor little heads? Remember, your vote counts.
Months. 99 days to be certain. That is if Biden somehow loses to Trump. After that, if Trump wins reelection, the Left will have to be euthanized or there will be no living with them at all. They will be in full rebellion / sedition mode.
^That. We may have to put them down like rabid dogs. It's tragic because it's not their fault.
We definitely need to eradicate the people that programmed/conditioned/brainwashed those bots.
Teaching by Socratic method only from here on out.
Maybe free classes to free their minds? 3 credit hours. :)
The way things are going, they may eat their own. The monster is turning on its creator.


Wouldn't it be funny if Trump put the vote to all these democratic cities like Portland whether he should go or keep his federal troops there, and against the wishes of their mayors, the people said YES?
Blue iron dark clouds that've been gathering on the far, far horizon for years are at last looming overhead. When they breakā€”and Lord they're gonnaā€”as promised, it's going to be the storm of all millennia combinedā€”perhaps the worst storm in human history. You all know what I'm going on about, don't try to deny it. Get your heads out of the sand or plant them deeper, but first, come on up for a last breath or two of fresh, if not static heavy air, and tell us what you think. What you think about the "BIG ONE" what's about to break directly over our heads and drop Hell on Earth right into our laps. That's right, I'm a talking about a storm called 'nothing less than the collapse of our civilization' and buddies, it's a coming to a shuddered theater down the street and about to break right into our living rooms to boot.

So kindly cast your vote in our poll. What are you all supposed to vote on? How soon, that's what. How close are we to open, lawless chaos and pandemonium engulfing every major population center from coast to coast and every small town, village and borough, incorporated or not, in between? Yes, I am talking about the shit truly hitting the fan, Biblical like. So come on in, USMB, and tell us . . . how long do we got left until them there heaped Cumulonimbus clouds break and pour down the rain of Ages and arcs the lightning of crackling, searing vengeance at our poor little heads? Remember, your vote counts.
It started the day democrats tried to over throw a setting president with lies. false paid for evidence. Now this party sides with Leftist rioters as they burn and loot the ines that feed them and house them
Blue iron dark clouds that've been gathering on the far, far horizon for years are at last looming overhead. When they breakā€”and Lord they're gonnaā€”as promised, it's going to be the storm of all millennia combinedā€”perhaps the worst storm in human history. You all know what I'm going on about, don't try to deny it. Get your heads out of the sand or plant them deeper, but first, come on up for a last breath or two of fresh, if not static heavy air, and tell us what you think. What you think about the "BIG ONE" what's about to break directly over our heads and drop Hell on Earth right into our laps. That's right, I'm a talking about a storm called 'nothing less than the collapse of our civilization' and buddies, it's a coming to a shuddered theater down the street and about to break right into our living rooms to boot.

So kindly cast your vote in our poll. What are you all supposed to vote on? How soon, that's what. How close are we to open, lawless chaos and pandemonium engulfing every major population center from coast to coast and every small town, village and borough, incorporated or not, in between? Yes, I am talking about the shit truly hitting the fan, Biblical like. So come on in, USMB, and tell us . . . how long do we got left until them there heaped Cumulonimbus clouds break and pour down the rain of Ages and arcs the lightning of crackling, searing vengeance at our poor little heads? Remember, your vote counts.
If we wait for republicans to say enough is enough we will be in chains. Just look at how many tens of thousands of people obama butchered. What did republicans do to slow him down, Not one damn thing even when his murdering included Americans without due process Republicans are the cowardly enabler party making them just as useless as obama. Every action of democrats put this nation on the fast track to it's end and republicans letting these dirty shits to side with rioters with their death to America policies we need to kill em all. LEADERLESS RESISTANCE There isn't a city without democRats, cowards, and major media feeding us this total crap. Give me and my kids liberty or I'll kill ya till your dead!
Blue iron dark clouds that've been gathering on the far, far horizon for years are at last looming overhead. When they breakā€”and Lord they're gonnaā€”as promised, it's going to be the storm of all millennia combinedā€”perhaps the worst storm in human history. You all know what I'm going on about, don't try to deny it. Get your heads out of the sand or plant them deeper, but first, come on up for a last breath or two of fresh, if not static heavy air, and tell us what you think. What you think about the "BIG ONE" what's about to break directly over our heads and drop Hell on Earth right into our laps. That's right, I'm a talking about a storm called 'nothing less than the collapse of our civilization' and buddies, it's a coming to a shuddered theater down the street and about to break right into our living rooms to boot.

So kindly cast your vote in our poll. What are you all supposed to vote on? How soon, that's what. How close are we to open, lawless chaos and pandemonium engulfing every major population center from coast to coast and every small town, village and borough, incorporated or not, in between? Yes, I am talking about the shit truly hitting the fan, Biblical like. So come on in, USMB, and tell us . . . how long do we got left until them there heaped Cumulonimbus clouds break and pour down the rain of Ages and arcs the lightning of crackling, searing vengeance at our poor little heads? Remember, your vote counts.
Months. 99 days to be certain. That is if Biden somehow loses to Trump. After that, if Trump wins reelection, the Left will have to be euthanized or there will be no living with them at all. They will be in full rebellion / sedition mode.

Exaggeration. If Biden were to lose to the orange whore, the orange whore would simply be disobeyed, ignored, and his efforts at fascism be obstructed and sabotaged.
Reminder: loyalty and patriotic feeling are directed toward the country, not any individual president. Loyalty to the orange whore cannot be equated with loyalty to the United States of America.
the Left will ~~~ be in full rebellion / sedition mode.
Exaggeration. If Biden were to lose to the orange whore, the orange whore would simply be disobeyed, ignored, and his efforts at fascism be obstructed and sabotaged.
Sooo, exaggeration, you don't plan a revolt / rebellion / sedition against the country, just will obstruct and sabotage all efforts by the leader of the country while trying to run it. :uhh: I'm sure the FBI will want to talk to you.
Did I miss something? Did we lose the freaking right to vote? Did the Constitution get repealed? Get your heads out of your asses and quit whining.

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